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Alex (Striking Back #4)

Page 11

by S. M. Shade

  “Nope, see you tomorrow.” Her lips sweep across my cheek before she bounds out the front door. The girl can be exhausting, but I love her.

  Kyle jumps at the chance to go the gym with me that evening while Ian heads off to hang with the nerd herd. “Going to pick up chicks?” Kyle asks him with a grin.

  “Nope, I’m seeing someone,” Ian replies.

  “Oh, cool. Can I meet her?”

  Ian glances at me, and I shrug, leaving it up to him. A mischievous grin cracks Ian’s face and he grabs Kyle’s shoulder, leading him over to me. “Alex, meet Kyle. Kyle meet Alex, my boyfriend.”

  A moment passes before Kyle laughs. “Are you fucking with me?”

  “Afraid not,” I reply with a chuckle, still a little overwhelmed at hearing him call me his boyfriend.

  Silence fills the room. “Makes sense,” he finally says. “You already bicker and nag each other like an old married couple.”

  “Oh,” Ian scoffs, putting him in a headlock. “I do not nag. Take it back.”

  “Just today you were complaining about his socks on the floor.”

  “They were so nasty they could stand up by themselves! Here, I’ll let you smell one.” Kyle struggles and laughs as Ian pretends to lead him toward the hamper. They end up wrestling on the floor until they wear themselves out.

  “Come on, I’ll show you what real fighters look like,” I taunt, and Ian fakes offense.

  “I could take you.”

  “If I was handcuffed and asleep.”

  “Good idea. We’ll test that later.” He drops a quick kiss on my lips before donning his jacket and heading out the door.

  Mason and Parker are both at the gym when Kyle and I arrive. Mason’s son Cody comes flying around the corner when he sees Kyle. “Kyle! Let’s go hit the punching bag!” Laughing, Kyle allows himself to be led away by the rambunctious first grader.

  “You stuff him with sugar?” I ask Mason.

  “If he had sugar, you’d know it. He snuck a soda out of the fridge last week and I swear he was climbing the curtains like a damn cat.”

  Parker and I laugh. Mason shakes his head and elbows him. “You won’t be laughing long, buddy.”

  Parker grins at me and announces in a way only Parker would, “I knocked up Macy.”

  “No shit? Congratulations!” I give him a hug and slap him on the back. At this rate, I’m going to be waist deep in nieces and nephews.

  “I hear you have some news, too, spatula.” Parker pokes me in the ribs, an annoying move he’s done since we were kids.


  “Did you or did you not turn Ian?”

  My hands land on his chest, shoving him. “I didn’t turn shit. He’s still figuring some stuff out, but yeah, we’re seeing each other.”

  A glint shines in Parker’s eye and I know his next question is going to be inappropriate before he opens his mouth. “He let you fuck him?”

  Ignoring Parker, I turn to Mason. “So, you wanted to ask me about a tournament?”

  “I’m taking that as a yes!” Parker calls as we walk away from him.

  “Henton broke his foot last night and he was supposed to fight an exhibition match in the Students Against Drunk Drivers Tournament. They’re looking for someone to take his place.”

  “Mason, that’s only six weeks away.”

  “I’m aware, but you’re in good shape. Besides, the guy you’d be fighting is green as fuck. You could take him on your worst day.” We sit on the bench and wrap our hands. “Be a good way to get back into competing.”

  “Fine, sign me up.”

  He slaps me on the shoulder. “Time to get your ass kicked.” With a snort, I follow him out to the floor.

  Okay, so maybe I got my ass kicked. And handed to me. Between taking care of Ian and our Hawaii getaway, it’s been a while since I really fought. I’m out of practice. I’m not worried though. I’ve been here before after taking some time away and I always bounce back fast. My body may tighten up a bit and I may be a little sluggish, but once you master a Martial Art, some things are automatic. Muscle memory kicks in and honed reflexes react with little or no thought. It’s kind of awesome.

  Kyle and I are just getting ready to leave when Mason flies past us, eyes the size of saucers. “Ev’s in labor. Macy’s taking her to the hospital. Take care of Cody, will you?” He throws on his coat and pulls his keys from the pocket.

