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Milked in London, Volumes One Through Four

Page 6

by Alex Carlsbad

  But this unknown black billionaire from Nigeria clearly knew how to touch her with far more skill than anyone had before. He worked his finger slowly all the way in and began to pump it back and forth, seeking out just the right spot inside of her. She found her mind quickly wander off and get lost with the sensations coming from her breast where his mouth suckled with almost loving tenderness while his long fingers stroked her insides. His thumb never stopped rubbing her clit as his other hand slowly kneaded her tender breast with the consummate skill of a gentle giant.

  She felt his massive girth brush against her thigh as the beast beneath started to rise with increasing persistence. She felt him slip a second finger into her tight confines and she grunted softly with the feeling of impossible fullness. Slowly her hips started gyrating and grinding against the naked skin of his thigh imbued with a life of their own.

  Suddenly he stopped his suckling. "Beg me for it," the giant ordered and Jennifer immediately knew what he meant.

  "Please," she didn't hesitate.

  "Say, please, master, make me come,." His lips were still coated with her milk mere inches from her breast

  "Please, master, make me come."

  He suddenly bit down on her sensitive nipple as his hand sped up the careful strokes against her perfect center. Jennifer came in a flash, before she even realized what was happening. It was like lightning struck behind her eyelids as her entire body tensed.

  She had never before experienced an orgasm like that. Its surprisingly swift explosion, the power with which it came upon her unsuspecting psyche, made her have something akin to an out-of-body experience that lasted for a long moment.

  Slowly, as she came down from her second, and wildest by far, orgasm for the night, Jennifer realized that they were both panting heavily. She caught his eyes as he slowly pulled his fingers out of her. Mesmerized like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an onrushing train she watched as he slowly raised his hand to his lips and sucked his fingers clean.

  He was in no hurry. When he was done, he took her by the chin and turned her head so that her lips came up to him for a deep long luxuriating kiss. "You are the most exquisite creature I've ever seen in my entire life," he whispered against her lips.

  With one hand leaning against his granite-like chest she tried to reach between her legs for his enormous arousal. She gasped when she felt the contours of his rock hard shaft as she wrapped her fingers around it slowly pumping up and down. It felt too big to possibly fit inside of her, but Jennifer simply was beyond caring.

  She wanted it inside of her more than she wanted anything in the whole wide world. Emotions came crashing down on her and she knew that if he made her wait another second, she would start crying.

  His eyes became deathly serious. "I cannot stop myself, Princess," he told her in a gruff voice. “You are so petite, this is going to hurt, but I don't think we can avoid it."

  Jennifer shook her head, “Please, master, I need it," she whimpered.

  He did not hesitate again after she had spoken.

  He stood up, his left arm still holding her around the waist and carried her in a couple of giant steps to the massive bed that lay in the center of the room. She felt his sleek muscles ripple and writhe beneath her arms as she grabbed on to him while he gently deposited her into the plush bedsheets. It was not unlike an ancient God was about to fuck her brains out, Jennifer realized.

  He positioned her on her back and took her small feet in each hand spreading her out beneath his scimitar of flesh that pulsed like a monster from the deep. He took her feet and brought them up to where her knees met the mattress on either side of her head opening her up completely.

  For a fraction of a moment she saw him steady her in her new position as if trying to forever burn the image of the blond lactating young wife beneath him into his brain.

  His gaze was so intense, Jennifer lost herself in it. Her eyes looked up and drank in every fiber of his body as he bent forward in slow motion and brought up his cock to meet her dripping center. He plunged in in one continuous, hard, unyielding, brutal motion.

  She cried out at the mere shock of being pierced as if for the first time in her life by a man’s cock. It felt so impossibly gargantuan, but he didn't stop. He kept pushing slow and relentless as his hardness rearranged her insides to make way for her new Master.

  Then he started his rhythm thrusting fast and hard in a blurring speed that made him drip sweat all over her panting body soon covering her milky whiteness in delicious contrails.

  Slowly but surely her initial biting, searing pain faded and turned into a blinding white source of pleasure where their bodies met as he filled her to bursting with ecstasy that she could never have imagined existed.

