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Passion and Sand; Taming the Rebel

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by Andromeda -


  Later that night, as she was blowing out the candles of the dining chamber, a soft noise in the darkness caught her attention. It sounded like moaning, soft, breathy moaning of a woman, followed by the soft grunts of a man. Ayanna rolled her eyes. She knew that sometimes slaves snuck behind corners to have sex, and though it wasn’t entirely banned, they might get into trouble with the stewards.

  So, she walked to the sounds, but when she rounded the corner with her mouth open to scold the couple, she stopped dead in her tracks. At first, she could only see the man’s back, but when the wind blew and the light reflected off their faces, Ayanna couldn’t believe her eyes.

  It was Aurelia and Aurelian!

  The young woman was pressed against a pillar, her gown bunched up around her waist, her thighs spread wide. The young man was between them, his hips moving in gentle, almost loving thrusts that Ayanna knew was him within her.

  “How I have missed you, my brother…,” Aurelia moaned softly.

  “I have missed you, too, my sister,” Aurelian whispered as he kissed her neck.

  “How I hate…we have to hide this,” Aurelia sighed.

  “Father would not understand,” Aurelian said. “The world would not understand. The fault is not ours.” His hand slid to cup her breast, earning him another deep moan from her lips as his hips began to move faster.

  Ayanna quickly backed away and melted into the darkness, unable to believe what she had just seen. It took her a while to even process what she had just seen, what she had just witnessed. She had known the twins were rumored to have incestuous feelings for another, and she never believed them. Yet, after seeing that…, she finally was a believer.

  Chapter Five

  “I can’t believe you found them pressed against a pillar,” Aurora whispered as Ayanna brushed her hair.

  “I wish I could forget it,” Ayanna chuckled as she worked. “I always knew those twins were strange.”

  She wanted to focus and do her best today because it was that time of year when the emperor returned to Rome for the autumn and winter months. Everything was being cleaned and scrubbed until it gleamed, fresh linens were laid out, and animals were being marked and cataloged for slaughter for feasts. Everything had to be nothing less than perfect for the Emperor of Rome.

  “They will be at the feast tonight,” Aurora grumbled. “No doubt Father will want me on his arm.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Ayanna said with an encouraging smile. “I know you will.”

  Aurora gently touched her hand warmly. Ayanna was her only true friend in this world, a friend she knew she could count on. It was hard being the emperor’s daughter. Everyone looked to her as the elite of the elite. Everyone expected her to be the ideal Roman woman, but she didn’t want any of that.

  What Aurora really wanted more than anything else was love, unconditional love for her and only her. She knew that she, being near 22-years of age, was already considered quite old for marriage. She knew that everyone looked to both she and her brother to continue the imperial line, yet she wasn’t sure if she wanted that. When she did marry and have children, she wanted it to be for herself and the love of her husband, not the state of the empire.

  Sometimes, Aurora envied Ayanna, who seemed so much freer than she was. In reality, she was more a slave to the empire than she was, and Aurora hated that. She wanted to be free, to be able to make her own choices in life, but that couldn’t be afforded for her.

  They walked to the balcony where they could see the imperial progression slowly move towards them. At their head, sitting tall in his saddle, was their father, the high and mighty Emperor of Rome. He held the lives of millions in his palm, a grasp that none were to take too lightly.

  Lined up below them, in a row, stood the gladiators, all dressed in their best and oiled until their skin shined as bright as polished bronze. He was among them, the one who truly held her heart in his massive hands. He stood at their head, with his light-brown hair cropped short, his back rippling with muscles.

  He stood among them, a god among mortals that none would touch. None could match his skill in the arena. None could match his skill with the sword. He was Artemus, the Champion of Rome.


  Kaiser stood in line with the other gladiators, his hand clenched tightly upon the wooden sword in his fist. How he wished it was real. How he wished he could strike the emperor down, the man who was responsible for all the pain going on in his homeland. The man who was responsible for the enslavement of millions. This man did not deserve to live.