  Holy shit. I knew she was close to giving birth, but now it’s actually time. “I’ve got Cody and I’ll lock up. Go.” I slap him on the back. “Be careful driving. She’ll be okay.”

  An absent nod later, he’s out the door. Cody looks up at me. “Is my mom going to be okay?”

  Kneeling to his eye level, I ruffle his hair. “She’ll be fine, and you’ll have a baby brother soon.”

  “I’m going to share my Hot Wheels with him.”

  Kyle laughs and grabs his hand. “Let’s go find your shoes and coat.”

  After locking up the gym, I call Ian, who freaks out almost as much as Mason. Within an hour, I’m pulling into the hospital parking lot with the kids. Parker, Macy, and Ian are in the waiting room when we arrive. Ev’s made it clear she didn’t want anyone but immediate family here when she gives birth, so we hold off on calling anyone else.

  “Her labor is moving fast,” Macy informs me. “They’re giving her an epidural now, then we can see her.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask Ian, sitting beside him. “You look a little pale.”

  He nods, but his jaw is tight. “Fine. She’ll be fine. Women have babies every day, right?”

  “She’ll be fine. Ev’s tough. She’ll squeeze that baby out and be demanding to go home a few minutes later.”

  Everyone laughs, and Mason peeks his head in the room. “You guys can come in now.”

  Ev is propped up in bed, a small smile on her face. “How are you doing, pup?” Ian asks, kissing her cheek.

  “So much better now. I’m ready to get this troublemaker out of me.”

  Cody climbs up on the bed. “How are you going to get the baby out?”

  Mason groans, but Ev just smiles at him. “The doctor will come and take it out. Then my belly won’t be so big and you can sit on my lap again.”

  Macy scoffs. “Your belly isn’t big. You barely look pregnant. I hope I’m as lucky.”

  Ev grins at her. “You need to have a girl. We’re drowning in testosterone here.”

  A couple of hours later, Ev’s contractions ramp up again, and the doctor announces it’s time to push. “Everyone out,” Ev commands. Ian and Parker hesitate at the door. “Out! You two are not looking at my…hoo ha,” she says, glancing at Cody.

  “What’s a hoo ha?” Cody asks as Parker leads him out of the room.

  Ian and I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and retreat to the waiting room with everyone else. An hour later, we’re invited back into the room to meet Mason Reed Jr.

  * * * *

  Ian and I fall into a comfortable routine over the next few weeks. I make breakfast every morning and we eat together before Ian heads off to work and I go wherever Striking Back needs me. With Mason and Ev’s new baby requiring all their time, Parker and I are pretty much running things at the shelter and the gym. I manage to throw in a workout here and there, keeping in mind I have a fight coming up.

  Ian gets home around the same time as I do in the evenings, and we either order in or whip up a quick dinner before ending up in one of our bedrooms. More and more I’m spending the night in his bed, until I don’t even bother to make mine anymore. The sex is good, but he’s still a little skittish if I get near his ass.

  He’s accepted everything with his usual devil may care attitude, but this is different, and I know what his hang-up is. I remember feeling the same way when I first let a man inside me. Until that point, you can tell yourself you’re just experimenting, that it’s no big deal. That you aren’t gay. But it’s more difficult to deny who you are once you face the fact you love to take it
up the ass. He isn’t scared of the act, he’s scared he’ll like it. I know he isn’t ready for me to fuck him, but tonight I’m at least going to show him how good it can feel.

  He walks into his room, hair wet and sticking to his neck. A drip of water runs down his chest and stomach, zig zagging through the dark hairs, and soaks into the towel tucked around his waist. Damn, look at him. My thoughts must be flashing on my face because his lips turn up into a cocky smile. “Got something in mind, Alexander?”

  Before I can think about it, I have him bent over the bed, my body draped over his. With only the towel and my boxers separating my hardening cock from his ass, I feel him tense up. My lips trace the shell of his ear as I whisper, “This is what has you so worried, isn’t it? Being under me. Getting fucked by me.” His breath catches when my hands run down his spine to squeeze his ass. “Fight it all you want, but this is going to happen eventually. And you’re going to love it.”

