Anguissola, Sofonisba: The Artist’s Three Sisters … 172
animals: as bridegrooms 279–80; Cartesian views of 145–6; as familiars 143, 145, 157, 204, 291, 356, 356; metamorphosis xvii, 125, 142, 145, 204–5, 286, 291, 299, 308, 353–8; re-evaluation of 280; talking 142; see also bears; donkeys; goats; rams; wolves; hair
Anjou, René d’: Le Livre du cueur d’amours espris (The Book of the Heart Smitten with Love) 45
Anna (prophetess) 84–6, 85
Anne, St xx, 65, 79, 80, 81–4, 84, 85–6, 87, 87–90, 89, 91–2, 94, 95, 158
Anne of Austria, Queen of France 81, 82, 83, 92
Anne, Duchesse de Bretagne 82, 89, 89
Anthony, Saint 121
Anthony of Padua, Saint 139, 139
anti-Semitism 4, 71, 98, 123, 140
Antonisz, Cornelisz. 26, 32
Aphrodite 51, 57, 363, 406
Apollo 10, 10, 67, 72, 75, 259
Apollonius of Tyre 326, 332, 349
Apuleius, Lucius 19, 145, 172, 353, 362; The Golden Ass xviii, 1, 14, 16, 18, 143–4, 145, 148, 259, 315; ‘Cupid and Psyche’ xviii, 14, 18, 142, 148, 209, 218, 223–4, 273–6, 277, 278, 284, 288, 318, 326, 364
Arabian Nights, The xix, 17, 24, 166, 274, 396
Aristides of Miletus 14
Aristotle 58; Politics 29
asses see donkeys
astrological signs 374, 376–7, 376, 379–80
Atwood, Margaret 194, 270
Aucassin et Nicolette xviii, 173–4
Auden, W. H.: The Rake’s Progress 57
audiences, changes in 213–14, 237, 297, 409–10, 411, 412
Augustus, Emperor 67, 69, 153
Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Baronne d’ xi, xiii, 24, 163–4, 165, 166, 172, 232, 233–34, 277, 284–6, 293, 294, 307, 333, 411; ‘Beauty and the Beast’ 290, 299; ‘La Belle aux cheveux d’or’ (Beauty with the Golden Hair) 362, 363; ‘Bellebelle, ou le Chevalier Fortuné’ 135; ‘Blue Bird’ see L’Oiseau bleu; ‘La Chatte blanche’ (The White Cat) 25, 166, 240, 354; Contes des fées (Tales of the Fairies) xi, 165, 234; ‘Le Dauphin’ (The Dolphin) 288; Don Fernand de Tolède 252; Don Gabriel Ponce de Léon 162–3; ‘The Hind in the Wood’ 166; ‘L’Ile de la félicité’ (The Isle of Happiness) 76, 161–2, 286; Memoirs 165, 285–6; ‘Le Mouton’ (The Ram) 286–8; ‘Le Nain jaune’ (The Yellow Dwarf); 166, 234, 252–3, 287, 288; Nouveaux contes des fées 234; ‘L’Oiseau bleu’ (The Blue Bird) 166–7, 232, 354; ‘Prince Marcassin’ (Prince Wild Boar)288; ‘Queen Mab …’ 78; ‘Le Serpentin vert’ (The Great Green Worm) 25, 134, 232, 288–90; ‘The White Cat’ see La Chatte blanche; ‘The Yellow Dwarf’ see Le Nain jaune
Auneuil, Louise, Comtesse d’ 232; ‘La Tyrannie des fées détruite’ 232–3
‘Babes in the Wood’ 211
Baburen, Dirck van: The Procuress 46–7; Pl. 5
Balaam and his ass 137–9, 141, 142
Baldung Grien, Hans 145, 356, 374; Creation of Woman 356–7
Barbara, Saint 339, 343, 343–4, 368
Barbari, Jacopo de’: Satyr Family 359
barrenness (infertility) 81–2, 83, 84, 220, 221–2
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (Bartholomew de Glanville): On the Property of Things 58–9
Bartók, Béla: Duke Bluebeard’s Castle (opera) 268–9
Basile, Giambattista 172, 322, 346; ‘La Gatta Cenerentola’ (The Cinderella Cat) 205–6, 207, 356; ‘L’Orsa’ (The She-Bear) 283, 320–1, 345, 356; II Pentamerone (Lo cunto de li cunti) 17, 127, 148–50, 152, 222, 223, 274, 320, 348, 378; ‘Sapia Liccarda’ 251, 252; ‘Sole, Luna e Talia’ 220–1
Baubô (Iambe) 150, 151, 152
Baudelaire, Charles 296
