Desire by Blood

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Desire by Blood Page 8

by Schroeder, Melissa

  "Do not allow her to push you around."

  She smiled at him and turned to meet his gaze as he was pulling back. Something hot and scary filled his eyes as he stared at her. Everything in her body heated, her nerve endings dancing, and she felt herself moving toward him without thinking.

  "Really, Nico," his mother admonished. "Control yourself for one night."

  Cordelia dropped her gaze to her lap, a blush heating her face.

  Nico straightened. "Has anyone told you that you are too blunt, Mother?"

  Mortified, Cordelia looked at Adelaide, expecting her to be mad. She was surprised to find her smiling.

  "Your father just told me that very thing earlier today. I find it is one of my most endearing qualities."

  He chuckled. "I fear you are correct."

  He bowed his head to her and Diana one more time, then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  Adelaide sighed. "Thank goodness they are finally gone. I love my men, but sometimes they can be too much when you have them all in one room together." She smiled at Cordelia. "Now, tell me about yourself, Cordelia."

  She panicked for a moment. What did she tell the woman? That she was a bastard, one whose own father and brother left out in the cold to survive?

  "Cordelia is a lover of words," Diana said. She threw her sister a grateful glance and was surprised to see the determined look in her eyes. It struck Cordelia that her sister was ready to do battle with Adelaide.

  "I would assume so. I knew when my Nico fell for a woman she would not be an idiot. Normally, I would not like you speaking for your sister. I believe I asked her the question, not you." She settled back against the pillows. "But I can see that you think you are protecting her from me. There is no need, Diana."

  The silence that followed was strained. Cordelia could not take it. Growing up in a household where long silences were usually followed by screams and a smack or two, she always tried to keep things happy.

  "I am sure Diana meant nothing by it."

  Adelaide leaned forward and patted her leg. The familiarity was one of a mother or aunt. Any other time, Cordelia would be disconcerted by it. She was not accustomed to physical affection, especial from a matron. But tonight, she was comforted.

  "Oh, I think she did, and I applaud her. I was an orphan by the time I married my husband, and calling his mother a harridan would be kind. I have more respect for your sister for trying to protect you. I would say she is a little late to the job, but she is making up for it, I am sure."

  Cordelia did not know what to say to her. She glanced at her sister, whose face had no expression whatsoever.

  "Oh, dear, I was too blunt again. It is something I have never been able to free myself of. I would rather have plain speaking than pretty words. And I think you are the same way."

  Cordelia couldn’t help but return the smile. "Yes."

  "Wonderful. Now, why not a good spot of whiskey?"

  She stood and walked over to the table with the liquor and glasses.

  “Mrs. Blackburn, I am sure you understand society’s rules,” Diana said in admonition. They both knew women did not hide in libraries drinking.

  Adelaide said nothing for a moment as she poured two glasses. She handed one to Cordelia as she studied Diana.

  “If you know anything about the Blackburns, dear girl, you would know that we don’t like rules.”

  And with that, she tossed the entire glass of whiskey down. Then she sat next to Cordelia again and said, “Why don’t we become better acquainted.”

  * * * *

  Nico glanced down the hallway for what seemed like the fifth time in as many minutes. He could not get past that feeling that he needed to check on Cordelia.

  “Your intended is not in any danger from your mother,” said his father, humor lacing his voice.

  He glanced at the man who taught him everything he knew. "I would not be so sure of that. You know mother can be slightly scary to new people."

  "She likes Cordelia."

  "How do you know that?"

  “After the years we have been married, you know I can sense her feelings. I believe you are starting to understand this more now. You definitely will after the mating."

  Nico sighed and fought the urge to pace the ballroom. He wanted nothing more than to leave the house with Cordelia, take her home, and strip her naked. He was sure the primitive feeling to protect her would stop once he did.

  "And you believe me now?" he asked his father.

  "You were right. She is definitely a strong Carrier. What I cannot understand is how they went undetected for so long? Diana is strong also, but not as strong as Cordelia. She must have had a Born as a sire."

  He nodded as he noted there was no one nearby. “It is rumored they all had different fathers.”

  "I am sure that is why Malik reacted so strongly to the woman," his father remarked. Malik had not stayed. In fact, he had made excuses that he needed to check on Hurst. They both knew he was just trying his best to run away.

  "You think he's attracted to Lady Diana?"

  His father nodded. "It would be hard for him not to be, but we both know his feelings on mating. Of course, fate is fickle. Look at yourself."

  "What does that mean?"

  His father shook his head. "No, I will not reveal all. I believe you need to accept your fate, and this old man is going to enjoy watching."

  He hated when his father talked in riddles, so he decided to change the subject. "I hope to have the wedding tomorrow.”

  "I would wait for a few days, son. Women do not like to be rushed."

  He frowned. "I need to be working on the investigation."

  His father nodded. "You can do that while waiting for the arrangements to be set in place."