  Standing, I yank off my underwear in record time. “On your knees, Killian.” If anything was going to cause a problem between us sexually, I thought it would be a struggle for dominance. We both like to be in control when it comes to sex. I’m surprised that he allows me to boss him around sometimes, and shocked to discover I enjoy him giving orders as well.

  That deep smooth voice telling me to suck him or bend over for him never fails to send chills across my skin, but tonight it’s my turn. Licking his lips, he falls to his knees and those dark eyes glitter as he gazes up at me. His eyes close when my fingers creep into his hair, then widen as I pull it, jerking his head back. “If you suck me real good, I promise to make you come harder than you ever have before.”

  Groaning, he goes to work, and fuck, he’s gotten so good at it. It’s almost embarrassing how fast I come, the spasms of his throat making me shudder as he swallows, another new trick he’s learned. When he sits back on his heels, his lips are swollen and color fills his cheeks.

  “Bed now,” I mumble, pulling him to his feet.

  “And they say I’m a romantic,” he teases, crawling into bed with me right behind him. As soon as he lies on his back, I’m on top of him, his legs spread on either side of my hips. Our kisses are wet and deep, and by the time I kiss down to his groin, his cock is as hard as stone. Good, I want him out of his mind with lust.

  “What are you doing?” he gasps when I reach for a tube of banana flavored lube I stashed in the covers.

  Flashing a grin, I show him. “I’m in the mood for a snack.” Rubbing it between my palms to warm it a bit, I coat him in banana flavor. Truthfully, I don’t really care for the flavored stuff, but this was the only way he wouldn’t guess where I’m headed and freak out when I produced a bottle of lube.

  “Oh fuck, Alex, yes,” he moans when I take him deep. I go slowly, licking and teasing him, letting him get close, but not all the way there. Reaching between his cheeks, my lubed finger brushes over his hole, then presses against it. “Alex,” he gasps, squirming.

  “Just trust me, love.” His head falls back, his eyes slamming shut as I slip my finger in. I never take my mouth off him, and he can’t bring himself to tell me to stop. Not even when I sink my finger all the way inside him. “I told you I’d make you come harder than you ever have,” I warn, and run my fingertip over his prostate.

  His whole body jerks. “Shit, Alex, don’t…I can’t.”

  My arm tightens around his thigh so he can’t twist away, and I rub his gland just right. He curses and writhes, trying to handle the overwhelming sensations he’s never felt. “Still want me to stop?” I tease, knowing the answer.

  “Yes, no…fuck. I don’t know!” I’m torturing him, but it’s the best kind of torment.

  “Stop fighting it. Get out of your head and just feel it.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You will come for me, Ian. I’m not stopping until you do.”

  “I don’t want…”

  “I know. You don’t want to like it, but it just feels so damn good. Now come for me.”

  My lips wrap around him and with a loud choked cry, he loses control, thrusting to my throat and letting go. I swallow every bit he gives me, then crawl up to wrap him in my arms. He throws an arm across his eyes, and I give him a few minutes to sort out his emotions before asking, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, fine,” he says shortly, and rolls out of bed. “I’m going to get cleaned up.”

  I lie in the dark trying to decide whether I should try to talk to him tonight, or give him some time to process. The next thing I know, the sun is peeking through the curtains and he’s asleep beside me. Damn it. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.

  The alarm blares and he hops out of bed without our usual morning routine of feeling each other up. “Ian, we should talk. Are you pissed?”

  He flashes me a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Nope, I’m good. Just forgot I have an early staff meeting today.”

  “Okay, I can grab some Chinese for dinner tonight if you want,” I offer, getting out of bed and heading for the shower. We can discuss things over dinner.

  “Sounds good.”

  When I emerge from the bathroom, he’s already gone. He’s freaking out. Damn it, it’s going to be a long day.


  Ice cold rain slides down my windshield while I stare at it, a million jumbled thoughts tumbling around in my head. Last night with Alex was an eye-opener to say the least. The way he touched me, I’ve never felt anything so good, not with any woman I’ve ever slept with. And that was just a finger. I thought I could do this. That I could have him without letting him have me. If last night showed me anything, it’s that he’s right, I did like it. Shame rolls through me as I admit to myself that I would like it if he fucked me. I just can’t do that.

