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Omega Virus (Book 1): Beta Hour

Page 14

by Jake A. Strife

  “Patient Zero, however, is different. He was the first infected in a controlled environment. We plan to experiment on him until he becomes the ultimate weapon. This is why we continue to test its strength! Every day, the greater it becomes! Today we will see how it fares against the five of you!”

  I slowly shook my head. “Five teenagers. Coward.”

  Wayne lifted his hands wide, “Wedge, bring Patient Zero to us!”

  The arena rumbled, and I spied the lift coming from above. I took several steps back to get a good view of the platform as chains lowered it. From my vantage, I couldn’t yet see Zero.

  Wayne unleashed a string of pissed off curses. “What is the meaning of this! What happened to Zero?”

  I continued walking back until I bumped into something. I glanced back to find Jeff and the others.

  “Who put Zero back into hibernation?” Wayne screamed. “Smith if you did this, I’ll kill you!”

  Patient Zero kneeled on the platform, frosted and chilled to stillness.

  A bright light stung my eyes like an intense camera flash. Hidden in that light, came a flying figure holding a long spear. My jaw dropped as the meteor collided with Zero, and in a cloud of icy dust and flying shards, Zero exploded.

  Wayne roared. “You!”

  A familiar black hat floated down from above. The black bowler with a vibrant red feather landed at my feet once again.

  “I’ll be damned,” Jeff said.

  “Oh, that is freaking awesome!” Dave cheered.

  I picked up the hat and regarded Wesley James. He stood up from one knee and spun the iron lance around, holding it off to the side. He didn’t look our way but kept his eyes locked onto Wayne.

  “We need a Lv02!” Wayne snarled.

  I saw Wayne turned around and began searching for something on the ground. He stood back up. Fox held an AR-15 aimed into his stomach.

  “You would betray me?” Wayne’s voice shook.

  “To betray would mean I had once been loyal.” Fox’s voice echoed. “You killed Wolfe; he was like my brother.”

  “Then his is like revenge?” Wayne chuckled.

  “Hand over the Omega Virus,” Fox said, no emotion in his voice.

  “You can’t do this! You are not authorized to handle it! You do not have the knowledge!”

  Biggs appeared beside Fox, setting down a large shiny suitcase. He then took over holding Wayne at gunpoint. Fox kneeled down and examined the case, then stood again.

  “Escort Governor Wayne upstairs, we’re taking him as a P.O.W.”

  It happened so fast. A gunshot rang out, and Fox stumbled back and tumbled into the arena.

  “Fox!” Biggs cried.

  Without a word, Wesley ran toward the twisted form of Fox at the edge of the arena. Whoever had shot him, remained hidden. Wedge appeared and kicked Wayne in the gut, sending him over the edge and into the arena. Wayne screeched and landed hard. The female Link jumped, landing on the Governor's stomach.

  “Zach, what’s that red dot on your back?” Kessa asked.

  I looked at her confused. Jessie shoved me, and another gunshot went off. Dirt and pebbles exploded from where I had been standing. This time, I saw the red laser sight on the stone, moving around frantically. Two more gunshots rang out, and the laser vanished.

  “I got him,” Biggs shouted from somewhere above. “Smith was sniping.”

  That settled, I walked to stand above Wayne, who didn't move. Wedge kneeled over Fox as Wesley kicked Wayne’s body.

  I turned to the Zombie Killer. “I have questions for you.”

  He lifted his hand dismissively.

  Wedge spoke to Fox, “Sir, hold on. We’re going to get you out of here.”

  From beside us, Wesley shouted. “Get your ass up!”

  I glanced over to see him give the villainous man another strong kick in the side. Governor Wayne didn't response, and I had a feeling he wouldn't ever again.

  “Help me!” Wedge begged Wesley.

  He stopped and looked back. “Get one of the kids.”

  Wedge turned to, and Kessa quickly came to her aid. Fox’s face had gone pale and contorted in pain. Dave came to help as well.

  “You killed the corpses in the halls, right?” I asked Wesley.

  He gave a slight nod.

  “We need to talk. What do you know about the Omega Virus? I saw a video of Tiffany and me as children; a memory I don’t have. I also heard a recording from a man named Beauregard and something about G.O.D. Mode.”

