The Ancients

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The Ancients Page 6

by Wilson, Rena

  She nods and tries to stand on her shaky legs. I reach out to her, but she backs away, "No I am fine, just drained. I will meet everyone in the living room."

  I watch as she walks unsteadily around me. "As you wish my Lady," I whisper in awe of what I just witnessed.


  "So it worked," I state as Charles takes a seat in the living room.

  Charles nods, "She was amazing."

  I growl, "She should have waited on me. Something could have gone wrong."

  As I finish Rian walks in looking a bit pale but other than that she seemed fine, "She shouldn't have to wait on anyone to do anything she pleases."

  "Alright, you are fine since you are throwing back sarcasm," I smile as she sits next me. I pull her close and she lays her head on my shoulder. We are waiting for Kevin and Riley, so I take the moment to lean into her. "Are you sure you are okay?"

  I feel her smile on my shoulder. "I am fine, mate."

  Kevin and Riley walk into the living room and take seats on opposite sides of the room. "Everything okay?"

  "Kristoff, I want someone else as a bodyguard," Riley says exasperated. "I can't deal with him anymore."

  "Oh, lay off it princess," Kevin responds."

  "Both of you stop," I snap. "We have more important things to worry about right now. Am I understood?"

  Riley doesn't look happy but gives me a curt nod. "Yes, Alpha," Kevin grits out.

  "Now Charles," I redirect my attention to the dwarf. "I assume you have much to tell us."

  Charles sighs, "Well it started in 1890. You know dwarves are known for our abilities as thieves, so I was contracted to steal a valuable art piece. Needless to say that the whole thing went shit really quick and I got caught. Usually, I am more than able to get myself out of those situations, but this time not so much. The day I was to be executed a witch bartered for my freedom. To this day I don't know why. All I know is that I was released and was forced into a life debt."

  "What do you mean forced?" Rian asks.

  Charles shrugs, "I didn't ask her to save me, but since she did I was honor bound into the debt. The witches name was Jaqueline de Molay. The only stipulation I had was that no blood would taken. We took an amulet and sealed the debt."

  "I honestly thought she was make me pay right away. I mean she got me out of jam then just let me go. It was strange. I kept tabs on her for a couple of years, but she never collected. Around 1900 I was told that her and her two daughters were burned at the stakes for being witches."

  I was growing impatient, "I don't understand the history lesson, Charles. Get on with it."

  "But it is important, Alpha," Charles stands and begins pacing. "I thought I lucked out and wouldn't have to repay my debt. That is until three days ago when another witch walked into my life claiming to be a de Molay. She had the amulet and there was nothing I could do. The powers that be have banned me from doing pretty much anything, but I couldn't go against a life debt, that is to the Gods."

  "What did she want you to do?" I ask.

  "It was simple really. She wanted me to steal three items, an amulet, a flint, and a knife. But, I am sure you are already tracking that."

  "What was her name?"

  Charles looks at me, "Samara de Molay, auburn hair, cat like green eyes."

  "Kevin, you and Michael find out everything you can on her, now," I bellow. "Riley stay put in the house while Kevin is working. Rian come with me."

  "What do you want me to do?" Charles asks.

  I look at him, "Thank you for your help. You are free to leave."

  "Thank you Alpha, my Lady," he says as he bows. "Know this my Lady, should you ever need me you know where to find me."

  With that the little man left the living room. "Where are we going," Rian asks.

  "A walk."

  We walk in silence out the back, picking back up on the trail we walked earlier, "You like being outside," Rian states.

  I shrug and grab her hand, "It helps me think. Do you know anyone name Samara or with those features?"

  "No," she shakes her head.

  I let the silence continue for a few minutes. "You did good with Charles earlier."

  She nods, "I have never felt that power before. I actually felt the Goddess guiding me. I am supposed to be a part of this huge prophecy, but how can I even know what I am supposed to do. My blood will waken the Ancients. I shouldn't go near them."

  "I don't want you anywhere near them either, love, but I think we have to face the facts on this one. It is your destiny. Let's get it fulfilled so that we can move on with our lives. I can't wait to introduce you to the pack. I also know that when we mate, you should be able to shift into your wolf."