  He probably thinks I’m pissed that he pushed me into trying something I’m not prepared to deal with, but that isn’t the case. I’m pissed that he can see what I didn’t think was visible. I don’t just have feelings for a man; that I was learning to deal with. Knowing I want him to fuck me is too much. It isn’t who I am or who I want to be. If he can see my desires, what if others can too?

  How do I walk into work with all those eyes on me? Just act normal while I go from being the guy who can take home any woman he wants to the guy who likes to be fucked in the ass? How can I keep Alex and not become someone else? Shit. Alex is right. I am afraid.

  The answers aren’t going to come to me sitting in the parking lot of my office, so I force myself to get on with it. Brushing the rain from the shoulders of my black suit jacket, I’m glad to see I’m the first one at work today. Of course, I’m almost two hours early thanks to my panicked jaunt out the door this morning. Still, it’s a relief to have a little quiet to get my head together before I have to face people.

  The day goes smoothly, though I can’t seem to get Alex out of my mind. As five o’clock nears, Cam and Teddy pop into my office. “We’re going to Hype tonight, and you’re coming with us,” Cam announces. “We need pussy.”

  “Good to know.” My computer is taking forever to shut down. “What happened to nipples?”

  “Layla?” Cam scoffs. “Didn’t work out.”

  “Is that what you call it when a chick lifts your credit card and tops it out?” Teddy laughs, and Cam shoves him.

  “Where did you find that girl, anyway?” Cam asks, as we head to the parking lot.

  “Same place you want to go tonight.”

  “So, eight o’clock?”

  Suddenly, a night at Hype with my friends sounds like just what I need. Dancing and flirting with hot women. That’s what I do. It’s time to remind myself who I really am. “I’ll be there.” If I make a quick trip home to get ready now, I can probably avoid Alex. He doesn’t usually get home until after six. The last thing I want is for him to go with me tonight, or worse, insist on talking about the night before.

  He’s the one that got me into this mess, made me question myself. I’m entitled to a night away from him to sort thin
gs out. Deep down I know I’m not being fair, that I have no right to resent him because I fell for him. I know he hasn’t forced me into anything, but that doesn’t chase the bitterness away. Maybe some big tits in my face will help. They sure can’t hurt.

  Relief flows through me when I turn onto my street and Alex’s car isn’t in the driveway. I may have set the record for the world’s fastest shower. Throwing on a deep blue button up shirt and a pair of dark jeans, I run a comb through my unruly hair, and I’m back in my car. Dinner at a fast food joint kills a little time, but I still end up at Hype a half hour early.

  I’m able to grab a table in the corner with an optimal view of the dance floor and the bar where most of the hot women tend to gather. By the time Cam and Teddy show up, I’m already a few shots ahead and feeling no pain. A few times over the last weeks, I’ve been tempted to tell them about my relationship with Alex, but I’m glad I didn’t. I’ve kept that part of my life separate. The thought crosses my mind that Alex would think I’m ashamed of him if he knew, but that isn’t it. I’m just ashamed in general.

  It doesn’t take long for them to catch up on drinks, and the next hour is spent just bullshitting and hanging out with the guys. Just after ten, Alex texts me, asking if everything is okay. Another text follows an hour later, followed by a call when I don’t respond. Instead, I mute my phone and make my drunken way to the dance floor. The music is pulsing and I’m surrounded by sweaty writhing female bodies almost instantly. Fuck yeah.

  I’m in my element, grinding on the blonde girl in front of me while a curvy redhead dances against my back, her hands squeezing my ass. All the worry and stress are carried away on a wave of alcohol, lust, and bad ideas. When the blonde glances back with a look that says she wants to strip me right there, I rub my hand up her flat belly until I cup her tit.

  Her head falls back and she gives me a lascivious smile. “Want to get out of here?”

  I’d like to say there was some thought on my part, some indecision, that I took a second to think of Alex and how upset he’d be, but I’d be lying. “Sure, sweetheart, but it’ll have to be your place. My roommate has company.” And also he’s my boyfriend, but he stuck his finger in my ass so I’m freaking out.


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