Baum, L. Frank 411
beards 242, 246, 358, 360, 361, 371
Beardsley, Aubrey 244, 382
bears 124, 298, 298, 299, 300–5, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306–7, 311–12, 356–7; she-bears 354, 356; teddy bears 305–6; see also Basile ‘L’Orsa’; ‘Goldilocks’
‘Bearskin’ see Murat: ‘Peau d’ours’
Beaumanoir, Philippe de: La Manékine 348
Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de 292–4, 394; ‘La Belle et la bête’ 277, 291–2, 294, 295, 297; Le Magasin des enfants 292
‘Beauty and the Beast’ xix, xx, 14, 15, 24, 65, 83, 145, 209, 210, 214, 217, 219, 224, 232, 234–5, 240, 259, 272, 273–4, 275, 276–7, 278–81, 279, 280, 290–2, 294–7, 299–300, 303, 307–18, 314, 316, 325, 345, 354, 365, 405
Beer, Gillian 278, 425
Benjamin, Walter: ‘The Storyteller’ 22, 25, 395
Bérard, Christian 295
Berenice, Queen of Egypt 367
Berger, John 162, 215
Bergerac, Cyrano de 55
Bernard, Catherine 168, 254, 255, 277, 281; Inès de Cordoue 253; ‘Riquet à la Houppe’ 253–4, 254
Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint 367
Bertha, Queen 125, 126–7, 128
‘Berthe aus grant pié’ see Adenet le Roi
Berti, Carolina Coronedi 256
Bettelheim, Bruno 417; The Uses of Enchantment 203, 212–13, 222, 246, 262, 312–13, 317, 361, 386, 413
Biblia pauperum 83, 137
Bibliothèque Bleue 171, 243, 326
Bidpai (Pilpay): Panchatantra xvii, 165, 274
Bilqis (see also Sheba, Queen of) 111, 116
birds 56, 122, 125, 255; see also feet, webbed; geese; ibis; ostriches; storks
Blaise, Saint 339
‘Blonda’ 370, 381
blondeness see hair, blonde
‘Bluebeard’ xii, xx, xiv, 15, 24, 240, 241–7, 242, 245, 249, 250, 251, 255, 256–7, 257, 259/, 336, 372, 405
‘Blue Bird, The’ see d’Aulnoy: ‘L’Oiseau bleu’
Bly, Robert: Iron John 417
Boccaccio, Giovanni x, 17, 119, 179, 221
Boileau, Nicolas 169, 170, 183
Boland, Eavan: ‘In a Time of Violence’ 411; ‘What we lost’ 409
Borowczyk, Walerian: Blanche (film) 410
Bosch, Hieronymus: The Prodigal Son 57
Bosse, Abraham 60, 60
Botticelli, Sandro: The Mystic Nativity Pl. 17
Bottigheimer, Ruth 208; Bad Girls and Bold Boys 394
Bourdichon, Jean: Les Grandes Heures d’Anne de Bretagne 88, 89
Boutet de Monvel, Maurice 369
Brant, Sebastian: Narrenschiff (The Ship of Fools) 56, 357, 357
Brentano, Clemens 191
Breton, André 327, 382
Bridget of Sweden, Saint 219, 367; see Pl. 17
broadsheets 39, 40–1, 42
Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre 277
Broumas, Olga: ‘Cinderella’ 210
Bulwer, John: Chirologia 90–1, 91
Burton, Tim: Edward Scissorhands 277, 313, 317
Byatt, A. S.: (tr). ‘The Great Green Worm’ 288 (see d’Aulnoy: Serpentin vert); Possession 417
Cabinet des fées, Le (The Fairy Library) xii, 162, 280, 281, 290, 379
Calvino, Italo 209, 352, 413–14, 416, 417; Fiàbe Italiane (Tales) xiv, 16, 377–8, 413; Il naso d’argento’ (Silver Nose) 256–7, 271; Il Sentiero dei nidi di ragno (The Path to the Nest of Spiders) 413
Calypso 7
Campion, Jane: The Piano (film) 405–6, 407
cannibalism 259–60, 302
Čapek, Karel 17, 312, 411, 418; RUR 17
‘Caquet des femmes, Le’ (print) 39
Caquets de l’accouchée, Les (Chatter at the Lying-in) 39
Caravaggio (Michelangelo da) 86
Carrington, Leonora 277, 382, 383–4, 383, 385; ‘As they rode along the edge …’ 383–4; ‘The Débutante’ 384; Little Francis 384; ‘The Oval Lady’ 384
