His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One
Page 12
“Do you know who I am?” I have to know where I stand with Donovan.
“Yea you’re a fucking dead man.” His response tells me he’s a little bit pissed. I can’t help the laugh that comes from my throat.
“Oh come on who’s got who by the balls? My balls feel perfectly intact.” My sarcasm is pissing him off. “I’m only going to ask you one more time, do you know who I am?”
By the way, who the hell gave this dude the nickname “Silent”? I heard him coming ten minutes before he did.
“Yea I know who you are,” he answers.
He struggles to get free of my hold and I bash his head on the wall above the fountain.
“Fuck!” he screams.
“It’s only going to get worse bro.” I stretch his arm back and hear it pop.
“Yea, yea I know who you are. You’re the boyfriend of that whore Mr. Damassi wants to fuck.”
Two things happen simultaneously. One I wrap my hands around his throat and two I squeeze until he stops fighting. No one will ever call my angel a whore! End of.
Chapter Eleven
“Abby!” I hear a deep sexy voice and it burns my ears. It sounds like Evan’s amazing voice.
Oh Evan I love you.
Did I just say that out loud?
I can’t hold on any longer. My body crumbles to the floor in a speedy chase of the cold stone floor below. Warm hands take hold of my body, leaving fire on my skin. The feeling is amazing. My face is nestled in the warmth of my savior.
Am I on drugs? Those fucking martinis were probably spiked.
I hear so many noises floating around me; voices, music, something loud and unnatural clatters to the same stone floor I’ve fallen to. I don’t care.
Colors are swimming around in the space making my body feel liberated. I’m connecting with each one, my skin is reacting with undeniable amounts of pleasure that is ripping through me. I want to scream for more, I want to scream, “Give it to me” and I believe the smile on my face says just that. I don’t know what fills me with this exhilaration, but I love it.
“What…” I hear voices spinning around me like ribbon. I’m unable to completely make out who they are or what they are saying. I feel like I am on ecstasy with the euphoria I am feeling.
“She ok…”
“I don’t…Abby…” The voices continue.
The pleasure of every touch continues to swim to every site on and in my body, a pleasure that is sure to send the rest of me over the edge. An exhilarating ache takes its place at my nipples. The place between my thighs holds even more throbbing possibilities for pleasure. I want Evan. Oh God Evan. I want Evan so much.
My body jostles from the abrupt intrusion and warmth of someone taking me from the cool surface. The movements my body takes on now intensify the sparks that flare at my nerve endings.
I want Evan, I can’t stop thinking of him. I want him to be here with me, I want him to touch me here, there, everywhere. God I wish Evan were here.
My hair is tingling from the electricity ripping through me. I snuggle into the feeling, wanting more. My body is definitely craving more.
Light sounds swim around my ears caressing my thoughts. Oceans of pleasure to be found with untold possibilities. The warmth is taking me in. The ecstasy intensifies a million times over with the mere contact of this person.
Ah…I want to cry out, my inhibitions are gone, leaving my nerve endings in charge. The girl inside demands release from everything holding her back. Flames rip to the surface of my existence with the whip of pleasure. It’s too much; my soul is on fire and I have no extinguisher.
I’m left abandoned once again to another cool surface with an even cooler feeling on my head.
“Abby…I’m...” A voice is there, but I’m unable to make out the words that flow like butter through my body. I feel so connected to this voice, my heart is melting and begging for more.
The light announces itself in the most unfortunate way. My eyes are unable to make their way open, my head pounds with every breath I take. I need a drink of water; I’m sure I’m completely dehydrated.
My body stiffens, the rhythm of my heartbeat increases for a few seconds as I realize I don’t know where I am. Shit. Fear seeps into my body, leaving a trail of fire in my belly.
Did I go home with someone?
There is a warm sensation coming from my right. Oh my God, I did go home with someone.
