The Ancients

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The Ancients Page 4

by Wilson, Rena

  “Ah, but Charles, I have plans for you,” the man smiles. Great.


  I am not sure what to think about the tense, but non-threating interactions between my Grams and Kristoff. “Okay, we can meet in my office, I have a timeline of events laid out on the wall.” I turn to walk away as I hear Kristoff’s phone buzz. The person on the other end doesn’t even give Kristoff the time to say hello. With my enhanced hearing, I heard the statement and stopped dead in my tracks.

  Kristoff looks directly at me, “Let’s not jump to any conclusions.” I didn’t know how he knew that I had heard, but at the time I didn’t care.

  “Where is she?” I say with a low growl.

  “She is fine, Kevin got to her in time,” he said as he walked over to place his hands on her shoulders. “Rian, Riley is fine. She is on her way home right now with Kevin. I need you to calm down, you’re losing control of your power.”

  His touch seems to reach me when his words couldn’t. I visibly relaxed. I hear a snort from my Grams, “Maybe you will be useful after all, Alpha. You can squelch her infamous temper.”

  “Grams, someone tried to take Riley from campus,” I said through clenched teeth. “You know what this means, right?”

  She nods, “They were able to open the tome and read the prophecy. We knew it would happen eventually.”

  Kristoff looks confused, “What prophecy?”

  This was not the way I wanted to tell him, but it seems that the timing has been taken out of my hands. “We will wait for everyone to get here. Riley doesn’t even know this so it will be easier to tell everyone at once.” I know my voice sounds flat, unemotional. I am actually nervous about Kristoff knowing everything. I barely know the man, but something deep inside of me, not just my wolf, doesn’t want to lose him. I turn and continue my walk to the office. I know that Kristoff is following me and as I catch his scent, I know he is worried.

  As I enter the office, he grabs my hand and turns me around pulling me to where our faces are only inches apart. “I can smell your uncertainty, Rian. Let me reassure you one more time, my little witch, you cannot get rid of me.” With that he crushes his lips to mine, kissing me and throwing every ounce of his passion for me into it. As we break apart hearing the front door opening, “Remember that, you’re stuck with me.”

  He walks past me to claim his seat next to my favorite chair. He must have scented that I would eventually sit there as it is the only place I really sit in my office. It takes me a moment to compose myself, but I eventually made it to my chair just as the others walked in. As soon as I saw Riley, I sprung up and embraced her.

  “Need to breathe, sis,” Riley gasped.

  “Sorry,” I said as I lightened my hold. “I am glad you are okay. What happened?”

  We all sit down as Riley starts talking, “Well, I noticed that big guy over there was following me all day.” She pointed a Kevin. “It was creepy so I tried to ditch him. Once I stepped foot off campus, a van came down the road, stopped in front of me and two men jumped out of the back. I was startled, but I was able to throw a quick confusing spell at them giving me time to run. He-man over there got to me at this point, grabbed me and hauled me into his car.”

  Kevin smiled at Riley, “She was about to zap me with spell, but I was able to talk her into letting me make a phone call to prove I was a good guy.”

  “Yes, well he called Alpha Jamieson so I figured that if Rian is really his mate, the Alpha’s head security guy would be okay to go with,” Riley shrugged.

  There was something she wasn’t telling me, but I decided to let it rest and focus on Kevin. “I am glad you were there to help. The real question is why?”

  “That would be me,” Kristoff announced. “My announcing us as mates opens you and your family up to members of the pack that would try to weaken me. I have loyal wolves working on shifts as guards for when you or your family are outside of your warded homes.”

  My heart melted a little. Grams and Riley were the only family I had left. Kristoff took their safety seriously, “Thank you.”

  He merely nods to that statement, “Now that we have Riley’s story, I believe you and Henrietta have a tale of your own.”

  Riley looks at me, “Did they try to take you too?”

  I shake my head, “No Riley, they didn’t. However, they did try to take you to get to me.”

