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Gone Country: Rough Riders, Book 14

Page 37

by Lorelei James

  “Because I didn’t want to be accused of skewing any information I might uncover as favorable to the McKays, I enlisted Boone West to help me search for facts. Boone had no idea what the original source of friction between the Wests and McKays might be either.” She paused and thrust her arm in the air and waved the paper. “And guess what? We found it!”

  Excited chatter erupted.

  Gavin watched as Sierra waited for the crowd to quiet down, a smug smile on her face.

  Keely whistled to cut the chatter. “Pipe down. I wanna hear what she has to say. Go ahead, tell us everything.”

  “Thanks, Keely.” Sierra took a deep breath. “Silas and Jonas McKay were identical twins who wound up in Wyoming in 1896. Jonas worked as a deputy. Silas worked as a ranch hand. In 1897 Silas bought a tract of land, which is still part of the McKay ranch today. Then in 1898, during a poker game at a bar in Moorcroft, which was likely a whor—” she shot a look at the little kids sitting in front and amended, “—a house of ill repute, Silas McKay won a chunk of land from Ezekiel West.

  “Ezekiel’s brother Zachariah disputed the validity of the game, but the sheriff vouched for Silas. Since Jonas worked for the sheriff, the Wests accused the sheriff of corruption. In the meantime, whenever Ezekiel and Silas crossed paths the following year, they’d end up in fight. According to Dinah’s journal, Ezekiel broke Silas’s arm one night when Zachariah joined in and they beat Silas to a pulp.”

  “See, this is already playing in favor of the McKays,” Cam shouted from the back.

  “Hush, you,” Carolyn scolded. “You got just as much West in you as McKay.”

  A chorus of “Oohs,” broke out.

  “This is where Dinah Thompson enters the picture. She was the school teacher and she boarded with the town’s doctor and his wife. Dinah was also expected to help the doctor out on weekends. Silas wasn’t much of a fighter; he ended up at the doctor’s office frequently after his tussles with Ezekiel. Silas became smitten with Dinah and wooed her.” She wrinkled her nose at the term. “Taking her to church socials and community events. They fell in love. Since school teachers couldn’t continue teaching after marriage, she asked Silas for a long engagement, so she could keep earning money to put toward building a new house on the ranch.

  “But Ezekiel also had his eye on Dinah. He wasn’t the gentlemanly type that Silas was—Dinah’s words, not mine—and Ezekiel became a stalker of sorts. Dinah wasn’t wearing Silas’ ring, so that made her fair game.” Sierra scowled. “This next part is a little hazy, but near as I could tell, Ezekiel got Dinah alone and hurt her. When she told Silas, he went after Ezekiel. They got into another fight, Ezekiel pulled a gun on Silas, but Silas ended up shooting him.”

  Everyone stayed quiet.

  “With Ezekiel dead, Jonas had no choice but to arrest his brother, even though it was clearly self-defense. But Zachariah West swore the murder was premeditated and he’d see Silas hang for killing his brother.”

  “That’s what happened to him?” Kyler demanded. “That’s why no one talks about Silas, because he was hanged?”

  “No. But Silas believed he was headed for the gallows. One night he attacked Jonas inside his cell and escaped from jail. Silas disappeared, never to be seen around here again. Several people swore they saw Silas get killed during a train robbery in Montana, but it was never confirmed. Others said Silas lived with the Crow Indians on the Montana border, but again, nothing was ever confirmed.

  “Dinah wrote that Jonas knew his brother would be unjustly hanged so he made it possible for Silas to escape. Then Jonas resigned as a deputy and took over Silas’s ranch. We discovered Zachariah West ended up with a small section of land in Campbell County that’s still in the West family today. Dinah’s last entry alluded to that land being paid for with blood money. What that means is up for debate and probably always will be. Some secrets really do go to the grave. Anyway, Jonas and Dinah fell in love and got married.” Sierra looked up. “And they are the reason we are all here today.”

