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Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)

Page 27

by Bowles, April


  “Darius is about to come in. I need you to intervene and find out how it went before he sees me. When that happens, he won’t want to talk and may not see you as someone to share with.”

  He was right and I headed right for the door. The southern moon lit up the sky and I met up with Darius about twenty paces from the door. “I can honestly say I didn’t expect to see you till morning.”

  “Thought it would have taken that long?”

  “Of course not. Are they disposed of, is that why you were coming inside?”

  “I only killed three of them.”

  I was surprised and glance in the direction he came from. “Really?” I truly expected him to kill all four.

  “The fourth one lived.”

  “I knew four was a good idea. I got the first three and then I was thinking maybe one more would do. That’s great. So, did it seem easy?”

  “Well, you didn’t lie. They were pretty persistent but it was a little odd. They seemed oblivious to the deaths.”

  “I made sure it’d be that way. After the first one, the others probably wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with you. I thought it’d help.”

  “I’d say it did well enough. Once I knew I gained the control not to kill that last one, I just gave her what she wanted and stopped.”

  “You didn’t even finish?”

  “She’s not who I want to finish with.”

  Wow. That was deep. I let out a long breath and padded his shoulder. “Darius, my friend, you are definitely a stronger man than I.”

  “I know and don’t call me your friend.”

  “I didn’t mean to. It just went along with the expression.”

  “How’s Ruby been?”

  I glanced back towards the door and remembered who was inside. “She’s all right now. Asleep. She did take it rather hard though I know she agreed. You should go in. I’ll clean up the mess.”

  Darius nodded and passed me but something strange happened. I felt—sorry. He didn’t seem all too bad of a guy and I didn’t want him to be surprised when he went inside.

  “Darius—” He looked back. “You did well so maybe I should warn you. Trever’s inside.” I gave him time for it to sink in and watched his brow crease. “He helped but maybe you should also know he’s protected—by me.”

  I was the one to turn and let him deal with it himself. I knew he would have wanted to and Trever was right, he wouldn’t see me as someone to talk to anymore and I may have even done that by telling him. Oh well. It was up to him now. I had something else to take care of.

  Chapter 60


  I set my gaze towards the shack. I didn’t hesitate. I went right for it when Kole walked away and tried going inside without showing urgency.

  Trever looked up. Our eyes met and I wanted more than anything to rip him apart for even being here but tried as if not to show it.

  “She’s all right.” He said.

  “I know that.”

  “And it’s not your fault.”

  “I was never blaming anyone.” I stepped closer in and tried to ignore him while I got myself some dinner but Trever was making it hard since he kept talking.

  “Well, neither will she. I suppose that should be good news.”

  “I don’t even want to know. So don’t try and drag out telling me. I know what I did and I know what it did to her. I could have fixed it without your help.”

  “Oh, yes.” He joked. “You could have—eventually.”

  “Don’t act like you did me a favor because I’ll never thank you for it. Just get out.”

  Trever laughed and slowly started to stand. “I will if you don’t go into detail about it with her. She’ll just want to know if it was successful. No lengthy explanation, no numbers. Only that there’s one less thing to worry about.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me what I should say. Get out.”

  Trever smiled as he passed but stopped before going out the door. “I know you hate me, Darius and that’s all right. You’re allowed to but you should know I would never do anything to hurt Red and I’m glad to know that you wouldn’t either.”

  I didn’t reply or even turn around. I kept my back turned and just hoped that Trever would walk out without wanting the conversation continued. I didn’t care about it. I didn’t care what Trever thought. Ruby was all that mattered. I took my bowl with me to the couch and sat on the floor in front of her, watching her sleep while I ate.

  I couldn’t believe I was actually going to take in consideration anything he said but I knew he was right about one thing. I couldn’t explain things with Ruby the way I did with Kole. All she needed to know was the one thing, that it worked and hopefully we’d be passed this. I didn’t want her to get distant because of something my gift, which I didn’t even choose, required me to do. I didn’t want it to be her and I hoped she has truly accepted it.

  Chapter 61


  I moved for what seemed like the first time all night but Trever was no longer with me. I rolled over to my stomach, facing the edge of the couch and my arm fell off, resting my hand down on someone beneath me. Trever? I felt the warmth and started to open my eyes to see it but it wasn’t Trever. “Muscles?”

  He opened his eyes like he’s already been awake and saw me looking pretty confused down on him. “Are you all right?”

  He took my hand but I started to pull it away when I sat up. I wasn’t ready for it to be him. “Yeah but what are you doing here? I thought you’d be—”

  “I wasn’t going to stay away from you all night. I wanted to see you.”

  “Oh—so—how’s—everything?” I didn’t know how to ask or if I even should.

  He smiled from my nervousness and retook my hand. “Everything is fine.”

  “Did you—”

  “Succeed? Yes. In time I did. The control will come when I need it so hopefully I won’t hurt you too badly.”

