Dennis Wheatley - Duke de Richleau 05
Page 36
‘And unless men are free how can they progress upon the great spiritual journey which all must make?’
‘This war is not for territory or gain or glory, but that Armageddon which was prophesied of old. That is why all the Children of Light, wherever they may be, captive or free, must hold on to their spiritual integrity as never before and must stick at nothing, physically, in the fight, lest the whole world fall under the domination of these puppets who are animated by the Powers of Darkness.’
As he ceased speaking they knew that although it would be many days before their burns, weals and wounds were healed there had come into their hearts a little glow of warmth. The Battle was still far from being over, but they had done the thing which they had set out to do. Their Victory was an episode—no more—in the Titanic struggle that was in progress, but the flame which animated their spirits was burning all the brighter for it, and they were returning to fight on for the England that they loved.
It seemed that the Duke guessed their thoughts, for he spoke again. ‘As long as Britain stands the Powers of Darkness cannot prevail. On Earth the Anglo-Saxon race is the last Guardian of the Light, and I have an unshakable conviction that, come what may, our island will prove the Bulwark of the World.’
Table of Contents
1 - A Fantastic Theory
2 - Believe It or Not
3 - The Old Wisdom
4 - For Those in Peril on the Sea
5 - The Admiral Goes Aloft
6 - The Captain Goes Below
7 - Ghosts Over the Atlantic
8 - A Nightmare that was Lived
9 - Trouble at Cardinals Folly
10 - The Bomb
11 - The Horror in the Cellars
12 - Crime Does Not Pay
13 - The Beautiful Mute
14 - In Deadly Peril
15 - Strange Gods
16 - The Evil Island
17 - Battle Against Sleep
18 - The Dead Who Do Return
19 - The Living Corpse
20 - The Body-snatchers
21 - Coffins for Five
22 - The Great God Pan