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My Bad- Lani Lynn Vale

Page 15

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  “Pru, baby?”

  I realized that I’d spaced out, and was now standing in front of the security desk.

  “I don’t understand why they won’t let me through,” I pouted.

  Hoax dropped a kiss onto my mouth. “Because they have to follow protocol.”

  I rolled my eyes. “But I want to stay with you for the next hour until your flight.”

  He tugged on my ponytail and grinned. “What, exactly, would you talk to me about?”

  I started to squirm as I thought about what we’d done a lot of over the last few days.

  “Well, it is still baby making weather outside.” I paused. “They probably won’t let your flight take off anyway.”

  His smile looked sad as he replied.

  “It’s a military flight. They’ll take off unless the winds are too high. Rain and lightning won’t bother them.”

  I frowned, wanting to say something more, but didn’t.

  He was still being highly secretive about his job, and I didn’t want to bring something up he’d have to lie about. I tried to keep my questions to a minimum because I could definitely see how much he hated keeping secrets from me.

  A boom of thunder shook the glass windows that were surrounding us, and I grinned.

  “Too bad there’s not a private room here for us to use…” I teased.

  His eyes flared, and he started to glance around curiously.

  I shook my head and started backing away. “Oh, no you don’t.”

  “Yes.” He tugged me in the direction of a handicap bathroom that looked to be only one stall. “I do.”

  I put on the brakes, trying to dig my heels in, but in a feat of strength, he just picked me up and tossed me over his free shoulder.

  Without actually causing a big stir and screaming, really bringing attention to the fact that we were headed to a private bathroom to do obvious things that we probably shouldn’t be doing in a public place, I was forced to hold my tongue.

  But, although I was worried someone would catch us, a tiny thrill of excitement was coursing through my body.

  Luckily, Hoax was flying out of the local airport, meaning there were about eighteen people in the entire place, most of them occupied doing other things.

  However, Bayou and Brielle had been behind us at the front doors, prepared to wait to see him off—or at least his plane take off. There was no way that they were missing what Hoax was doing, and where he was taking me.

  “Your cousins are watching us like we’re crazy,” I told him.

  “We’re not crazy,” he told me. “What we have is new and we’re in love.”

  I didn’t correct him on the ‘in love’ statement, because that was freakin’ true. It’d been mere weeks, but I was totally and completely in love with him. Hook, line and sinker. Head over heels. Shamelessly and irrevocably.

  There was no getting out of it, either. I had a feeling that my attachment to the man would only grow.

  The moment the door closed behind us, I found myself in a familiar position.

  Back pressed against the wall, and his weight holding me upright, as he ground himself against me.

  The thunder overhead boomed and he smiled.

  “One more time for the road,” he growled.

  I licked my lips and then nodded. “Has to be quick.”

  He slowly started to ease his hands up my legs, and I’d never in my life been so happy that I’d worn a dress.

  I’d wanted to look pretty as I sent him off, and by looking pretty I’d made this having sex in a public bathroom thing pretty easy.

  His hands moved up until they came to a stop at the curve of my ass, and he grinned. “Thong. Didn’t think you’d torture me this way when I’m leaving.”

  I leaned forward and teasingly bit his lip. “Panty lines, Hoax. They ruin a dress.”

  He shoved my thong to the side, and suddenly his fingers were dragging along sensitive nerve endings.

  “Maybe you should wear jeans while I’m gone.” He suggested.

  I bit my lip and pulled back, my eyes alight with humor. “Yeah?”

  He pushed one finger inside, and my mouth fell open on a gasp.

  “Yeah,” his voice sounded rough. “I don’t want anyone noticing what’s mine when I’m not here to defend it.”

  I shifted my weight, or tried to, and caused his finger to slide just a little bit deeper.

  My breath caught.

  “Why must you always torture me?” I asked, pressing kisses to his face.

  His mouth. The tip of his nose. His bearded jaw. His eyebrow.

  He tilted his mouth in my direction and I pressed my lips there, intending it to be a chaste kiss like the rest of them.

  It wasn’t.

  It turned out to be Hoax taking advantage and thrusting his tongue inside my mouth.

  He fucked my mouth in unison with his fingers press inside my pussy. Soon, my mind was a swirl of pleasure and need.

  I pulled away with a gasp, drawing a much-needed breath.

  “Damn.” I panted.

  His mouth went to my neck, sucking and licking, and I knew that I’d have multiple love bites tomorrow.

  Something to remember him by.

  The sound of his zipper going down was loud as hell in the quiet room, and I started to squirm, anticipation of his fat cock filling me full.

  “Jesus, you undo me,” he said. “Sometimes,” he picked me up higher and moved me until his dick was at my entrance. “All I can think about is this.”

  He filled me in one smooth glide, gravity doing the job with laughable ease.

  I was so wet that it didn’t take much on his part to get me where he wanted me.

  I experimentally clenched around him, trying to adjust to his invasion.

  It wasn’t an easy thing. He was big, thick, and hard. There was no getting used to that.

