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Wild Rides: 10 Blazing Hot Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

Page 87

by Dez Burke

  "Stop!" Ruby's legs were trembling. "I didn't—"

  "I'm sure you did," Alex said. His face turned calm, sympathetic, but his words still stung. "Look, let's talk it over. We can figure it out."

  He leaned forward to close the door, but Ruby pulled it wide open to leave.

  "No," she said. She was not staying to talk. She wasn't staying a moment longer. To her surprise, Alex grabbed her with a strong arm and slammed her against the wall. He leaned into her face, his breath hot and strong with alcohol.

  "Listen here, you little bitch—"

  That was it. Ruby brought her knee up into Alex's crotch with one sure shot.


  Without hesitating for another second, Ruby shoved Alex away and ran. She was halfway down the hall before she looked back, but Alex wasn't following her. Tipsy and shaken, she made her way down the stairwell to the hotel lobby.

  "Miss, can I help you with something?" the hotel concierge asked. "A dinner reservation, maybe?"

  She looked at him, her eyes wild with fear. How strange, that he was acting normal. She felt as though the whole world should be shaking, broken, after what had happened. Her mind was whirling with different thoughts.

  "A taxi?" she said.

  "Of course," the concierge said. "I'll call one up and it should be here in twenty minutes or so."

  "Twenty minutes?" Ruby's pulse was still beating hard in her ears. She couldn't wait twenty minutes to get out of here.

  "I'm sorry," the hotel concierge said. "There's only one taxi company nearby, and they're a bit of a drive. If it's an emergency, you could borrow the hotel car."

  "It's not," Ruby said. "I mean, I can't drive. I'm in no condition to drive. See?" She waved at herself, then wished she hadn't.

  The concierge took the opportunity to look her over. She saw his eyes pause on her red-streaked cheeks, then move down her bare neck to her hips. She coughed, and he shrugged, looking away towards the back of the hotel.

  "There's the hotel bar if you want to wait..."

  "No," she said, too abruptly. "No, no thank you. I just...I just need to step outside for a while."

  The concierge looked at her as though she was crazy, and maybe she was. Walking away from him, she felt his oily gaze slide down the backs of her thighs, down her bare skin.

  She wished she could drive, but the world still spun around her. A pressure jolting through her head made her stumble. Her hand pressed against her temple, and she felt herself begin to cry. She bit her hand, bit back the aching sob that threatened, just now, at her throat, to betray her.

  Taking out her cell phone, she was not surprised to see the battery empty, the screen blank.

  The contract. He would never send it to her now. How stupid of her, to let them take the only copy. Tears stung her lips. She pressed her lips together, to block out the sadness. If she could not taste it, it wasn't real. Maybe he would pity her, and send them anyway...

  "Stop it!" she hissed to herself. How low had she come, that she would even think about begging for another man's pity? She would never do such a thing again. And anyway, Alex had a picture of her holding a cocktail, leaning against what was obviously a hotel minibar. She furrowed her brow and shook the image out of her thoughts. more of this. Please. I can't take any more.

  "I can't take it," she said. She bit her lip and walked on.

  Turning her head to check that Alex was not coming after her, she lost her balance and had to pause. The hotel shone brightly against the rapidly darkening sky.

  She turned and let the hotel disappear from her sight and from her thoughts. She stood up as tall as she could. She began to walk.

  Finding herself at the exit of the hotel's parking lot, Ruby looked out down the highway. The road stretched out into the dark blue night, the old white paint on the black asphalt shining still brightly with moonlight. Reflections of a reflection.

  Rows of corn lined her path, and she stayed to the right-hand side of the road. In the direction of the airport, the only other piece of civilization she knew in this strange not-wilderness, she walked.

  It might have been minutes later or an hour, she did not know. At the end of the road in the middle of the darkness, a pinpoint of light emerged. The taxi?

  As the light grew bigger, she hesitated, pulling herself closer to the cornfield at her side.. Only one light. A motorcycle? Josh? Or someone else?