  I pause to look at all the individuals in the room. Kristoff was relaxed, Kevin and Michael just stared at me, Riley looked confuse, Grams face was pale, and Hunter looked a little pissed. I noticed that Gretchen wasn’t there and I wondered out loud where she was.

  Hunter cleared his throat, “I have her looking into some things. You two didn’t hit it off very well, figured you wouldn’t mind her absence.”

  “True,” I whisper. I look to Kristoff as I continued, “As you all know Grams is a witch, so was my mother as well as Riley and I. The biggest difference between Riley and me is that we have different fathers. My mom had a whirlwind romance with a werewolf. He left her with no explanations in the middle of the night. However, he left a present behind. Me.”

  Michael just shook his head, “It is known that only werewolves mated with another werewolf can conceive. It just isn’t possible.”

  Grams raised her voice, “Well there is proof in front you that it can happen. I never heard of it myself which is why I gave very little notice to the relationship. When Julie came to me with the news of her pregnancy, I knew we had to keep it quiet. Julie met Riley’s dad, Mark, a few years later, and they raised both girls as normal witches.”

  “Can you shift?” Kristoff asks.

  I quickly shake my head, “No. I can feel her, my wolf, inside of me. I think of her as my gut instinct. I have some enhanced senses, but lately they have increased as well as my wolf’s presence. She used to only come out if I was in danger or she got bad vibes from someone or to comfort me. Now I can feel her throughout the day.”

  Kristoff nods, “It was probably us meeting. The mating scent woke her up to where your wolf genes and witch genes are on par with one another. Once the mating ritual is complete, I bet you are able to shift.”

  My wolf likes the sound of that as she projects happy thoughts my way. The feeling is short lived as Kristoff continues, “I understand why you didn’t want anyone to know who your father was, it is quite unique. What I don’t understand is that you mentioned a prophecy. How does all this align?”

  I look to Grams to take over the story. She starts, “The tome which contains the Rites of Weynard also held a prophecy. Most of the coven thinks it is a ridiculous tale, but not all of the coven know about Rian’s dad. The prophecy goes, The power will hold, but not forever, hold only until the one arrives who can truly destroy the evil, one who should not be, witch and animal, marked by the Goddess three, great power she holds, great leader she will be, unite us all so we can be truly free.

  The room was silent for a long moment. Then, in his normal way, Kevin burst out laughing. “Oh that is funny. Do you really believe that some witch in the 13th century prophesied that our little Rian was going to take down the big bad Ancients by herself?”

  Grams sighed, “I think the prophecy is stupid, but only because it will put my granddaughter in danger. She matches everything in the prophecy.”

  I was looking anywhere but at Kristoff, however his voice pulls my eyes to his, “Are you Goddess marked?” I slowly nod. “Where?” I lift up the hem of my tank top to show the mark just under my ribs. While it was relatively small, you could easily make out the design. The center was the full moon flanked on one side with the waxing moon, the other with the waning moon.

  “Looks like a plain tattoo to me,” Kevin said as he lifted his hand to touch my skin. Kristoff growled in his direction. “What? Oh yeah, no touching, sorry.”

  “Remove the spell,” Kristoff demands.

  With a quick mumble, the spell around the mark breaks. The wolves in the room take a long whiff. I hear Kevin whisper, �
��Well, I’ll be damned.”


  The room is uncomfortably quite. With the spell removed the once small symbol of the triple Goddess transforms into an intricate piece taking up the right side of my torso. While the triple mark is still there it is bigger and brighter artfully colored in different shades of purple. Everyone in the room should be able to feel the Goddess’ power behind this mark as it permeates the air and the werewolves should be able to smell her essences.

  “I never take the scent blocker off. Grams wove it around the mark until I was old enough and powerful enough to do it myself.”

  “And why didn’t I know any of this,” Riley said crossing her arms. “I mean, I knew we had different dads and that you were part wolf, but really!”

  “It didn’t matter,” Grams patted her arm. “The less everyone knew the safer you were. Mark didn’t even know.”