Carter, Angela xi, xix, xx, 193, 194, 195, 195, 196–7, 270, 277, 290, 296, 308, 310, 417, 418; American Ghosts 193; ‘Ashputtle’ 205; The Bloody Chamber 193, 195, 308; ‘The Company of Wolves’ 308, 309–10; ‘The Courtship of Mr. Lyon’ 309; Fireworks 193; Heroes and Villains 195; The Infernal Desire Machines of D
r Hoffman 195; The Magic Toyshop 193, 308, 405; Nights at the Circus 193, 194, 195; The Passion of New Eve 194; The Sadeian Woman 195; ‘The Tiger’s Bride’ 309, 310; ‘The Werewolf 309; Wise Children 193, 195, 197
Cassandra 75
Catherine of Alexandria, St 339, 368
cats 145, 157, 291, 356
Caxton, William 100, 103
censorship 411
Chadwick, Helen: Loop My Loop Pl.26
Charlemagne, Emperor 81, 125, 126, 372
Charles I, King of England 373
Chartres Cathedral: sculptures 108, 137
Chastenay, Victorine de 24
Chaucer, Geoffrey 17, 363; ‘Man of Lawe’s Tale’ 126, 127, 326, 351, 391; ‘Patient Griselda’ 127, 391; ‘The Wife of Bath’s Prologue’ 386
Chekhov, Anton: The Three Sisters 230 childbirth: by caesarean 62, 263; death in 213, 262, 263, 265; patron saint of 260; and stork 54, 62–3; see also barrenness
Choisy, François-Timoléon, Abbé de 135
Chosroes, King of the Persians 102, 103, 105
Christ jesus 4, 9, 25, 83–6, 88, 90, 92–3, 93, 98–100, 373
christenings 33, 37
Christianity: and fairy tales 76–7; and the Queen of Sheba 98–9, 100–2, 104–5, 107, 108–9; and Sibyl 4, 9–10, 70–4, 76, 98, 107; and silence 29, 30, 44; and symbolism 366–7; see also Inquisition
Christina, Saint 342–3
‘Cinderella’ xii, xiv, xvi, xx, 14, 65, 128, 148, 200, 201, 202–5, 204, 206–7, 208, 209, 210, 213–15, 216–17, 216, 219, 224, 225, 227, 237, 247, 265, 312, 321, 324, 326, 345, 347, 348, 361–2, 365, 366, 386; Pis. 1, 23, 24
Circe 7, 299, 399
Cixous, Hélène, and Clément, Catherine: La Jeune née (The Newly Born Woman) 150–2
Clement of Alexandria 151
Clements, Ron 403
Cleopatra 98, 368
clysters 59, 59–61, 60, 61
Cocteau, Jean 351; La Belle et la bête (film) 259, 272, 292, 295–7
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 36
colours 242–3, 363–4, 366 see also hair, blonde
commedia dell’arte 54–5, 158
Constantine I, Emperor 68, 69, 102, 103, 107
Contes de la cigogne (Tales of the Stork) 52
Coover, Robert 194, 417
Corneille, Pierre 277
Cox, Marian 326
Crane, Walter 299; ‘Bluebeard’ 244, 245; ‘Goldilocks’ 302, 303; ‘My Mother’ 231; ‘The Yellow Dwarf 253
Crowquill, Alfred 244, 246, 257
Cruikshank, George 160, 170, 190, 193, 208, 216–17, 247, 347
‘Cupid and Psyche’ see Apuleius, Lucius
Dada movement 374, 375
Dale, Antonius van 76, 77, 78
Dalziel Brothers: Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales 157
Dame Trot 156, 236
Danckertsz, Cornelius: engraving 60, 61
Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy 289, 366
Day, Josette 272, 295, 351
death 263–4; and cannibalism 259–60, 302; in childbirth 213, 263, 265; and murder 241, 257, 260–1, 263
Debussy, Claude: Pelléas et Mélisande 267, 365, 396, 407
Delphi, oracle of 67, 75
Demeter 150, 151–2
Demy, Jacques: The Magic Donkey (film) 319, 351
Deneuve, Catherine 319, 351 Denslow W. W.: Mother Goose Pl. 13
Descartes, René 145–6
Deshoulières, Antoinette 170