  Jennifer started sobbing unable to control herself as tears started pouring down her face at the exquisite sensation of being covered and filled by a master such as this man. She felt her eyes flutter closed as she felt her mind drift away, but a short barked out order from him made her blink them open again and stare up at her master as he took ownership of her every fiber.

  It was almost too much to see and feel the intimacy of that extra contact. She saw him watch down on her with his intensely vivid dark eyes drinking in every twitch and every shudder that coursed across her tiny frame. She obeyed him and forced herself to look back into those bottomless pits of dark fire flaming above is he consumed her. Suddenly she felt him reach a hand down between where their incessantly moving bodies met and seek out her already erect clit without so much as slowing his pace even a fraction.

  “Cum for me now," he ordered and this trigger was all Jennifer needed.

  She screamed as she came and her voice soon met his low guttural growl as he followed her burying himself to the hilt mashing his head against her cervix filling her with the waves of pleasure emanating from his bulbous tip buried at her center.

  Finally, he let himself go and slowly tumbled into the bed by her. He pulled her in against him lining her up like a doll against his flesh, and started kissing her on the mouth again. "You are mine, now" he told her, his lips still touching hers as he then continued kissing her like he would never stop.

  Mr. Dominant

  Eventually he stopped kissing her, and still holding her tight against his body, pulled her cheek down to where it rested against his heaving chest. Jennifer was reeling with the sensations that this man had poured down on her unsuspecting and unprepared body.

  They lay silent.

  She felt like never before in her life – cherished and revered as he caressed her back in long languid motions. She even felt him reach around and touch as if checking in on her condition. She spread her legs wider giving him all the access he needed to ascertain her well-being.

  She felt his cock grow by her side and pointed it it, "Can you do it again? How is that even possible?" He smiled and absently stroked himself idly. "Oh, yes. Perhaps later."

  "Tell me first, is it true what Mr. Costas told me? That you have a safe word?" Jennifer nodded into his chest.

  "And you know to use it to make me stop if something I do is unacceptable to you?" He asked again. His hand moved up and now gently played with her blond curls as they cascaded across his giant black chest.

  Jennifer nodded her head again.

  She still tingled with the exquisite sensations from the aftershocks of her third mind-rendering orgasm for the day. She felt him get up on his elbows and lean over to kiss her passionately. She put her arms around his thick neck and returned his kiss and for the first time in her life really knew what it meant to get lost in a kiss. She put her entire soul into that kiss and realized that now she belonged to this man. If he wanted her, she was his.

  In that moment, Jennifer knew that she could leave her husband and maybe even her family if that was what this man wanted. She felt some of his warm essence seep out from her and slide down between her legs onto the plush rug. But somehow she didn't care.

  When Mr. Cavendish had asked her ear
lier if she was on the pill she had fervently hoped that he wouldn't doubt her affirmative response and try to inseminate her. Jennifer had forgotten all about contraception before leaving London to come to this strange place on the bidding of a strange man just so she could earn enough to support her fledgling family.

  She had been horrified, at first, with the danger of getting pregnant by some unknown man she had to service down here in Nigeria. What would her husband think? But now she found that she only cared about this man's pleasure and if this meant getting pregnant with his baby – so be it.

  Finally Mr. Inoukue broke the kiss and Jennifer lifted her head to lick up some of his sweat still trickling down his powerful neck and chest. As her tongue explored his body, she felt him shiver with pleasure and almost had another orgasm at the mere mental picture of what she was doing.

  Mr. Inoukue shuddered and then slowly rolled back into bed by her. This time Jennifer turned onto her side and saw his cock glistening with her juices – magnificent and longer and fatter than she had even thought possible, it looked magnificent. She reached down and mesmerized by the way it shook like a staff between them, she gently touched it and watched it twitch as a bead materialized on its head. She put a finger there and collected the trickle that she then brought to her lips and gently sucked in.

