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Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3

Page 9

by Michelle Howard

  Hopeful of knowing at least one person tonight, Lindsey asked, “Will they be here at the party?”

  “Oh, no.” Kimsha swiped at the red hair on his forehead, only to have it fall back in his eyes. “This is for business purposes only. Many are curious about the unknown woman who married two Senate Leaders. Better to give them a look now than to have speculation run rampant.”

  It sounded all well and good but Lindsey hated the idea of being on display.

  Kimsha held up a shimmering gown of copper. “What about this one?”


  The household jumped with activity as plans for the party progressed. Lindsey didn’t get a chance to see her husbands. When Zumei returned, he informed her everyone was too busy to cater to her needs and she needed to tell him if she required help.

  Standing in the doorway between her bedroom and bathroom, Lindsey pressed a palm to her earlobe. The skin seemed abnormally warm but the swelling behind it had gone down.

  Zumei waved an impatient hand. “We have to hurry. The guests are arriving and Senate Leader Zadal sent me to bring you down.”

  Her head hurt. Lindsey leaned closer to the mirror and squinted as she tried to see. “I don’t know if I feel well, Zumei. I’m hot and I think I have a fever.”

  The ache from the translator had become increasingly worse. Bells continued to ring in her ear.

  His gaze narrowed. “Now is not the time to be sick. There are at least a hundred people here tonight to meet you. Important people and associates of the Senate Leaders. Will you ruin this moment for them?”

  She didn’t want to ruin anything. Both had been kind to her thus far and the sex on their wedding night had been amazing.

  Lindsey winced as pain burst along one side of her head. “I’m sorry, Zumei. Can you at least have Baruk come up?”

  She fingered the skin behind her ear. Baruk came across as the gentler husband and she wanted the assurance his presence would bring.

  “Senate Leader Baruk isn’t home yet but Senate Leader Zadal is in his office.”

  She’d appeal to the moments of gentility she witnessed in Zadal. “Will you please tell Zadal to stop and see me first? I really don’t think it’s a good idea to go to a party sick.”

  Zumei’s lips firmed as he blew out a breath and slammed the door behind him. Lindsey sat on the side of her bed and pressed her hand to her middle. She really hated the idea of missing the party.

  Zumei returned moments later, face red. “The Senate Leader doesn’t have time. He insists you come down now. Enough of this foolishness.”

  Disappointment closed in on her. After their shared interlude, Lindsey expected more of a response from Zadal. Maybe going to the party for a little while wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

  “Alright. Let me finish up.” Lindsey hurried to the bathroom. One last look at her facial cosmetics and the exquisite copper-colored gown that banded around her torso before falling in smooth silky layers to the floor and Lindsey considered herself ready.

  She swiped at the smooth waves of hair about her shoulders making sure to hide the abraded red skin from the implant.

  Lindsey held a side of her dress up to keep from tripping in the new shoes she wore, all the while butterflies took flight in her middle. As she left her room and descended the stairs, Zumei stayed on her heels the entire way, increasing her anxiety. Conversation flowed through the foyer and her gaze scanned the crowd anxiously.

  “This way.” Zumei guided her towards the opened doors of the ballroom.


  They stopped and turned before reaching the room. Zadal approached with long strides, his black suit and crisp button down black shirt fitted him perfectly. She considered being annoyed about his dismissal of her pain but put it aside. Images from their time together in his office flashed through her mind. A blush stained her cheeks as she met his intimidating gaze.

  “I’ll escort her in, Zumei.”

  The small man’s hands fisted at his side. “Tonight is important, Senate Leader. Might I recommend you see to your guests while I show her around.”

  “No, you may not. Consider yourself dismissed for the evening, Zumei.”

  Currents drifted between the two men. Lindsey eyed them curiously. Zadal didn’t break his gaze from Zumei until the man bowed stiffly and walked away with jerky steps.

  Zadal faced her, expression wiped smooth of the anger of moments prior. “I see Baruk had Welsin handle your dress for this evening.”

  Nerves prickled. “Welsin sent a ton of things. More than I could ever wear.”

