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Sinfully Supernatural

Page 9

by Multiple

  Making her way into the store of the bakery, her nose lead her to the same spot Jett had trapped her against at the pastry counter the prior two days. The scent of roses was so strong she became light-headed. Pinching her nose, she rushed to open the front door, propping it open. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, she hustled back through the store and into the kitchen where she propped open the back door.

  “Hey Rini. Whatcha doing? I don’t smell anything baking,” MJ said walking down the last few feet of the path that lead from the house to the bakery.

  Corrine took a few cleansing breathes before answering. “That’s cause nothing is. When I opened the back door, I smelled roses. I’ve spent the last forty minutes checking everything. It’s really bad on the store side. Had to prop open the doors in hopes that it would clear out. I don’t remember it smelling like that last night.”

  “You did spend most of the time in the back, and before closing Kacie told me about some snooty woman with too much perfume. Guess she was a real bitch. Asked for sugar free cupcakes, and when Kacie said we didn’t have anything like that, she made some comment about cows. I locked the front so you wouldn’t have been in there to smell it.”

  Corrine looked around. Not sure that was the answer, but it was better than anything she would be able to come up with. Besides the smell of roses, nothing was suspicious. Everything was in order. “If you say so. Let’s get a move on then. I’m behind schedule.”

  MJ walked up to her and looped their arms together. “We’ll double time it,” she said with a smile.

  Corrine looked sideways at her friend. “You seem chipper this morning.”

  “I am. I didn’t have any phone calls from my parents or Devon. So I slept great.”

  Corrine wasn’t so sure that was the reason. “There’s something else you’re not telling me.”

  “I tell you everything Rini. You know that.”

  “I still think something is up.”

  “You’re just a little freaked about the smell. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from vicious perfumes.”

  Corrine rolled her eyes, and the two of them got to work. The pace was frantic, getting the first batches done in record time.

  She jumped when she stepped into the shop with two full trays of sticky, sweet muffins almost dropping them to the floor. A large figure stood looming over the sales counter. The morning sun shining in behind him, blocking out his features. It took her a second to realize it was Jett standing at the counter. “Why was the door propped open?” His voice came out low and demanding, steel threading through every word.

  “Well, hello to you too.” Instead of walking around to great him, she stayed behind the counter stocking the trays. She was too harried to deal with his irritation this morning. Though she’d worked off most of her wariness, a small part in the back of her mind still thought there was something else going on in the shop, and with MJ.

  “Corrine, I asked you a question. Why was the door wide open? I’ve been standing out here for at least ten minutes, and judging by how you reacted, you had no clue I was here.”

  “We’ve been a little busy. Got a late start.” She placed the now empty trays on top of the sales counter.

  A low rumbling growl caused her head to snap up. “That’s not good enough. Anyone could have walked in. They could have threatened you, hurt you.”

  She took a second to look at him. Now that she was standing directly in front of him, and no longer distracted with work, she could see a scowl marring his handsome face. His jaw was clenched and lips thinned in disapproval. His hands were fisted on his hips, making his chest expand to an impressive width. The golden hue of his eyes a good indication of how pissed he actually was.

  She never would have guessed what happened next.

  An unseen concentrated wave of heat and power hit her in the chest knocking the air from her lungs. She winced from the pain before dipping her head in submission as Jett’s Blood Legacy pulsed around her. The primal energy emanating from him pushed her to bend to his will.

  Her voice came out small, barely audible. “It’s nothing. There was a strange scent when I opened the shop. I had to air the place out, and forgot to close the door while we got caught up with the baking.”

  The heat and pain assaulting her receded. Her knees buckled and she damn near hit the floor. With speed and grace, Jett was behind the counter wrapping his arms around her chest and waist. Pulling her back into his body, rocking her gently. “Damn it. I’m so sorry Corrine. I don’t know what came over me.”

  They stood fused together. His whispered words of apology repeating over and over in her ear as slowly she recovered from the effects.

  “I forget your lineage sometimes.”


  “You’re from a founding family. I’m guessing you’ve entered into Dewasa and your Blood Legacy must be in full effect.”

  “I didn’t mean it to happen. Didn’t know…” he trailed off, confusion and distress evident in his voice. “I hurt you. I was so angry that the door was open. That someone could come in here and do heaven knows what to you.” He sighed; a shudder wracking is body, shaking her as well.

  His concern for her safety thrilled her. The fact he used his inherent strength and power, even accidentally, to hurt her, scared the shit out of her. She couldn’t help wondering if he would do it again when she didn’t answer a question right away or to his liking, or when she did something he disapproved of. It would take him a while to learn how to use his Blood Legacy now that it appeared. Her emotions fought a hard battle for dominance, ultimately the fear won out. It was her turn to shudder within the shelter of his arms. He took the reaction to mean something completely different.

  “Shhh kitten. I’m here now.” He reached up with one hand stroking her hair. The motion did nothing to comfort her.

  She struggled to keep her nerves under control. Knowing the nervous energy produced a sickly sweet scent, and not wanting him to wonder or get upset again. Taking a quick breath, she grabbed his arm still around her waist, pulling it from her and stepping to the side. Immediately missing the feel of him pressed against her, but knowing she needed the space.