  She was too far from the hotel to go back. If it was Josh, she would be fine. But if it was anyone else...

  What had he said? Mean creatures?

  The light was almost on top of her, closer, brighter, and she did not know what she would do until—



  Ruby stepped out to the side of the road and waved her hand as she yelled. She recognized the helmet as Josh's as she did, and a hope rose in her heart. The motorcycle shot past her with a roar.

  She stepped out into the road and watched the taillight wobble as the brakes screeched. The motorcycle slid to a stop.

  Josh trundled the motorcycle around and revved the engine as he rode back a hundred feet to where Ruby was waiting.

  All at once she felt the chill of the night hit her. She was drunk. She wrapped her arms over her chest and waited for him to take his helmet off. On his face was a look of concern.


  "Ruby." Josh jumped off of the bike and swept her into his arms in a strong hug. If it had been any other time, Ruby might have resented the intimacy. Now, though, she buried her face in his chest and choked back a sob. Her hands clutched at his broad shoulders.

  "What are you doing out here?" he asked.

  "I didn't want to stay... I was at the hotel..."

  "I was talking to a friend who said that most east coast flights were canceled. So I went to Agricorp to tell you, but they said you had already left with someone. The head of Agricorp. Is that right?"

  Ruby looked up into Josh's face. There was a bit of suspicion still in them, and it hurt her to see that in him. Even if it was justified.

  "The guy...Alex...I thought it was just business, but he..."

  Ruby gestured with one hand, but Josh stood patiently, waiting. A thickness in her throat made her scared to finish, but she pushed past it.

  "...he wanted more."

  Josh's brows furrowed.

  "You shouldn't have gone with him."

  "I didn't know he wanted to—"

  "I don't mean that. Lord." Josh brushed one hand through his hair. "That's not at all what I meant. But that guy, Alex. I know him. Well, I know of him. He's not welcome here."

  Josh was stammering through his short sentences.

  "What are you saying?" Ruby asked.

  "Look. Nothing. Nothing." Josh looked around. "He's back at the hotel?"

  "Yes. Who cares? Let's just go." Ruby reached for the motorcycle helmet, but Josh stopped her.

  "And you didn't know him from before?" he asked.

  "What—why do you care?" Ruby was astonished. How could he care more about Alex than about her? But when she looked into Josh's eyes she saw a sternness that wasn't there before.

  "I need to know exactly whose side you're on," Josh said firmly.

  "What the fuck does that even mean?" Ruby threw her hands up in the air. "I'm not on anyone's side."

  "You left me without saying anything. You went back with Alex—"

  "To talk business!" Ruby was near tears. "How could you even do this to me?"

  "Do what?"

  "Blame me for this! As though it was my fault he assaulted me! And I didn't leave you, I didn't!"

  "Assaulted you?" Josh's face fell.

  "I didn't leave you at all! You left me!" Ruby said, pushing a finger into Josh's chest.


  "Last night. You left me! And I was all alone and I tried to find you and there were wolves, and...and..." Something inside of Ruby shattered, and she broke down into sobs against Josh's chest. Still, she could feel him tense,
holding back.

  "What did you see?" he asked finally. His voice was low, and there was a threat of danger in it that made her pulse skip a beat.

  "What?" She wasn't sure she understood.

  "Last night. What did you see?"

  "Who cares what I saw? The point is... the point is..."

  She stuttered to a stop. What was the point?

  "Ruby, I need you to tell me one thing." Josh was looking at her plaintively. "Last night. You saw wolves."


  "Did you see anything else?"

  "What, like panthers? Polar bears? Penguins? No, I saw wolves. And it was scary. And you weren't there. That's the point." There it was.

  Josh's nostrils flared slightly.

  "You're not one of them, then?"

  "One of them? Who's them?" Ruby was completely lost. All of the hurt, all of the pain inside of her burst into a fiery rage. She didn't want anything to do with this anymore. She wanted to fly back home and curl up with a cup of coffee and be done with this completely. Josh's face was hard, and he turned away from her and swung his leg over the motorcycle. How could she ever have thought he was attractive? He was a total jerk. Just like Alex.

