The Ancients

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The Ancients Page 5

by Wilson, Rena

  “Wow, didn’t think you would actually do it,” I say as I release the ward surrounding the stolen goods. “Now don’t take this the wrong way, get your stuff, get out, and never come back.”

  “Charles, Charles,” she is mesmerized by the objects. “Good work. Soon, you will be begging to come work for me.”

  “Think not, lady.”

  “We will see about that,” she makes her way towards the door. “Oh and Charles, I don’t need to tell you that this little task I sent you on does not need to be shared with anyone, do I?”

  “I am going to forget it myself,” I reply.

  “Great,” the pretty witch walks out the door.

  “Fred you can come back out, the witch is gone,” I yell for the dog. It doesn’t take him long to be by my side. “Hopefully that is the last we see of her. I am curious as to what she is up to though.


  “Any leads on Martin?” I ask Kevin and Michael. Since Kevin and I are on guard duty, we moved our daily operations to Rian’s office. Neither sister was happy with the detail, but it was in their best interest.

  Michael shakes his head, “He has disappeared. No one has seen him since he last visited his mom in the hospital a week ago.”


  I watch my Beta think a moment, “I think he is involved somehow. Everyone described him as a weak minded individual, nothing like his mother. If his mother confided Rian’s nature to him, it seems plausible that he could be manipulated by those that want the Ancients to rise.”

  Nodding my head, “I agree. Keep digging. Any news about the artifacts that were stolen?”

  Kevin pipes in, “One of my contacts told me they saw Charles go into Vaughn’s the other day. They said he looked like hell.”

  “Charles, the dwarf?”

  “Yeah, I know,” Kevin sighed. “He has been out of the game for the past twenty years. I would be curious what he was doing at Vaughn’s.”

  “I just find it hard to believe he would be back in the game,” I shake my head. “The powers that be were pretty hard on him. I think I will pay him a visit.”

  Both men nod their heads. Michael stands, “Kevin and I will stay here with the women. That should be enough.”

  I pat my Beta on his back, “There are no better men to guard my mate. I will return as soon as possible. Make sure those two don’t get into trouble.”

  Kevin snorts, “You have met them right? They are trouble.”

  I leave laughing at his forlorn face. On the drive to Charles’ shop, I contemplate what would make the dwarf come out of retirement. Charles’ shop comes into view and I park with relative ease. I open the door hearing the bell over my head ring.

  “Be there in a minute,” I hear Charles shout from the back room. He walks into the front, “What can I…”

  “Hello Charles. It has been a long time.”

  The dwarf swallows visibly and I hear his heart rate increase. “Alpha, what are you doing here?”

  “I have a problem and was hoping to talk to you about it to see if you know something that can help,” I speak calmly. Charles is hiding something.

  “Of course, go on into the back and have a seat. I will lock up so we are not disturbed.”

  I find a place to sit and wait for Charles to come back.

  He walks in followed by a pit bull that was almost as tall as Charles. The dog starts to whine as he flattens himself on the floor and shows his neck in an act of submission. “I will not harm you,” I say as I lay my hand on his head. The dog begins to lick my arm.

  “Alright, that is enough Fred. Alpha, I am not sure how I can help you. Unless it is a history lesson, I’ve been out for twenty years.”

  I nod, “I know.” I tell him about the Ancients. “Whoever wants them to rise also has it out for my mate.”

  “The Ancients, never thought I would see the day,” Charles says. “Congratulations on finding your mate. What do these people want with her?”

  I smile, “Let’s just say she is special. She is not the only thing these people want. In order to conduct the spell a unique set of artifacts is needed: A Flint Knife from the Naqada period, a flail symbol of power from the God Osiris, and Osiris’ onyx amulet”

  Charles’ face pales and his heart rate doubles. “I know you know something about that, Charles.”

  “Alpha, please,” Charles begs. “I don’t want any part of this.”

