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Lost in Amber: Steamy Contemporary Romance (Finding Forever Book 2)

Page 5

by Rebecca Raine

  “Now who’s judging?” he cried as she dissolved into laughter.

  A few minutes later, Amber gave him the final directions to the old-fashioned six-pack block of apartments she called home. He pulled up out the front and killed the engine.

  “Thank you for giving me a ride home,” she said as she opened the door.

  “Hang on, it’s not over yet.” Hopping out, he jogged around the ute to pull her door wide. “This is door-to-door service, you know.”

  Accepting his outstretched hand, she let him help her out of the cabin, stepping closer so he could push the door closed. “This isn’t necessary.”

  He saw the amusement in her eyes and knew exactly what she was thinking. “I only want to make sure you get inside safe and sound. Promise.” Walking backward, he tugged on the hand he’d managed not to let go of, until she followed him.

  She took the lead as they began to mount the external stairs. “Are you planning to follow me all the way to the door like a puppy hoping to be let in?”

  Laughing out loud, he couldn’t help but have some fun with her. “Getting a little ahead of yourself aren’t you? Maybe I don’t want to come in.”

  “Ha!” The cry of disbelief as she rounded the first landing was loud enough she may have woken a few of the neighbours. “You want to come in.”

  He screwed up his face in mock thoughtfulness before declaring, “Nah, I didn’t even think about it.”

  Reaching her door, she turned to watch him mount the last of the stairs. With her long hair tumbled over one shoulder, and her hands set defiantly on her hips, she was every wet dream he’d ever had come to life. He stopped right in front of her and she poked him in the chest with one manicured finger. “You thought about it.”

  He nodded, giving her a lecherous grin. “I really, really did.”

  “I knew it.” She went to give him a playful slap on the arm but he caught her by the wrist. With one deft twist he curled her arm up behind her back, pressing her close against him.

  “I’m a red-blooded man and you’re a gorgeous woman,” he drawled. “I’ve been thinking about it all night.” Leaning in, he kissed the corner of her mouth. “Also, I can still taste you on the back of my tongue.” He kissed the other corner and was rewarded when she gave a gentle whimper.

  “But I am here to make sure you get inside all right,” he added as he released her, though he didn’t step away. “Scout’s honour.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she asked, “Were you ever a scout?”

  He grinned. “Nope.”

  Her laughter was light and carefree as she turned to open the door. Stepping inside, she flicked on the living room light before she turned back to him. “Well, here I am,” she dumped her purse on the nearby sideboard, “all safe and sound.”

  He didn’t speak, simply watched her from his place in the doorway. Holding on to the door jamb, lest he be tempted to cross the threshold, he let his gaze wander over the length of her, memorising every curve for later in the night when he was alone with his imagination. There was no way he was getting any sleep until he’d taken care of the rather pressing problem in his pants. While his hand wouldn’t come remotely close to holding her in his arms, it would have to do.

  “Lincoln?” she said as she kicked off her shoes.

  “Yes, princess?” he drawled, wondering if maybe she’d take off a few more items before she slammed the door in his face.

  Then she said the one thing he never expected to hear, at least not tonight.

  “Would you like to come in?”

  Chapter 8

  The wide smile that spread across his face gave her all the answer she needed. “Are you sure?” he asked, head tilting to one side. “You let me in now, you might have trouble getting rid of me again.”

  She lifted one shoulder as she walked back over to him. “I think I can handle you. Now get your arse in here before I change my mind.”

  Releasing the death grip he had on the door jamb, he stepped into the apartment. “You wouldn’t do that. It would be fickle. Are you a fickle woman, Amber?”

  “Only when it suits me.” She hooked one finger into the front of his jeans and pulled until he stepped closer to her and away from the door. She pushed the portal closed and turned the lock. “Now how about you divest yourself of those clothes.”

  His eyes narrowed as he appeared to consider that for a moment, before he folded his arms over his chest and declared, “I will if you will.”

