Sons of Justice 11_If Love Was Real

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Sons of Justice 11_If Love Was Real Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Wait, my car.”

  “I got it,” Flame said, and then opened her car door, pulled out her keys, and locked it up. As Yani walked, he set her feet down so she had to walk backward, and was forced to hold onto him or fall down. She laughed and then he released her, took her hand and walked with her. She wished she had on heels or higher boots than the ankle ones she was wearing with blue jeans and a sleeveless t. They were so tall and she felt like a shrimp.

  * * * *

  Yani held her hand as they walked while Flame more than likely was texting Slova and Cast to let them know where they were. He caught up, taking her other hand and walked along the path.

  “It’s so quiet here during the day. There are a lot of these little places in Repose. Do you know that on the edge of town, where they built that strip mall, a building is coming in and the board is talking about building townhouses? There’s a natural lake in the woods there and would make a beautiful backdrop and yard for people. It’s supposed to have its own clubhouse with a pool, tennis courts and a park, like a private little community within this community.”

  “Sounds nice. Are you looking to move?” Yani asked her. She pulled her hands from theirs and he squinted, wondering what this mood she was in was all about. She stopped by the bench and took a seat. They each took a seat on either side of her. Yani watched her, sensing her emotions, some sort of turmoil she was in, and he worried about her, about stresses she might have right now.

  “What’s going on?” Flame asked her.

  She didn’t look at him but crossed her legs and stared out toward the lake. “I’m stressing, that’s all. Every few months or so, maybe mid-year I get this way.”

  “Does it have something to do with your family? With being responsible for them?” Yani asked her and she looked at him, sat forward and squinted.

  “What? Why would you ask that, or know anything about my family?” she asked on the defensive.

  He remained calm, obviously this was a touchy subject for her.

  “Wait, did you investigate me or something? Like look into my background, my family? What?” She raised her voice and stood up. Flame grabbed her and pulled her between his legs, his hands on her hips.

  “No one investigated you or your family. I saw the pictures you had, the mortgage payment stub on the small table and medical bills, that’s all,” Flame said to her.

  “Common stresses a person with responsibilities would have. I assumed that’s why you’re upset, that maybe it’s too much pressure. Maybe you get frustrated,” Yani said to her. Her gorgeous hazel green eyes welled up with tears.

  “I don’t live in that apartment because I chose to. I needed to. I couldn’t stay living with my mom, my brother, and aunt, and have no social life, no separation of independence. I mean, everything I ever wanted was put on the backburner, or minimized, left unachieved because of these responsibilities. It just gets to me sometimes. That’s all,” she said, lowering her head and her eyes.

  Flame caressed her thighs. “That’s understandable,” Flame said to her.

  “Why are you the one responsible?” Yani asked her. She looked up, but then her eyes went to behind them and Yani glanced back and saw Slova and Cast approaching. Both looking concerned. Yani waited to see Marianna’s reaction and was pleasantly surprised when she welcomed Slova with open arms and a hug as he kissed her neck and ran a palm along her ass. The sight aroused Yani, and he glanced at Flame who looked serious, then at Cast who hugged and then kissed Marianna next.

  “This is a nice surprise. Beautiful day to just sit out at the park and relax,” he said to her. He released her and Flame pulled her onto his lap to sit. She faced the others as Flame stroked her thigh.

  “So explain to us why this is your responsibility so we understand why you were crying and so upset.”

  “You were crying?” Slova asked, reached out, and stroked her jaw.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “She has a little temper, too. Took a shot at me,” Flame said.

  She turned to look at Flame, reached up and stroked his jaw. “I’m sorry about that. It was a shove, not a punch,” she stated.

  “I forgive you,” he said, and she kissed his chin and then looked at them.

