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Page 4

by Ashley John

  He thought back to Adam, who’d been sucking his cock less than an hour ago. Adam hadn’t been able to excite him but the blonde was just the distraction he needed. And he’s not even my type.

  “Am I coming back to yours tonight?” the twink whispered into his ear.

  Ezra tore his eyes away from the blonde for a moment. The twink was cute but he was too easy. He could pick up a dozen guys like him and they would all be exactly the same. He knew he was a pig for looking at them as disposable fuck toys but he didn’t care. That’s how they presented themselves and that’s how he used them.

  “What’s your name again?” Ezra asked for the second time that day.

  “Ben,” he whispered, leaning in even closer.

  “Ben,” Ezra nodded, “we’ll see.”

  You can be my backup.

  That seemed to be enough for Ben because his fingers gently brushed against the insides of Ezra’s thighs. He didn’t even know half of the people at his table but he didn’t care. They seemed to know him. It was usually enough to get him through the night but tonight he had his eyes on a more unobtainable prize.

  The way the blonde had spoken to him, without fear, excited him in a way that made him want to take him straight to bed.

  “Oh, you like that?” Ben whispered.

  Ezra glanced down at his crotch, his shaft was starting to twitch and harden but it wasn’t because Ben was touching it. The second his mind had wandered into the bedroom and he’d seen the blonde in his bed, with his beaded necklaces hanging loosely around his tanned, naked and tattooed body, the blood had rushed straight to his manhood.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  The blonde poured the last of the champagne into his glass and tossed it back quickly. Ezra knew that if he didn’t make a move soon, he’d lose out on his golden opportunity and he knew how big London was. You could fuck your way through an entire bar full of guys and you’d never have to worry about bumping into them again. Either he didn’t bump into them, or he didn’t remember them enough to realise when he did.

  He looked down to Ben, who was desperately trying to jerk him off under the table. Ezra knew it was for the bragging rights. The line ‘Ezra Steele fucked me’ would be enough to get Ben laid for the rest of his twenties.

  Glancing back to the bar, his stomach lurched forwards when he saw the empty seat and the empty champagne bottle. Ignoring the solid length below, he edged out of the booth and headed across to the bar, leaving Ben. With one hand, he skilfully buttoned his suit jacket and with the other he rearranged himself through his pocket.

  “Amy, where did that guy go?”

  She shrugged, clearly happy that the creep had left her alone, “I didn’t see him leave.”

  Turning on the spot, he looked to the door and thought about running outside to look for him but he decided against it. If he’d jumped straight into a cab, he’d already be miles away.

  Fuck, there goes my distraction.

  Heading towards the bathroom, he tried to console himself. He wouldn’t be going home to an empty bed but he didn’t get to do a little chasing.

  He walked straight over to the long row of marble sinks to stare at himself in the mirror. His hair was still perfectly in place, his suit was still on point and he could just about see the outline of his thick cock, still hard in his underwear.

  Washing his hands, he decided that he was going to settle the bill and duck out of the back door, ditching the desperate party who had clung onto him. A couple of them worked at Silverton Tower but he didn’t really know them. The rest were people hoping to get close to Ezra Steele but they didn’t interest him. He wouldn’t have called any of them his friends but he didn’t even know if he could call anybody his friend.

  The sound of a toilet flushing made him glance through the mirror to notice that one of the stalls had a closed door. When the door slowly opened and the blonde walked out, his heart jumped painfully into his mouth. The stranger didn’t notice him at first but their eyes quickly joined in the mirror. Ezra couldn’t conceal his smirk as the blonde rolled his eyes moodily.

  “You again,” he joined him at the sinks.

  “Aren’t you pleased to see me?” Ezra smiled through the mirror.

  He couldn’t explain why he wanted to talk to the guy so much. He seemed dismissive and he clearly thought he was too good for Ezra. He was treating Ezra with the same distaste he used on guys but he didn’t like it when the shoe was on the other foot.