  “Why?” Riley asks with a sigh.

  Grams looked around at the group. “It seems Rian is destined to unite the races and finally destroy the Ancients. There are those out there, obviously, that would not like that outcome.”

  I quickly say the spell to cover the mark. “Yes well, we don’t need to focus on that just now. We need to focus on who tried to take Riley.”

  “Oh no, little Alpha, you can’t avoid this talk. You know damn well this all connected. What else is said in that book, Henrietta?” Kevin retorts.

  I cross my arms around my chest, slouching in the chair childishly. I listen as Grams tells the tale. “Whoever is trying to get to the Ancients needs Rian there to accomplish the spell. There are other items they need to acquire; a Flint Knife from the Naqada period, a flail symbol of power from the God Osiris, and Osiris’ onyx amulet. I am sure you are already aware that those items were recently stolen. Taking Riley is a way to draw Rian out. The only thing I don’t understand is how anyone figured out who Rian is. The tome tells the prophecy but it obviously doesn’t say Rian’s name.”

  “Who all in the coven know about Rian?” Kristoff finally speaks.

  Grams thinks for a minute, “I only told Martha and of course the previous coven leader, Kendra, but she has been dead for years.”

  “And you trust Martha?”

  “With my life,” Grams whispers. “She is still in a coma after being attack for the tome.”

  Kristoff nods, “I see. What about her family?”

  “Her husband died ten years ago. She does have a son, Martin. He is a member of the coven, but he is not very powerful.”

  “When was the last time you saw him?”

  “It was a while ago, he missed the last coven meeting to be with his mom in the hospital.”

  Kristoff, Michael and Kevin all look at each other. Michael breaks their silence, “I will look into Martin, just to make sure.”

  Kevin smiles, “Okay, that sounds good. I will take on the dubious honor of following this little one around as a bodyguard.” He flings his arm around Riley.

  “I don’t need a babysitter and don’t touch me, you mangy beast,” Riley jumps up from her seat. “Rian, please.”

  I try to keep my face neutral, I think I failed, “Sorry, Ri, but he sticks with you until this is done.”

  “Don’t worry Riley, you aren’t the only one with a bodyguard. I am not leaving Rian,” Kristoff declares with a look that brokered no arguing.

  “Fine, but..”

  “No buts Rian, you do not leave my side until this works out.”

  I know there is nothing I can say to change his mind, so I continue my pouting curled in my favorite chair. The others carry on the conversation as I try to think how I am supposed to unite the races and save everyone from the Ancients.


  The tome lay next to my cauldron. My mind was endowed with all the spells and power this book would provide me. Me being in front of it was a pure miracle; like it was always supposed to be there. “Will I unlock your secrets, book?” I say to no one. Maybe talking to a book makes me crazy but I could care less. If you see enough of the magical world you know that all things aren’t as they appear.

  “You will show me yours soon,” I caress the book as I begin to chant. “I need to know how to make them rise. The words need to be precise. Show me, no matter the price.”

  The book opens with a gust of wind that almost knocks me over. There in plain letters is the key to victory. The key to unlocking the stasis created by the witches of the past. My smile cannot be contained as I feel Martin enter the room.

  “Samara, no one suspects us,” Martin whispers.

  “I hope you are right,” I meet his eyes. “I must meet with my contact to see if we have all the other items we need. I have the location spell now to find where they lay, we are close my love.”

  Martin’s smile is short lived, “My mother has not regained consciousness.”

  “She will in time. It would be counter-productive for her to wake up to help Henrietta. Don’t worry love, she will wake soon.”

  Martin seems to struggle with this, “I believe you Samara, but well, she doesn’t look good. I planned to go to the hospital and take her home. However, she wasn’t awake and…..”

  With my back to Martin I was able to roll my eyes. This fool can’t expect me to give a damn for his mother. I think for a moment whether he was useful or not any more. Honestly, I just wanted rid of the little clinger. “Come here Martin.”

