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Sinfully Supernatural

Page 104

by Multiple

  Then she remembered her job, her station. This was getting out of hand. Outside the dream, she rubbed her fingers together with her thumbs and added dust to his eyes.

  This put him in a deep sleep with a blank screen. Claire sat the rest of the evening and watched his wonderful body. She drew herself up, encircling his waist and resting her head on his heart, listening, waiting, pretending there was a morning coming in a few hours where he would awaken to find her there in the flesh.

  But tonight, no harm would come to her human as he peacefully slept in the cradle of her loving arms. She hoped tomorrow she would have better control over her emotions.

  And then again, she hoped she didn’t

  Chapter 18

  Things had changed. Daniel was painting, which was good, but he talked to her while he was doing it. He talked to her while he was cooking. He asked questions that got no answers. But he still kept trying. It was driving her crazy.

  “Claire, I have an idea for a scene.” He fought to scowl. “Guess what it is?” He looked around the room. “Just give me some sign you are watching me. I know you are.”

  About the fifth time he said it she picked up one of his chalks and threw it.

  “My, we are angry today. Testy. I’m going to have to dream up some punishment for you tonight.”

  If only.

  One day he brought down an armload of clothes from his hamper upstairs. “I have something for you.” He held up a towel and one of his tee shirts. He put a load in the washing machine and turned it on. “Do you smell that? Isn’t that wonderful, Claire?”

  She was beginning to rethink her conversations with him in the dream state. He knew far too much about her. Am I really so predictable?

  Claire decided she needed a break. Too much temptation to appear to him in physical form. His questions needed to go unanswered.

  Claire would explain tonight what the rules were. Until then, she was on edge. She wanted to kill some time.

  She went to investigate some of Daniel’s haunts and decided to start with the gallery, willing Doris to appear for transport.

  “God, I love it here,” the cabbie said, leaning her head back. Her hat almost slid off. “I was so happy when I got your call. This place is just gorgeous. You got your wineries, the beautiful little country roads. This is a good gig for you this time.”

  “Sonoma County is lovely, isn’t it?”

  But I’d love anywhere he lived. He could live in the middle of an industrial dump and it would feel like Heaven … Listen to me. I’ve got it bad. Angela was right.

  “So, where to, my dear?”

  “That gallery, Craven Image. You know it?”

  “Oh, yeah. The one that has all the rock stars’ stuff in it?”

  “Yes, that’s it.”

  “You know what they have? I heard they have a toilet seat signed by the whole Spacetraveler band. Can you believe it? Framed and everything.”

  Claire laughed.

  “Good idea to have it under glass, just in case, you know what I mean.”

  “I’m getting grossed out, Doris.”

  “Yeah, too much information. Well, here we are. Not open yet. You wanna go somewheres else?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll wait.”

  The bistro next door, aptly called Ravenous Ravioli, was open, and did a breakfast out on the patio, so Claire ordered a hot chocolate and waited. She loved to watch humans walking by.

  At a quarter to ten, Audray made her way down the street, carrying a black portfolio bag. She was wearing a tight purple straight skirt and a cream colored silk blouse with a self-tie at its low neckline.

  Claire could smell her cloying jasmine scent from the distance. She watched as delicate fingers managed a fistful of jangling keys, and then heard the door creak open. A rapid beeping alarm was abruptly terminated. A few minutes later, Audray returned to the front, bringing out a sandwich sign announcing a sale. The sign had a color picture of one of Daniel’s paintings, now half price.

  Claire’s stomach churned. I hate this woman. She gripped the hot chocolate so powerfully she feared she might shatter the mug. The thought of anything Daniel had created being discarded or sold off at a discount made her blood boil. She abandoned her chocolate and decided to investigate.

  Entering the gallery, she heard, “Welcome to Craven Image. Is this your first time to our gallery?” Audray’s green eyes were bright but deadly. Even though her voice was lilting, Claire felt scrutinized like a piece of dirt. No doubt Audray had a keen scent for money. The woman frowned, leaning back to give a half-lidded look at the angel as if she was missing her glasses. Her red lips pouted and then turned into a snarl.

  “Yes. My first time here.” Claire was relieved to see Audray didn’t recognize her face from Macy’s. But then, she had been rather busy with the hairy guy, and Claire looked completely different without makeup. The angel felt a little wicked recalling that scene in the dressing booth, though it was one of her best performances.

  Claire walked along the tiled floor, looking at several large canvases. There were six of Daniel’s, done in hues of green and turquoise, jungle scenes at the edges of a beautiful white beach. Animal faces popped out from the dark green foliage. Their large eyes stared at Claire.

  “I like these very much,” Claire said. She hoped her voice didn’t waver.

  “Oh yes, the DePalmas. I’ve just put them on sale last week,” Audray said. She had a small frown on her face as she studied the paintings.

  “How come? I think they’re lovely.”

  “We have to make room for new things. We’ve had them awhile.”

  Claire walked around looking at the violent splashes of color done by other artists. There were three large black and white photographs of Audray completely nude.

  Audray followed closely behind, scanning the photographs like she was reading a newspaper.