  “I don’t really talk about it. No reason to, and there isn’t anything that can change it except what I’m already doing. It’s taking time, and like today, I suggested to my mom and aunt that we put the house up for sale. Take the money, pay the last fifty I owe on it, and they move to a smaller place, live off the money we make from the sale. Not that I wanted any of the money back that I put into the house paying the mortgage. I just figured if we could sell it, I won’t have to pay the rest off and then they can live off whatever is left. I even looked into market analysis reports in surrounding neighborhoods, and Tiana and Avana know about insurance and real estate. I would be finished having that damn mortgage payment off my shoulders, and we could probably pay off the final medical bills from my mom’s and aunt’s surgeries they needed. It’s a no-brainer, I’m telling you.” She rambled on and Flame caressed her thigh. She crossed her legs.

  “They…my aunt can be self-centered. I try not to get angry, and over the years haven’t said anything when she didn’t offer money or help, but then today as I’m explaining things to my mom and her and the things my aunt was saying. Grr. It was ridiculous.” She stood up. She started to pace in front of them and she rambled on about her plan of action, about the bills, about having to give up on her dreams, the things she wanted. When she spoke about her father being abusive, an alcoholic, hurting her mom and causing trouble, Yani realized why Marianna was so scared of getting involved with them. Why she put that wall up the other day, and why she was avoiding their calls and getting together with them. It wasn’t immaturity or a game because of her age. It was all these stresses in her life. It was the experiences she witnessed with her mom and having an uncaring father, abusive, addictive, and disloyal.

  “No wonder you’re pushing us away,” Yani said to her.

  She looked at him, then at the others. “My mom has told me for years to stay clear of men. That they just want sex, and will use me, break my heart and ruin my life. Seeing how miserable she was, and then seeing my aunt’s husband be the same way, and there the two of them are unable to take care of me, my brother, hell themselves for a few years, and I believed it.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I can’t get around my own feelings and fears. I know it isn’t fair to you guys. It scares me too that you’re older, that you’ve experienced so much with women, with life. I don’t have that. My dreams, my desires were ripped from me. I’ve been working since I was twelve. I was paying a mortgage from my work salary at sixteen.”

  “Holy shit,” Slova said.

  “That wasn’t fair or right for your mom and even your aunt to put such pressure on you. You were a kid yourself,” Cast said to her.

  “I wasn’t going to wind up in a shelter, or on the streets, and my mom was so insistent on making me understand that men couldn’t be trusted and the only person I could trust was myself. I just kept repeating that over and over in my head, and my focus became succeed in getting my education to get paid more money so I could work at better places and make enough money to pay the bills. A vicious cycle. That’s why this idea of mine to sell the house would be perfect.”

  “It sounds perfect and like you’ve done your homework on it,” Yani said to her.

  “Yeah well, the thing is, my mom and aunt would still need to budget their spending. I’m basically telling them that this is the last thing I’m carrying. Sell the house and buy something smaller and live off the rest of it. If they pick something modest, maybe under a hundred grand, which there are plenty of places, then they could live off their pensions from working, and the money from the sale of the house. I factored in those medical bills, too. I can’t do it anymore. I’m so damn tired, and look, I wound up in bed with four men I hardly even know,” she said, and the
n smirked.

  They all chuckled and Yani pulled her into his arms and onto his lap. He dipped her, making her land partially on Flame’s lap. “Which by the way, we’re doing again really soon, but this time Flame and I get to hold you between us with my hand cupping your breast as Flame’s is over your ass, maybe stroking you,” he said. Her face flushed and then he kissed her. She ran her hands up his shoulders and wrapped her arms around his neck. He lifted her up and they kissed long and deeply, until he released her lips and she hugged him tight.

  * * * *

  Marianna stood up. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. You guys probably have work, right? I didn’t mean to keep you,” she said, and then smoothed her hands along her hips, but then Cast pulled her by the loop of her jeans closer.

  “We’ve been up since five, and were meeting for lunch. How about you join us?” he asked her, then smoothed his palm along her ass.

  “Hmm, won’t that kind of be acting like we’re an item?” she asked, and smoothed her hands along his shoulders.

  The others came closer.

  “The gossip already started the other night when we were at the Filling Station together and left together.” He gave her ass a tap.