  Mr. Inoukue smiled. "You are more precious than any precious stones in existence and you don't even realize it. And neither does any of the men who have had you before including that guy Costas who brought you here." She was listening to what he was saying only half-paying attention to his words still mesmerized by the sight of this giant of a man his body sweaty and lean covered in both their juices…

  “I am a very powerful man here,” he said still cradling her to his chest. “Some would say, I am more powerful than the president of the country or even the presidents of many countries here in Africa put together. When I asked you earlier about your safe word, I did that for a reason,” the man said.

  “But now that I know how to use it, I will simply go ahead and explain to you the real purpose of your visit here to Nigeria.”

  She nodded meekly still cherishing the warmth between their bodies where they lay basking in the afterglow of the most intense lovemaking she had ever experienced.

  “When I said you are mine earlier, it was not a flourish of the moment, or a mere figure of speech. Your neighbor Costas brought you to me to settle an outstanding debt he has. Perhaps you don't fully understand yet, but you are the reason he will be leaving this country free today. You see, many years ago, I saved his life on the battlefield in a country far away. It is not important to you to know how or why that happened, but since that moment, this man owed me a blood debt. Your presence here will set us even. I am a very generous man and right now Costas is already boarding his flight home.”

  "But, he said were leaving together?" Jennifer said.

  “He didn't expect that I'd let him go so easily," Mr. Inoukue waved his hand dismissively but I have made arrangements and the moment you stepped through that door, your benefactor was to be allowed to leave. Like I said your performance here tonight has earned you a soft spot in my heart and so I am in an uncharacteristically giving mood right now. This is a one-time offer, Jennifer and it is for you to take it or leave it but you should make up your mind now.”

  He had her full attention now and she propped herself up on one elbow looking straight into the man's eyes who gazed back on her in deft seriousness.

  “I know more about you and your family and husband than you could ever suspect. I am prepared to lift you out of your misery, if you choose to be my mistress.”

  “Your mistress?” She repeated her mind racing circles with the implications of the word.

  “Since the moment I saw your performance being milked on Mr. Costas' website, I knew I had to have you. I am prepared to pay off your debts and arrange so that your husband finds gainful employment in London with associates of mine while I take you in as my mistress. You will be spending most of your time with your family, mind you, but every now and then, I will come calling for you. It might be the middle of the night or noon while you are out shopping groceries for your infant baby. Our agreement is open-ended and will last for the duration until either one of us decides that they had had enough.”

  Jennifer was already nodding before the man was done explaining his offer. She stared at his face through tears in her eyes and meekly hugged his chest, "Thank you Mr. Inoukue! Yes, I do want to be with you if that is what makes you happy.” She shuddered in ecstasy when he finally wrapped his arms around her naked body and hugged her tight in recognition of her acceptance.


  Continued in Volume 5: The Blonde Plague

  The Blonde Plague

  This is volume 5 of the Milked in London series. It can be read on its own without purchasing the previous installments.

  First the economy crashed. The entire world slowly veered off course and careened into a precipice of turmoil and poverty not seen since the Middle Ages.

  Then the pandemic broke out. It selectively targeted blond women leaving those who survived unable to bear children again.

  Deep in the bosom of Africa, hidden away from any stray disease, Jenny Smith has been kept healthy and safe by her lover the warlord Mr. Xavier Inoukoue. But unknown to either of them, far away a powerful politician and his tormented wife have set their sights on the last fertile young blond woman in the world.

  Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant: Volumes 1 through 5

  This is the story of Elizabeth's awakening to a life of service.

  It all happened in less than one full day:

  Lord Benedict made her family an offer they couldn't refuse.

  She accepted to be his body-servant, not that she knew what that meant.

  Then she discovered its meaning and her responsibilities.

  Soon after that — she wanted more.

  Laura’s Submission

  This is the story of Laura’s awakening to a life of service.

  It all happened like in a dream.

  She met a man — strong and ruthless who would claim her from the drudgery of daily life and bring her excitement and intrigue.

  This novella contains volumes 1-6 of the “Laura’s Submission” series. If you have read them, then you most probably do not need to buy this book.

  Thank you for reading Milked, Volumes One Through Four. I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I loved writing it.

  If you had fun with this book, please consider more of my works at my Amazon Author’s Page.

  Probably the best way to contact me would be via Twitter: @AlexCarlsbad

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