  The man washed his hands quickly, trying to avoid eye contact. Ezra could tell curiosity was taking over. He started to wash his own hands, ignoring that he’d only just done it.

  “Did you follow me in here?” the blonde asked.

  “You wish.”

  I wasn’t that clever.

  “Liar,” a drunken smile flickered across the man’s lips.

  “Are you going to tell me your name?”

  Ezra studied him in the mirror and he looked even more stunning under the harsh strip lighting. His hair was ratty and light, tucked behind both of his pierced ears, each cluttered with studs and rings. It looked like it hadn’t had a comb or scissors near it in years but it looked strangely perfect. His face was tanned, as if he’d just been on a long tropical holiday, which only confirmed Ezra’s suspicions that the boy had money. Only a rich boy would dress like that and somehow pull it off.

  He was the opposite of what Ezra found attractive but that didn’t stop his cock twitching against the marble counter.

  “Why do you want to know my name?”

  “Because I do?”


  “Do you always ask so many questions?”

  “Do you?” he reached over Ezra and grabbed a couple of paper towels from the stand, his shoulder brushing against Ezra’s chest.

  He smelt unwashed and yet that was somehow inviting.

  “Yeah, I do,” Ezra shrugged, “name?”

  He rubbed his hands against the blue paper towels, as if considering if he should let Ezra in.

  “Why should I tell you?” he shrugged, tossing the towels into the sink.

  “I’m interested.”

  “But why?”

  Did this kid question everything? The tiny lines around his eyes told Ezra that they were probably the same age, both in their mid-twenties, but he had the attitude of a teenager. Ezra was usually cool and collected but he found himself matching that attitude.

  “Just tell me your name!” Ezra laughed.

  “Or what?”

  Their eyes met again in the mirror, staring each other out, neither blinking. Ezra wanted to jump into his crystal blue eyes and lose himself. He never usually noticed a guy’s eyes but it was impossible not to notice them.

  With his hands still in the water, Ezra pulled them out of the sink to gently splash his fingers in the stranger’s face.

  “Or else, I drench you.”

  Joshua screwed up his eyes, wiping the water away from his face. He looked like he could either burst into laughter, or punch Ezra square in the face. Ezra wouldn’t have minded either way. Biting his dry lips with his straight, white teeth, he looked like he was about to laugh or swear.

  “You’re so childish!” he laughed heavily, wiping his wet hands down the front of his vest.

  There was a glint in his drunken eyes that he found it funny.

  “You’re the childish one,” Ezra shot back.

  “Am I?” the blonde stranger reached out and turned his tap on, cupping his hand under the water flow.

  He tossed it at Ezra and it hit him in the face. Closing his eyes, he felt the ice-cold water drip down his skin, onto his suit. His instincts were telling him to clench his fists but he was happy he was playing along.

  “You’re going to regret that,” Ezra smiled sweetly at the blonde's reflection in the mirror.

  “I am?” he reached out again, cupping both hands this time, not taking his eyes away from Ezra’s.

  Even more water hit Ezra in the face but this time, a wi
ld, childlike smile filled the stranger’s lips, lighting up his entire face. It was infectious and beautiful. Ezra mirrored the grin.

  “Oh, you bastard,” Ezra mumbled, “it’s on.”

  He twisted the tap and he started to splash the water directly from the mouth, straight in his opponent’s direction. The stranger copied and it wasn’t long before they were both soaked, standing in puddles of their own creation. Ezra didn’t care. He didn’t care that he’d soaked his £1,000 tailored suit, or that his hair was now hanging below his brows. He’d forgotten all about getting the stranger into his bed, instead letting the laughter intoxicate him.

  “Had enough?” Ezra called, throwing another handful of water.

  “Nope,” he cried.

  They continued fighting, like boys half their age, sending water jumping all over the bar bathroom. Ezra could almost imagine the faces of the men in the boardroom at work. Would they ever have thought their boss would be in a bar toilet, having a water fight with a stranger? Graham would have a field day if he could see me.

  “Okay, okay,” Ezra turned off the tap, “truce?”