  “Truly,” Amber scoffed. “You’d think a man who looked like you would be more secure in his masculinity.” She reached behind her and lowered the zipper on her dress.

  Taking her lead, he began unbuttoning his shirt. “What can I say? I’m shy.” In a move that defied all pretence of shyness, but made her mouth water without any problem at all, he shrugged out of it. Balling up the shirt, he tossed it onto the couch. He lifted one foot, then the other, as he took off his boots and socks. His hands stilled halfway through undoing his belt buckle. “Is there a problem?”

  “Hmm?” Dragging her eyes from the way his finely sculpted abs rippled beneath his skin as he moved, she saw him gazing at her with a smirk. And since when did the smirk shift from annoying to ridiculously sexy? Damn. She was going soft.

  She cleared her throat and lifted her hand up to the strap of her dress. “I was thinking perhaps I could help you work on your confidence.” She gave a shrug of her own and the dress fell from her shoulders and slithered down onto the floor.

  She stood in front of him in nothing more than her green satin lingerie. Her body was far from perfect but she had learnt to appreciate every curve with pride. She was rewarded when she realised it was his turn to be speechless. “Is there a problem?” she asked, emulating his earlier words, though her tone was breathier than his had been.

  “All the blood has rushed out of my brain and headed elsewhere,” he told her, his gaze locked on her breasts. “I may pass out.”

  She giggled. It was certainly the most unique way a man had told her he enjoyed the sight of her mostly naked body. If Lincoln was one thing, he was unexpected. “Well, do try to stay upright because I am not even close to being strong enough to move you.” She stepped forward and pushed his hands away from the belt buckle he seemed to have forgotten. “I promise to put a cushion under your head though, so you’re more comfortable when I step over you on my way to the kitchen.”

  He stood still while she pulled his belt free with a satisfying yank. “You’re such a generous soul.”

  She looked up at him with wide eyes. “I know.” Then she lifted up onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his.

  Unlike the rushed passion of the elevator, this kiss was slow and relaxed. He gathered her up in his arms as his mouth moved across hers, and walked her backward until she was pressed up against a nearby wall. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she relished the feel of his hard body pressed against hers. Their shared breath was harsh between them and a moan slipped from her. She flicked the button on his jeans open, intent on feeling more of him.

  He reached between them to cover her hands with his, stopping her movements even as he pressed her more firmly against him. He groaned, his head falling to her shoulder. She could feel the harshness of his breath across her chest and it set her skin to tingling all over again.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” he asked.

  She gave a groan of her own as her body throbbed in need. “It’s all the way upstairs. I’m not sure I can wait that long.”

  They kissed again, their bodies rubbing together. His hands wandered over her skin, leaving trails of fire everywhere they went.

  He pushed away from her. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her toward the stairs with an eager smile. “I want our first time to be in a bed.”

  She followed his lead, though she couldn’t help teasing him. “Our first time? How do you know there’ll be a second time?”

  His mouth dropped open in mock horror. “You’re not going to sleep with
me and then never call, are you?”

  “Don’t worry,” she replied. “I’ll still respect you in the morning.”

  He lifted her as if she weighed nothing and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands cupped her arse and squeezed before he gave her a teasing slap on one butt cheek. “Damned right you will.” Carrying her up the stairs, he quickly found his way to the bedroom.

  At his bark of laughter she turned and saw the huge pile of clothes she’d left spread across the bed when she left. Knowing she was going to see her dirty gardener again, and what was it with her suddenly referring to him as her dirty gardener, was positively not the reason she’d had so much trouble deciding on an outfit for dinner. She really hadn’t been sure what she was in the mood to wear.

  “I’m sure there’s a bed under there somewhere,” he said with another peal of laughter.

  Scrambling out of his arms, she quickly gathered up the clothes and dropped them in a ball on the chair in the corner of the room before she faced him again, one hand propped on a hip. “Give me a break. I wasn’t exactly expecting to bring home company.”