  Yet, Kaiser knew he did not stand a chance.

  There were more guards surrounding the arena more than ever, and Kaiser knew that if he tried to attack, then he would be slaughtered instantly. He needed to bid his time. He needed to find the right time and place for him to strike. He just hoped that the time came soon.

  The emperor’s tall white stallion trotted down the long lines of gladiators, many of them stared blankly ahead, though Kaiser was the only one to openly glare. He couldn’t help himself. The horse came to a stop and slowly, the emperor unclasped the buckles on his helmet and raised his head to the balcony where his children stood.

  “Hail Caesar!” all chanted. “Hail the Emperor of Rome!”

  Kaiser didn’t say a word. Instead, his lips were fixed into a tight and hard line. He would disgrace his people if he did. He would disgrace his legacy if he praised the man responsible for enslaving him and who tried to do the same with his people. He couldn’t do it.

  The emperor dismounted and walked up to join his children on the balcony, leaving all who below, forgotten from thought.

  “What happens now?” Kaiser asked Aleron. The man had come to grow on him after some time.

  “We get ready for the games tomorrow,” Aleron answered. “Let us pray to the gods that we would not slash swords.”

  Kaiser nodded. He remembered that Barack had said that to celebrate the emperor’s return, there was to be feasts and events. The main event was a series of gladiatorial games. This would be his first game, and Barack was firmly against such a thing. He claimed that Kaiser was too untrained, but the emperor had ruled it to be so, so Barack had to do as ordered.

  “Tomorrow!” the African barked before the men could disband. “You will get the honor of fighting for the emperor. Some of you will die, others will reign victorious. While I do think most of you are not fully trained, you will use what you know to your benefit and not dishonor this house. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Doctore!” the men all yelled at once.

  “Motto?” Barack asked.

  “No suffering! No honor! No glory!” they answered.

  Chapter Six

  Wine flowed freely as the guests lounged on couches. Slaves held platters of food in their hands and music filled the halls, along with the sounds of laughter and the clatter of bells that jingled on the dancer’s slender hips. This was the first feast of many that would follow the celebration of the emperor returning. Everything glittered in gold and silver, the imperial purple banner hung above the imperial couch where the emperor reclined with his most trusted advisors.

  Ayanna stood behind Aurora, dressed in a gown of white with gold leaf upon the trim. It bared her back almost to her bottom, and she had to make sure to not bend over, else she would be on full display in a way she did not wish to be. She hated wearing gowns like this for several reasons. Mainly because it made her stand out in ways she did not like. Men looked at her with lust in their eyes, though the one she had to be the most cautious of was Cornelius.

  The son of the emperor had his eye on her for several years now. For as long as she could remember, he had turned a lustful gaze upon her since she began her moon blood. She did not want his affections. Cornelius had shared his bed with several slaves, all who wished to boost their position within the household if they laid with him or had his child. He had several little bastards that she knew of. She did not want
to become a statistic when it came to him, so she avoided him as much as she could.

  “My lady,” she whispered to Aurora. “I will be back. I see your goblet is empty and I will get your wine.”

  Aurora nodded and watched as Ayanna slipped away. She also saw Cornelius rise from his couch to follow. Quickly, she summoned Damali, an Arab slave they had, and told her to follow Ayanna to the wine stores. While Aurora loved her brother, she disliked what he did and how he treated the slaves. She knew of his infatuation with Ayanna and tried to stop it as much as possible.

  As Ayanna searched through the clay bottles for the right marked one that held Aurora’s favorite wine, a hand upon her shoulder made her turn around quickly. It was Cornelius, and he looked upon her with unhidden sick desire.

  “The sight of you within that gown stirs my loins,” he said, almost sounding breathless. “How I wish to see it parted from your skin.”

  “My lord, you should not be here,” Ayanna said, as she tried to stay calm. “It is not proper.”