  “This one is by Beau Bradbury, lead guitarist of the Spacetravelers. See, he’s signed it here.”

  “Ten thousand dollars! My gosh, why would anyone want to spend that much on such an awful painting?” Claire focused on her attitude, wanting to display superiority. She loved how it felt, especially in front of Audrey, who was a master of the mood.

  “You can probably have it for eight.”

  Claire nodded and headed back to Daniel’s paintings

  Audray followed, then leaned into Claire and said, “These don’t sell well. Not compared to the famous musicians. That’s really who we cater to. We need the space. But Daniel is …” she sighed as she traced a pink spotted leopard’s ear on one canvas, “… he’s a good painter. The owner just wants to move on.”

  Like you have. Revenge, is this revenge I feel for the first time in my angel life? Mother would chastise her for these thoughts.

  “So, tell me how much for all of them?” Claire suddenly didn’t want anyone else to own them, or to know they were on sale. She wondered what Father would say about the expense chit.

  “I’ll have to call the artist, first.”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. What would your gallery owner sell them for? I don’t want the painter to have to decide. You know how it is with artists. They work so hard and then give everything away. Just doesn’t seem fair. I have means.”

  Audray’s smile was almost angelic, Claire thought. Unless you knew what was going on inside her. Glad to be rid of him so soon?

  “Well, I have authorization to sell them for fifty percent, but maybe we could go, say forty-five percent? I might be able to do more if I call him. I know how to reach him.”

  You know how to dump him, you mean?

  “No. Not necessary.” Claire feigned going into deep thought. “Oh, why not? Let’s do it. I’ll take them all.” The penniless angel tried to sound like she spent money frivolously and that this investment in the paintings wouldn’t put a dent in her trust fund.

  Audray took all six of the canvases down, stacking them ca
refully behind the counter between large sheets of bubble wrap. Claire had almost expected her to stack them on top of each other unprotected, but Audray was a better businesswoman than that. But she wasn’t going to wrap them up until the sale was complete.

  The calculation was done. “Ok, that will be thirteen thousand, eight hundred dollars. Let’s just call it thirteen thousand even.”

  Claire was stunned. She was in a panic, but covered it up, summoning strength to return Audray’s piercing stare. How in the world will I get my hands on that kind of money? How could she ask Doris for this? But her pride loomed. No way she would turn back now.

  “Give me your bank routing number. I will have my manager wire you the funds this afternoon. Then I can pick them up later today. Does that work for you?”

  “Absolutely. Uh, I should get a deposit.”


  “Miss, or is it Mrs.?” Claire made a point to bat her blue eyes, showing no concern.

  “It’s Miss. Audray Steele.”

  “Miss Steele, if I am going to spend this amount of money, it’s important we trust each other. If you don’t trust me, I will take my business elsewhere. Let’s face it, there are a lot of gallery owners in Sonoma County who would love to make a thirteen thousand dollar sale today or any day, wouldn’t you agree?”

  The look on Audray’s face was priceless. Or, maybe, Claire giggled, worth thirteen thousand dollars.

  Claire collapsed on the bench seat as she got into Doris’s transport.

  “What’s eating you, doll?”

  “Uh, I just did something I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Oh, just because we’re angels doesn’t mean we’re perfect.” Doris turned around in her seat, facing Claire. “Spill it.”

  “I just bought all of Daniel’s paintings—on sale.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “I don’t have any money. At least not that kind of money.”

  “How much do you need?” Doris pulled out her wallet.

  “Thirteen thousand dollars.” Claire winced.

  Doris tossed her man’s billfold onto the passenger seat. “Oh, boy. No way Father’s going to authorize that. What the blazes were you thinking?”

  Claire shrugged, looking down.

  “I’m glad I came, not one of the other drivers. I can fix this, no problem.”

  “How can you fix it?” She was worried this might make it worse.

  “You don’t want to know. You gotta promise not to tell anyone I can do this, though. And I might turn you down another time.”

  “Doris, you’re not doing something illegal, like stealing or anything? I won’t do that.”

  “Nope. No one is hurt. No stealing. But I’m not telling, either.”

  “Fair enough. Can you have the money wired to this account?” She handed the cabbie the slip of paper Audray had given her with the bank routing number on it.

  “Yep, I’ll do it this afternoon, unless you have other plans.”

  “No other plans. Thanks so much. Guess I got a little carried away. I appreciate what you’re doing for me. Drop me a few blocks from his house. I want to walk a bit.”


  They drove past a couple of wineries. Claire thought she would like to try a tasting some time. Better try it soon. No telling how much longer I’ll be allowed here. She decided she needed to make a list of all the things she wanted to do before she went back to Heaven. The paintings would go well in her bright dorm room with the single window …

  “Uh, Doris, there is one other thing.” Doris slammed her foot on the brakes.

  “What now?” She frowned.

  “Can you pick up the paintings for me later and take them home?”

  “Jeez. I can see the gossip flying when I take those puppies up to your room. Claire, you owe me a big one.”

  Yep, that she did. Although what coming up with thirteen thousand dollars meant in the angel world, she had no clue.