  He did not like that. Waiting days until he had her in his would not work for him. He did not know how he would be able to go days without touching her, feeding from her. Nico never had a problem controlling his need to feed. Since he reached his majority, he had a firm hand on his baser needs—sex and feeding. But now, he felt as if he had no control. Even now he wanted her, wanted to taste the sweet blood he had scented. His feeding teeth descended, and not for the first time that night, he had to grind them back up.

  "It will just get worse, you know."

  He glanced at his father. "What are you talking about now?"

  "The need you have for her. It is going to be worse after mating."

  Nico did not know how that was possible. Right now, he felt sick from the demands of his body. Worse, every other woman he saw made him almost physically ill. His hands were shaking. It was as if overnight he had lost his desire for any other woman than Cordelia.

  "You will have to let go, Nico. Let go of the past, and allow yourself to enjoy having a mate."

  They both knew he had reservations about mating and bonding. He had been with his brother near the end. His father had not. He did not want to suffer the same fate. Losing a bonded mate, then slowly dying—there was no way he could endure.

  The scent of her blood reached him before he knew she was in the room. He could not see her at first, and he felt the first stirrings of panic. He needed to see her, know she was all right. Then he did, and his body responded.

  He had been irritated when he first saw her. The embarrassment that she had not told him of her move had been enough, but seeing her body so exposed almost sent him over the edge. In all the time he had known her, Cordelia had dressed modestly. Her clothes had been a season or two out of fashion, and he liked it that way. The red dress draped over her generous curves brought out a golden hue to her flesh. Her breasts were a little too much on display for his liking. He licked his lips, thinking of tasting the blood that was now calling to him.

  His father gave him a nudge. It took every bit of his power to pull his gaze away from Cordelia. He looked at his father, who wore a knowing smile.

  "There will be no wedding tomorrow, but from your reaction tonight, I
will try to convince your mother it should be sooner. If not, you will make yourself sick.”


  "I will talk to you about it later. It seems our women are ready to be entertained by us."

  He wanted to push for an explanation, but he decided against it. They were already under the scrutiny of the crowd.

  As Cordelia neared him, some of his inner beast seemed to calm. He still wanted her, but the moment she took her place beside him, he felt as if everything settled.

  “Do you feel all right, Diana?” Cordelia asked.

  It was then he noticed that her sister did not look well at all. She was perspiring, her eyes filled with pain, and her flesh was white.

  “I have one of my headaches. I think I need to go home.” Instead of the commanding woman he had met earlier, her voice had diminished. Every word she said looked as if it pained her to utter.

  “Do you have a carriage?” his father asked.

  “Yes. I…” she swallowed. “I guess I am a little more tired than I thought.”

  “Well, we can go home. You need your rest,” Cordelia said.


  Diana paid him no mind, but his parents smiled. Cordelia frowned at him. “She needs someone to take care of her.”

  “I can get home on my own.”

  “I will accompany you home, as will Samuel. Nico can use our carriage to accompany Cordelia home,” Adelaide said.

  Cordelia opened her mouth but he stopped her.

  “It is perfectly acceptable for me to do so being your fiancé.”

  She wanted to argue, he could tell. It was skirting the edge of propriety, but before she could disagree, Lady Diana almost fainted. His father caught her in time to keep her from embarrassment.

  “Let me take her home,” his mother insisted. “I had the same issue when I was younger, and I know just what kind of medication to give her.”

  His fiancée looked torn. It amazed him that she would worry so much about a sister who had abandoned her when she was younger, but apparently she did.

  “I will take good care of your sister,” his mother assured her.

  She nodded. “Are you comfortable with leaving me here, Diana? Mrs. Blackburn will take care of you.”

  Diana must have been in pain because she nodded and accepted his father’s arm. He led her out as his mother took Cordelia’s hand and squeezed it. “I will take good care of Diana.”

  With that they left. “I assume you would like to get something to eat.”

  Cordelia looked at him. “I am not all that hungry.”

  Before he could insist, a gaggle of matrons arrived. He was sure they were there to find out what was going on between them and what happened to Lady Diana.

  He did not move. He stayed, ignoring the pointed glances from the matrons. They wanted him to leave, but it went against everything stirring in his body at that moment. He had to stay, for his own sanity. Walking away and leaving her would never be an option. When one of the old biddies made a nasty comment, he felt the first stirrings of irritation. As if she sensed it, Cordelia gave him a censoring look. He ground his teeth and fought the need to drag her out of there. He would endure it until they left because then he would have her alone in a carriage.

  At the moment, he would do anything for a small taste of her, even if it meant ignoring pointed stares and recrimination from the matrons.

  * * * *

  Cordelia allowed Nico to hand her into the carriage. She sat as he took the seat opposite of her.

  “I would have never believed you would have stayed so long tonight.”

  He glanced at her. “You were there.”

  She waited for him to explain more, but he did not. He continued to watch her. For some reason, she had the feeling he was a predator…and she the prey. It was a bit disconcerting, especially since she was trapped inside the carriage with him.

  “I have been able to handle myself in ballrooms for years.”