  Applause and wolf whistles rang out.

  Charlie sidled up and put his arm around Sierra. “How about my smart and determined granddaughter? Getting to the bottom of all this family stuff and putting rumors to rest with facts?” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m so damn proud of you for taking an interest in our heritage.”

  She ducked her head and Charlie hugged her.

  Then she was surrounded by curious McKays.

  “Quite the girl you have there, proud daddy,” Rielle said.

  “She is something. She really fits in with the McKays, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, but so do you. Did you have any idea that Sierra had done so much research?”

  “I knew she was working her butt off on it. She mentioned she’d found something to Quinn and Charlie and Vi, but she wouldn’t tell me what it was.” He put his mouth on her ear. “To be honest, I thought she and Boone were using just doing research as an excuse to hang out together these last few months.”

  Rielle laughed.

  Sierra fairly bounced over after being waylaid by questions. “Dad, can I go now?”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Where is the only place I ever go?” she said with exasperation.

  “To meet Marin.”

  “So can I?”

  “Where are you and Marin going?”

  “To a graduation party at the lake. And no, we won’t be drinking, smoking weed or having sex.”

  “No swimming at night either,” he warned.

  “I know. And Boone will be there.”

  That didn’t exactly alleviate his worry. “You haven’t had any issues with your new car?” Maybe he had gone a little overboard, buying her a Mercedes M Class SUV, but he couldn’t put a price on her safety. A little peace of mind was worth a lot.

  She rolled her eyes. “Dad. We studied the manual together. You read the manual to me when I was driving. I read the manual to you when you were driving. I’ve studied the manual more than I have for my English final. So can I go?”

  “Okay. But drive careful.”

  “I will.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you. I know my curfew’s at midnight. There. I saved you from saying it.” She gave Rielle a half-hug. “See you later.” She practically skipped across the gravel driveway.

  “So…she’s gone for a few hours,” Rielle said.

  “What do you say we head home? School will be out in two weeks, ending our mid-morning quickies.”

  “And our afternoon delight.” Rielle threaded her fingers through his. “Since we have two vehicles, and I know how competitive you are, let’s have a race.”

  “What’s the prize?”

  “Winner’s choice.”

  “Hot damn.” He whispered, “Your ass is mine tonight, honey.”

  “Don’t bet on it.”

  But Gavin beat her home by a full two minutes.

  He was feeling pretty cocky after a spectacular bout of raunchy sex, until Rielle whispered, “So, for the record, I let you win.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  The bright moon glow sent silvery light across the clearing. Sierra bumped over the cattle guard and saw him shielding his eyes from the glare of her headlights. Seemed a little strange, Boone calling her out of the blue and asking her to meet him. She hoped it meant something more than he was bored.

  Sierra ignored Marin’s snarky voice in her head, asking why she went running every time Boone crooked his little finger at her. But she hadn’t seen him since his graduation and he’d slipped back into the not-returning-texts zone. School had ended two days ago, and her summer plans were still up in the air.

  She put her car in park and killed the ignition. Butterflies danced in her belly. Where had her nervousness come from? She was out here with Boone. Mr. Trustworthy. Mr. Oblivious.

  His butt rested against his motorcycle seat. His booted feet crossed at the ankle. His arms folded over his chest. He wore a super tight T-shirt which displayed the rippe
d muscles in his arms and the ridges in his lower abdomen. She’d seen that shirt on him a dozen times, and every time she whispered a little thank you to the T-shirt gods.

  Stop gawking at him.

  Nothing wrong with being attracted to her best guy buddy.

  Was there?

  No. Especially when he still didn’t have a clue how she felt. She walked up to him, her hands jammed into the back pockets of her jeans. “You summoned me?”

  Boone frowned at her attire. “Wasn’t tonight the dance?”

  “No. It was last night.”

  “Oh. Was it fun?”

  “I don’t know. I skipped it.”

  “But…you said that night at the lake you wanted to go.”