  “By your reaction, you already are. You must know that I will do anything to protect my mate.”

  Charles sighs, “You don’t understand, I can’t talk about it or her. The only thing I can say without my insides starting to boil is that I owed that bitch a life debt. It was either face the powers that be or the Gods. I knew she wouldn’t just release me from the debt. Somehow she wove an additional spell as she released me that doesn’t allow me to speak her name or discuss what I did for her. I couldn’t even talk to the damn dog about it. Tried, hurt like hell just saying her name. I would die before I got all the information out.”

  Leaning back in my chair, I slowly nod. “Do you have security cameras?”

  “Trust me she is too smart for that,” Charles say looking dejected. “She fried the cameras before she came into view.”

  “Maybe my mate can unweave the spell around you,” I think out loud.

  Charles looks taken aback, “I thought you found a werewolf mate.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Whatever, look I just want to go back to what I was doing before that witch walked in my door. I trust that even with the small amount of information I gave you are smart enough to figure it out,” Charles says as sweat starts to accumulate on his brow.

  “Don’t worry Charles, I am not going force you talk with the spell on you,” the dwarf visibly relaxed. “I will however, force you to see a witch.”

  “Alpha, I can’t do this! I want to be left alone!”

  “Sorry old friend, my mates’ life is at stake, you will cooperate even if it is unwillingly,” I sigh. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

  “You have no right! I am not some wolf that has to bow to you. Get out.”

  “That is where you are wrong,” I stand moving to loom over the much smaller man. “I have the right to defend what is mine.”

  I notice Fred, the dog, dart out the back door. I grab the little man by the collar, “Alright the hard way then.” The dwarf kicks out and barely misses me. I roll my eyes, “Be still or I will make you.”

  He doesn’t seem to care so I rear back and punch him in the face effectively silencing him.


  My work room is engulfed with power now that I added the artifacts and the tome. I slowly begin the ritual to bring forth Weynard and drop to my knees. “Ah, I can feel the power they hold Sammy. Well done. Are you prepared?”

  “My Lord, the moon is new tomorrow. I will use the amulet to find your resting place. When I have located you, I will use the flint and knife to transport you and the others to the ritual site. In just two days you will be free,” I say.

  Weynard’s projection lays his hand on my head. “Child, your families would be proud. I look forward to seeing you in the flesh soon.”

  The projection dissipates and I am alone again. Everything is going as planned. “I still need to get that wolf-witch to the ritual site. Maybe I should have waited to dispense of Martin. No, no, he would have just mucked it up like he did with the sister.” I know talking to myself isn’t going to help. I decide to sleep to renew my strength for the night to come.

  Night has finally fallen. The moon is new, ensuring that darkness prevails. Soon I will see the Ancients in the flesh, but I must not get ahead of myself. The preparations must begin. My cloak flows effortlessly around me as I enter my workroom.

  I feel the power radiating off the artifacts and the book. They are as excited about this ritual as I am. I walk to my chest to grab my most sacred pile of salt.

  “I walk this circle, ar
ound the map, to show me where the Ancients are at, with the power I lay down, make their location be found.” I quickly seal the circle and I hold the end of the silver chain, dangling the amulet above the map. “Osiris mote it be, that the Ancients made would be, join the world again, entrust the amulet you must.”

  The circle engulfs in fire around me as the power of the amulet overwhelms the room. The silver chain holding the amulet begins to slowly sway back and forth. Suddenly the chain is ripped from and hand and lands on a remote spot on the map. “Italy? They are deep in the mountains.” I murmur to myself.

  I turn, picking up the flint and knife as the flames dispense. "Now to transport you to the clearing."

  I scrap the knife on the flint, ensuring the knife is coated, "By my blood, by my sacrifice, by my loyalty, I call on the ones who were wronged, the ones who sleep, come to the place of rituals, the place to free you." I pause as I press the knife to my forearm allowing the blade to cut deep. The red blood flows hitting the flint I laid on the map. "By my blood, mote it be, mote it be, mote it be, by the power of three."