  But, did the size of him stop me from squirming and eventually bouncing without his help? No.

  I couldn’t help it.

  He felt good.

  So. Fucking. Good.

  “Christ,” he laughed, starting to lift me up. “You feel magnificent.”

  I agreed with him. He felt good, too.

  Too good.

  I was going to miss him.

  “I’m going to have to buy a dildo that matches your size.” I snickered. “It’s going to have to be a big one, too.”

  He thrust up inside of me, almost too hard, and growled against my ear. “Nothing but me will be filling you ever again unless I’m the one to put it there.”

  I shivered at the finality in those words. He meant every single word.

  “But how will I keep myself satisfied while you’re gone?” I teased. “My fingers combined don’t add up to your girth.”

  Then I wiggled my fingers against his neck, causing his muscles to tighten and then unclench.

  He squeezed my ass. “Don’t care. You can use your measly fingers or your whole damn hand, just like I’m going to have to do, but nothing else.”

  I dug my fingernails in slightly at the mention of him doing it, too.

  The idea of his hand shuffling over the length of his cock? That was enough to send me over the edge.

  I arched into him and shattered into a million happy Pru pieces.

  My eyes had closed during the euphoria, and only when I heard him grunt into my ear did I pull my face away from his neck and watch him come.

  His eyes caught mine, and something crossed between us. Something monumental. Something that would stay with me forever.

  And when he was done, and finally set me on my feet, still he did not let my gaze go.

  I licked my lips and felt my face flush.

  I wasn’t embarrassed over what we just did. In fact, I was completely and utterly comfortable with everything that I did with this man.

  It didn’t matter if we were in my shower at home, at my work in the break room,
or in a public bathroom at the airport.

  Anytime. Anywhere.

  As long as it was with him.

  He reached over my shoulder and yanked a paper towel free of the dispenser, and it made an ugly, grinding sound.

  I turned and looked, seeing that it was one of those automatic dispensing ones.

  “I’m not sure that’s how those work,” I teased him as he wiped his cock off with half the paper towel he’d managed to tear free while holding out the other half to me.

  I took the towel and reached under my dress, cleaning myself up.

  Sex was messy.

  Not only were there my juices to worry about, but there were also now his.

  And even when I think I got it all, I still managed to leak for at least the next six hours.

  After cleaning up and washing my hands, I resituated my underwear, smoothed down my dress, and finally addressed the elephant in the room.

  “You ready?” I whispered, looking at him standing behind me in the mirror.

  He nodded only once.

  And I had a feeling that was the only nod he was able to get out of himself.

  “Okay.” I stepped away from the sink and gestured toward it. “You might want to wash me off your fingers.”

  He snickered. “Yeah, I might want to do that.”

  Once he was finished, I handed him a paper towel, dispensed the correct way, and reached for the door.

  I wasn’t surprised to see that there was no one paying attention. The airport we were at was small.

  The only person that noticed us coming out was Brielle across the room, who didn’t bother to hide her anger.

  I let my eyes flash over her and move to the security person who was standing there looking bored.

  “You ready?” he asked me, placing his hand on my belly and pulling me into him.

  I leaned my head into his chest and nodded my head. “Ready when you are.”

  “Funny,” he said roughly. “I’m not nearly as ready as I should be.”

  I shook my head and turned in his arms.

  He dropped his bag and curled both of his massive, strong arms around me, squeezing me so tight I squeaked.

  “Love you across Texas and back,” he whispered against my hair.

  Then he was walking to security, handing the security officer his boarding pass, and walking through the big scanner that went a complete three-sixty around his body.

  The moment he reclaimed his bag, he turned and winked at me, blowing me a kiss.

  I reached down and caught it, pressing it against my mouth.

  He laughed and turned, never looking back.

  A large body came to stand beside me, and Bayou’s voice was low and deep as he said, “If you come stand at the top of the stairs, you can see him and then watch his plane depart.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want him to see me cry.”

  Bayou’s arm went around my shoulder. “You’re allowed to cry.”

  I shook my head. “He doesn’t need to see me crying. That’s an asshole move.”

  He laughed. “You’re good for him, girl.”

  I felt my throat tighten just a little bit farther. Bayou’s approval meant a lot to me, because he was a large part of Hoax’s life. It was important that he liked me.

  “Then we’ll wait until his plane is called, then we’ll go up there. Deal?”

  I nodded. “Deal.”

  By the time his plane was called for boarding, I’d semi-gotten myself under control.

  By the time we climbed the stairs, and could see over the security desks to the large picture window that showed Hoax’s plane—and Hoax the only one getting on it—I was back in near hysterics again.

  But Hoax could likely see me and I didn’t want him to know just how badly I didn’t want him to go.

  I wouldn’t take that from him. I wouldn’t taint his job with my insecurities.

  I would be a big girl, and I would pull my big girl panties up and get myself under control!

  Then he sent me a text as he was walking into the plane, and I lost it.

  Hoax: Across Texas and back, pretty girl. Don’t forget me.