  He moves towards me. As he gets in arm’s length, I place my hands on his cheeks. “I want you to know that all of your help is greatly appreciated.”

  “I am glad,” Martin smiles.

  “Yes, well, it is no longer needed. I have the answer I need. The animal and the witch.”

  Martin tries to shake my hands away from his face as the heat in my hands increases. “What are you talking about? What are you doing?”

  “Sorry, Martin, but you are not at the end state.” I watch as his head slowly starts to boil from the inside out. The red blisters that cover his face begin to pop as his body temperature rises. “I have it from here.”

  Within a minute, Martin no longer exists. I think that I should feel poorly about my behavior, but I just can’t. He was a liability to end. “I know what to search for now,” I lay my hands on the book, smiling. “She will come to me, soon.”


  As we are planning how to go about questioning Martin, I see Rian curled up in her chair with a face filled with determination. This prophecy is a lot to lay on one person. I like it even less that it lays at the feet of my mate. I must do everything in my power to ensure she makes it through all of this so we can move on with our lives.

  I stand, “Alright, Michael find out what Martin knows, Kevin stay close to Riley.” I extend my hand to Rian pulling her out of her trance. “Rian, how about we go for a walk.”

  There is no sarcastic comeback, no witty comment, she simply puts her hand in mine and stands. We make our way down the front porch onto a trail that runs throughout her property. She is still quiet. “You know after we first met, I would shift into my wolf form every night and patrol. It calmed me being near you, my mate.”

  “Stalking me, huh?” she cracked a smile.

  “Ah, there is my feisty mate! I was wondering where you went.”

  Rian doesn’t immediately reply. She ventures off the trail a bit to sit beside a small river. We sit for a minute listening the water. “I am normally so in control. I have amazing magic thanks to the Goddess. I always knew my wolf was in me, but meeting you made her a more dominate part of my life. This stupid prophecy has always hung over my head. I never actually thought I would need to do anything with it, yet here I am having to come up with a way to save the paranormal races! Me! I am no savior.”

  “It will be okay, Rian. You are not in this alone,” I pull her so she sits with her back to my chest wrapping my arms around her. “We will figure all of this out. The prophecy doesn’t define how you do this. Prophecies are funky like that.”

  I feel her
giggle, “Yeah, wish they came with instructions. You are right though.”

  “Of course I am.”

  She turns her head to look at me, “Funny.”

  “Come,” I stand. “We have to go back. Just remember what I said. I think this will all come to fruition and then we can finally get to the most important thing.”

  “Which is?”

  I smile, cupping her face with my hands, “Well, making you my mate, of course.” I dip my head and brush my lips across hers. “Told you I wasn’t going anywhere.”


  “Dwarf! Where are you,” the snotty witch screamed as she barged into my shop.

  Upon hearing her voice Fred flees to the outside. “Traitor,” I mumble then louder, “You are talking loud enough to wake the dead, witch.”

  “Ah, there you are,” she replies. “Do you have my items?”

  I sigh deeply, “Not going to ask if I am alright or ask how I got your stuff?”

  She raises an eyebrow, “Why would ask questions about things I do not care about? Where are my items?”

  “You think mighty highly of yourself even for a de Molay. Come to the back room, I don’t wanna touch any of them again.”

  She brushes past me to the back room. I follow her, “Now before I release them from where I stashed them, I want that necklace brought out and the life debt removed.”

  “You think I would renege on this?”

  “You seem like the type who would like to have a reputable thief in your back pocket.”

  The pretty witch laughs lightly and produces the necklace, “I see you are not a dumb dwarf. I showed you the necklace, show me the items.”

  I am still weary of bringing the items out, but she will not be able to take them until I remove the ward. Waving my hand removes the magic showing the knife, flint and amulet. “Just like you asked, now the life debt.”

  “Put your hand on the necklace,” she instructs me. I feel her begin to weave power around, “The debt is paid, the deed is done, release this soul, he owes no one.” The power breaks the crystal on the necklace effectively releasing me from the life debt.


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