Devil, the 35, 45–6, 47, 246, 248, 256; depictions of 120, 121, 125, 246, 247, 300, 317, 355, 358, 359; and hair 373; and riddles 134–5; lameness of 121, 152; and Sibyls 74; Pl.21
‘Diamonds and Toads’ 184
Dibdin, Thomas: Harlequin and Mother Goose 158
Dictionnaire de l’Académie 52, 58, 77, 162
Diderot, Denis: Les Bijoux indiscrets 124
Disney (Walt) Co. 207, 208, 307, 414–5, 416, 417; Aladdin 415; Beauty and the Beast 206, 277, 313–18, 314, 365; Cinderella 207, 225, 366; Hook 415; The Little Mermaid 318, 403, 404; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 207, 222, 225, 415
distaffs 37, 136, 137, 250
Donatello: Mary Magdalen 358
donkeys (asses) 124, 142, 142, 143, 145, 291, 315, 325, 356; braying of 146; Feast of (Festum asinorum) 141; and fools 129, 140, 141; and pathos 145; and Queen of Sheba 112; wise 136–7, 157; witches and 143, 145; see also Apuleius The Golden Ass; Balaam and his ass; ‘Donkeyskin’
‘Donkeyskin’ xvi, xxi, 18, 55, 135, 171, 216, 217, 244, 265, 321–7, 342, 345–52, 356, 357–8, 378–9, 391
Donne, John 263; ‘Song’ 111
Doré, Gustave 86, 180, 244
double entendres 13, 37, 135–6
Douglas, Mary 408
Doyle, Adelaide (Adèle) 277
Doyle, Richard 277, 299, 304; ‘Rose Red’ 298, 304
‘Dream of the Rood, The’ 97, 99
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von 20, 191, 192; Ledwina 191–2
Dukas, Paul 267–8
Dürer, Albrecht: The Fall 356
Flight into Egypt 32
Dvoràk, Antotín: Rusalka 396–7, 398
Dympna, Saint 326, 335–41, 335, 337, 344, 345, 349, 352; Pl.22
‘East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon’ 310
Eco, Umberto 363, 367; The Name of the Rose 158
education: and women 82, 90, 168–9, 394
Edward Scissorhands (film) 277, 313, 317
Eleusinian mysteries 151, 239
‘Elfin-Knight, The’ 134–5, 248
Elizabeth I, Queen of England 123, 302
Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint 325
‘Emperor’s New Clothes, The’ 172, 179
Empusae, the 121
Erasmus, Desiderius 92, 157, 246
Erinna 401
Ernst, Max 382, 383, 385, 386; Les Femmes 100 Têtes 382; Une Petite fille rêve d’entrer au Carmel (A Little Girl Dreams of Taking the Veil) 382; Une Semaine de bonté (A Week of Kindness) 382–3, 383
Ethiopian Church 98, 105, 106, 130
Euripides: Medea 147
Evangiles des quenouilles, Les (The Gospel of Distaves) 26–7, 36–9, 42, 43, 51–2, 53, 54, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 122, 148
Eve 47, 244, 246, 277, 355; see also Adam and Eve
Ewing, Juliana Horatia 266; ‘The Ogre Courting’ 266–7
Faber, Felix 100, 118
Faerno, Gabriel: anthology 301, 324
Fail, Noël du 21, 326; Propos rustiques 324
fairies 14–16, 232–4 Falck, Jeremias: Allegory of Vanitas (The Old Procuress at the Toilet Table) 46, 46
familiars (animal) 145, 157, 204, 291, 356
Fates, the 14–15
fathers 207, 211, 213, 347–8; daughters and 387–91, see also incest; marriages, arranged
Fées ou Les Contes de ma Mère l’Oye, Les (play) 55 feet, deformed 121–5, 118, 122, 124, 126, 146; and Chinese binding 128, 203; and the Devil 121, 122, 152; lameness and 152–3; and Queen Bertha 125–6; and Queen of Sheba xx, 112, 113, 115–7, 118, 118, 122, 125, 203; and sex 113, 128; webbed 114, 115, 118, 122, 128
feminism xiv, 29, 151, 168, 177–9, 267, 281, 308, 334
femmes fatales 295, 382, 399
Fénélon, Abbé xiii, 14, 92, 94, 95, 168–9