  “Good.” I said, straying my eyes from his. “That’s good.” I still felt nervous for some reason. I didn’t want to be.

  “I’m sorry it had to be this way at all.”

  “No. I know. You could have killed me. I understand that. That would have been dreadful for you. I just hope—” I paused while I fought not to cry and looked at him. “This doesn’t change us.”

  “It won’t. All I did was learn to gain the control. I didn’t continue after that.”

  What? Really? My face softened and I was a little surprised. “You didn’t?”

  He smiled and stroked his finger on my cheek down to my chin. “No. That was never my goal in the lesson. I’d only want to share that with you.”

  I smiled with that feeling of him being sweet and leaned in closer to him. “Is it odd that it makes me happy to hear?”

  “Not at all.”

  I smiled again and lifted my lips up into his. He held me close and I cherished every second of it. Last night seemed to be a blur now that I was finally back in his arms where I always belonged.

  “Muscles?” My voice was full with wanting as I kept kissing him and rubbing my hands on his body. I wanted him.


  “Don’t make me ask.”

  He kept his hands caressing my skin and he gave in to my unspoken desire by letting me climb over him. “I won’t.”

  I smiled thinking that this was finally it, that we were finally going to be together and I pulled the laces out of my top quickly before he could change his mind. It fell down to the floor while he had his eyes on me, his hands reached for my breasts and I pulled on his shirt, wanting it to come off.

  He complied with the forceful demand and his shirt joined mine on the floor beside us. Our lips met again and he wrapped both hands around my bare back.

  “Good. You’re awake.”

  I backed off him with a light gasp and my hands immediately cupped my breasts while I looked back and saw Zayden. “What do you want?!”

  “You should come
outside.” He said, ignoring my outburst and the position we were in. “Something is happening.” He turned and left and we looked at each other. Neither of us knew what was going on but we started to get up and I reached for my shirt on the floor.

  “No. Just put mine on.” Muscles said, handing me his while taking mine. “Yours will take too long to lace.”

  I only agreed with a nod and slipped it over my head. It was so big on me that I still had to hold my arms tightly around me as we walked out.

  This better have been good.

  Everyone was standing around outside, looking in the same direction.

  “I can’t.” Madam Carla said.

  “He’s even blocking you?” Kole wondered. “How is that even possible?”

  “I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose.”

  “What exactly is so important?” I asked.

  Jaylyn looked back. “Something is wrong with Trever.”

  I squinted my eyes and looked where they were all looking, seeing Trever standing to the south with his back to us.

  “I was interrupted because Trever is mystically looking out to sea?”

  “He hasn’t said anything all morning.” Adele said.

  “Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”

  “It’s still not like him.” Kole pointed out. “Surely you should know that.”

  “Ever think of maybe just talking to him?”

  “Great idea. Go ahead.”

  “No. She can’t.” Madam Carla pulled Kole closer to her and whispered in his ear.

  “Really?” Kole took a glance back at me. “You’re sure?”


  He looked back at me again and started to approach Trever. I watched the silent conversation between them and heard Kole react to something that had been said. “What?!” He looked back when he realized he said it loudly and Trever grabbed his arm to pull him towards him.

  “Oh, great.” Jaylyn sighed. “Something else we’ll never find out about.”

  “Unimportant to you, surely.” Madam Carla replied.

  “Then I’m glad we had to be disturbed.” I griped, still very unhappy about it.

  Zayden looked towards me and laughed to my growing red eyes. “Sorry! I honestly thought I wouldn’t have walked in to that.”

  “She forgives you.” Muscles smiled, putting his strong arm around the front of my shoulders and pulling me into him.

  “No I don’t!”

  He just kept his smile and covered my mouth with his hand. “Yes she does.” I sighed, relaxing in his hold and looked away from Zayden so my eyes would fade. “Better?” He let me free.

  “Fine.” I muttered, still not happy.

  “Is everything all right?” Adele asked when only Kole walked back over.


  “Well, I know I don’t believe you.” Jaylyn said.

  “It has absolutely nothing to do with you so don’t worry about it. It’s not even technically his problem either.”

  “Then he’s ready?” Madam Carla asked.


  Her head turned in Trever’s direction and she slapped her hands together. A light appeared between them when they parted and she took a breath, blowing it towards Trever. He looked back only for a mere second until the light hit him and he was sucked into it, gone out of sight.

  “Where did you send him?” Jaylyn asked.

  “Back.” Kole answered quickly. “His location is not your concern.”

  “Who said I was asking you?”

  “Who said you weren’t?”

  “I think that’s enough.” Madam Carla said. “We best now get started on the day’s activities.”

  “All right. I have great news, Red!”

  “Oh no.”

  “No. None of that. We’re going to go easy on you today. Lots of mental preparation. You could probably nap since it won’t really be for you.”

  “I do enjoy the occasional nap.”

  “I know.”

  “Okay. What about the rest of you?”

  “They’ll have their own work to do.” Madam Carla said. “You can go ahead and do whatever you’d like. We’ll be sure today is a quiet day for you.”