  “What is not proper, is you avoiding me every chance you get,” he said as he took a step forward. “You know how I feel for you.”

  “What you feel, my lord, is nothing more than lust,” she said as she took a step back. “I have told you, I cannot become your lover.”

  “It is because of Aurora, isn’t it?” he asked.

  Ayanna swallowed the lump she felt in her throat. She had to stay calm, she could not panic. Her warrior’s training had taught her this. “No, my lord, it is my own choice,” she said. “I must keep my maidenhead intact for the one chosen for me. And, my lord, I am not worthy to be under your eye.”

  Modestly, she lowered her eyes and looked at him from under her lashes. She had always been a silver tongue, able to talk herself out of anything as long as she stayed calm. The smooth words had the desired effect, and he slowly backed away from her.

  She held her breath until he had left the stores, and then she dropped to her knees, unable to bear it any longer. She knew not how much longer she could fight him off, how much longer he would take ‘no’ for an answer.


  The morning the first set of games was to be held, all the gladiators who were to participate were summoned before Barack early within the dawn hours. Kaiser stood among them, his hands behind his back as the African walked up and down the lines to inspect them. Also in the room was the African female slave, who Kaiser had learned was named Ayanna, as he had forgotten it before.

  At the sight of the girl, however, the men all stood taller, puffed out their chests further and held their heads higher. They wanted to impress her, but Ayanna did not say a word to them as she was only here to make sure that they were all presentable.

  Artemus sat next to her, laughing and joking as he was the only true gladiator she knew. For some reason, this bothered Kaiser, which then confused him as he hardly knew the girl, yet the sight of her with another man annoyed him. However, the voice of Barack cut through the air like his whip upon flesh.

  “Listen up,” the African barked. “You all will be fitted with your costumes for the pre-games event. Afterwards, you will wait in the barracks under the arena for your matches. For those who win, wine and women await you. For those who die, you die with honor. Do not give quarter to any of your opponents. Understand?”

  “Yes, Doctore!” the men said as one.

  Barack nodded. “Good. Ayanna here will see you to your costumes.”

  Thus, the great pageant making began. Every gladiator who was to be in the games were given themes. Most reflected their homelands, others their fighting styles. Ayanna instructed slaves she had brought with her on the costumes that each fighter was to have. Some of the costumes were very grand, others very simple, depending on the fighter.

  When she came to Kaiser on her list, she was told to give him golden armor with ostrich feathers on the helmet. But the moment the German looked upon the armor, he scoffed at it and refused to put it on.

  “I refuse to be dressed like a Roman,” he snapped.

  Ayanna frowned. “It is what was ordered for you. You must put it on.”

  “I said I refuse!” Kaiser growled. “What part of that do you not understand, girl?”

  She glared at him. “Call me ‘girl’ again, and I will take your tongue from your mouth! If you do not like the armor, fine, how about animal skins? Or maybe you can fight naked. I have heard that is what you savages like.”

  Kaiser glared at her but did not protest when she ordered a slave to bring the animal skins. He was accustomed to them, and hearing her fight back at him was slightly arousing. He hadn’t met a girl who seemed so…fiery.

  When the skins were brought and draped upon his body, he walked with the other gladiators to the chariots that awaited them. Once inside, it was a short ride to the massive arena where the fights were to take place. Never had Kaiser seen such a building before. It was so magnificent he did not know what to think of it. Not even in Germania did they have a building such as this.

  The pre-games event was simple, as it mainly consisted of pageants that showed off the wealth of the Roman Empire; it was the gladiators everyone really cared about and wished to see.

  As Kaiser circled the arena in his chariot, he looked up in the Imperial booth and saw Ayanna standing behind the emperor’s daughter. Their eyes locked and she mouthed what looked to be ‘good luck.' Whether she did this to all gladiators or just him, this simple gesture of kindness warmed his heart a bit.