Ferretti, Jacopo: La Cenerentola 347
Finkielkraut, Alain 414
Flaubert, Gustave 341
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de 76–7, 78, 285; ‘L’Histoire des oracles’ 76
Fool Laughing, A (anon.) 140, 141
fools (jesters) 129, 140, 159, 196, 338; caps 141, 153, 209; riddles of 153, 154
Ford, H. J. 13, 393
Fouqué, La Motte: ‘Undine’ 396
Fournival, Richard de: Bestiaire d’amour 146
foxes 356–7
Freud, Sigmund 113, 151, 195, 236, 403, 405; Studies on Hysteria 349–50; The Theme of Three Caskets 350, 390
Fulgentius 121
fur see hairiness
/> G
Gadagne, Marquise de 285
Gallaeius, Servatius 133
Galland, Antoine: (tr.) Arabian Nights 166
Gammer Gurton 25, 190
Gammer Grethel’s Fairy Tales 179, 189, 190, 193,
Gass, William 243
Gautier de Coinci: The Life of Saint Christina 319, 342–3; Miracles de Nostre Dame 342
Gawain, Sir 405
Geel, Belgium 335, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340–1, 341; Pl.22
geese 51, 52, 54, 55–7, 65, 124, 127; see also Mother Goose
Geneviève de Brabant, Saint 325
Geoffrey of Monmouth: ‘Love Like Salt’ (from History of the Kings of Britain) 387–8, 391
Gerebernus, Saint 340
German Romanticism 188, 191–2, 410
Gibbon, Edward 69
Gildas, Saint 261
Gilles de Rais 260
German Romanticism 188, 191–2, 410
Glück, Louise: ‘House of Marshland’ 218
goats 355, 355, 356, 357
Godelive, Saint 225, 325–6
godmothers 33, 48, 92, 231–2, 233; fairy 204, 208, 215–17; Pl.1
Golden Ass, The see Apuleius, Lucius
Golden Legend see Voragine, Jacopo de
‘Goldilocks’ 157, 243, 302, 303, 365–6, 380
Goltzius, Hendrik: Lot and His Daughters 329, 334
‘Goose Girl, The’ 127, 150, 192
Gospel of Distaves, The see Evangiles des quenouilles, Les
gossips xx, xxi, 33–4, 35–7, 39, 40–41, 42, 48–9, 50, 56, 92
governesses (gouvernantes) 23, 171, 172, 174, 215, 277, 386
Gower, John 351; Confessio amantis (c. 1390) 326
grandmothers 13, 16, 17, 25, 82, 86–7, 92, 94–5, 148, 190, 229, 346, 347; see also Anne, St
Grandville, Gérard: Les Animaux 61, 62
Granges, David Des: The Saltonstall Family 262
Great Green Worm, The’ see d’Aulnoy: ‘Serpentin vert’
Grey, Lady Jane 369, 380
Grimaldi, Joseph: Mother Goose 158–9
Grimm, Brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm) 19, 24, 56–7, 63, 127, 145, 191, 192; Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children’s and Household Tales) (1812–57) xii, 19–20, 145, 190–2, 193, 207, 208, 211–12, 239–40, 281, 294, 297, 393–4, 414: Allerleirauh’ (All-Fur) 327, 365; ‘Aschenputtel’ (Cinderella) 203, 204–5, 224, 240, 348; ‘Dornröschen’ (Little Briar Rose) 222; ‘Die drei Federn’ (The Three Feathers) 192, 276; Fichters Vogel’ (Fitcher’s Bird) 255; Frau Holle’ (Mother Holle) 192, 215, 414; ‘The Goose Girl’ 127, 150, 192; ‘Hansel and Grete’ xvi, 202, 211; ‘The Juniper Tree’ 25; ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ 183; ‘Das Mädchen ohne Hände’ (The Maiden without Hands) 226, 347–8, 352; ‘Märchen von einem, der auszog, das Furchten zu lernen’ (The Tale of the Boy who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was) 276, 364; ‘Marienkind’ (Mary’s Child) 244; ‘Mother Holle’ see Frau Holle’; ‘Rapunzel’ 222, 365, 414; ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ 134;
From the Beast to the Blonde Page 65