Once again the room fills with the hospital staff. The nurse that was at her side is now on top of Abby’s body giving CPR.
“We need you to leave the room,” a voice screams over the eruption of voices and chaos.
This is the one time in my life that I want to be honest. I want her to hate me. I want her to yell and scream at me and say all of the things that I deserve. I want her to choose to be free of me, of Marco, of pain all together.
I have been pushed out of the room that Abby is in to watch from the sidelines as her already weak body is jolted back to life with electricity.
I hear Amy screaming next to me and I know that she is now clinging to me, but I can’t feel her. My body is numb and my focus is centered on my angel and the dark cold place my soul is falling to.
Abby’s body jumps up from the bed when the electricity from the paddles jolts her. A tear runs down my cheek and I want to wipe it away, but I can’t move, I can’t breathe, and I can’t think.
I'm trapped in a hell unlike any other. A hell that has no exit door, a hell that I will willingly walk through if it means Abby will be ok. I have done this to her. I have fucking done this to her.
I hear glass shatter and Amy’s scream echoes loudly through my ears. My body falls to the floor.
“Evan what the fuck?” Amy is in my face.
“Bro!” I think that Dom just slapped my face.
“Dom stop,” Amy screams again.
I look down to my pulsing hand and see that blood is covering my knuckles. Blood is dripping everywhere. I look up to the glass window I had been looking through and see it is now broken into pieces.
“Violent much?” Amy snorts.
“You ok? I thought you were in shock or something.” Dom looks a little worried that I am going to hit him back.
“I’m not ok,” is all I say. I am not ok, not even close to being ok.
“Here.” Amy wraps a towel around my hand.
I have been feeling like this is a nightmare that maybe I’ll wake up from, but it seems to be going on forever.
People say Karma is a bitch, right? Well, I fully believe this is my Karma coming full speed ahead. This is what I deserve, but this isn’t what Abby deserves.
What the hell is tickling my nose?
I reach for it and pull the rubbery tube out of my nose.
“Baby, that has to stay in for now ok?” My mom is a mess, her shoulder length dark hair looks like it hasn’t been brushed in days. She isn’t wearing any make-up and the bags under her eyes are really bad. I’ve never seen my mother in this much styling distress before.
“What time is it?” I’m not really sure why I immediately ask this question, but I feel the need to know.
“Mom I don’t use military time,” I wince.
“Oh sorry two o’clock no two-o-five baby” she replies. Her eyes are so dark and tired I’m really concerned that she isn’t taking care of herself.
“I’ve only been asleep a few hours yea?” I ask.
“Sweetheart you have been out for umm.” Her eyes go to the ceiling.
“Three days,” Amy says as she drops to the floor from the windowsill.”
“Oh shit,” I spit.
“Abigale Hayes your mouth, for crying out loud.” Even the way my mother says my name is weak. I wonder if she’s been eating.
“Why have I been asleep so long?”
“You have had increased intracranial pressure.” My mom explains. “You lost consciousness and never woke up which is normal for the condition. It affects the neurological function and loss of consciousness is usually the result if the pressure is high enough. We are very lucky that the mannitol that was given worked as quickly and effectively as it did.
“Am I going to be ok?”
“Of course baby, the doctors here have really worked miracles to get you back to your healthy self.”
“So, I’m healthy and ok?”
“We are out of immediate danger and it can only get better from here.” My mom smiles.
“How do you feel doll?” Amy asks.
“Like I have a hangover without the benefit of the alcohol.”
“Yea they have been sticking a bunch of stuff up your IV.”
I turn my head to the right where my mom sits and see that she’s smiling. She looks weak and tired, but this smile says she’s ok. I’m relieved.
My head is pounding and if I didn’t know better I would swear someone took a bat to my head.
“Do you remember what happened?” Amy asks and I don’t like the look on her face.
“Um yea I was in an accident.”
“Do you remember getting sick?” My mom asks in a soft voice.
“No not really.”
My mom and Amy face each other now talking only with their eyes.
“Am I missing something ladies?”
“Not at all baby, you haven’t missed a thing.” My mom rubs my arm with her hand.
I see Amy give her a quizzical glance and then her face meets mine with a pained smile.
“Has Marco called? Is he coming to see me?”
I’m not sure what I’ve said, but their faces nearly swing from their necks as they look at each other again.
“What?” I ask annoyed.
“Hi there Abby, I’m Dr. Carlson” The young and very attractive doctor announces himself. “Alison,” he nods to my mom. “How are you feeling Abby?”
The doctor slides his hands in his lab coat and I hear change jumble.
“Well I have the headache from hell.”
“Ok how long have you had this headache?”
“Not long I guess, I just woke up.” I shrug.
“I know, your mother sent me a text.”
“I need to go Abby. I’ll be back soon ok?” Amy gives Dr. Sexiness a dirty look and kisses me on the forehead. “Love you girl. Alison?” She gestures for my mom to follow.
“Well everything looks pretty good actually. We still have a great deal of recovery to do, but I don’t see why you can’t be back on your feet in a few months. Abby do you remember what you were doing just before the accident?”