  I started to turn towards the shack with my expression growing still. “Okay.” I thought it was odd that they were specifically aiming to make me comfortable and could only wonder why as I made it back inside.

  “Are you all right?”

  I quickly turned around and didn’t even hear that Kole had followed me in. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “Just wanted to make sure. You’re going back to sleep?”

  “If I can. I haven’t exactly got much of it since we left.”

  “I know. Well, go ahead. I’ll have Darius come check on you around lunch so you can eat.”

  He started to turn but my curiosity stopped him from stepping out the door. “Kole, wait. What is going on?”

  He laughed. “What? Nothing.”

  “Then why are you treating me like I’m a fragile child?”

  “I’m not. It’s just—”

  “Last night?”

  Kole paused for a moment like he didn’t know if I really wanted to talk about it. “Maybe.”

  “Well, don’t. I’m fine. I just want to forget about it. He won’t have to do it again, right?” Kole didn’t say anything. “Right?”

  “Right. He already knows the control but you should still be careful. He could still fail by testing it this early.”

  Oh, I see now. I folded my arms across my chest and shifted my weight with an attitude. “Are you the one that sent Zayden in here?”

  “That was actually Madam Carla’s doing but she probably knew what was about to happen.”

  “Fine. Just leave so I can sleep then.”

  Kole walked out the door without a word and let me have the time to myself.

  Chapter 62


  The day passed slowly. Kole had Darius locked in his own mind meditating while he worked on something of some level of importance by himself.

  “Wow. You writing a book?” I knocked him out of his rhythm for the first time when it was beginning to get dark.

  “What? A book? No. What time is it?”

  “The sun is going down. You’ll lose light for it soon.”

  “Okay.” He gathered all the papers together and held them close so they couldn’t be read by me. “Perfect timing then. Is that what you came to tell me?”

  “And that you can join us around the fire if you’d like. We’re just going to eat and do nothing, not that we haven’t already been doing that all day or anything.”

  Kole laughed but it was only slightly. “That’s okay. It’d probably be better if I didn’t. We’ve had enough of each other as it is.”

  “Okay. So you know, Darius is already over there so you don’t have to get him.”

  “Fine.” Kole walked with me back towards the shack where everyone was gathered outside around the fire.

  “Oh, so he is still here.” Ruby said. “Where have you been, Kole? Haven’t seen you all day.”

  “He wrote that book he’s holding.” I whispered, rejoining them at Zayden’s side.

  “It’s not a book. It’s my final incident report.”


  “Yes. All my work-based actions are recorded. You should have known that.”

  “And how is this work based?” Jaylyn asked, showing attitude in her question.

  Kole paused and kept his gaze on her. “Goodnight.”

  He turned but Jaylyn only got angrier and sprung up to her feet. “Wait!” Kole stopped in his tracks and slowly started to turn back. “You’re here because of work?”

  Kole started to smile like her question was amusing. “What did you think? That I was here because I wanted to be? That this suddenly changes everything? Well, it doesn’t. You really brought this on yourselves with this unexpected outing. I’m the one that had to make sure it turned out the way we wanted.”

  Jaylyn immediately looked over to Ruby and Ruby’s eyes started turning red. “Trever did this. You came to find out if he was good enough, didn’t you?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to accurately respond but that would be exceedingly untrue—partly.”

  “You’re not going to show him that report. I bet there’s more in it than just this. You’re trying to sabotage the test.”

  My eyes widened. “What?!”

  Kole laughed. “Don’t be so naive. I wouldn’t have to try. You’re doing a bang up job all on your own. Now, where’s the old wise one?”

  I shrugged while I looked around. “I don’t know. She’s been gone for a while.”

  “Probably rejuvenating herself then. You do not want to see that. Trust me. A couple hundred years really does a number on a woman’s body.”

  “A couple hundred years?” Ruby wondered.

  “Yeah. You didn’t know she was that old?”

  Even I was surprised. “No.”

  “Awe, then you haven’t heard the story.”

  “What story?” I asked.

  “How she became to be.”

  “Then tell us.”

  “All right.” Kole made a chair for himself and got comfortable. “I can even make it visibly pleasant for you. How about that? Watch the fire.”

  We all looked towards it and we began to see images of everything Kole was explaining.

  “Her life started out pretty normal. She was born and raised in Rugis with her parents.”

  “She’s Ruganian?” Jaylyn wondered.

  “Yes and she also had a sister, a twin. The war was so bad during that time that their parents stowed them away on a ship so they could safely escape the country to have a better life but their ship was caught in a storm and deemed lost as sea.”

  We were seeing the images of the sinking ship and Jaylyn gasped, being more emotional to the story than anyone else. “Oh no. Did her sister die?”

  “No. They both managed to stay in the wooden crate they were hiding in and drifted for days at sea until they washed up on this very island. Imagine it. They were lost and alone at such a young age. No home. No parents. Just each other.”


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