I’m relieved as I realize I’m staring up at a beautiful emerald green tray ceiling that I know only to exist in Evan’s bedroom. I reach my hand out from the blanket to inspect the body I know will be there.
“Abby.” Evan reaches for my hand, over his shoulder. He knows my hand is approaching him before I do. “Abby, God you have no idea how fucking scared I was. I’ve never…” He shifts his body, taking me into his arms.
I’m confused. I don’t know how I got here.
“What the hell were you thinking?” His voice is harsh now.
I raise up in the bed to gather my thoughts, the abrupt movement leaving regret in my pounding head and stomach. I moan as the regret makes its way up my throat. I quickly jump from the bed in an attempt to reach the bathroom in time. I sit in front of the toilet appreciating the fact that ceramic is cold.
“Are you ok?” a gentle voice asks.
I look up to see Evan soaking a cloth for me.
“I am definitely not ok.” He presses the cloth to my forehead.
“What do you remember?” He leans into me.
“I don’t know, I’m dancing and…that’s all I remember.” My stomach gives in once more. Evan holds the loose hair from my face.
Evan sweeps me in his arms, carrying me back to his bed. I pull the blanket over my head in an attempt to block out the sun from the bright room.
“Here, take a couple of these and drink some water. You need to hydrate.”
“Can you please tell me how I got here?” I ask after popping in a few ibuprofen.
“You were drugged Abby,” he hisses.
I jump up from my laying position, I’m confused by his statement.
“What the hell?” I spit. “Who in the hell would have drugged me? And how did you get me here? How do you know I was drugged?” I continue as I’m unable to contain the need to know everything that has happened.
“Slow down…I called your phone and you didn’t answer, so I called Dominic to see if he had seen you and that’s when he told me that you were at en Fuego. When I got there Donovan’s asshole security tried to keep me out.” A wicked grin sits at its usual place on his lips. His perfect lips. I begin to blush, realizing I haven’t seen his smile, dimples, or eyes in a week and I missed it so much.
“And?” I ask, knowing I may not want to hear the answer.
“You need to rest and drink a lot of water. We need to get that shit out of your system.” He places a kiss to my forehead attempting to tuck me in the bed like an infant.
“Evan, bullshit! You keep everything about yourself from me, but you’re sure as hell not keeping this from me.” Not happening Evan Young!
“And I swooped in and saved the day. End of.”
“End of what?”
“You’re safe, I handled it and that’s all.”
“Are you saying that Donovan drugged me?”
“Who the fuck drugged me Evan?” I’m so pissed I could break something right now.
“Yes Abby, Donovan drugged you somehow, some way he drugged you,” he says annoyed.
“Like a date rape drug?” My hand slams to my mouth. “Did they rape me Evan? Did someone rape me Evan?” Holy shit! I’m going to kill that fucker, I’m going to kill him.
“Ok first of all I’ve got this. Second of all calm down before you have a nervous breakdown.” Evan grabs me by the shoulders as he realizes I’m about to have another panic attack. “Abby no one raped you, of that I am certain and I took care of them.” He pulls
me into his chest.
“Evan thank you for fighting my battles,” I say.
“I would stand in front of the devil himself to protect you, never doubt that Abby.” Evan squeezes me so tight I lose my breath.
I will get that son of a bitch for doing this to me. I don’t know how or when, but I will definitely get him back.
I take refuge in Evan’s arms, his large frame tucking me in to his warm hard chest. I sink into bliss. Evan is my bliss now. I don’t know anything about him; I don’t know about his past, but I know what makes him tick and making me happy seems to be one of those things. A smile crosses my lips as I close my eyes and drift into my slumber.
My fucking phone hasn’t stopped going off since last night; fuck this can’t be good. Monica, Monica, Monica. Shit, how clear do I have to be with her? It’s not going to happen.
I had a few moments of weakness over the last two years, well several actually. But that’s over now. It has been over since I’ve known in my gut that Abby had my heart even if she didn’t know me.