  She shrugged. “Marin is at her grandma’s for a week so she wasn’t going. Besides, they probably only played country music.”

  “You should’ve gone.”

  But I knew you wouldn’t be there.

  “You asked me here to chew my ass about a dance I didn’t go to?”


  “What are you doing out here, anyway? Did your bike break down again?”

  “Funny. It was a great night for a ride. I lost track of time. When I pulled over, I realized I wasn’t far from your place.”

  “So you called me.” Instead of just showing up at her house. That made no sense. Especially if Boone thought she was at the dance. What was going on with him? He acted…jumpy.

  “You got any decent tunes in that piece of crap car you’re driving these days?” he asked.

  The Mercedes was hardly a piece of crap and he knew it. Boone also knew that the only reason her dad had bought it was for the safety features, including an excess of air bags. “I’ll play music as long as you don’t bitch about what it is.”


  She rolled down the windows and plugged her iPod into the stereo system. She mimicked his pose against the car, standing opposite him.

  Boone grinned when the music started. “Foo Fighters. Cool.”

  “Don’t get used to it. The next song might be by Flogging Molly.”

  “I don’t even know what the hell that is, McKay. You’re more ur-bane than me.”

  “Right. Seriously, West, what’s up? It’s not like you to text me, demanding I meet you out in the middle of nowhere. Especially this late.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Since when is ten late?”

  “Since my dad grills me about where I’m going at ten at night and who I’m going with.”

  “Did you tell him you were meeting me?”

  “Yeah.” She smirked. “He said not to let you drive my car.”

  “Smartass.” Boone paused and tipped his head toward the sky. “As much as I love how bright the moon is, I miss seeing the stars on nights like this.”

  “Me too.”

  Neither said anything for several minutes.

  “But this moon-gazing shit is killing my neck.” He moved to lean next to her. “Much better. So, what are your plans for this summer?”

  “I’ve thought about becoming a carny.”

  “Yeah? What’s the appeal? Getting hooked on meth? Hooked on pot? Hooked on fried food? Or is it getting to rip off little kids every day? Maybe you’ll grow a mustache and get a bad tattoo.”

  She laughed. “You’ve weighed the pros and cons way more than I have. I was just in it for the unlimited cotton candy.”

  “What’s option two for your summer?”

  He was more persistent than usual, so she hedged, in case he had a specific reason for asking her plans—like he wanted to spend the summer with her. “I don’t know. It depends.”


  “How much my mom and dad argue over me and where I should be. My mom’s boyfriend bought a place in Paris with an extra bedroom, so she wants me to stay at least half the summer with her.” She shot him a sideways glance. “I haven’t mentioned this to my dad yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just found out yesterday. He’ll ask me what I want to do, and like I said, I’m not sure.”

  “But he gives you a vote in your options?”

  “Yes. What about you? Now that you’ve graduated, what are your plans?”

  “Well, that’s the reason I asked you to meet me.”

  Her stomach performed a hopeful summersault.

  But as usual, he didn’t elaborate. He just kept looking skyward.

  “Boone? I’m lousy at guessing games, remember? So just tell me.”

  “I won’t be here this summer because I joined the army.”

  Sierra gave him a ten-second pause and hip-checked him. “You have a bizarre sense of humor sometimes.”

  He faced her. “I’m not joking. I joined the army.”

  A sick feeling took root as she realized he was serious. Then she exploded. “Why would you just up and do that?”

  “It wasn’t an impulsive decision. I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

  “How long?”

  “Almost three years. Since my youth forestry counselor suggested it when I was sixteen.”

  And this was the first time he’d mentioned it? After all the time they’d spent together? “But we’re at war! The military sends the newest recruits over there.” Another horrible thought occurred to her. “You’ve got medical training, which means they’ll put you on the first cargo plane and drop you right in the middle of a combat zone.”

  “Sierra. That’s what I want.”

  “To get yourself killed?” she demanded.