  She cleared her throat quickly. “I’m fine.”

  Jett opened his mouth to say something just as a customer walked in. Spinning away, she greeted the young woman effectively cutting him off. He walked past her seconds later. The very faint smell of roses drifting through the air in his wake.

  Late that night, while lying in bed, her phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID. Jett. She debated on whether or not to answer. Still not sure how she felt about what happened that morning. By the fourth ring she couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “Hello,” she said, trying to make it sound like she had been woken from her sleep. It was a coward’s move and she knew it.

  She sat in silence as she waited for him to answer back. When nothing came, she called his name. “Jett? Are you there?”

  Still, there was nothing. She waited a couple more seconds, and then sighed in exasperation.

  “Great you must have butt dialed me. Night Jett’s ass.”

  Hanging up, she put her phone on mute before placing it on the nightstand. Rolling away from it, she fell into a fitful sleep.

  Thursday morning there were no unlocked doors or mystery smells when Corrine opened up the shop—only a grumpy and tired woman who needed more coffee than usual.

  Prep and baking went off without a hitch. When it came time to open the doors to customers, MJ offered to go out front but Corrine turned her down.

  Opening was one of her favorite things to do. The place was empty and clean. Just waiting for the rush of customers. It was the calm before the storm and her one chance, after a backbreaking morning, to collect her thoughts and re-center for the day. Not that she had been able to do that lately. With Jett showing up the past couple of days and the strange goings-on, her days had been a whirlwind of non-stop action.
  There was also the fact she never told MJ that Jett was showing up. MJ appeared to be clueless about everything, not even noticing the blast of energy from yesterday’s incident. As far as Corrine knew, none of the staff had seen the two of them together and the customers that had, well, they really didn’t care.

  After filling the morning trays, she sat down. Sun on her face; she closed her eyes, letting the quiet of the room and the familiar and soothing smells settle around her. She just about dozed off when the door jingled its morning greeting.

  With her eyes still closed she took a deep breath. Jett. His spicy scent mingled with the shop’s sweet one. It filled her lungs, making her light-headed. The man had no idea how just the smell of him could turn her on. Goosebumps rose on her arms while a tingling sensation skittered down her spine. Her nipples puckered beneath her shirt.

  The fact that sight unseen she knew it was him, proved their connection was growing. Don’t get her wrong; she was still ticked at him although not as much as she probably should be. He didn’t intentionally try to hurt her. He was as surprised by the power leaching from him as her. By the end of the day yesterday, she had moved from fear to anger about him using his Blood Legacy on her, not that he had any control over it. The butt dialed call didn’t help matters either. However, she just couldn’t stay mad or afraid. Deep in her heart, she knew he would never use his gift on her intentionally.

  She kept her eyes closed and waiting. Knowing when he was standing in front of her when he blocked out the warmth of the sun. “Good morning Mr. Murphy. How are you this fine day?”

  “How did you know it was me? You haven’t opened your eyes once since I came in. I could have been a serial killer.”

  “Silly man. Did you stay up late watching murder, death, kill shows or something? It has to be the only explanation. To answer you question though I could smell you of course. You have a very distinctive spicy, musk that I’ve come to associate with you. Oh, by the way, thanks for the butt dial last night. Nice to know your ass was at least thinking about me.” She heard the sarcasm in her voice, but really didn’t care. She was too tired to coddle his feelings.

  “My ass was thinking about you, but I didn’t call. Couldn’t actually. I can’t find my damn cell phone.”

  She snorted. Typical man. They can’t keep track of anything. “Check your couch out then. It’s probably in there. That’s where Sam’s usually is.”

  She finally opened her eyes. “Is there something I can get you this morning? Scone and a large black coffee maybe? You look like you need it.”

  The usual glimmer was missing from his eyes. He looked as fatigued as she felt.

  He reached down and pulled her up by her arms. “How about a morning kiss. I slept like shit last night, and need something good and sweet to start my day off right.”

  She opened her mouth to say the smart-aleck reply on the tip of her tongue, but he cut her off.

  “And not a scone or muffin or anything like that. I want one of your sweet kisses. It’s the only thing that will do.”

  She hesitated a minute before wrapping her hand round the nape of his neck. She needed it too. “Just so you know, I’m still a bit pissed off about yesterday. Nothing is going to happen to me out here Jett and I know how to take care of myself. I don’t need you pulling macho bullshit on me.” Tugging on the back of his head, she brought him down to her. Her plan was to give him a gentle, chaste, sweet kiss like he asked for yet the second her lips touched his she was on fire.

  She slipped her tongue into his mouth, stroking inside like she wanted him to take her. He groaned, wrapping his arms around her. Locking their bodies together. She could feel his erection pressing against her belly. Hot, hard, and insistent. His hand drifted to her ass, palming it roughly, before pulling her harder against him.

  Too soon, he lifted his mouth from hers. She wanted to scream in frustration. Instead she buried her face against his throat and groaned. Lifting her head back a little, she licked the juncture of his throat and shoulder. Needing just one more taste. It was hard resisting the urge to bite him and mark him as hers. Instead, she nipped him gently before breaking his hold.