  “I can see that.” He cupped her face in his hands and dropped a kiss on his lips. “There’s only one thing to do under these circumstances.” He shucked his jeans as he spoke, leaving him in only his boxer briefs.

  “And that is?” she asked as she watched every move he made and tried not to drool.

  He thrust a hand into the back pocket of his jeans and fished a foil packet from his wallet before he tossed the pants on the top of the clothes-laden chair. “Add to the pile.”

  With a laugh she nodded at him. “I agree.” She slipped her thumbs into the waistbands of his boxers and pulled them down over his hips and all the way to the floor. His shout of surprise covered her teasing laugh. Then she lifted her gaze to the hard length of his erection and the laughter died in her throat. “Well, hell,” she drawled, “you may be the best present I’ve ever unwrapped.” She leaned forward and ran her tongue up the long length of him.

  He hissed, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to her feet. “Oh no, we had a deal.” His eyes were manic with eagerness. “You first.”

  I’d be happy to go down on you first. Those words, spoken on the balcony, seemed a lifetime ago instead of a couple of hours.

  “That was not a deal,” she cried. “That was a misinterpretation.”

  “Amber, princess,” he walked her backward until the back of her knees touched the end of the bed. “I want to use my tongue and fingers to work you over until you squeal in pleasure.” Lifting her onto the bed, he dragged her upward until her head hit the pillow. He hovered over her with a questioning look. “Do you really want to turn me down?”

  Amber lifted her arms to twine them around his neck. “Why, Linc,” she murmured. “You say the most romantic things.”

  He chuckled as he sat back on his haunches with her legs stretched out on either side of his hips. He began to stroke her body from her shoulders all the way down to her thighs and back again. “Oh, believe me, I’m just getting started.”

  “Don’t let me stop you,” she said with a husky sigh.

  The laugh he gave was more evil cackle than anything else and she giggled at his enthusiasm.

  He moved over her, resting his weight on his hands beside her shoulders as he lowered himself to cover her mouth with his. His kiss was languid. Demanding, but not in a rough or aggressive way. He explored her mouth with unhurried sweeps of his tongue, searching out her hidden secrets. Meanwhile, his hands began to explore her body. Every movement purposeful and thorough. He stroked his way down the length of one thigh before lifting her leg up to wrap around his waist. Snaking his hands under her arching back, he undid the clasp of her bra. A moment later it hit the floor and she gasped as his hands cupped her bare breasts. His thumbs brushed back and forth over her nipples, driving her higher. He made his way down her body, dipping his tongue into her belly button, removing her panties as he went. By the time he pushed her legs wide, baring her to his gaze, she was a quaking mess of pleasure, desperate for his touch.

  There was nothing tentative about his mouth when he tasted her. He drank her in like a man desperate to slake his thirst. One large hand splayed across her belly, holding her down when she would have bucked against him. His tongue snaked around every inch of her throbbing heat, probing and thrusting until she quivered with lust. Then, he pushed up onto his knees, lifting the lower half of her body and bending her knees back toward her head. She’d never felt so exposed to a man, so helpless to do anything but lie there and take it. Her mind rebelled against the idea but her body was more than happy to go along for the ride. She came in moments, her hands tangled in his hair.

  Laying her back down on the bed, he eased up her body to capture the last of her cries with his mouth. She tasted her own tangy flavour on his tongue and moaned into his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “That was incredible,” she murmured against his lips.

  He hummed his agreement. “I’ll say.” He brushed kisses along her jaw, all the way to her ear. “My own personal ambrosia.”

  “Ambrosia?” She snickered. Yeah, okay, she’d definitely heard that particular play on her name before. “I think I like princess better than ambrosia.”

  “As you wish.” Lifting his head, he looked at her solemnly. “I promise to only call you princess from now on.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. He’d managed to trick her into giving him permission to use that awful nickname. That was pure sneakiness. He kissed her again and somehow she forgot to be annoyed.

