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Wild Rides: 10 Blazing Hot Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

Page 34

by Dez Burke

  Piper’s eyes grew wide and she found herself sputtering. “Gun-running operation?”

  Jace winced, his smoky grey eyes looking directly into hers. “Yeah. My club is in serious trouble. Our President allowed greed to cloud his judgment and now everything is messed up.”

  She watched him carefully, her hands on her hips, and he shifted, not from the discomfort of her stare but from the way she affected him physically, their eyes tangling together. “They’re with the ATF - Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. They’re just following up on a tip they got regarding a gun smuggling organization in the area. They know my club is involved, they just can’t prove it. That’s why they want me to roll on them.”

  Trying to process everything, Piper could only nod, disappointment clouding her eyes.

  “Are you going to help them?”

  “I’m really not sure. I have to think things through. Besides, it’s not like I had time to even talk to them with you barging in like you did.” He grinned up at her, all teeth, his voice so rough and sexy that Piper felt her knees weaken.

  “You didn’t seem to know what you were doing and I wanted answers before they got a warrant for your arrest and you were taken in. I needed to make sure that your club...those kind of men wouldn’t show up here looking for you.” As soon as she said that, she knew she’d made a mistake, and she bit her lip to keep from saying anything else.

  But it was too late, and Jace was intrigued. “You were listening in.” He motioned to his leather coat, slung over a chair off to the side. “You think because I’m a biker that I’m a criminal?” ‘Those kind of men’, as you say...they are like family to me. Most of them are good guys who just want to support their families, take care of their businesses.” His voice was a deep growl, and she felt herself tremble from both his intensity and how incredibly sexy he was.

  But she had no way to answer him. When she had seen him for the first time, she figured he probably was a low-life hustler, and yet she was intensely attracted to him. Even when she’d dated, she had never gone for the bad boy type, and Jace Dawson was completely off the scale when it came to dangerous. But he had some sort of magnetic draw, a genuine charisma that drew her in like no one ever had before. And it terrified her.

  “We don’t get federal agents in here very often, and I’m responsible for a staff of nurses up here. If something bad is potentially on the horizon, like something that could erupt in a shooting match on my floor, I’d like the chance to stop it from happening.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” Jace replied sharply, trying to keep the mirth out of his voice. “Look, I can’t stay here. When word gets out that agents showed up here looking to talk to me, every club including my own will come looking for me. How long before the doc releases me?”

  Almost able to taste her own fear, Piper shivered. “We usually keep gunshot wound patients overnight just to make sure there’s no internal bleeding.”

  “I can’t stay overnight.” Jace replied with far more calm than he felt.

  “You really should work with the ATF agents.” It was a simple statement, she knew, and despite the fact that it sounded like the right thing to do, she knew it wasn’t that easy.

  He started to answer her, but Donnie walked into the room and Jace’s lips tightened, confusion taking over, his gaze narrowing.

  “Hey, Jace.”

  “How did you know I was here?” Jace questioned.

  “One of the Angels told my cousin that he hit one of our guys this morning, and I knew it had to be you. I knew that this is the only hospital you’d come to.” He moved closer to the bed, cutting his eyes toward Piper suspiciously, who stood trembling in fear. “We gotta talk, Jace.”

  Jace met Piper’s gaze and nodded. “She’s okay. She already got the law off my ass, for the moment anyway.”

  “It’s not the law I’m worried about,” Donnie told him, real fear in his eyes. “You’ve got bigger problems right now.”

  Frowning, Jace knew exactly what he meant. “I’m assuming you aren’t referring to the ones who shot me.”

  Again, Donnie shook his head. “Your problems are closer to home, if you know what I mean.”

  Piper followed the exchange but didn’t understand. What could be worse than having federal agents and angry members of rival motorcycle clubs chasing after you?

  Donnie looked like he was going to fall apart, his voice low and gruff. “Word has it Alec got a pretty heavy phone call that pissed him off, with his source threatening to kill the deal because of you. He called for a price on your head, Jace. We’re talking six figures, brother. He’s not fucking around.”

  “Fuck.” The growl in his voice wasn’t fear. It was a reflection of the hard strike of betrayal he felt tightening his chest, clawing at his heart. He nodded to Donnie. “Thanks, brother.”

  “What does this mean?” Piper’s voice was strained.

  “It means that I can’t stay here. Others will hear about this and they’ll come looking for me. With a price on my head, everyone will be out for blood.”

  Jace turned to Donnie, and his lips parted as though to speak, but no words came out.

  “Just me, brother.”

  Jace nodded. Donnie knew exactly what he had been thinking. He only had Donnie left on his side - no one else could be trusted.

  Donnie breathed out a deep sigh. “You gotta get out of here, Jace. You gotta disappear for awhile...until things cool down.” His voice held a note of warning.

  Jace nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I know. Thanks, man. How long you think I got?”

  Donnie shrugged. “Couple of hours.”

  The word was spreading fast. He was sure there was someone on the inside besides Alec who’d sent the Angels after him and who knew this was all about to go crazy. He couldn’t trust anyone in his own motorcycle club. Men he’d known for more than a decade were suddenly strangers, people he had to be wary of.

