Reverse Cowgirl
Page 4
Alice offered Sadie an apple to chew on while she tacked her up. Once everything was secure, Alice led her out of the stable and mounted her.
“Come on, Lady. Let’s go see the ocean,” she clicked.
Sadie walked her carefully out of the yard and then broke into a trot when the trail opened. She knew exactly where Alice wanted to go. The morning air was cool but the sunshine on Alice’s back kept her toasty warm. She giggled, enjoying the wind in her hair. It was liberating. It didn’t take long to reach the coast. Sadie slowed down as they reached the embankment. She didn’t like walking down the slope, as the shale was often slippery. Alice slid off Sadie’s back and flipped the reins over her head to lead her down the path.
“Come, Sadie, I got you,” she urged, reassuringly.
Sadie followed her, carefully picking her way along. Once they reached the bottom, the beach appeared and they had room to explore. Alice saddled up and they proceeded in a gentle canter.
The tide was low and would be for at least another hour or two. This part of the coastline was relatively flat and free of large rocks and boulders. The sand was a silky gray black color, unique. She knew why developers wanted her ranch so desperately. Most of the properties in the area that butted up to the ocean were quite rugged with steep cliffs and dangerous drop offs. Her land was the only property to have access to the beach and ocean. She was certain that was why her grandparents fell in love with the property. It was almost always isolated because no one had access to it.
Vacation properties and seaside homes were in demand and half the coastline north of San Francisco was already being re-developed. People were paying big bucks for views like hers, and access to an undisturbed and pristine beach was irresistible. They offered her twice what the property was worth, but she couldn’t let it go. It was mornings like this, riding Sadie, the waves lapping against the shoreline with majestic eagles perching high up in the cliffs, that she knew she could never leave.
Everything about this land fed her soul. She was certain if she left she would slowly starve to death.
* * *
Alice took off Sadie’s tack before letting her loose in the corral and made her way into the barn.
When she arrived she was met by Joe, her lead hand. He wasn’t happy and Alice approached him cautiously.
“What is it now?” she asked nervously, placing the saddle down.
“It’s that young hand again. Matt. He was scheduled to do the early morning feeding and mucking, but I guess he tied one on again last night. I could’ve sworn he was still drunk when I hauled him out of bed this morning. Anyway, he wasn’t fit to do the work, so, I did it for him.”
Joe shook his head, taking his gloves off and shoving them into his back pocket. Alice sighed, her frustration obvious.
“I don’t know what to say, Joe. I’m sorry. I know that it’s always you who steps up when others fuck up. You know I appreciate it. You’re the best.”
“This is the third fucking time in a month,” Joe offered flatly. “I think it’s time to let him go.”
Alice nodded. He was probably right, but she had just lost two others who up and quit after talking to Hunter-Johnson. She was short-handed with no real prospects to take their place. On the other hand, she couldn’t have unreliable help on the ranch. These were living and breathing animals and they needed consistent care and attention.
“Ok Joe. I’ll talk to him. Where is he now?” she asked.
Joe gestured towards the back of the barn.
“He’s in lodging. I’m pretty sure he passed out again,” Joe said, crushing out his cigarette.
Joe was more than just an employee. He was a loyal friend and a hard worker. He had been a fixture on the ranch for eighteen years. Alice and Joe’s dads were best buddies, and her father hired Joe right after high school.
Alice had been eleven when he first arrived, and of course she’d had a school girl crush on him. He was handsome when he was younger, but incredibly shy.
Alice used to mistake his shyness for coldness. He rarely spoke to her, but she was just a kid, and of no interest to him. Over time Alice outgrew her crush and instead replaced those feelings with genuine admiration and respect. He had proven his worth time and time again. She couldn’t imagine life on the ranch without him.
Alice made her way to the staff lodge, determined to set things right. It would be difficult letting him go, but it was the right thing to do. She needed people she could count on, even if it meant managing shorthanded for the time being.
She walked in the front door, knocking sharply as she did. Walking down the hallway to his room, she called out but no one answered. His bedroom door was open a crack and she gently pushed it wider, poking her head in.
Matt was sleeping face down, softly snoring into the pillow. She walked over to him and kicked the bed with her boot. He stirred, but didn’t wake up. She shook his shoulder and he looked up.
“Morning, Sunshine,” she said scornfully. “Time to wake up.”
He rolled over, taking a moment to adjust his eyes. Alice stood tall, her hands on her hips and waited.
“Shit,” Matt cursed.
He sat up, cradling his head in his hands. Alice let out a long, drawn out sigh.
“I’m guessing I don’t have to explain why I’m here,” she stated flatly.
Matt looked up at her shaking his head.
“You think I fucked up,” he offered coarsely.
Alice nodded.
“Yeah, you did. Unfortunately, it’s not the first time. Joe told me that this is the third time he’s had to cover your ass in less than a month. It’s not right, Matt. He has his own work to do,” she scolded.
Matt shrugged his shoulders as though he were being reprimanded by his mother for not cleaning his room.