  “We’ll talk later; I promise,” Wesley said. “First, I have some revenge to settle.”

  “But he’s gone,” I argued.

  Wesley laughed. “Come on you bastard! Do it!”

  “Do it?” I asked.

  “No!” Jeff shouted.

  I'd taken my eyes off of him for a second, but in that time, Governor Wayne had crawled to the open case of Omega Virus vials. A single one had vanished from the center. My eyes trailed to Wayne’s hands. Sure enough, he held onto a vial. A look of desperation splayed across the man’s wrinkled face.

  He stabbed an injector gun into his gut and pressed the button. The virus emptied into his body. Wayne’s eyes rolled back, and he went limp. Seconds ticked by, but nothing happened.

  “Well, that was anti-climactic.” Jeff gave a nervous chuckle.

  “In games, that usually never goes well.” I breathed. “We’re lucky I guess.”

  “Damn you!” Wesley yelled and kicked Wayne’s body. “You god damn cheater!”

  I reached for Wesley. “Come on. Let’s destroy the virus vials and get out of here!”

  “No!” He shoved me.

  “Are you that obsessed with games and high scores?” I shouted.

  “Games and high scores?” Wesley whispered seeming to have a realization. “To climb the ladder, one needs to defeat those at the top.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  He looked back at me. “Don't you understand? This is the ultimate game.”

  Wesley shoved me back and scooped two injectors up from the ground.

  “What are you doing?” Jeff gasped.

  We could only watch as he injected two more vials into Wayne’s body.

  “Stop!” I drew my gun and fired into Wayne three times; once in the head.

  “Asshole!” Wesley snapped.

  A chunk of Wayne's head had blown off. He wouldn't resurrect now.

  I glared at Wesley. “Tell me why G.O.D. Mode is doing this? What is their plan?”

  “Once you control life and death. You’re on your way.” Wesley shook his head and snatched his hat from my hand.

  “On your way to what?” I asked.

  Wesley grabbed a final vial and drove into Wayne’s skull, injecting the virus once again. He looked back at me grinning as Wayne’s body began to twitch.

  “To becoming a god!”


  “Wesley, what have you done?” I asked as we both took several steps back.

  Governor Wayne’s arm snapped out to the side, each finger stretching and popping. His head rolled back and forth, and his jaws snapped.

  Wesley grinned and held out his arms. “As gamers, we must always face the enemy at full power!”

  “You’re insane!” I shouted and looked to my friends.

  Wedge and Dave were carrying Fox toward the lift while Jeff, Kessa, and Jessie stood a few feet away shaking their heads. I popped the clip on my gun; only five bullets left. As if on cue Wayne shrieked, forcing us to cover our ears. Wesley held out a finger, beckoning the mutating bastard. Wayne’s head lolled from side to side as his arms doubled in size. He dug each finger in and pulled himself across the dirt arena. Wesley stepped back never letting him catch up.

  The base rumbled as an explosion came from above.

  Jessie gasped. “What the heck was that?”

  Jeff turned to the girls. “Get out of here.”

  They didn't need to be told twice; they ran after
Dave and Wedge.

  “You’ve had your fun! Kill it!” I snapped.

  Wesley Shrugged and hopped back out of Wayne's reach. “With what?”

  “You don’t have a plan?” Jeff stared incredulously.

  The Zombie Killer shrugged, and Jeff snapped. He stomped over, grabbed Wesley’s shoulder and spun him around. Jeff brought back his fist and delivered a powerful punch.

  “Oh, thanks!” Wesley's voice dripped sarcasm. “Now I can think of a plan!”

  “Wes—ley!” Corpse Wayne bellowed.

  “Oh yes!” Wesley said, leaning towards Wayne. “You remember, even with that huge hole in your head?”

  Wayne leaped forward and grabbed Wesley, lifting him by his neck. I lifted my gun, but Wesley waved his hand.

  The governor finally stiffened and rose to his feet, taking Wesley up as his leg muscles bulged. But the fedora-sporting idiot continued to smile.

  The base rumbled again, and chunks of rubble fell from the ceiling, raining down around us. The place seemed to be coming apart. We’re we under attack?