  “No, to help keep others from dying.”

  “But you do that every day as an EMT.”

  “It’s not the same. I can’t make a living as an EMT in rural Wyoming. I’m tired of being broke and there are a lot of things I’d like to do with my life that I can’t do if I’m stuck here.”

  “Then go to college like normal people do.”

  Boone scowled at her. “If I don’t have money for a car do you really think I’ve got money to go to college? Or that anyone will lend me the money?”

  “Then we’ll ask my dad. He’ll float you a loan. Heck, he’d probably just give you the money since you saved my life.”

  He pushed off the car. “I don’t want your money or your charity.”

  “What? I’m only trying to help. You took that the wrong way.”

  “Did I? What part of making it on my own is confusing to you? I have to do this. I want to do this.”

  “So there’s no talking you out of it.”

  Boone shook his head. “It’s a done deal.”

  She wanted to scream at him, throw herself at his feet and beg him not to go, but that was the epitome of childish. Instead, she tossed off a breezy, “Fine. Whatever. Go be a hero. Get yourself killed. Later.” She sidestepped him and ducked around the front of the car, hoping to make it inside before her tears were obvious.

  But he latched onto her upper arms and forced her to look at him. “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  His gaze roamed over her face. “Then why are you crying?” he demanded softly.

  “Because I hate that you’re doing this stupid thing. And I hate you.” The last word came out as a sob.

  “No, baby, you don’t.”

  “Don’t call me that!”

  “Sierra. Come here.”

  “No! Don’t touch me.”

  “You don’t mean that either.” Boone crushed her to his chest.

  Sierra fought him for a few seconds, swinging punches that didn’t land, yelling and thrashing, but he just held on. She gave up fighting the pull of him and clung to him as she cried.

  How many times had she imagined Boone holding her, stroking her hair and murmuring sweet things to her? Hundreds. But never like this.

  Her voice was muffled against his chest when she finally spoke. “When do you go?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  She froze. Then she squirmed away. “You’re just telling me now? When did you sign up?�

  Boone looked away.

  “Tell me.”

  “Three days after your accident.”

  Sierra felt all the air leave her lungs. The blood drained from her face and she was drowning. Her lips formed the word why.

  “Because that night at Tyler’s party when I told him we were together? I wanted it to be real.”

  “You think I would’ve shot you down, Boone?”

  “No.” His eyes were locked on hers. “I know you would’ve said yes.”

  Her cheeks burned with mortification; he’d known how she felt all along.

  “You understand my history. Since I was twelve years old I’ve been counting off the damn days until I can get the hell out of Wyoming. Last fall, the start of my senior year, I was taking the prep classes I needed and I was getting a year of practical experience as an EMT and moving on was finally within my grasp. And then you showed up.

  “From the moment we met on the bus, you sucked me in. You were so gorgeous, feisty, funny and sweet—and so easy to talk to. I tried to stay away from you, but something about you, Sierra, just kept pulling me back.”

  She stared at him, absolutely speechless.

  “That night at the party I wanted to kill Tyler for thinking he had the right to put his hands on you. After the accident, I about lost my fucking mind because you were hurt… That’s when I knew you could keep me here. If I got involved with you, like I wanted to, I wouldn’t leave. And I have to leave. I had to have a solid plan to go so I enlisted.”

  “No.” Sierra found her voice and said it louder. “No.” Then she was screaming at him. “No, no, no, no, no! You don’t get to do this to me, Boone. You don’t get to treat me like a friend, and then tell me you’ve always felt more for me…the night before you fucking leave! You don’t get to make me feel guilty for you joining the army because I have some kind of magical hold over you. That’s total bullshit and it’s not fair!” God. This could not be happening.

  “Not fair? You think this has been easy for me? Especially the last four months? When we’ve been together all the damn time because I couldn’t stay the hell away from you? And I had to act like it’s not fucking killing me when you look at me like your world would be perfect if I just kissed you.”


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