“I need to count on my hands to do the job I’m paying them to do without constant supervision.”
Matt shrugged again, keeping his eyes on the ground. She stopped talking, her silence an invitation for an explanation. He didn’t offer one. She sighed again.
“It’s time for you to go, Matt. Pack up your things and be gone this afternoon,” she ordered.
She turned to leave when he finally he spoke up.
“You can’t fire me, Alice. You fucking need me. We both know you’re completely fucked since Chuck and Donnie moved on. I’ll just take a quick shower and then I’ll get to work.”
He stood.
Alice turned back around, considering his arrogant tone. He wasn’t wrong but enough was enough.
“I don’t need you, Matt. We’ll make do,” she said. “I’ll have Joe give you your last pay before you leave, minus today of course. You can go see him after you get your shit packed.”
She turned and walked away.
“Fucking bitch,” he mumbled as she walked out the door.
She paused but refused to dignify the insult with a reply.
When she got outside she leaned again the wall and let out a deep breath, shaking her head. Joe came around the cornered ambled over to her. She offered him a weak smile. He put his hands in his pockets and gave her a quizzical look.
“It’s done,” she said flatly. “He will be around for his last pay check. Give him money for a taxi.”
Joe spat and shook his head.
“Nah, you don’t have to do that. He won’t appreciate it,” he grumbled.
“No, probably not, but it will make me feel better,” she smiled gently at him. “I know you think I’m a pushover, Joe, but he is just a kid. It is tough enough losing your job, maybe an act of kindness will soften the blow.”
Joe nodded and reached out to pat her on the shoulder. It was a rare thing for Joe to show affection and it caught Alice off guard. She must have had an astonished look because he pulled his hand back quickly. She reached out and took his hand to reassure him, causing him to look down. If she didn’t know better she would have thought he was blushing.
“You are a good woman, Alice,” he comp
limented her quietly under his breath.
She tapped his hand and smiled at him, appreciating his words. He was like a brother to her and his approval was meaningful.
“I’ll take care of it,” he promised.
“Thanks, Joe. I appreciate that.”
And she meant it.
* * *
Alice had just finished putting some horses out to pasture when she saw an old, black Ford pick-up pulling up the lane.
It wasn’t unusual for people to come and go throughout the day, but she didn’t recognize the truck. It pulled around to the barn, and parked in front of the office. Whoever it was sat in the truck, waiting. She closed the pasture gate and headed over to greet him.
When she was about halfway there, Matt cut in front of her, his rucksack in hand. He looked agitated. She looked around for Joe but he was nowhere in sight.
“Matt,” she said calmly, “did Joe take care of you?”
He nodded, his eyes filled with anger. She was intimidated but she refused to show it.
“You’re making a mistake,” he said, not holding back his aggression.
Alice kept her face expressionless.
“You didn’t think this through.”
He spat and then moved in uncomfortably close, but Alice held her ground.
“I’m sorry, Matt. I’ve made up my mind,” she said, her voice unwavering.
He dropped his bag and reached out for her, grabbing her collar with both hands. She was shocked by the assault, and suddenly very frightened. She tried to pull back but he yanked her forward, shaking her in the process. His eyes were bloodshot and filled with rage. He shook her back and forth, contemplating his next move. She struggled to get away, but he wouldn’t let go.
“You fucking bitch!”
He rose one hand to slap her. She closed her eyes and let out a frightened squeal, not recognizing the sound of her own voice. She braced herself for the blow. Instead, she felt his other hand release, as though he had been jerked away. She slipped backward, and unable to regain her balance, tumbled to the ground.
She looked up to see Matt being shoved by a man she had never seen before. He pushed him hard, away from Alice.
Matt looked shocked and put his hands up in front of him. The stranger looked livid and wasn’t backing down. He shoved Matt again.
“You need to get the fuck out of here,” he growled, “before I beat the living shit out of you.”
Matt held his hands up again.
“Ok, ok. I’m going. I just need my bag. It’s over there,” he said, gesturing toward Alice.
The man looked back at Alice, and then at the bag on the ground. She got up, brushing the dirt off her pants, and then leaned over and picked up the bag. She approached the two men, still in shock from the altercation.
The stranger reached his hand out and Alice handed him the rucksack. He took it from her and nodded, his eyes meeting hers, then he turned to Matt and shoved the bag into his chest.
“Tell the lady you’re sorry and then get the fuck off her property,” he said with authority.
Matt looked humbly at Alice and then looked at the ground.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered quietly.
Alice nodded, but said nothing. The man crossed his arms over his chest in a threatening manner, waiting for Matt to leave. Matt complied, running down the lane toward the road.
The stranger turned to her and smiled warmly.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, genuinely concerned.
He reached his hand out and stroked lightly down her arm. It could have been that Alice was still in shock, but she felt an instant current rush through her from his touch, warming her center.
He looked carefully into her eyes, as though assessing her state of mind. His gaze was intoxicating and she found herself looking at him for longer than she should have.