Monica compromised the team the second she approached us at the restaurant last week; all for jealousy. She has been watching me for the last forty-eight hours, convinced she needs to stop me from taking what I want, because what I want isn’t her.
I have dealt with her for the last two years because she’s lethal and if she was put into a situation to protect Abby she would have two years ago, hell maybe even one year ago, but I don’t trust her to do that now. If I hadn’t given her the fucking of her life. Well several of them actually. She may have stayed loyal if I hadn’t chosen to use her.
I guarantee she will sell us out to keep me from being with Abby. I’ll take that bitch out before I let her fuck up any chance I have with Abby. I’ve had my X9 sniper aimed at her head a couple of times. I can’t trust her and that’s unacceptable.
The second she spit out, “ I love you”, I knew I fucked up. Fuck, always thinking with my dick. I don’t know if she will go to Marco like she’s threatened. If she does, then Natalia will know, then I will know, and then it’s end of story for Monica. Natalia has been following her for a while and reports back to me anything I need to know.
Natalia is even more lethal than I am; Natalia was a runaway teenager that landed in hands of Marco and ended up in LA at only sixteen. Marco has taught her how to be a very dangerous person. A year and a half ago Natalia was in a situation that left her realizing what Marco is truly capable of and that’s when she and I teamed up. She’s a valuable asset and friend. . She’s like a little sister.
I do have to give Marco props for the training he gave her. Now she will help me take him out. Eventually this will all go to hell; once Abby finds out what I’ve worked so hard to protect her from knowing for so long. She will never want to be with me after that.
I can say that I’ll fight till the death for her because that’s exactly what I will do. If she won’t forgive and love me then death will be my fate. Abby is the only thing I live, kill, and die for. Knowing any second that Monica might fuck that up makes me want to put my hands around her throat and watch as she begs to save Abby herself.
For now, I’m in bed with the most amazing, and beautiful woman in the world. Fucking perfection. Watching Abby sleep is the most amazing thing I’ve done since the last time I was buried in her astonishing pussy. Her hair lying over her porcelain skin, long thick lashes that usually hide her beautiful green eyes, plump pink lips, and perky as fuck tits. Damn what isn’t perfect about my angel? Nothing, and I will kill a motherfucker to protect her. I will snap their neck with my bare hands, I don’t care who it is.
When the time comes I’m going to take what’s mine forever. The first motherfucker to go is Marco. That sick sadistic bastard has fucked her over long enough. I’m going to enjoy that one with my bare hands.
She wants me, I know she does. She can’t keep those gorgeous green eyes or hands off of me. She’s broken though and I’m going to glue her back together piece by piece.
It kills me that she still wears that ring he gave her. I slip it off her tiny finger; she doesn’t need it anymore. Maybe I’ll have Natalia give it back to Marco and tell him to come get me, that’ll save me a trip. Every man that knows her, wants a piece of her, but that’s all they want, just a piece. I want the whole fucking package.
I want to throw this ring down the drain, but I know taking this off has to be her choice. If I’m going to truly have her she must be the one to take it off.
I gently slip it back on her finger.
My phone hasn’t stopped beeping. Abby has her arm around me, I lift it slowly so I don’t wake her. I pick up my phone as I slip out of bed. I smile. She’s my angel and this is my heaven.
I grab my boxers and stumble into the hallway, tripping on the shoes I left out last night.
“Young,” I hiss.
“Hey brother where the fuck are you?” Michael asks.
“In heaven.” I smile.
“I see, well I don’t want to bring the fire from hell, but we have some business to take care of.” Michael probably made that shit up just to watch me suffer.
“Ok I’ll call you in a couple of hours,” I whisper as I hear Abby shifting in the bed.
“Make it quick bro, shit is going down and I know you’ll want to be there to see it.” He laughs. Michael lives for the action and drama this life provides. I can’t stand it.
There are only two reasons I’m still in this life and the most important one of them all is a few feet away in bed. I’ve always protected Abby from a distance and now I’m protecting her up close and personal.