  She squinted. “What kind of gossip?” she asked, squinting at him.

  “Don’t you worry about it. Let’s focus on getting to know one another, and learning to trust in these feelings we all have. It’s a start okay?” he said to her.

  “Okay, Cast, let’s slow it down,” she said, and stepped from his hold.

  “Friends first,” she said.

  Slova stopped her. “Whoa, wait a minute,” he told her and drew her up against him, placing his hand on her ass and one under her hair and neck.

  “We’re more than friends. We tasted your sweet cream. Made you come several times on your kitchen table, and we slept together. We’re more than friends, baby, understand my drift?” he asked in a firm tone.

  “So you want to date me?” she asked, and then swallowed hard.

  “If that’s what you want to call it, we’ll call it dating for now. Our first date was a sleepover, our second was tasting you, for breakfast, by my calculations after lunch today, our third date, we’ll be doing some additional exploring, and perhaps you’ll do some tasting of your own.” He gave her a wink and then pressed his lips to hers.

  Holy crap was he experienced, and boy was she entirely too turned on to even try and lie. She kissed him right back, gripped his shoulders tight and held on for the ride. By his calculations, she would be losing her virginity by tonight.

  * * * *

  “Don’t have too much to say now do you?” Samson asked Billy Jack after he broke into the warehouse, took the specific item he was dared to take, and then delivered it to the person Billy Jack said to deliver it to.

  Billy Jack nodded and looked at the others.

  “Didn’t think you would pull it off. That was kid stuff though,” Billy Jack said, and took a sip from a bottle of beer.

  “Don’t think he can handle the more dangerous things, like driving the truck,” Rodge said, adding in comments.

  Samson squinted at them, and then took a seat on the couch. His heart was still racing from delivering that bag of whatever was in it to the guy thirty minutes away. He had to take a bus to get there.

  “What is it?” he asked, not wanting to show any fear or intimidation to the guys.

  “It’s a more intense operation. If you get caught, it’s jail time,” Billy Jack stated.

  “What is it?”

  “If we tell you, then you’re in and you can’t change your mind,” Rodge said to him.

  “What’s the payoff? What do I get for helping to pull it off?” Billy Jack smiled.

  “We cut it four ways, evenly, a thousand dollars each.”

  “Go on, I’m listening,” he said to them.

  “Are you sure you’re in no matter what it is?” Billy Jack asked, and leaned forward.

  “Yeah, I’m in. It’s a thousand cash, I’m in,” he said, and Billy Jack smiled.

  “It’s another snag and grab, but there’s an armed guard, Kite will handle him, and you, me, and Ellis will grab the boxes, load up the van quickly while Ellis is on lookout. We pull right up to the loading and unloading dock while Kite goes in the side door and takes care of the guard,” Billy Jack said to him.

  “What do you mean take out the guard?” he asked.

  Billy Jack squinted. “Like we said, not for pussies, so no questions and that isn’t your job or worry. Just be ready to use all those muscles you have to lift heavy boxes. There are six of them, and we need to move quickly.”

  “What’s in them?”

  “You ask too many questions. Don’t worry about what’s in them and don’t tell anyone about this, even after it happens. No matter what, you don’t say shit.”

  “How did you find out about this job anyway?” he asked.

  Billy Jack punched him in the arm. Samson leaned back. “What the fuck?”

  “Didn’t I just say to stop asking fucking questions? You’re in. You have your job to do. Just do it, quickly, and we get in and out no problems. We’re about to make a grand each. Let’s go over things until we have our times and our responsibilities down perfectly.

  * * * *

  “Cast. Oh God, Cast, please, it’s too much!” Marianna exclaimed as Cast suckled on her breast, hard. He tugged on the nipple as he undid her jeans and pushed them down. Flame lifted her arms and pulled her top off, then unclipped her bra. She was naked in a flash, panting for more, yet scared to give in completely. They had such an amazing day. They ate lunch, talked some more and she got the feeling that these men, who she learned were all close to forty, had experienced so much, and had fears of their own. She gripped onto Cast’s shoulders as he lifted her by her hips and fell to the bed between her legs.