He grinned broadly at her, and she realized she was staring. She chuckled, mentally chiding herself and gave her head a shake.
“I’m ok. Thank you for helping. That completely caught me off guard,” she told him.
“What was that all about?” he asked, his brows raised.
“I fired him this morning. He wasn’t happy,” she said with a dismissive shrug.
She looked the guy up and down, wondering who he was and how he happened to be there. He was very attractive, probably in his early to mid-thirties, with short brown hair and deep blue eyes, his chin sporting a five o’clock shadow. He was tall and quite muscular. His arms boasted beautiful tattoos, clearly done by someone very skilled. He wore jeans and a white t-shirt, his sunglasses tucked carefully into the v-neck of his shirt.
She smiled warmly at him when she realized he was looking her up and down as well.
“He could have really hurt you,” he observed.
Alice nodded in agreement.
“Yes. He probably would have too, if you hadn’t stepped in. I’m Alice White.”
“Billy Turner,” he offered with a grin.
She held out her hand to him and he shook it firmly, the way Alice liked. There was nothing she hated more than a man with a weak handshake. She reluctantly released his hand and gestured toward his truck with a nod.
“What brings you here, Billy?”
He looked around the ranch and then back at her, his smile disarming.
“I’m looking for work.”
Alice cocked her head, regarding him for a moment or two.
“How did you know I was looking for help?” she asked curiously.
He shuffled from one foot to the other and slipped his hands into his front pockets.
“You had it on your website, under ‘Join our team.’ I hope you don’t mind me dropping by in person. I took a chance.”
He grinned.
She nodded at him, Impressed with his initiative.
“Where are you from?”
“Originally? Napa. But at the moment I’m not from anywhere. That’s why I need work,” he explained casually.
Alice nodded, a kind smile forming on her pretty face. It wasn’t uncommon for farm and ranch workers to travel from one place to another. That is why most of the larger farms and ranches had staff accommodations. They would come and stay for the busy season and then move on. Her ranch was a little different, in that she needed help most of the year.
“Do you have experience working on a ranch? Are you familiar with horses?” she questioned.
Billy shrugged and offered her a charming smile.
“To be honest, most of my experience is working in the vineyards. I don’t have a whole lot of experience with the ponies. But I’m a damn hard worker, Alice, and a fast learner. I’ll do whatever needs doing. I’m also pretty handy with tools and with my hands, so if anything needs mending or building, I’m your man. I have experience working construction too.”
Alice appreciated his honesty. It would be a pain in the ass training him in the stables, but he looked like he would catch on quickly, and he had a strong back. Plus, there were a lot of things around the ranch that needed repairing. The truth was, she didn’t have a whole lot of options right now.
“Where was the last place you worked?” she asked curiously.
He cocked his head and looked at her warmly. She felt her body stir in response to his stare. Embarrassed, she broke his gaze and stood up a little straighter.
“I worked for a few months on an organic farm just outside of Sacramento. I was helping to get the fields ready. We planted thousands of seedlings working from March until about a week ago. They asked me to come back at the end of August, to help with the harvest, so I’ll need something in the interim,” he explained.
Alice had a good feeling about Billy. Not only because he stepped in and stopped Matt from assaulting her, but also because she was desperate. He was in the right place at exactly the right time. She couldn’t help wondering if her parents were watching out for her and had sent Billy her way.
“The truth is, Billy, I can’t pay very much. I have a lot
of transitions happening at the moment and while there’s a ton of work, I don’t have a lot of extra resources,” she explained, honestly.
Billy shrugged.
“I’m happy working for food and lodging, maybe a small stipend at the end of each month. I think you will find me to be quite helpful. I promise I won’t cause any trouble. You won’t regret it. I can provide you with references if you need them,” Billy said, offering his hand again for her to shake. “Do we have a deal?”
Alice smiled and shook his hand again, enjoying the way her hand fit perfectly into in his.
“Ok, let’s give it a try. Can you start tomorrow?” she asked hopefully.
Billy nodded his head and smiled.
“I can start today if you want. I’m ready to work, if you have time to show me where I’ll be sleeping and give me a quick tour?” Billy suggested.
Alice was impressed by his confidence.
“Sure, I can do that. I’ll also take you to meet Joe and he can give you a list of duties. One thing I forgot to mention, Billy. I ask that if you want to drink booze or smoke pot, do so on your own time. You will get two days off a week, so you can party on your off days. We have early mornings around here, and no time to deal with debilitating hang overs. The horses can’t wait for their care. Do you have an issue with that?” she asked cautiously.
Billy gave her a reassuring smile.
“Actually, Alice, I’m not much of a drinker and I don’t smoke,” he admitted.
Alice let out a sigh of relief.
“You’re perfect,” she blurted mindlessly.
Billy raised his eyebrows and smirked. Suddenly, Alice became aware of her mistake and chuckled.
“I mean, that’s perfect,” she corrected. “Come on, I’ll show you to the lodge,” she said, gesturing for him to follow.
“This is your room,” she said, opening the door to the largest room in the lodge.