  “Is that better?” she asked. Her voice husky with lust.

  “Damn,” he breathed. “Hell yeah that’s better. And I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was going to happen. I would never put you in the path of Blood Legacy like that on purpose. I can’t handle thinking someone could have come in here and harmed you.” He glanced at his watch. “Shit, I need to get going. Have a meeting in forty minutes. Any chance I can get that scone and coffee you offered up?”

  She rolled her eyes then walked behind the counter gathering up his order. Handing over the bag, she crooked her finger at him. He leaned in, curiosity stamped across his features. Once he was close enough, she planted a kiss on his lips, drawing away before he could react.

  “You still aren’t quite forgiven yet but if you keep kissing me like that I could be persuaded to forgive you. Have a good day at work….kitten,” she smirked, shooing him out the door as more customers came in.

  Jett didn’t call that night, but then she expected as much. He’d probably have to call out a search party to find his phone. She knew from experience that it would probably take a woman to find it. She fell asleep early with thoughts of Jett and hot kisses in her mind. Hoping to get more in the morning.

  Friday rolled in and out without a word from Jett. He wasn’t the first customer to walk through the doors, and by the end of the day, he never showed up. He didn’t even call, and she knew he had her number at the bakery and her cell.

  By Sunday evening, and with still no word from Jett, she thought she finally had the answer to one of her nagging questions. How long would it take for him to lose interest? Apparently not very long. Maybe she shouldn’t have gotten so snippy with him or demanding.

  At one point during the weekend, she built up the nerve to call his cell just to find out what the hell happened. He never answered. She couldn’t help think he was avoiding her. She was never terribly good at keeping a man around. That is, the few who were interested. Whenever she talked about getting more of something in the relationship, the guy would turn tail and run.

  Lounging on the couch in the basement, she was surprised when MJ strolled downstairs with Sam following.

  That relationship was beyond rocky, and the sight of them together grabbed Corrine’s attention. Instead of asking what was up, in fear of breaking whatever spell was over them that had them playing nice, she waited–playing it cool.

  After ten minutes of her ignoring them and pretending to pay attention to the crime show on TV, Sam finally spoke up.

  “So, sis, what’s going on?” Sam fidgeted nervously next to MJ on the other couch. Whatever they thought was going on he was uncomfortable with it.

  Corrine let out a grunt. “Nothing.”

  “Really? There’s nothing you want to tell us?” he probed.

  Corrine glanced at them. Both had serious mom and dad looks on their faces. She rolled her eyes and focused back on the television. “Nope.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked. A hint of doubt lacing his voice.

  “Oh for God’s sake, Sam.” MJ huffed out drawing her attention. “What the hell is wrong with you, Rini? You’ve been acting strange this whole week, even more so today. And don’t even think of trying to tell me I’m wrong. I’ve seen that flushed look every morning, and it wasn’t because of how busy we were or the heat in the kitchen. Is it him?”

  Corrine was surprised how fast Sam’s head whipped toward MJ. “You told me something was wrong with her. You didn’t say anything about there being a guy. Is there a guy Corrine? What’s his name,” he demanded. His head whipping back in her direction.

  Corrine glared at MJ. “No. There’s no guy. Not one worth mentioning, that’s for sure.” She gritted her teeth as the lie came out.

  “I call bullshit.” MJ glared back at her.

>   “Don’t do this Mary Jane,” Corrine stressed.

  “Sam doesn’t even know, does he? That’s complete crap.” MJ stood, fists on her hips.

  Corrine jumped up from the couch, adopting the same stance. “It isn’t Sam’s business. I can do what I want. And I’m telling you right now there’s nothing worth mentioning. Hell, he didn’t even show up Friday, and hasn’t bothered to call in four days. I’m fairly certain that means ‘kiss my ass’ in guy speak.”

  “Oh my God, that’s why you turned me down when I offered to work up front Thursday? He’s been coming into the shop and you didn’t tell me.”

  Sam finally stood up. “So there is a guy,” Sam said. Half asking, half stating.

  Corrine and MJ both looked at him and shook their heads. Men were clueless.

  “What? It isn’t like you’re having a private conversation. I’m just trying to wrap my head around you hooking up with a guy, Cor.”

  Corrine turned her mounting anger on him. “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m so horribly big and ugly no guy would be interested in me? I don’t believe this crap. First off, it isn’t anyone’s business. Second, I can screw a guy if I want. And that’s exactly what it was. A screw. Nothing more—nothing less. He was out for a good time and we had it. Third, and most importantly, we aren’t in a relationship. Won’t ever be in a relationship because he can’t seem to get beyond kissing me senseless and acting like he doesn’t know me when other people are around. So there’s nothing to be concerned about. He was just out for a little fun. Its over.” She threw her hands up in the air exasperated before storming past her brother and best friend. “I’m outta here.”

  She made it to her room, locking the door a few seconds before they came charging after her.

  “Go away. I’m not speaking to either of you.” She called out, walking to the bathroom to start a bath. Without shifting and running, this was the only other way she would be able to relax; hopefully, enough to calm her down so she could get a little sleep before opening the shop tomorrow.


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