  "That would be nice," she says as she wraps her arms around my waist. "Let's go see if they found anything yet, probably not but I want to check on Grams."

  We started slowly making our way back to her house when she stops in front of me. "Do you feel that?"

  I look around using my senses to see if there is a presence. "I don't sense anything."

  Her eyes grow wide and her breathing shallow, "No, no,no." She repeats as she looks at me. Just as she is about to say something, she disappears.

  The spot she just stood in is empty. I turn in circles trying to find her, "Rian!" I scream her name over and over hoping to hear he. I run back to her house.

  “Where is she?!” I storm into Rian’s house. “Rian!”

  Riley walks into the living room with Kevin, “What is going on Kristoff?”

  “Alpha?” Kevin lowers his head. “You need to calm down, your eyes are glowing, you are close to changing.”

  “Do not think to order me around! She was in front of me then she just disappeared,” I practically run through the rest of the house. My wolf is pacing within me wanting to break free to find his mate. I search the whole house, but I cannot find her. “She is gone.”


  “They are magnificent, are they not?” I smile as Rian walks slowly into the clearing. “I did what no one else in my family could ever accomplish. And now walks in the final piece of the puzzle. The animal and the witch.”

  Rian looks at me like she is confused, “How did I get here?”

  "A simple summoning spell," I smile at her. "You do know who you are don't you?"

  “I know who I am yes, but who the hell are you?”

  My smile remains in place as I finish dousing the four Ancients bodies with fresh rose water. “Me? I am a loyal servant, looking to make right a wrong done long ago. You may call me Samara. But you, you I know all about.”

  “Oh, really? And just how did you find out about me?”

  My smile fades a bit, “I too had a loyal servant, but he was a liability to dispense with in the end. My dear Martin, he was quite informative.”

  I watch as Rian connects the dots. “What did you do to him?”

  “He went quickly, don’t worry,” I say. “You, my dear, are going to help me raise the Ancients. With your blood, they can come back to us in the flesh and rule as they always were meant to. Exciting isn't it?"

  Rian continues to stare at me, "Have you lost your mind? They will destroy the very fiber of life on this planet."

  "Think what you will," I dismiss her thoughts. "They may rule with a heavy hand, but our world needs order. We in the paranormal community should not be subjected to hide in the shadows. We are the superior race."

  "You can't actually believe I will cooperate with you," she spits back to me.

  I look at her and smile. "Child, I only need your blood. You don't need to be alive for me to take it."


  The smile she sends me lets me know I am in trouble. The clearing is silent as I watch Samara make her final preparations with the bodies. While she is busy, I slowly start to make my way to the edge of the clearing.

  "Not so fast, child," Samara says without looking at me. She twists her wrists and I stop moving. "Can't have you escaping. Be still."

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move. I am one of the best spell breakers, but I am helpless.

  "Now, I think we are ready. Come here," she says with the same sinister smile on her face. Without my consent, my legs move towards the center of the clearing. As I reach the center, I notice a circle of salt surrounding the bodies. After I pass through the opening, Samara closes it. "You being witch and wolf is very interesting. If you live through this maybe we can discuss it. For now though, I want you to sit right there and don't move."

  I do as I am told, watching her as she holds a knife with dried blood. "This knife was made by Osiris, the creator. Everyone thinks Anubis created the Ancients, but they are wrong. Osiris knew what the world needed, yet paranormals, their own people, turned against them. Today, you and I will bring them back to make sure the world becomes a better place."

  She walks and kneels next to me, "First, I need to take your strength to build the spell, once we are about to hit the apex I will draw your blood. You are the privileged one that gets to feed them first." She takes an amulet made of onyx out of her pocket and slips it over my head. "To wake the ones who slumber here, give me her power to aid my strength."

  The pain is immediate and immense. I can’t even open my eyes. In the background, I hear Samara continuing to chant.

  Just when I know I am at my weakest point a soothing voice enters my mind. Release the blocking spell, my child. It is time.

  The voice startles me, but calms me at the same time. “I don’t think I have the strength,” I say barley above a whisper.

  You do. Open your spirit, your heart, and your mind. Allow my mark to give you the power that is your birthright. Stop the Ancients from rising.