Before the accident? Hmmm I remember- nothing, I have no idea what I was doing. “No.” Damn it. “I remember that I don’t remember is that good?” Geez.
“What is the last thing that you do remember?”
“Before the accident?”
Dr. Sexy nods.
“I remember…honestly it’s all just a blur.”
“What year is it?” He sits on the edge of my bed. He seems so confident and smells so good.
Memories are swimming around in my head brought on from the cologne Dr. Sexy is wearing.
“Two-thousand-thirteen. I feel like I’m standing in the middle of my brain with a net trying to catch the memories, but my net has a hole in it.”
“It is actually two-thousand-fourteen.” Dr. Sexy’s hand lands on mine with a great deal of warmth.
I furrow my brows together as I have a memory of warm hands touching me, but I can’t fully grasp it. This would be a great time to throw a three-year-old-baby tantrum. This is so frustrating.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up about it Abby you will remember in time. There is still a great deal of swelling and we expect that it will take time. The good news is you know the memories are there. You know how our memories are kind of jumbled when we wake up from a deep sleep and we need coffee or a good run to get alert?”
I nod.
“That’s what this is going to be like. Every day you will wake up a little more and when that happens memories will come back, but we should definitely expect this to happen slowly.”
“I’ll get my memories back?” I can’t imagine not remembering the last year of my life.
“Oh definitely, you are a young, healthy, and strong woman. There isn’t any reason based on your scans that say you will not remember. I believe it’s related to the swe
lling so if we can keep that down to a normal level then we will start the process of healing and getting you back to your life. I would plan on putting med school on hold for a while.”
“Fuck!” I’m supposed to start med school. Shoot me now!
“Abigale will not be attending medical school.” My mom enters the room speaking to Dr. Sexy while looking at me.
“What… I thought?” I thought I was going to be disowned if I didn’t go to medical school.
“Are we good here?” my mom asks, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
Oh shit Dr. Hard Ass has entered. “Dad.”
“Yea I think so,” Dr. Sexy answers my mom’s question.
“Baby, I love you so much!” My father leans in and hugs me, kissing the top of my head.
Did I just wake up in the twilight zone? He barely speaks to me let alone hugs and kisses me.
“Abby, I will be back later on today to check in on you ok?”
“Yea thanks.” Dr. Sexy reaches his hand down to mine, squeezing it.
My father catches this and clears his throat.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“I think your taste in music sucks.”
“I’m offended Abigale.” My father laughs as his eyes mirror mine. “What are your plans after they take the cast off today? Are you gonna run the hell out of here?” He laughs again.
My mom and dad have been right here with me the past three months that I’ve been in this hospital. I’m so grateful to have them in my life. I don’t know what I would have done all alone.
“I’m honestly just thrilled that I get to scratch.”
“Oh TMI doll,” Amy laughs as she walks in on the conversation.
“Hey if you had a cast for months you’d be thrilled to scratch too.” I laugh.
“Alright ladies I’m off to the gym before your mother kills me,” my father announces as he stands from his chair. He gives me a kiss and hug and pushes his chair back. “Love you.”
“Love you too dad.”
His triglycerides are way off and my mom is afraid my father is going to have a heart attack so she has him on aspirin and in the gym every day. I bought him a candy bar from the vending machine on my way back from therapy this morning. I knew he would be here waiting for me like he is every day. I have never seen someone enjoy every single bite of a Snickers candy bar. It was seriously the funniest thing I’d ever seen.
“Thank God,” Amy says as she struts over taking possession of the chair my father had been in.
“Nothing he’s just driving me crazy. He’s here all the time and I never get my BFF time.” Amy crosses her legs and tilts her head. “I haven’t been out in months and I need a fucking night away from this godforsaken dreary place.”
“Aw you don’t have to be here all the time. I know you have a life.” That makes me sad. I have caused so many people to worry. My family from across the country have even been here recently. I feel that I am causing stress for everyone. I need to get out of here just as badly as Amy does.i
“Please bitch I love you like a fat kid loves cake. I’m not leaving you here to suffer alone.” She is such a dork and I love it. “Now let’s get down to business.” She pauses.
“Business? Does this include you breaking me out of here because if it does give me two minutes and I’ll be ready?”
“No doll, it includes us talking about the sex god that is in love with you.”
Amy has filled me in on the last year of my life. I remember bits and pieces, but not the whole picture. I remember Evan and some moments that we spent together, but I’m so overwhelmed with everything that has happened that I can’t put that on anyone. He deserves better than me. I’m broken, I’m fucked up goods, and I think I liked him a lot so why would I want to put that on him? I’m not going to, it’s not fair to anyone.
“He loves you Abby and you love him.”
“I may have loved him once, but I don’t remember that Amy.”
“Ok, Evan is going to fucking kill me and when I say kill me I mean rip my fucking head off, but you have to know,” she pauses. “You were pregnant Abby and you lost the baby when that fuck wad hit you. Hmm I feel so much better getting that out.” She takes a deep breath.
I’m not sure if I hear her correctly, but I think she just said that I was pregnant and I lost my baby. Like Addie, my baby died?