  His frown turned darker. “Not dressed like that.”

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  He gave a pointed glance at her bosom. “I have never seen you so ready to put yourself on display.”

  She did not like the dress especially. As she had said earlier, it was too tight, and she did not like having men stare at her chest. Well, most men. When Nico looked at her, something inside her stirred, hot and needy.

  “Diana insisted, but she did not realize that well…I have a little more on top.”

  “Anyone can see that by looking at you.”


  “It’s the truth, Cordelia. You should have never left the house looking like that. What will people think?”

  For a moment, she couldn’t think. The rage in his voice should have upset her. She did not like arguing, but for some reason, she felt invigorated by it.

  “What will people think?” she asked, allowing the sarcasm to drip from her voice. His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Are you Nicodemus Blackburn? Because the Nico I know doesn’t give two wits about what society thinks.”

  For a second or two, she thought he would yell back at her. Instead, he reached across, grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap.

  Chapter Seven

  Nico nuzzled Cordelia's neck, his fangs already descended. He wanted to bite, to feed, but he knew he could not do that. For a Carrier, being fed from the first time would be draining in more ways than one. After that, it would be easier, but that first one it was much like losing your virginity.

  "Nico," she said again, this time her voice deepening over the syllables. Need threaded every word.

  He thought she would push at him at least a little. Instead, she tilted her head to one side to give him better access. He could smell her blood, that sweet liquid calling to him. He grazed her neck, enjoying the moan of pleasure that slipped from her mouth. She was made for this. Centuries of breeding would take control, and he knew he could have her then. Nico knew she did not understand what she was going through, not a virgin. And she could not even recognize her desire to offer nourishment to him.

  He pulled back from her neck, then drew her face closer. He kissed her, knowing it would not satisfy either of them. If anything, it would make their dawning need worse. He understood this. She did not. He slanted his mouth over hers, sliding his tongue between her lips. He could taste her then, or at least a bit of her essence, but it was not enough. Pleasure crawled through him as he continued to kiss her. He molded his hand to her breast, enjoying the gasp of surprise mixed with delight. Her nipple was already tight. He moved his thumb over it slowly as he nibbled at her bottom lip. Unable to help himself, he grazed it.

  "Oh," she said as he sucked the small drop of blood from it.

  Lord, that was a mistake. He had been right. Her blood was sweet and savory. It danced over his taste buds, and his head started to spin. He had never tasted something so delectable in his life. The tang of her called to him. His craving for her increased. He wanted her beneath him as he plunged into her and drank from her. His cock hardened, beckoning a need for release that he had never had before. It was as if his body already knew this was his mate.

  He knew he was losing control of the situation, but for one long moment, he did not care. He wanted her then, needed her. Waiting was not an option.

  He tugged on the material of her bodice and freed her breasts. He kissed his way down her neck, grazing but not breaking her skin. He did have enough sense to know that if he sunk his fangs into her, that he would never be able to pull himself back.

  He took one of her nipples into his mouth as he pinched the other. She moaned then, his name, and he felt a stirring in his soul that shocked him. The tight reigns of control he held on his baser needs started to sleep. His own blood pounded. His fangs ached to feed.

  Then the carriage came to a shuddering stop. It took him a moment to realize they were outside her house, and soon his driver would be knocking on the door.

  He gave her nipple one last lick befor
e pulling himself back from her.

  Good God, she was a sight. Her hair was slightly mussy, her nipples were still hard with need, and a part of him yearned to damn everyone to hell and take her then.

  But that would not do.

  He ground his teeth together then pulled up her bodice.

  "Cordelia, love."

  Her eyelids fluttered then she opened them. Deep within her blue eyes, he saw the desire he felt.

  "We are at your sister's townhouse."

  For a moment she did not react. Then her eyes widened, the passion dissolving into embarrassment.

  "Oh, my goodness," she said, her tone still filled with unfulfilled passion. "I-I cannot understand what came over me."

  "I do, but we will not worry about that at the moment."

  He gave her a sweet kiss, barely brushing his mouth over hers. Even that had his need for her rising. It took all his control to pick her up and move her to the opposite seat. He ground his teeth together, although his fangs did not ascend completely. He wasn't sure that they would until he truly mated with her.

  She was busy righting herself as much as possible.

  "Just pull your cape over you, and no one will see."

  She sighed and did as he instructed.


  She seemed to be at a loss for words. When he really looked at her expression, he could read the mortification. For Cordelia, healthy sexual needs would have been seen as something to ignore. Not only did she live in the stifling society of London, she had grown up the daughter of a woman who was notorious for her affairs. He knew it could not be easy for someone like her to deal with the need she had for him.

  There was a knock at the door.

  "Just a moment, please," he said. He took Cordelia's hands. "What is it?"

  "I just want you to know that I have never done anything like that. Well, except for last night. I don't know…”

  She raised her hands to her face and covered it. He knew her feelings for him were normal. Their kind would always need sexual satisfaction. But she was not ready to hear it now.


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