  “Spread the word that I’m going home in the morning...that I’m still in surgery. That’ll give me time to get out of here and get a head start.”

  Donnie nodded and reached out to pat Jace on the leg. “Take care, brother.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Piper rushed to Jace’s side, panic edging past logic. “You can’t leave. Your can’t leave like this.”

  “I don’t have a choice. If I stay, I’m as good as dead anyway.” Jace tried to sit up, and the shooting pain in his side gave him a warning of what it would feel like when the pain meds that dripped through the IV finally wore off.

  Piper understood, and the words spilled from her lips before she could stop them. “Then let me take care of you. I have an apartment not far from here. You can stay there for a few days.”

  “That’s not a good idea.” Jace knew just how much danger he’d be putting her in, and there was no way he was dragging an innocent woman into this mess.

  “If you go on the run before you’re fully healed, you could end up dead.” Piper’s voice was steady and she was surprised at just how serious she was.

  Jace shook his head but noticed the flicker in her gaze. “I won’t put you in danger. You don’t even know me.”

  “I know that you’re hurt, that you have to recover, and that you just want to end all of this...right?”

  He couldn’t believe that this woman cared so much, that she would be willing to risk so much for a complete stranger.

  “So you believe me?”

  Piper nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  He could see that she meant it. He rapped his knuckles against the steel railing of his hospital bed and a feeling of reluctance stirred in his chest. He knew that he shouldn’t involve her, but he simply nodded in agreement.

  “I’ll be right back.” Piper quipped, rushing from the room.

  She headed for the nurse’s station, intent on swiping a bottle of pain medication and bandages, everything she’d need to keep his wounds clean and healing. She’d have to find a way to cover her own a
ss, too, she thought. She didn’t intend to lose her job, not when she needed it so badly. She had to be careful and avoid the cameras in the hallway.

  She made her way to the medicine cabinet, swiping a bottle of hydrocodone and pocketing it quickly. Suddenly, even with the adrenalin coursing through her veins at what she was about to do, reality hit her and she felt the weight of all that she was about to risk crash down on her chest like a ton of bricks. She leaned against the wall, sliding down to the floor, struggling to breath, to think rationally. Yet despite all logic and the incredible risk to her career and all that she had worked so hard for, she was still willing to help him. Nothing, not even the thought of losing her job or the possibility of being arrested seemed more important than helping this impossibly beautiful stranger with the steel-grey eyes. Pushing herself up to her feet, she gathered the rest of the supplies and took a deep breath to steady herself and focus.

  He needs my help, she thought. He needs me.

  With newfound determination, she returned to Jace’s room where she found him sitting on the side of the bed in obvious pain. She quickly removed the IV as he started dressing himself. With trembling fingers, she acted silently until it was all done. “Don’t leave this room until I come back for you, alright? We have to leave through the back entrance or there’ll be questions.”

  Jace merely nodded, and she ran back to the nurses’ station, waiting as she watched the time tick by until Carrie came back from her rounds.

  “Did you see him?” she asked, eyeing Piper.

  Piper nodded and swallowed hard, not having to fake a sour face as bile rose in her throat. “Yes, I met him. He’s an interesting character, that’s for sure. He’s had his medication so he’s good for the night.” She motioned to Jace’s room. “He’ll probably get signed out tomorrow or the next day.” Piper knew that Carrie’s shift was about to end, and by morning when she returned she would just assume that the biker signed himself out.

  “Oh.” She frowned. “Well, so much for nursing him back to health. It looks like you’ve already got it under control. Alright, have a good night. I’m going to head out now.”

  “Take it easy, Carrie. See you tomorrow.”

  Piper waited for Carrie to leave before heading back to Jace’s room.

  “Are you ready?”

  He nodded, his eyes searching her face. “Are you sure that you want to do this?”

  “No,” Piper replied with a smile. “But I’m doing it anyway. Let’s go, we have to leave through the back entrance to avoid being seen on camera. There’s an entrance to the parking garage across the sky bridge from the second floor. I’ll be a few minutes behind you. Just make your way to the garage and wait for me, okay? Stay out of sight.”

  He wanted to ask about his bike, but he realized it would be better to leave it where it was, at least for now. He didn’t need anyone seeing him on it and he was in no shape to be driving it anyway. So instead, he nodded and followed her instructions, not sure why she was doing all of this, but trusting in her judgment and her promise.

  He stepped toward her, his head lowered until his cheek was beside hers, his lips at her ear. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Piper froze, feeling the heat of his breath on her ear. She felt herself melt, an intense ache stirring in her most sensitive areas.

  He still didn’t understand why she was helping him, but something about the way she had looked deep into his eyes with genuine concern told him that she knew what she was doing. And for the first time in Jace’s life, he put his trust in a woman. He only hoped that he didn’t live to regret it.

  Chapter Seven

  He made it to the parking garage, hiding in the shadows, watching the entrance for any sign of Piper. As promised, within a few minutes she appeared, her face flushed, breathless, her fingers trembling as she struggled to slide the key into the ignition of her car. Within seconds they were pulling onto the highway, the flickering lights of the hospital disappearing into the backdrop.