  He held out his hand again but this time, the stranger accepted it. His grip was firm and strong and his skin was slightly dry, despite the water. Their eyes connected and Ezra could feel his heartbeat linking with the beautiful man’s in front of him. Their eyes and hands lingered, as if neither of them wanted to break the contact.

  Taking his chance, Ezra tightened his grip and yanked the stranger forwards. He was tall, almost matching Ezra in height, perhaps the same height if he wasn’t wearing his Italian shoes. He bundled forwards, their chests crashing together. Ezra didn’t let go of his hand. The look of surprise and confusion in the stranger’s eyes made Ezra’s stomach flutter but he didn’t pull away. They were so close, within kissing distance. He wanted nothing more than to lean in and take him but he stopped himself.

  “Are you going to tell me your name?”

  “Joshua,” he said without a second thought.

  “Joshua,” Ezra nodded.

  Somehow, he looked like a Joshua. He could feel Joshua’s chest rising and falling, as the hot, alcohol breath escaped his mouth in a hurry. What would he taste like? Champagne and hormones?

  Reluctantly, Ezra loosened his grip on Joshua’s hand and as if the spell had been broken, he stepped back and blinked heavily, rubbing the space between his eyes.

  “Man, I feel so wasted.”

  Carefully, he leaned against the soaking counter, dropping his head heavily. Ezra could tell he was putting some of it on, as if to excuse their momentary closeness. They were probably only within kissing distance for ten seconds, maybe fifteen but it felt like an eternity and then some. Ezra didn’t know how he’d managed to show the restraint to not lean in and explore his mouth but somehow he did.

  “Me too,” Ezra lied.

  He’d only had a couple of glasses of champagne and his liver was stronger than that.

  “I better go,” Joshua ruffled his damp hair, pulling it out from behind his ears, letting it hang over his face, “I’m soaked.”

  He glanced to Ezra from under his hair, but he couldn’t hold the gaze, as if he knew he’d gone further than he’d expected. Nodding to Ezra, after a moment’s hesitation, he started to walk forwards, making sure to step wide around him.

  “Wait,” he called out, reaching out and grabbing the top of Joshua’s arm.

  “What?” he glanced over his shoulder, his diamond eyes piercing through the loose strands of wet hair.

  One side was tucked behind his left ear, the piercings glittering in the light, the other hung loosely over his gorgeous face. His back was slightly concaved, making the wet vest cling to his stomach, revealing a faint six-pack on his slim frame.

  “Why were you drinking alone?”

  He didn’t know why he wanted to ask that but he suddenly needed to know.

  “I got some bad news today,” he said, “and some good news.”

  He didn’t sound particularly happy about either but he didn’t sound sad either. He sounded detached, something Ezra knew all too well.

  “It sounds like you need a distraction,” Ezra nodded, “because I know I do.”

  Joshua followed Ezra out of the bar and into the light rain. The alcohol was helping numb his brain function, meaning he wasn’t over analysing things. There were things he didn’t want to think about and Ezra had offered him a distraction on a plate. He could have said no, but that would have left him to sit in the bar alone or to head back to Violet’s to face hours of questioning and forced-comforting.

  Fuck that, this dude looks like a guy who knows how to have a good time.

  “This is yours?” Joshua’s eyes popped out of his skull when he saw the car they were both standing in front of.

  Joshua instantly recognised it as a Lamborghini, just from the angular structure of the sleek exterior. It sent his heart racing.

  “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” with a click of his key, the yellow sports car lit up, “Lamborghini Huracan. Fresh out of the factory this year.”

  “Don’t you need to be on a list for these things?”

  “List?” Ezra laughed as he swaggered towards to the door, “I’m Ezra Steele, which puts me at the top of every list.”

  “You think you’re really something, dontcha?”

  Ezra winked across the car before ducking inside. Part of Joshua didn’t want to follow him. Ezra was arrogant and he infuriated Joshua to the point where he wanted to punch him every time he smirked or winked. Underneath that infuriation there was something else he couldn’t put his finger on. That mystery feeling was what made him get into the car.