  A corner of his mouth curved up. “Don’t be so sure of that.”

  Lindsey frowned. “Lord, I hope not. I’m nervous enough without worrying about more parties in my future.”

  Brawny arms folded over his formidable chest. “Why are you nervous?”

  She couldn’t help her chuckle. “Are you serious? People are going to stare at the weird Earth woman.”

  His eyes darkened to the deepest shades of amber possible. “If someone offends you tonight, let me know.”

  That would be a no since she wanted to fit in. This was her new home now and Lindsey would make every attempt to fit in but she lied to avoid an argument. “Sure.”

  She laced her arm through his elbow and ignored the way he stiffened. “Will you walk in with me?”

  Zadal glanced down at her, brow furrowed. “You’ve got a lock on my arm, leaving me no choice.”

  Lindsey snickered. “I thought you’d be the uptight husband, Z, but I think your humor is just sneakier.”

  They crossed the threshold into a much more formal affair than Lindsey expected. Decorative lights hung across the ceiling, black linen covered the multiple tables in the room with glowing candles setting up ambient lighting. A group of musicians seated in the corner of the ball room played music on string instruments.

  “You will call me Zadal.”

  “I like Z,” she murmured absently, shoulders hunching from the stares turned their way. “Reminds me of my favorite romance hero from a book.”

  “I’m no one’s hero, Lindsey.” He stopped them mid-step and cupped her face with his free hand. “It’s best you understand that early on to avoid any confusion.”

  Behind his harsh words, Lindsey sensed a hint of insecurity. Doubt. Her stomach muscles tensed as the connection stretched between them. Lindsey cleared her throat, unable to break away from the intensity in his brown eyes. “It was only a comment.”

  Beyond the caramel gaze hunger blazed so fiercely that her body responded with a matching passion. Butterflies took flight and fluttered about to create little bubbles of desire in her abdomen.

  “Words have the tendency to have more power than we give them credit. I’m sure it’s the same on your world.”

  He exposed so much hurt in those murmured words that it hit a corresponding note in Lindsey. Her father preferred making babies to forming any sort of relationship with the numerous children he created. Lindsey had tried repeatedly to establish a bond of some sort with him but he’d refused. And her mother didn’t understand Lindsey’s need to be wanted. Loved.

  Pain glinted from Zadal’s eyes then he blinked and the look faded as if never there. Forgetting people watched their every move yet compelled to do something, Lindsey released his arm and leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips.

  She intended it to be a soft declaration of her care for him. Two parties of like minds.

  Zadal had something else in mind. His arms snapped around her waist as his mouth took the offer and claimed her with brutal force. His tongue stoked the minute flames of arousal, sending spears of pleasure through her limbs. Ping. Lindsey entwined her arms around his neck and pressed closer. Only the distant sound of clapping penetrated her haze.

  They broke apart with a gasp. Lindsey froze, breath stalling in her chest. She placed a hand over her mouth in shock. Zadal clasped her wrist and pulled her arm down then smoothed a finger over her bottom lip, a s
mudge of color dotting the tip. He withdrew a cloth from his jacket pocket and wiped it clean.

  “Well,” she said, clearing her throat roughly and admonishing her inner harlot. “That’s one way to enter a party.”

  Zadal smirked. “We only gave them what they came to see.”

  “It would seem I’ve arrived just in time.” Baruk came up behind them, gripping Zadal’s shoulder in greeting and smiling at Lindsey. “Am I entitled to a kiss as well, Lindsey?”

  Murmurs spread around them and the blush in her cheeks burned a path down her naked shoulders. Baruk didn’t give her a chance to agree or disagree. His arms swooped around her, dipping her low across his elbow as he kissed her long and deep. Lindsey gripped his silver lined black jacket for balance, only to have him knock her senses sideways when he sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  Her nipples hardened and his deep groan caused moisture to dampen her new satin thongs. Her knees weakened and a brief fear of falling crossed her mind. Strong arms supported her from behind and the musky scent of Zadal filled her nostrils. He held her hips firmly until Baruk straightened them carefully then let her go. Both men stood before her.