  Her head tilted back when he slid inside of her, her eyes closing on a satisfied sigh. Their bodies moved together in undulating waves of pleasure, sliding and curling. The friction was delicious and her mouth fell open as she felt her second orgasm fast approaching.

  His tongue trailed up the column of her throat before he cupped the back of her neck with his hand, urging her face closer to his. “Open your eyes,” he murmured. “Let me see you.”

  Her heart rate, already accelerated, sped up even more at the seemingly simple request. It wasn’t what she was used to. She preferred to keep her eyes closed as her orgasm overtook her, immersing herself in the sensations and drawing them out as long as possible.

  “Amber.” His breath was harsh against her cheek. “Let me in.”

  She blinked her eyelids open. In the dim light she saw him watching her, those hungry, green eyes piercing in their clarity. They seemed to peer straight into the depths of her, stripping her bare and laying open all her secrets. Yet, though she wanted to shy away from the intensity of it, she felt her body responding. Her hips curled up to meet his. Her arms clutched at his shoulders, holding him closer. Every nerve ending in her body was vibrant with pleasure. And still, she didn’t look away.

  He began to pick up the pace. Riding her hard with long, forceful thrusts. The connection between them grew stronger, threatening to pull her under.

  Her orgasm slammed into her, harder, more primal than before. Her cry of pleasure was echoed by his. They collapsed side-by-side on the bed, their faces still close, their breath mingling between them. Lincoln stared at her with a blissful sort of wonder, his lips curved in satisfaction.

  Amber’s gaze slid away from his as she closed her eyes.

  Chapter 9

  They lay wrapped up in each other for a long time after their breathing had returned to normal. Lincoln’s gaze wandered over Amber, learning the shadows of her face in the darkness.

  “I want to stay the night.” He’d meant to phrase the words as a request but they had come out more like a demand. Well, he’d warned her it would be hard to get rid of him. His curiosity about her was far from satisfied and until it was he’d be like a dog with a bone. He didn’t know any other way.

  Thankfully, she smiled. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. I’m not known as a morning person.”

  “Yeah?” He pulled her closer, enj
oying the feel of satisfied woman filling his arms. “Do you turn into a bear?”

  She nodded against the pillow. “A grouchy, grizzly bear. At least until after I’ve had my coffee.”

  “I can make you coffee. To save my own life that is.” His fingertips skimmed along various parts of her body: her eyebrows, the shell of one ear, the line of her left clavicle. That last one made her breath catch. Interesting. He’d have to remember that one.

  “You can stay.” She said the words on a sigh, as if granting him a profound service. He liked that.

  He liked her. Underneath all the trappings fashionable women used to cover their true selves she was funny and smart and so unbelievably responsive he wanted to spend hours making love to her just so he could watch her burn.

  But first he wanted to know what she looked like when she woke up in the morning. When she had no makeup on and her hair stuck up in a dozen different directions and her voice was husky with sleep. Would she be all warm and soft under rumpled sheets? Would she curl against him, nuzzle her face into his neck and press her open mouth to the side of his neck. Would she be grizzly and grouchy, or would she simply pout her beautiful bottom lip at him until he sucked it between his teeth and nibbled.

  She rose from the bed, arching her back before she got to her feet. He admired the way her naked arse moved as she crossed the room to the ensuite. “I need to clean the makeup off my face or you’ll wake up beside a panda bear. Pandas can’t command the same level of respect as grizzlies.”

  “I’m sure you make an adorable panda.”

  “Let’s hope you never found out,” she said with a smile before she closed the door.

  The next morning he kept his word in more ways than one. He’d had no trouble finding the makings for coffee in her tiny kitchen, though he cringed when he saw the half-empty bottle of instant grounds, fresh from the local grocery store, on the shelf. He had to teach this woman about good coffee.

  Still, she awoke with a grateful groan and a smile on her lips when the aroma from the freshly made cup reached her as he entered the bedroom. Her eyes barely opened as she straightened out her limbs under the covers in a big morning stretch.


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