  The crowds were like animals, chanting the names of their favorites, tossing flowers, and sometimes flashing themselves to show their devotion. This made Kaiser think once again that the Romans had no self-respect or any dignity.

  After they had circled the arena twice again, they were led to the barracks for them to await their fates.


  It was in the low lights of the afternoon that Kaiser was called for his match. As he pulled on his armor, he took a deep breath to steel his nerves. He was going out there to fight for their amusement, he was going out there as a slave of Rome. No. His grip on his sword tightened. No, he was not. He refused to be a slave to anything than what he was: a Harii Chieftain. He was going to escape and when he did, he was going to do it with the blood of Rome dripping from his sword.

  “And now we have the mighty Kaiser from the black forests of Germania!” the announcer shouted as Kaiser stepped out into the sands.

  The crowd booed, as no doubt they had heard terrible things about Germania. Not that Kaiser cared. He did not seek their approval, he sought their deaths and their deaths he would have.

  His opponent was a man who fought in the Retiarius style. One who fought with a trident and weighted net. Kaiser, who held a gladius in one hand, and a short shield in the other with light armor, might have the advantage if he made sure to keep on moving. He couldn’t stay still, as the Retiarius would try and tangle him within his net, then stab him with his spear.

  “Begin!” the announcer commanded.

  Inside the Imperial booth, Ayanna watched the fight with unnatural interest. For some reason, her eye could not be pulled away from the German warrior as he fought. No man had ever caught her eye before, mainly because she did not deem she had time to pursue a relationship with one. Not only that, but being a personal handmaiden to the emperor’s daughter meant she belonged to her, heart, body and soul. Thus, it also meant she could not lay with a man without Aurora’s permission.

  “The German seems to be of wonderful form,” Damali whispered to Ayanna, startling her from her thoughts.

  Ayanna looked to her friend. “Yes. You might say that.”

  “Do you…feel something for him?” the Arab slave teased.

  Ayanna knew where this was going, and she shook her head. “No, I do not. Li, you know that is not possible, even if I wanted to.”

  Damali chuckled. “I believe you know more, than you care to admit. You are attracted to the German. Admit it.�

  Ayanna shook her head and turned back to the match. Both men seemed to be a perfect match in stamina, strength and speed. When one would strike out, the other would deflect it in perfect accuracy. But as the fight waned on, it was clear that the Retiarius was growing tired.

  Kaiser struck out once he saw his opening. His sword sliced into the side of the man while kicking out with his foot. The man toppled backwards, kneeling in his blood as he coughed, crimson dripping down his chin. Kaiser held up his sword to finish him, but as he looked into the eyes of the man…he found himself unable to plunge it into the man.

  The crowd began to chant, “Jugula! Jugula!” meaning for Kaiser to end the battle.

  He looked up in the imperial box, unsure of what to do and saw the emperor had given the ‘thumbs down’ gesture for him to kill him, but Kaiser did not want to. He did, however, see Ayanna behind the emperor’s daughter, and saw that she nodded for him to end the battle. If he did not, then he would be punished for dishonoring the imperial Ludus.

  So, with a deep breath, he pulled his sword back and then thrust it forward. It cut clean through the man’s helmet, and he fell back, coughing and choking on his own blood.

  “Winner!” the crowd chanted. “Winner! Winner!”

  Kaiser looked at the sword in his hand with horror and shame. While he had killed before, he had never killed for another’s pleasure. The realization made him sick to his stomach.

  Chapter Seven

  “Form one!” Barack barked. “Form two!”

  The gladiators moved as one, as they did the combat formations as fluid as water. Barack walked up and down the lines, yelling the forms and combinations while also checking for any imperfections. Among them was Ayanna, a factor that all the men were used to. As the personal slave and bodyguard to the emperor’s daughter, she had to be the best warrior she could be. So, she trained with the gladiators, and was better than a vast number of them.


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