  Heat smoldered from Baruk’s gaze. In a voice gone husky, he said, “I’m sorry I was late, wife.”

  The silver lining the inside of Baruk’s black suit matched his silver shirt perfectly. Holy cow. Double the trouble. Lindsey fanned her face. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Baruk smiled. “Allow me to introduce you to our guests.”

  Lindsey clung to the sleeve of his jacket, making sure she regained her balance. Zadal sidled next to her and both men kept near as they introduced her to more people than she would ever remember. Some expressed shock and disappointment when introduced, others remained carefully neutral. No one pretended to be overjoyed but Lindsey wasn’t sure if it was her or the bitter looks Zadal received causing the strain.

  After an hour of circulating, tension vibrating in every pore, Lindsey begged off for a drink. Zadal and Baruk stood on either side of her in a gathering of at least ten well dressed men and women. The talk ranged from politics to financial trends and back to politics. All of which she had no idea how to contribute.

  “I’m thirsty.”

  “I can get it for you,” Baruk volunteered, a look of concern crossing his face.

  Lindsey held up a hand to stall him. His blue eyes questioned but Lindsey didn’t want to draw attention to how awkward she felt. In addition, a film of sweat coated her arms no matter how still she tried to stand. Having this many people stare at her was no walk in the park.

  Zadal’s dark gaze shifted in her direction. “Lindsey, are you alright?”

  If she didn’t get a bit of breathing room and something to drink to cool her parched throat she might lose her hold on the be kind mantra running through her head. “I’m fine. You both stay.”

  Lindsey gave the group what she hoped represented a friendly look and walked away.


  His wife was beautiful. Zadal couldn’t take his gaze off of Lindsey as she left him and Baruk. The gown hugged a figure he had the pleasure of touching during their wedding night. The copper color flattered her more than the yellow monstrosity she’d worn to the Triad Bridal Meet. It parted at the knee in the front allowing glimpses of her shapely legs.

  “Beautiful woman,” Pollan said, coming to stand beside Zadal.

  Zadal grunted his agreement. He detested his fellow Senate Leader. Baruk seemed on good terms with the man, probably due to their similar upbringings but Zadal thought there was a slyness to Pollan’s comments. There was a hidden meaning beneath his pseudo-compliments or throwaway words whenever they conversed.

  “From Earth, correct?”

  Zadal reluctantly dragged his attention from Lindsey to face Pollan. “Yes, she is.”

  Pollan shifted closer and lowered his voice. “I guess that’s one way to get around the fact Garulax women aren’t interested in you.”

  Zadal enjoyed imagining all the ways he could make his fellow Senate Leader lick Baruk’s highly polished floor. None of them acceptable, of course, but the thoughts allowed him to restrain the urge to start a brawl at his Triad Marriage celebration.

  In order to keep from lowering to Pollan’s level, Zadal reminded himself of how sweet Lindsey had been when she’d gone to her knees for him. Such fiery pleasure in those few minutes together and she’d asked for nothing in return. Those thoughts allowed him to tune out the rest of Pollan’s rambling while his gaze never left Lindsey’s exquisite form.

  Chapter 15

  Lindsey stopped one of Baruk’s many roaming servants as they worked the ball room and grabbed the first drink on the wide range displayed on his tray. The glass contained a green liquid of unidentified origins. Blowing off any doubts, Lindsey drank until she drained the cup then switched it for a fresh refill from the selection and downed it too.

  The servant’s eyes widened.

  “Tama, right?” Lindsey was getting good at recognizing faces from her meals in the servant’s dining room.

  Tama brightened. “Yes, Lady Lindsey.”

  Lindsey handed back the empty glass with a more relaxed smile. “Thank you.”

  She brushed at the damp hair on her temple and strolled around the guests. The attitudes of those she met or spoke with briefly ranged from outright hostile to subtle shaming.

  Lindsey ended in a group of two couples. Or Triads. Four men and two women, each with graying hair at their temples and lines of maturity creasing their faces. She thought she was safe in such a surrounding.