  The flint sizzles as my blood drips on it cause smoke to fill the room. The power that courses through me makes me fill invincible. The salt engulfs in flames again and they seem to dance around the room. Then, just as quickly as it began it ends. The power releases me and I fall to the floor, exhausted. I can't help but giggle and smile. "I did it."


  “What the hell are you doing, Kristoff!” I yell as he walks through the front door caring a small man over his shoulders.

  “Don’t worry, love,” he says as he plops the man on my couch. “Charles and I are old friends.”

  I just stare at my supposed mate. “If this is the way you treat your friends, I would hate to see how you treat your enemies.”

  He makes his way to me, giving me a quick kiss to my cheek, “You smell delicious, mate.”

  The look I give him makes him smile and he starts his way to the kitchen. “Where do you think you are going? I want to know who this Charles is and why he is passed out on my couch!”

  “I am getting a sandwich.”

  “And the little man?”

  Kristoff opens the refrigerator to pull out the items for his meal. “They prefer to be called dwarfs.”

  Kevin and Michael walk in. Kevin looks between Kristoff and I, “What is with all the shouting?”

  “It seems my mate has a problem with me bringing in Charles.”

  I give Kristoff a hard stare, “Are you kidding me? It seems my mate brought in this dwarf named Charles slung over his shoulder unconcise and then proceeded to make himself a sandwich without explaining anything.”

  “I will make you one too if you want, love,” Kristoff bites into his creation. “I make a mean sandwich.”

  I am about to retort when Michael chimes in, “Why is Charles unconcise?”

  “He didn’t want to come with me,” Kristoff shrugs. “I think he can help us, but Rian needs to help him first. Seems Charles got into a pickle with a particularly nasty witch who spelled him.”

  “You could have just said that,” I grumble.

  “But you are so cute when you are frustrated,” he winks at me.

  The other two men in the room laugh. “What kind of spell?” Michael continues.

  By this time Kristoff has finished his meal and we all walk back into the living room. The dwarf was still silent. “I am not sure. It isn’t a memory spell because he remembers everything. The problem is when he starts talking about it he gets violently ill. He said he even tried to talk to his dog about it and he had the same reaction. Rian do you know a spell like that?”

  I take a minute to think. “That kind of spell would only come from someone practicing dark arts and it would have to involve blood.”

  “She didn’t take my blood,” Charles surprises all of us as he slowly sits up. “Damn it Alpha, did you have to hit me so hard?”

  “You hit him!”

  “Oh for the love of the Goddess, Rian, I am a wolf and an Alpha at that. He wasn’t cooperating,” Kristoff replies. “Charles are you sure she didn’t take any blood?”

  Charles shook his head, “I am not dumb. There was no way in hell that I was going to let her have my blood. Normally a life debt does involve blood, but it was part of the deal I made with…” Charles instantly stiffens and his throat tightens.

  We watch as the dwarf struggles to regain control. I can’t just watch him suffer like this. I walk over and kneel in front of him. The spell wrapped around him is one of the tightest I have ever seen. I go to place my hands on his face when I hear Kristoff growl next to me. “I have to touch him, mate.”

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Kristoff mumbles.

  I roll my eyes and direct my attention back to Charles. The spell is intricately woven and I know I will not be able to break it without some preparation time. “I can ease your suffering, then we will work on breaking the spell.”

  Charles continues to struggle, gasping for air. With my hands on his cheeks, I begin, “Breath of life, ease his pain, say nothing will he, breath give him back to this life.”

  Finally, Charles is able to take a deep breath. When he settles down, he stares at me, “What are you?”

  I look at him uncomfortably, “I am no one.” Kristoff pulls me off the floor to sit in his lap. “That is not true, mate.”