  "Okay. Never mind. Get on the bike. We're going home."

  "No! I'm not staying with you. As far as I'm concerned, everyone in this entire state is certifiably insane. I want you to take me to the airport."

  "I thought your flight was canceled."

  "I don't care!" Ruby cried. "I don't care. I don't want anything to do with you. And if you're going to blame me for any of this, well, I don't need that kind of help!"

  His eyes swept the cornfields. He was ignoring her.

  "Get on the bike."

  "No. I'll walk to the damn airport myself!"

  She went to turn but did not take a single step. Glinting eyes shimmered from deep in the rows of corn. Terror froze her. Was she imagining the eyes? Or were there really wolves out there?

  A low growl shuddered her body, but it was only the motorcycle revving. Josh's hand grabbed her arm and she spun to see him looking out into the fields.

  "Get on. Come on!"

  The eyes came closer, but Josh was already pulling her onto the back of his motorcycle. She barely managed to wrap her arms around his chest as he gunned the engine and sped off. Turning to look at the darkness behind them, Ruby could only make out the shape of dim shadows skulking in the middle of the road.


  The road sped by underneath, and Ruby was dizzy. She wasn't even wearing a helmet, and the fear pounding through her veins sobered her up more than the cold wind on her face.

  All along the highway she thought she saw animals, eyes in the cornfields. Then she would blink and they'd be gone.

  She leaned forward and pressed her cheek to Josh's back, closing her eyes. The roar of the motorcycle purred through her entire body. Without a helmet, she could hear the sound of his heartbeat racing. Was he afraid of something? She felt horrible for insulting him, and tears leaked slowly out of the corner of her eyes. Horrible. This whole night had been horrible. When Josh pulled into the dirt road and came to a stop in front of the cabin, she got off of the motorcycle with trembling legs.

  "Did you really want to go to the airport?" Josh said softly. He was still on the bike, waiting.

  "No," Ruby said. "They wouldn't be open anyway this late."

  "Okay," Josh said."I can take you there tomorrow first thing in the morning."

  "I'm—I'm sorry."

  Josh got off of the bike, saying nothing. She followed him up to the cabin and inside. He stood near the sink, as though uncertain of what to do. She came up behind him and touched his shoulder lightly.

  "I'm sorry that I didn't trust you. I thought...I don't know what I was thinking."


  Josh turned to look straight at her.

  "I should have trusted you, too," he said. "It's not... it's not your fault. None of this. Especially what happened with that asshole."

  Ruby felt another wave of tears crash against the backs of her eyes. Remembering what had happened not an hour ago... the drinks... Alex's hand on her... She pressed her lips together and tried hard not to cry. Josh's face melted into compassion, and she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly.

  He hesitated for a second, and then his arms came up and he pulled her closer to him. She could feel his warm breath, and he kissed the top of her head softly.

  "I don't want to be just another asshole," he whispered. "Not to you."

  "You're not."

  "I shouldn't drag you into all this," he said.

  Ruby shook her head, too choked up to speak. She didn't know what he meant, but she only wanted him to hold her.

  "Tell me now," he said, taking a step back, his hands gripping her arms firmly. She reached up to touch his face, but he caught her hand and held it.

  "Ruby. Tell me." A profound indecision wracked his features.

  "Tell you what?" she whispered.

  "I can't— I don't know what you want."

  "What I want?" she asked.

  He breathed heavily.

  "I won't touch you if you don't want it, but for God's sake, Ruby—"

  "I want it," she said, understanding finally his hesitation. "I want it. Oh, Josh—"

  Before she could decide what else to do, Josh had leaned over and closed the distance between them. His lips pressed against hers and the smell of his body flooded her senses, the earthy scent of leather mixed with his cologne, the smell of the country and his skin. She gasped and his mouth was on hers, taking away the last breath she had left in her.