  Across the arena, the lift clanked and raised the girls, Dave, and Fox to safety.

  Biggs voice rang out from above, “Guys, run!”

  “Just go!” I shouted back.

  “Well, good luck then!” He yelled, and a gunshot went off.

  Wayne took the bullet to the head, and stumbled, releasing Wesley.

  As soon as he touched down, he pulled out twin pistols and stomped forward, blasting the towering monster. Blood sprayed as the bullet wounds opened up across its body, but Wayne merely laughed.

  “Guns aren’t going to hurt it!” I shouted.

  “Fine!” Wesley holstered his guns, and whipped out two daggers and sliced into Wayne’s legs. The monster looked down unamused. It swung an elongated arm, sending all three of us from our feet. The world spun, and I slammed down on my shoulder, bouncing and rolling. When I came to a stop, I fought dizziness and made it back to my feet.

  Wesley and Jeff were already on their feet. Jeff backed out of the Lv02's reach, but Wesley held his arms out wide, shouting, “Come on!”

  Wayne took long strides as he rushed the Zombie Killer. I raised my gun but hesitated. I’d just be wasting my ammo. I put the gun back into my belt. We needed another plan to fight it.

  “Over here, jackass!” I yelled.

  Wayne stopped and glared with bright green eyes. Wesley leaped up, grabbed Wayne’s ripped shirt. He pulled himself around and up onto the monster’s shoulders. He took his blades like scissors around its neck, and quickly snapped his wrists. Wayne’s head came off and bounced away. The Lv02 Corpse barreled into a wall and fell over.

  The base rumbled again. “We need to leave!”

  Jeff shook his head. “Something like this can't be left alive!”

  “I know,” I muttered.

  Wayne stumbled around decapitated, but as if he could see, turned and ran at Jeff.

  “Crap!” Jeff cursed and ran for the lift.

  “What are you doing?” Wesley cried. “Don’t lead it out!”

  “Do you have a death wish?” I snapped at him.

  He shook his head. “Quite the opposite. I want to live forever.”

  “You could have fooled me!” I turned and ran after Jeff and the stampeding Corpse.

  Wesley’s boots crunched the dirt, and soon he passed me. Ahead Jeff reached the lift, which thankfully, the others had returned to the bottom. But Wayne had almost caught up.

  Wasting bullets or not, I needed to help. I stopped and aimed at Wayne’s legs, pulling the trigger five times, using every bullet. At least two shots hit the monster. It stumbled and crashed. I rushed past the fallen form and jumped over a swinging arm. Wesley stood just before the lift facing the fallen beast. I ran past him and jumped on as Jeff hit the up button. The Zombie Killer didn't get on.

  “Come on!” I shouted.

  “Go,” Wesley replied.

  “You promised me answers.” I hissed and grabbed his collar.

  He struggled, as we lifted into the air. “Hey! Let go!”

  Jeff came to my aid and helped me drag Wesley onto the rising platform.

  “You can’t give answers if you’re dead,” I said.

  “I wasn’t going to die!” Wesley grumbled.

  “Yeah, pretty sure you were.” Jeff smacked his shoulder.

  Wesley crawled on his knees to the edge of the platform and peered down. But then the huge creature stood and easily reached us even without its head. The lift clanked and settled in.

  “Time to run!” I said.

  Wesley argued. “Once it gets out, we can’t get rid of it! Jeff agrees!”

  “Nah, man. I changed my mind.” Jeff shrugged. He turned and ran to the door switch, and the doors slid open. I slipped through, and I spied Wayne climb over the ledge with ease, still following. I shut the doors leaving a thick steel barrier. Turning, I ran like hell. Seconds later, the Lv02 pounded on the doors.

  “Will they hold?” I cried as we ran.

  “They never do!” Jeff said.

  Even Wesley nodded in agreement.

  We reached the end of the hall as the doors gave way and flew free. Sprinting up the stairs, we ended up out in the halls trying to find the exit. I started to turn right, but Wesley grabbed my arm and pulled me the opposite direction.

  “Not out the front.” He said. “The back has a tank yard; we may have a chance if—”

  The entire base rattled.

  “Was that a tank?” I asked.