“Abby, did you hear me? You and Evan were in love doll, you were going to have his child. He is totally fucked right now. I think he has actually lost his fucking mind. You refuse his visits and calls. How do you think he feels? He never left your side, he washed you, he changed your clothes, fuck he even learned how to do a fish braid on YouTube so that he could do the things for you that you couldn’t when you were first brought here. He didn’t eat and timed his fucking bathroom breaks for crying out loud. He loves you Abigale Hayes. He loves you hard and you are taking that from him by pushing him away. You’re his angel Abby you’re his everything.”
Amy goes silent as she is sobbing hard. My heart is breaking as I realize what I’ve done.
“You can’t let that go. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Abby you may never get this again.”
“Ok,” is all I say.
“Ok? You will see him?”
I nod.
“Oh thank God Abby because I honestly don’t know how much longer we can keep him from self-destruction at this point. I don’t know what he is up to, but I do know it isn’t good. Will you see him today?”
“Sure.” I’m not sure what to say really. I feel bad for pushing him away. “I’m not making any promises though.” I need to talk to him about our baby, but I feel like there is something else something that…I don’t know what it is.
I haven’t even had time to process the fact that I lost a baby, my baby let alone future plans.
When I look to Amy she has her phone in her hand. “Done, he will be here soon.”
“Why are you so worried about Evan?”
Her face falls to her hands and I see that I’m so lucky to have such an amazing friend.
She lifts her head. “Abby, you deserve everything. You have been through so much in the few years that you have been here on earth and Evan is that for you. You may not see that now, but you did once and you will again.” Amy rises from her chair and sits on the bed next to me. She doesn’t say another word as she holds my hand and we sit in silence.
The concrete is a cold reminder of my life right now. Abby is in the hospital trying to heal and I’m here trying to kill Marco so that he can’t have her. Selfish? Maybe, but he doesn’t want to give her a life, he wants to take her life away. I don’t know that he wants to physically hurt her, but does it matter if it’s physical or mental? Yea, it doesn’t, it’s all bad.
Michael and Natalia are with me. They have my back and while I would like to go on a fucking rampage and kill everyone, I know I can’t do that. If there is any hope of having a real life with Abby in the future I have to keep my head on straight now.
“You good?” Natalia asks.
“Fuck yea,” I groan.
“I’ll call it as soon as you’re clear,” I announce.
“If he makes me then I’ll handle it,” Natalia hisses, but we are a team and we will all handle this shit.
“No! He probably has his own guns in the sky.”
“Yea well if the bitches can catch me then they can have me.” She laughs.
“Smart ass.” This girl is going to get herself killed. Serious death wish.
“I was thinking smart sexy ass,” Michael chimes in.
“Yea you would say that.” Natalia says
Michael has a serious hard on for Natalia that shit is so obvious.
“I’m fine I got this.” I need this.
“I see him Nat he’s sixty…fifty…forty… Fuck!” One of Marco’s hired men is closing in on her.
“I’m made, I’m fucking made,�
� Natalia whispers into her mic. “I’ll lead him away,” she hisses.
“I’ve got this.” I’m going to shoot every one of the fuckers. Marco is coming for Abby with fury and all I see is fire.
“Evan if you start shooting now, we’re all dead.” Natalia disagrees with the original plan. They all die.
I can feel the heat of what is yet to come.
“Sexy I’ve got your six. Clear.” Michael approaches, flanking Natalia on her right.
“Nine o’clock…forty…thirty…”
Just as the two approach Marco’s man, Michael and Natalia duck against the exterior wall of the shopping center at the thirty count. I put one in his forehead. Seamless.
I reload the X9 and gauge the impact on the ground. The passerby’s are now running as the scene is chaotic. Michael and Natalia get into the Yukon set up for a quick getaway and take off.
“See ya on the flip side bro,” Michael yells into the mic. I don’t know why he refuses to understand I’m not deaf. Fucker.
I see Marco’s men hovering around him. His black Mercedes pulls up on the sidewalk and he jumps in. Damn it I can’t get a clear shot.
My phone buzzes in my pocket.
When Marco’s car drives off I secure my weapon and check it.
Amy: She’s ready Evan get your ass over here.
Evan: On my way be there in forty-five.
Amy: K
This right fucking here, is the only reason I’m still sane. Knowing that one day Abby would agree to see me. Abby says that she doesn’t remember me, but I think she remembers something. I have seen the way that I affect her.
Her hands shake, I think I can even see the vein in her neck increase in rhythm, and her breath becomes hitched. She remembers something. My fear is that she remembers the wrong things.
I wanted to tell her the truth the day Marco was in her room, but I couldn’t. Abby told me to get out when she remembered why she ran from me in the first place and then became unconscious shortly after. I think the doctors called it ICP or something like that. She stayed like that for days.
When she did wake up she didn’t remember that she had remembered. I know this is some confusing shit! Try living in my world. Anyway she still didn’t want me around though. She wasn’t mean about it and I truthfully understand her reasons. She’s confused and doesn’t remember the things about our relationship that I do. But, I will not be with her until she knows the truth about her sister’s death.
His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One Page 24