  They drove in silence for what felt like an eternity, Piper’s mind racing.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  It wasn’t until she was just a few minutes away from home that she decided she couldn’t take the silence anymore.

  “What exactly happened today, Jace? How did your club get involved in all of this?”

  “There was a delivery of guns that came in today...a lot of money traded hands in the exchange. I found myself mixed up in it all, but I warned the middleman that the agreement was coming to an end. Tried to kill the deal. I just wanted to clean up the club, protect my brothers, and get things back on track. Our club president, Alec, well...he didn’t like my stirring up trouble for him, so he put a price on my head.” He paused, sighing deeply, his eyes suddenly finding their way to Piper. “And despite the fact that I’m trying to shut the operation down, some of the other clubs already know we’re treading on their territory, which is why the Angels came after me today.”

  “Why are you even involved, Jace? If you think this is such a bad idea, why didn’t you stop it sooner?”

  He shook his head. The same question had burned through his own mind, unanswered. As a low rumble of resignation tumbled from his lips, he told her, “I didn’t know about the first few exchanges. They were small-time, just a few thousand dollars. Alec didn’t share details about his operation until he was pulling in a hundred grand, and by then it was just too late. Rather than send any of my guys in and have them end up getting hurt, I took the heat. I’m the vice president, it’s my job, you know? These guys were my family, my responsibility.”

  Piper nodded, noting the sincerity in his words even though she still didn’t understand why he’d put his neck on the line when it could cost him his life. His club obviously meant a lot to him, the members like family, but she didn’t know anyone who would risk so much for another. And where were they now when he needed them the most?

  “And this Alec guy – why won’t anyone else go after him?”

  “Because he’s the leader. He runs the club. You don’t question the President. And Alec’s ruthless. He’s made it very clear that if anyone crosses him, he’s not above taking them out. If he’s willing to put this kind of a price on my head, he’s showing other members just how serious he really is. No one will speak against him after this. Turning on me made sure of that.” His voice was dark, tortured.

  The truth was, Jace still held out hope that he could find at least one or two other members like Donnie who would remain loyal to him since he didn’t think he could kill the operation by himself, but he knew the odds were stacked against him.

  Seeing the frustration and concern lining his face as she pulled into her parking space, Piper was overwhelmed with both fear and understanding. By defying the code of honor that governed their club, Jace had alienated himself from everyone he had once trusted. He had cut the family ties and went against his own. It seemed like such a difficult thing to do and yet, if she let herself consider what she’d just done, she knew if her family ever found out, they would likely turn their backs on her as well and she’d wind up just as alone.

  “Once we get inside, I’ll show you how to clean the stitches without tearing them. You probably want to take a shower or something. I don’t have any clothes here that would fit you, though. I haven’t exactly done much dating, especially guys your size, but...” she trailed off, suddenly embarrassed, knowing she was rambling.

  Jace, however, was amused. “I’ll be fine, thanks. There’s no one looking for me over on this side of town so if I keep my head down, I’m sure I can grab what I need to get me through a few days and then I’ll be out of your hair for good.”

  Piper nodded, disappointment knotting her throat. She forced herself to look away.

  “Sounds good.”

  Jace hadn’t missed the way that her eyes dropped to the steering wheel, how she twisted her hair in her fingers nervously. Why this girl wanted to help him in the first place baffled him, but he
r reaction when he mentioned leaving in just a few short days surprised him even more. If times were different, if there wasn’t a hit out on him, he may have considered exploring this intense attraction that he felt towards the pretty, curvy nurse. But with so much on the line, it wasn’t their just couldn’t happen.

  “Let’s get inside,” he replied, his tone commanding. It sent a rumble of desire through her body and she could only nod in agreement.

  Chapter Eight

  Once inside of the safety of her apartment, she quickly locked the deadbolt and pointed down the hall. “The bathroom is just down the hall. I’m going to get the antiseptic spray and bandages from my supply closet.” She would help him clean and dress both wounds, and while he finished cleaning up, she’d get bedding and everything ready for him to stay the night. She tensed at the idea of a strange man sleeping on her sofa, something she hadn’t considered when she’d offered to help, but she’d already jumped in headfirst and couldn’t back out now. And she had to admit, she had never been so incredibly attracted to anyone before.

  As she stepped into the bathroom and saw him standing in front of the mirror with nothing on other than a pair of low-slung jeans, her mouth immediately went dry and she forced herself to look away. As beautiful as he’d been before, now, as he stood semi-naked in front of her, she couldn’t help but appreciate the curve of his body, his tan skin highlighted by a series of tattoos, the bright light darkening the shadows of each line that defined his muscular build.

  As Jace watched her approach, he caught the heat in Piper’s eyes and he had to grind his teeth together in an effort to remain in control and not lose himself in his hunger for her. He’d never been so desperate to put his hands on a woman, yet he couldn’t understand how she had such an effect on him. She wasn’t his usual type at all, but none of that mattered. She was still one of the sexiest women that he had ever met, and definitely one of the kindest.


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