  His arms were around her and there was only a moment of hesitation before she let him take control, her practicality flung out into the wind and the cornfields. His hands were all over her body, his strong fingers stroking her hips, and flames of desire shot through her body.

  She had not felt anything so intensely since - lord, she didn't know when she had felt anything this intense. The ache inside of her had leapt up to the front of her mind, and as Josh caressed her body she felt it respond to every touch. A small whimper escaped her lips as Josh's mouth moved down to her neck.

  This. This was everything she'd wanted last night.

  "Oh, yes," Ruby murmured. She felt his hard muscles under his shirt, and then he was tearing that off and his chest was bare. Her fingers moved over his skin greedily.


  "God, I've wanted to do this to you since I first saw you," he said. His hands moved quickly, unbuttoning her blouse as his lips pressed hot kisses on her neck. She was back against the kitchen counter, and he lifted her up easily to sit on top.

  He kissed her hard, and she ran her fingers through his hair, her nails slightly skimming over his skin. She kicked her heels off and wrapped her legs around him just as he pressed forward. She could feel him now against her thigh, hard and insistent under his jeans. She had never wanted anything so much.

  She moaned as he moved his kisses down her neck to her chest. His hands came around her back and unhooked her bra, then flung it to the side.


  His mouth was on her breast, sucking at her nipple. One hand still supported her back and the other moved to the front, his thumb sliding over her nipple, teasing it until it was hard as he was. Between her thighs she ached for him, and she felt her hips tilt forward toward him. His hand slipped under her skirt, holding her thigh, moving towards her most sensitive part. She was already wet, so wet...

  "Oh, Josh, yes, please, please—"

  He sucked hard and she cried out as the pleasure thrilled through her body, turning her slick with desire and making her squirm. Then he stopped and stepped back, deftly pulling off her panties from under her skirt. He stepped back between her legs before she had time to even take a breath.

  Her fingers tugged at his jeans, scrabbling at the zipper even as he kissed her again. Hot lips, hot tongue. Oh, god, the pressure, the ache
, the desire! She wanted him more than she'd ever wanted anyone. She wanted him to help her forget all that had happened today. And then he was shucking off his pants and then he was naked. She gasped when she saw what he had for her. Long, thick, and pulsing with desire. He kissed her cheek softly and guided her hand to his cock. It throbbed under her fingers.

  "Tell me you want this," he whispered in her ear.

  "Yes. Please," Ruby said. "Josh, I want you so bad. I want you to take me. Please. I need it. I need you—"

  His arm was around her in an instant, pulling her to the edge of the kitchen counter. She felt his hard cock slide between her thighs and she opened herself up for him, her mouth falling open in a silent gasp. He slid into her, not all the way, and in that first moment she writhed in his arms, the tip of his cock teasing her folds and turning the volume of her desire up to high. He smiled to see her writhe in his arms but held her back, his arms supporting her easily. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, trying to keep control even then.

  "More. Please. Take me." She was whimpering, begging, but she didn't care. She needed this. "All the way. Josh, take me—"

  With one smooth motion, he plunged himself deep into her. Stars exploded into light behind her eyelids, and she felt her body buck against the hard cock that was stretching her.

  "Easy, now," Josh said. He held her so that she was half-resting on the edge of the kitchen counter. He rocked himself back, then forward again into her. She bit down on her lip and tried not to cry out as he moved into her again.

  "More. Please, more. Take me—"


  Ruby opened her eyes and saw Josh looking at her with fierce desire. Sweat glistened in a shimmer on his upper lip. One strong hand came up and caressed her cheek. She kissed the rough pad of his thumb as he moved his hand over her lips. His gaze fixed on hers, he rocked forward again, filling her, stretching her, his eyes locked on hers the whole time. Her breath burned hot in her throat as she felt his thickness push against her. His face was inches from hers, and he began to rock inside of her while watching her. She was transfixed.

  "Now," he murmured. She was about to speak but then he thrust into her fully, and her words turned into a moan.


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