  That afternoon, Audray watched as a cabbie picked up the neatly bubble wrapped and well-taped canvases. Audray had expected a messenger service of the white-gloved variety. She thought it odd, watching the female cabbie drive away, that two of the paintings extended through the sunroof of the little cab. She didn’t think she had ever seen a yellow cab with a sunroof, and could have sworn there wasn’t one when they started loading the first two paintings.

  And she certainly had never seen any of the art she sold sticking out of the ceiling of a car, flapping down the street. In fact, she’d never sold six in one day. She wondered where they would be hung. She hoped, for Daniel’s sake, it was some place important.

  Chapter 19

  Tonight’s dream started in the mall. Daniel watched Claire’s eyes sparkle as she realized where they were going. She turned the Victoria Secret store into a candy shop with clear tubes filled with brightly colored candy sold in bulk.

  Two can play this game, Angel.

  Armed with the new knowledge he could control many things about his dream state, he walked over to a shelf filled with boxed sets of jelly beans, stacked about ten high. Under all of them was one black and pink box he carefully pulled out. He opened the lid while watching his angel blush, her eyes wide and her mouth open in shock.

  Tucked neatly inside the box was a very light pink silk teddy with white gossamer ruffles glistening under the lights. He’d seen it in a magazine ad earlier in the day. Dropping the box, he let the teddy hang between his fingertips. It would only barely cover her belly button if she had put it on. Examining the box now laying at his feet, her eyes went wide when she noticed there were no panties. She blushed in earnest then and wouldn’t look at him. When she did, he thought she would melt. His eyes refused to let her go.

  “Will you wear this for me?” he asked, surprised at how rough his voice sounded. His pants had tented as he saw her struggle with an answer.

  Yes, my little angel. Feel how I desire you. He knew she was grappling with the new experience. She was unprepared.

  She looked around, as if needing help.

  He ducked his head down to try to meet her eyes, still holding up the skimpy plaything.

  “You can do this, Claire. I command it. As my Guardian. I want to see your body in this—this device of fantasy.”

  “Absolutely not.”


  “First of all, it’s against the rules. And I am your Guardian, but I am not your sex slave.”

  “Ah, but you know what a sex slave is?” Daniel couldn’t help but chuckle as her eyes darted around the room. Then she abruptly turned around with her back to him.

  He leaned into her, his lips just above the pink flesh of her tender neck. He searched the spun gold of her hair, the tiny hairs along the velvet of her earlobes. She smelled like fresh rain on a bed of roses. He could see she had closed her eyes.

  “I want to see you.” His voice was husky. She arched her back and inhaled sharply at the sound of his voice. He stepped closer, feeling the quivering heat of her body against his chest and thighs. His groin ached.

  “I want to see you naked, my love.”

  “You see me now,” she answered back, carefully.

  Her flushed cheek seared the miniscule airspace between them, and flamed his own.

  “I want to see you in my arms. I want to feel your face when I kiss you in … places.”

  She couldn’t look at him yet.

  Turn, turn to me, Angel.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders through the gown, and she allowed him to turn her around to face him. Daniel gazed at her full pink lips and wanted to explore further. He brought his hands to cup under her jaw line, without being able to touch her, and moved his lips just to the point at which the sensation of the warmth between them ended, before the nothingness.

  She seemed to lean into him as he scented her heat. He felt she would let him draw her to him, letting him impose his will with her.

; I want to touch you. Kiss you.

  He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, locked in the microscopically small space between them. The physical touch of skin on skin was the only sensation he was denied.

  The swirling closeness of her enveloped him in shapes and color. His lips parted, hot with lust for the touch of her pale skin. He noticed the small changes in temperature as he inhaled her and then released her back to herself a changed being.

  Daniel’s eyes locked fully on Claire’s face as he pressed her to a pillow somewhere where their mutual pleasure was possible. She was unashamed to be examined by this man. She felt like a kite, tied to his tether, and wherever he would go, she would have no choice but to follow.

  Following him would be so natural, so human.

  But she was not human. Sadness consumed her. She dropped her eyes and felt tears well up. For the entire world right now, she would have given almost anything to be real, to be a real woman, flesh and blood, belonging to Daniel.

  His hands and arms motioned for closeness again and she felt the warmth of his body pressing against hers through their clothes. She laid her head on his chest and felt, as well as heard, his heart beating there, the miracle of the aliveness of him and the wonder of this perfect man. She wished he could hear it. She could feel it, but he could not.

  They now walked through the mall side by side, his arm around her waist. The normal mall lights turned into the ceilings from the planetarium with all the millions of stars twinkling, lightly illuminating their path. A gentle music of harps and guitar teased her ears. She realized with a start of joy that he was giving her something he thought she would love. His intuition was creating a world for her, like a lover improvising, exploring, and heightening the senses for her enjoyment.

  She willingly walked through his dream, feeling his body next to hers, moving in rhythm, and sometimes burning with the touch of his arm around her waist, sometimes with the brush of a thigh that spread its full length of muscle against hers. She was a fully willing participant, as though he was her angel and he was directing her dream.


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