Abby is my fucking oblivion.
My Hummer pulls into the gravel lot the team is meeting up at. Michael leans against his truck, Mad Dog is messing with something in the back of his Jeep, and there is Monica, standing next to her Ducati Hyperstrada holding her helmet in one hand and a file in another. She smiles when she sees me and I smile back, but only to prevent drama when I really want to vomit.
I take a deep breath and step out of the Hummer. I reach down to my tactical pants, straightening the leg strap that holds my forty-five as I remember that tight little ass I left behind an hour ago. What I wouldn’t give to be back in that bed right now, damn.
“Hey,” Monica mouths just below a whisper.
I smile; I need to keep her focused. I know it won’t be long before she turns, but for now I need her on my side.
“Agent Young, how nice of you to join us,” Mad Dog announces.
I shoot him a fuck you grin. I kick my foot up on the Jeep tailgate waiting for the briefing they just had to get me out here for.
“Marco is back in the U.S. per a few of our eyes and ears. The DEA has been briefed and is ready to move when the time comes. Intel tells us he made his way into the U.S. last night.”
Mad Dog doesn’t seem to be thrown off by this news, but it all makes sense to me now.
“Do we know where in the U.S. he is?” I stand tall and on the defensive now.
Mad Dog peers down to the file he holds in his hands. “I don’t have that Intel just yet, but I’m working on it. Alright ladies be ready to rock and roll when the Intel does come. We will be getting our chance to catch Brazil’s finest sooner than we thought,” Mad Dog says while rolling up the file and smacking his hand.
“E. I need to talk to you.” Michael nods towards my Hummer.
“What’s up bro?” I pat him on his back as we walk. Michael is the one dude I know will always have my back. I never have to worry about bullshit with him. We survived two tours in Afghanistan together and came back both times. I’m a grateful son of a bitch to have him on my side.
“What happened last night?” he asks as he looks around nonchalantly, checking for any ears that may be present.
“When I got back in town, I went looking for Abby.” I slam my fist on the steering wheel as I remember how I found her last night.
“Bro,” Micha
el says to calm me down.
“She was at en Fuego, Damassi had his fucking goons trying to keep me out.” I laugh now. Damassi had no idea he was fucking with my girl initially, or maybe he did, but either way, he didn’t know who I really was or what I would do to protect her, without question and in a second. Let me correct that.
He knows now.
“And? Is she ok?” Michael has been right there the entire two years we have been watching Marco and he knows what Abby means to me. Hell, he knew before I did. Every part of my soul was dead before Abby. I slept, ate, worked out, and tended to business at work. I was a hollow shell. I never saw the colors in the world, only black and white. I needed a hero and she’s that for me. She doesn’t know that Marco is one of the reasons I knew her before she knew me, and if she did she would walk away.
She thinks Marco is this amazing guy who loved her. Hell she probably thinks he still loves her and the truth is, he never loved her. When the truth comes out she will need a hero and I will be that for her. I will resurrect her from the pain that will inflict her heart.
“Yeah she’s ok now, but damn she was drugged and by the time I found her, his goons were about to sweep in and who fucking knows what his plan was,” I say with my eyes locked on the sky. “She was lifeless, she could barely speak, her speech was really jumbled and I couldn’t make any of it out,” I continue.
“Had he had a chance to be alone with her?” I know what he’s asking.
“No, she was still downstairs when I got there.” My eyes locked on his now. He knows what I’m thinking and has no problem asking.
“You didn’t kill any of them did you?” He laughs, knowing that the answer has so many possibilities.
I only respond with the “Fuck yes I did,” in my eyes.
“I beat the shit out of every fucking one of them in one way or another, including Damassi. That pussy can’t fight his own battles.” I laugh now.
Damassi’s a fancy dude and now he has his eyes set on Abby. Fuck. “I think I need to get her a detail; shit is getting a little too real.”