  As he sat nervously on the yellow and black leather seats, he inhaled the new car smell, wondering where the night was going to take him.

  “This is – something,” Joshua ran his hand across the dashboard.

  “You like cars?” Ezra looked surprised, “You don’t look like the type.

  Joshua had no need for cars on the road but before he’d left, his Audi R8 had been his most prized possession. It was the only one of his cars that he actively tried not to crash on a regular basis.

  “I used to when I was a kid. I don’t really drive that much anymore. Should you even be driving? Haven’t you been drinking?”

  “I had two glasses of champagne,” he jammed his keys into the ignition, “it takes more than that to get me drunk. You, on the other hand -,”

  He glanced to Joshua out of the corner of his eye, an amused smirk pulling up his cheeks.

  “I’m not even that drunk,” Joshua attempted to protest but he could hear the slight slur in his voice.

  Ezra revved the engine and even from inside, Joshua could hear its growl echoing loudly around the busy London street. People turned to stare with envy in their judging eyes. That look was the reason men bought such expensive cars. It was usually an ego thing or to hide the fact they had a small cock – But I doubt a guy with that much confidence has a small cock.

  Ezra pulled away from the curb and spun around as Joshua tried not to think about Ezra’s cock. Rubbing his eyes, he started to feel the full effect of the alcohol he’d downed and it was making it more difficult to stop his imagination wandering to those dangerous places.

  “Where are we going? Shoreditch?”

  “That’s your idea of fun?” Ezra snorted, “It’s full of hipsters and – never mind, you’ll fit right in.”

  “I’m not a hipster!”

  He looked down at his outfit and Ezra had a point. He usually dressed for comfort, which meant his clothes were usually loose and super worn.

  “You’re Hipster 101.”

  “I travel a lot. I don’t even know what qualifies as Hipster around here.”

  “You’ve got the scruffy tramp thing down, so you qualify.”

  Ezra tugged at his collar and yanked his tie out, unbuttoning the top buttons. He tossed it onto the backseat as he weaved in and out of traffic.

bsp; “God, you think you’re the shit, dontcha?” Joshua tossed his head back to laugh.

  “I am,” Ezra nodded, “thank you for noticing.”

  What happened to this guy to make him have such a cocky attitude?

  “What do you need distracting from? You left your perfect friends to hang out with me,” Joshua asked.

  Ezra’s hands clenched around the steering wheel, which was a reaction Joshua wasn’t expecting. He’d asked in a joking tone but he’d obviously hit a sore spot.

  “Those people weren’t my friends,” he looked almost offended that Joshua would assume that, “and perfection comes at a cost.”

  “What cost?”

  Ezra’s knuckles whitened as he sped through London. Joshua had no idea where they were going but he suddenly had the urge to know more about the stranger he’d disappeared into the night with.

  “If we start talking about our problems, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a distraction?” Ezra said sternly.

  “I guess.”

  Joshua turned to look out of his window, into the dark of the night. The rain blurred by as they passed the bright lights of the city. What am I doing in this douche’s car?

  Just as he was considering his earlier decision to follow Ezra, they pulled away from the main road into the driveway of The Dorchester hotel. It was one of the most expensive hotels in London, which meant Joshua had naturally stayed there before.

  “The Dorchester?” he looked up at the huge stone building, which was covered in an amber glow from the hidden lights in the lush greenery, “I thought we’d be going to a bar or something.”

  “We’ve just come from a bar,” Ezra slowed the car outside the grand entrance.

  Joshua suddenly felt uneasy about it. He didn’t understand why Ezra had brought them to a hotel. Following Ezra, knowing that Ezra was probably attracted to him was one thing but he wasn’t sure if he was ready to go into a room with a bed in it – I don’t think I can trust myself.

  “Look, I don’t know what this is but -,”

  “You can come with me, or you can leave,” Ezra turned in his seat, his dark glossy eyes shining through the dark, “it’s your choice, Joshua.”


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