  I typed out one word. Never.

  Chapter 14

  Telling people your favorite part of your job is ‘I sometimes get to shoot people’ isn’t something you should start a conversation off with.

  -E-mail from Hoax to Pru


  I felt like I’d left a piece of my heart in Texas.

  “Look who it is,” an amused voice drawled. “It’s like a ghost!”

  I flipped off Hammer, real name Jenkins, and kept walking.

  Rush and Shuff, another two from my team, met me at the door with huge bear hugs.

  It was one of my best friend’s reactions, Carl, who did me in, though.

  “Holy damn God!” Carl boomed, standing up so fast he knocked the chair he’d been sitting in over. “If it isn’t Hoax in the flesh.”

  Then I was hugged so goddamn hard that my ribs creaked.

  Hell, my arm that still ached at the end of the day even creaked and he hadn’t even touched it.

  I returned the hug with as much strength as I could and let him go.

  “You act like you didn’t see me in all this time.” I laughed.

  The boys had been down to Bear Bottom twice over my time off and had left about two days before I’d met Pru.

  “You have a woman,” Carl said. “You haven’t called. You haven’t written. I’m not even sure we have anything to fight for any longer.”

  I rolled my eyes and shoved him aside, walking into the room that we’d call our home for the next however long it took.

  Hopefully less than it was looking like.

  We’d been the second team to visit this lovely establishment, and hopefully the last.

  The first team, three of their guys had been made, and instead of continuing to fuck up or kill someone, they’d been reassigned, and we’d taken their place.

  The boys had been there a week gathering information, and I’d arrived just in time to start planning.

  Hopefully it’d be done fast, and I could go home.

  But, like always, another job would come up, and I’d just have to leave again.

  I hadn’t explained my job particulars to Pru, and I was hoping I never had to.

  I had a feeling she knew more than she let on, because each time our conversations were steered toward my job, she changed the subject.

  I hoped that her father had given her some insight as well because I’d never tell her the truth.

  Not because I didn’t want to, but because I couldn’t.

  I could, of course, give her a few details. But a few details always turned into too much.

  And I didn’t want to burden her with any unnecessary worries, either.

  “Yo, earth to loser.”

  I flicked my gaze up to Carl and raised my brow. “What?”

  “I asked if you asked her to marry you yet,” he repeated his earlier question.

  I grinned. “Not yet.”

  “So there is going to come a time that I have a sister?” he teased.

  “You already have a sister,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “But she’s a bitch and I don’t claim her.”

  I snorted. “Carl, your sister’s a bitch to you because you never cease in terrorizing her.”

  “Isn’t that a brother’s sacred duty?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. So, I wouldn’t know.”

  “You can have mine,” Carl said. “And then you can let me know if you think me telling her that her ass is fat was fair as I got on the plane last week.”

  I snorted. “I’m not sure that it’s ever nice to say a woman’s ass is fat, whether it is, in fact, fat or not.”

  He shrugged. “Oops.”

  “Boys, let’s
stop talking about fat asses and get on to what we came here to do,” Treat suggested.

  Treat, also known as Trinity to everyone that wasn’t us, was our commanding officer, and the man that led us into hellacious places and found us a way back out again.

  I’d trust him with my life, and he’d proven that he’d take care of it.

  “All right, here’s what we got…”


  That night, as I lay on my cot sweating my balls off, I sent Pru a message through the Messenger app I’d downloaded.

  Hoax Smith: I made it.

  Pru immediately responded.

  Pru Mackenzie: Your last name isn’t Smith.

  I grinned and started replying.

  Pru Mackenzie: I’m glad that I got to hear from you. But Smith is so generic, couldn’t you actually come up with something that’s believable.

  I finished typing my message and sent it.

  Hoax Smith: I would’ve just put Hoax, but Facebook wouldn’t let me. So, I made up a name on the fly. I thought it was good.

  Pru took two seconds to type out her reply and then responded.

  Pru Mackenzie: I guess that’s acceptable. Did you make a Facebook profile as well?

  I started to type a reply but stopped when I saw the picture she sent next.

  I grinned.

  Hoax Smith: No, I didn’t create a profile. Why is Bacon in the bathtub with you?

  Pru Mackenzie: I didn’t invite him in here with me if that’s what you’re asking. I actually meant to lock him out, but obviously I didn’t make sure the door was closed all the way.

  Hoax Smith: you can take a bath with him any time. The only male I’ll allow to share your bathwater.

  Pru replied with a ton of laughing emojis.

  Another picture came in after the emojis, and I grinned when I saw the water drained from the bath, and the pig still covered in bubbles laying in the now-empty bathtub.

  Pru Mackenzie: I think, if I allowed him to, he’d lay there all night. Did you know that pigs, when wet, are slippery? When I tried to pull him out, he wiggled and flopped like a fish out of water. I decided he can stay there and freeze.

  I grinned and replied.

  Hoax Smith: He’d come out for me if I was there.

  Her pig loved me.

  Then again, all of her animals loved me.


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