  “Don’t deny what we all feel. We want you. Want to make love to you. Claim you as our woman,” he said to her.

  The others started to undress. She panicked, lifted up and gripped his cheeks. “Wait! Oh God wait. You need to wait a minute,” she said to them. Tears filled her eyes. She wanted so much. Needed so much that she ached. She knew she was ready. She wanted to give them her virginity.

  “What is it, baby? Protection? We got condoms on us, but I saw your container in the bathroom. You’re on the pill,” Cast said, and kissed her neck.

  She closed her eyes. “It’s not that. There’s something you need to know,” she said, and Slova slid into the bed next to them. He was naked, and holy God gorgeous as sin. He had a long, thick cock, a chest filled with muscles and scars. They all had scars, battle wounds.

  “What is it?” Flame demanded to know, standing there in only his jeans. He looked fierce, angry, and she had a feeling he thought she was stalling, or playing some sort of game. For such a confident, powerful man he was a little insecure when it came to his emotions and letting down the walls. Perhaps it was another reason she was so attracted to them.

  “Don’t you trust us?” Yani asked.

  “Oh God. I’m making a mess of this.”

  “Only if this is some fucking game,” Flame snapped at her.

  She stared at him. “It’s not a game. I want all four of you to make love to me, to claim me. I just think it’s important that you know how serious this is. That if things go wrong, you’ll always be a part of me and me a part of you.”

  Cast caressed her cheek. Slova leaned over and kissed her bare shoulder.

  “We know that, baby. This isn’t just about sex, about wanting to possess this body, it’s about connecting on a deeper level. Feeling as close as we all felt today. I don’t know about your other lovers, don’t even want to think about that, but this is different. It will be different. We all feel it,” he said to her.

  She chuckled, and he squinted. “What lovers?” she whispered and held his gaze.

  He squinted. “No. No, seriously?” Flame asked in such a hard tone she felt like he was angry, figuring o
ut she was a virgin.

  “It’s true? You’re a virgin? No lovers ever?” Cast asked.

  She nodded. “I never trusted any man to be that close, even to feel like I had some power over life, over my destiny. I waited.”

  “Sweet heavens,” Yani said, and stepped from the bed, ran his fingers through his light brown hair, then rubbed his jaw. Cast started to ease up from between her legs.

  “No.” She grabbed his arms, locked her thighs against his hip, and shook her head. “Don’t pull away. That’s the last thing I want.” She looked at them. “I want to give my virginity to the four of you. I want to be one. I want to keep feeling protected, cared for, and respected. I’ve waited long enough.”

  “The right way. As a team, as brothers, this is it. This is forever, no bullshit,” Flame said.

  Cast stroked her jaw and gazed down into her eyes. “You already mean so much to me, to us. I knew it was different from the start, Marianna. It’s probably why we were all a bit untrusting and hard, but we’re old enough, experienced enough to know this is the real deal. You’re young,” he said, and shook his head.

  “In years, maybe. In life experiences, pain, struggles, and overcoming barriers, a hell of a lot older. I have a lot more love, more caring inside of me to give each of you. I know I do,” she said, getting emotional.

  “Oh, baby, that’s not what we’re saying. We know you’re sweet, giving, kind and have been through so much. We’re older,” Slova said.

  “A lot fucking older. You’re pure, untouched, and we’re…” Yani started saying.

  “Unworthy of this. Of having someone as special and pure, giving and so fucking beautiful inside and out,” Flame said.

  She shook her head.

  “You deserve me, as I deserve each of you. We found one another. We could have passed one another by, but something caused me to look your way and you, each of you, to look mine. Our paths kept crossing, the attraction got deeper and deeper. We’re meant to be together, I just know we are, because nothing has ever felt so right. Hell, I slept with you guys and hardly knew you. That’s a pretty freaking big deal.”


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