  “You’ll need to do better to fit in,” counseled a man who she learned worked with Baruk and Zadal.

  He introduced himself as Hyan Coles, another Senate Leader. Lindsey swallowed any nasty retort that she was new and working plenty hard to fit in. “My husbands have been gracious in teaching me about Garulax.”

  Senate Leader Hyan’s wife, Ria, snorted. A delicate woman with a frail beauty about her and short red curls, the bitter sound was incongruous with her appearance. “Do you really think you can learn to have class?”

  Lindsey flinched. The others laughed but Hyan’s spouse partner, Laren, chided, “My dear it’s evident she’s more to Zadal’s liking.”

  More laughter.

  Lips firm, Lindsey said, “Zadal is very much to my liking. Both my husbands are.”

  They all exchanged snide glances and her spine straightened. Thankfully, they began talking over her in a deliberate attempt to exclude. Every time she tried to excuse herself, they asked a question far beyond her ability to answer, keeping her in their circle.

  She stuttered and stumbled and eventually fell silent while Hyan shook his head as if disappointed and started another round of talks about development and financial planning. Sipping her drink, Lindsey listened, hoping to absorb something of worth.

  Thanks to this enterprising group, she’d learned that briot meant bastard. The insult was specific to Zadal and not a casual term. Apparently, they placed a lot of emphasis on birth status here and her darker natured husband drew the short end of the stick in their minds.

  As the men became more engrossed in their debate, Ria turned to Lindsey. The pit in her stomach widened and the butterflies had long since danced their way to freedom, leaving Lindsey miserable, tired and achy.

  “For the life of me, I can’t figure out why either of them bothered to marry you. It’s not like you’re important otherwise your jewelry would reflect your value to them.”

  Lindsey didn’t know anything about jewelry rating her importance but she hadn’t missed the glittering pieces on all of the women tonight, including Ria.

  “Can you explain for me? Or tell me what exactly you had to do to bring Baruk up to the Triad? I fancied him myself before I married.”

  Lindsey pressed a hand to her middle. “I’m not sure what you’re asking. Baruk and Zadal and I agreed we would all benefit from a marriage with each other.”

  Hyan leaned in to i
nterrupt. “It would have to be more than that. Even you can’t be that simple. If I were you, I’d find out exactly what appeal you hold to them.” He shared a glance with the others. “Because frankly we all don’t see it.”

  It was a put down clear and simple. Not just the words but the tone. Lindsey’s lips firmed. Kindness. Kill them with kindness.

  “Thank you, Senate Leader Hyan. I will take that under advisement.”

  Pure malice filled his wife’s smile. “You’ll learn child. It’s unfortunate Baruk has to suffer in the meantime. Why with an unfit wife and Zadal for a spouse partner it’s no wonder his company is scrambling to repair the damage this senseless Triad has caused.”

  Baruk’s company struggled? Lindsey’s stomach quivered and the light food she nibbled on earlier sloshed about.

  “One hopes his fortune isn’t impacted too greatly,” Hyan added.

  Lindsey swallowed, her smile faltering slightly.

  Another man joined their small circle, his blond hair neatly styled and grey eyes mysterious. “Ah, Lady Lindsey. I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  His bow was slight. Something she’d learned reflected the level of respect a Garulaxan had for one another. The pit in her belly widened.

  “Hello.” Her chin lifted.

  “Pollan, Lindsey here was telling us she knows nothing of politics.” Hyan informed the new man, his lips curling in a smirk.

  She hadn’t said that at all. She thought it but hadn’t voiced it. Lindsey knotted her fingers together.

  Ria trilled a laugh. “How dreadful for Baruk. First to be saddled with the briot and then an Earthling wife.”

  Lindsey’s heart thudded hard. Her palms dampened and her head hurt at the implant site. She wanted far away from these malicious people. “I think I see someone I need to speak with.”

  Pollan gripped her elbow and gave her a faint smile. A cold light entered his eyes. “Wonderful, I’ll accompany you.”

  Not wanting to draw undue attention to them, Lindsey inclined her head. “Thank you.”


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