  “Crap!” Wesley snapped and took off. “It better not have been! They can't waste the special ammo!”

  “What special ammo?” Jeff wheezed.

  The thrashing monster exploded down the hall behind us, crashing into the corner and tearing down chunks of the ceiling along with it. The light from the tank yard shined in as bright as day.

  We burst out into the gravel clearing, surrounded by woods. The sky above us had turned to night, but huge spotlights shined down from all directions. We skidded to a stop as we faced two tanks. One on each side.

  The wall behind us exploded open.

  “Get down!” Wesley said, and led the dive across a low sandbag barrier. I turned to see the Lv02 stopping temporarily.

  “If anyone's in there, fire!” Wesley shouted.

  I ducked and covered my head as the tanks both went off in unison. The explosion came, and cold mist burst through the air. Chunks of frozen Corpse flesh rained from the sky.

  I stared on in awe. Only Wayne's planted feet still existed. The rest scattered far and wide. The tank hatches popped open, and two helmeted soldiers popped out; Lu and Lo.

  “T-thanks,” I said, but the twins, still hidden behind masks, said nothing.

  “We need to move!” Wedge called out from behind the tanks.

  I turned to see a military truck, dark green against the black night. The headlights were off, but the engine hummed. My eyes adjusted to see Wedge holding open the back flap of the truck. “Fox is in bad shape. We need to find a place for medical treatment.”

  I started to climb in but stopped. Wesley hadn't followed.

  “Aren’t you coming?” I asked him.

  “I have other places to be, still.” he shrugged.

  “What now? What more revenge do you need?”

  “It’s about more than that—” Wesley shook his head.

  I grew angry. “A game? High scores?”

  “No, Zach.”

  “Then?” I shouted. “You promised me answers!”

  “Come here and I’ll tell you.” He said.

  “Get in or we’re leaving you.” Wedge put out the ultimatum.

  “Just hold on!” I pleaded.

  “Fox’s life is on the line—”

  “Then go!” I snapped and headed back to Wesley.

  The engine of the truck revved, and I didn’t look back.

  “Well?” I asked.

  “I have to save the world.” He said.

p; “Save the world? This isn’t a game, Wesley!”

  “To them it is.” He responded. “To G.O.D Mode.”

  “You know about them. So give me my answers.”

  “The only way you’ll find out is if you help.” He offered.

  “You want me to help you?” I asked.

  He nodded. I turned back to the truck and walked up. “You didn’t leave.”

  “No,” Wedge said. “But now we are, so get on. We have to go.”

  “I’m not coming.” I looked Wedge in the eyes.

  “What?” Kessa leaned forward. “Then I can’t either.”

  “Okay.” Wedge showed no emotion. “Suit yourself.”

  One by one, the Gamer's Guild exited the truck, to join my side.

  “You’ll be safer with the Link Brigade,” I said.

  “Hell no,” Dave grunted. “We’re a team.”

  “We have each other’s back,” Jeff added.

  “The Gamer’s Guild!” Jessie smiled.

  As corny as it felt, they were right. They considered me a part of the Gamer’s Guild. I had real friends; more than I ever wanted, even if the Zombie Apocalypse had gone down around us.

  Wedge shrugged. “Good luck. Lu and Lo blew up a lot of the base’s interior. It’s not safe in there, now. So that you know.”

  I saluted Wedge, but she rolled her eyes and let the flap fall back. With that, the truck rumbled away.

  “So now what?” Jeff asked.

  “We need to find shelter so we can talk,” Wesley said.

  “Then let’s get a move on.” I nodded.

  “Follow me,” Wesley said.

  We walked out into the night, double file and onto the road. Kessa and I walked hand in hand. She smiled, and I tried to but couldn’t.

  “I thought it was just from being cold,” Dave said. “But Jessie, you look really pale, are you okay?”

  “Y-yes.” She stumbled over her words. “I just have a cold or something.”

  She didn't have much more time. Wesley slowed, and Kessa bumped into him.

  “Excuse me!” Kessa grumped.

  “Sorry.” He said. “I need a word with Zach. You guys keep going. We’ll catch up.”

  I stopped, and we exchanged glances.

  “Never mind.” Wesley shrugged.


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