  “That sure as hell is not true,” Charles begins pacing in my living room. “What have you got me into Alpha?”

  “I am not sure I understand what the problem is. She just saved you from that spell,” Kevin interjects.

  “Not the spell,” I sigh. “I was able to, I don’t know, console the real spell, let it know that Charles will cease talking about whatever triggered the real spell. Whoever put that spell on you, they are really powerful, but I think I can unweave it.”

  Charles stops his pacing and takes a good look at me. “You are the one.”

  “The one what?” I ask nervously.

  “The prophesied one. I should have known,” he says just staring at me. “My lady, I would appreciate any help in order to help you with your cause.” I stand in awe as Charles comes to me and bows.


  I am sitting in the kitchen going through the items I need to break the spell on Charles, mulling over each ingredient. I am so distracted that I didn’t hear Grams walk in.

  “It has begun,” she says.

  Turning to face her, “What has begun?”

  Grams face is pale and I can see her hands shaking, “I feel the power of the book being drawn out. The amulet, the flint, and the knife was used. A powerful, dark ritual has been performed.”

  “That means you know where to find them, right? With your connection to the book, I won’t even have to perform the spell on Charles.”

  "It is so dark, Rian," Grams says as she nearly collapses on the barstool. "I can locate the tome, but I don't think that will help. I fear the ritual to bring forth Ancients is complete."

  I swallow, "They have risen?"

  Grams shakes her head, "No, they still need you there for them to rise. They need the Goddess marked one's blood."

  "Well, I don't plan on giving that to them," I sigh. "I am done preparing for Charles. Hopefully we can find out who is behind this."


  “You sure this is going to work, my Lady?” I ask nervously.

  Rian sighs and continues setting a circle of salt around us, “Why do you call me that?”

  I shrug, “You are Goddess marked, it is only appropriate.”

  She completes the circle and sits in front of me. “How did you know?”

  “We dwarfs have unique magic. It is what makes us good thieves and smugglers. My abilities allow me to see through blocking spells to what really is there. I didn’t notice it on you until you touched me.”

  “That must be nice to have,” she smiles at me. “Let’s work on this spell. Drink this.”

  She hands me a sma
ll green glass jar whose ingredients smell horrible, “Uh, my Lady, no offense but this smells like piss.”

  “Don’t care what it smells like, drink it,” she demands.

  I continue to stare at the jar. "Don't make me get Kristoff." With that threat looming, I pinch my nose and slam the contents. "Yep tastes like piss too."

  "I am not even going to ask how you know what piss tastes like," she smiles. "You may feel a little dizzy but it should pass."

  "Yep, feel that," I retort. "What is next?"

  "Usually, this type of spell requires the coven, but since I am not a member, you are just stuck with me. Grams is too drained from the ritual that was performed using the tome. And to perfectly honest, being part wolf makes my magic work a little different than other witches," she explains.

  "Wolf, witch whatever, you are Goddess marked. I put this in your hands," I pat her hand. "Now let's get this over with I got to go feed my dog."

  I watch in fascination as she slowly begins to chant and runs her hand around where I assume is the Goddess mark. I knew the mark was there, but with the blocking spell removed it was even more beautiful. "Goddess," she whispers. The circle of salt sizzles with white hot flames illuminating Rian's face.

  "Light, not dark, controls this circle, by the light of the Goddess, by thy humble servants plea, free this man of his plight, for darkness cannot control light, by your will I mote it be, by your mercy, I mote it be, by your light I mote it be."

  As the last words leave her lips, she grabs my hands and I feel pure, innocent power surround me. It flows in me with every breathe I take. "By the Goddess," I say with a shaky voice. A few moments later the flames went out and the power left the room. No that wasn't right, the power went back to fascinating woman sitting in front of me. "I am free," I say.

  "Are you sure?" she asks as she wipes her brow free of sweat.

  "Yeah, I am," I smile at her. "Let's get everyone together so I only have to say it once."


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