  Samara is moving towards my position with a ceremonial blade. “It is time; your combined blood will allow the Ancients to rise at full strength.”

  I keep my eyes close and quickly unweave the spell around my mark. I instantly feel lighter, like Samara’s spell holding me down was not strong enough to stop me.

  “What are you doing? Rise!” Samara yells, grabbing my arm roughly pulling me to stand. "It is already working. Can you see them moving? Once they have your blood it will done."

  She holds the knife close to me, "I don't think I can let you do that."

  The crazy woman holding me laughs, "You don't have the strength to resist me."

  "That is where you are wrong," I push her away from me with all the power the Goddess gifted.

  "Blood," I hear a hiss from one the bodies. "Blood."

  I turn back to where Samara lays and am confused as to why she is laughing, "Fool! It is too late. Weynard rises seeking your blood. My Lord, it is done!" With those words she continues to laugh and smile like the crazy person she is.

  Power emanates around me as one of the bodies rises. The sheet covering him falls the grass as he takes a deep breath. His skin his pale and he is taunt with the lack of nourishment. "Sammy?"

  She stops her crazy person imitation, "It is I, my Lord."

  He catches sight of me and smiles showing sharp elongated fangs, "This is her?"

  "Yes, my Lord, the witch and the animal. With her blood you will return to your former glory," Samara bows.

  "Come here, girl," his voice is like nails on a chalk board and the compulsion to move is great.

  You are stronger than him, my child. Take what I give you.

  The Goddess' voice comforts me as I finally risk looking into the creatures eyes. "No."

  Weynard seems to weigh my answer, "I don't believe anyone has ever said that to me before and ended up still alive."

  "I will not allow you to drag our world down!" I yell. "By the Goddess, I will stop you and send you back from where you came."

  "So passionate," he begins. "Your Goddess is strong within you, but you are no match for me, girl." He starts to move towards me, never breaking eye contact.

  I gather as much of the Goddess' power as I can and begin to channel it all around me. "The witches motto it is, to harm none shall we, the wolves motto it is, to protect all shall we, by the blending of my soul, the hybrids motto it is, do what is right shall I, destroy if I must, heal if it is earned, and banish those who mean harm, so mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be, by the will of the Goddess of three."

  As the last words left my mouth, Weynard grabbed me by the throat. "My servant is correct, you are a fool. And now I will taste that sweet nectar of life flowing through you."

  His fangs pierced my skin, but as soon as he tried take a sip, blinding white light shot from my hands into his chest. "You do not get to take, that which is not offered willingly," I whisper in his ear as he stumbles away from me. "Weynard, creature of Osiris, never shall you harm again." The power of the Goddess flows through my arms and out towards the Ancient. It causes his body to erupt in flames as he wails to Samara.

  The young woman is stunned at what is happening. "No, no, this cannot be happening," she says as she rushes to his side. She turns her hard stare to me, "This isn't over." She begins to chant holding her amulet around her neck and then they are gone.

  There is no sound in the clearing anymore. I turn in every direction trying to find a trace of Samara and Weynard. "I have failed," I fall to my knees, exhausted.

  You have not failed, my child. This is what fate has in store. Soon you will unite the races and lead an army to destroy the Ancient.

  "But I wasn't supposed to allow them to rise!" I bellow out with rage.

  Only one did. Destroy the other bodies you must. Weynard will have to feed, but his strength will not be full until your blood runs through his body. Be strong, my child, this is only the beginning.

  I sag my head wanting this to be the end. "I am so tired," I sigh.

  The bodies.

  Knowing that I needed to get this done, I force myself to my feet and complete my task. These Ancients would not rise again.


  I had to let my wolf take over as the hours past. I could no longer control the rage within me with her missing. Even Henrietta felt my control breaking and allowed me to lay on the back porch standing guard. My mate is out there somewhere, and I can't find her to protect her.

  Kevin and Michael were in the house watching over Riley and Henrietta. I couldn't bear to be around anyone. The hour had to be past midnight when Riley walked out to the porch sitting next to me. She tentatively reached out and ran her hand on my head. I could smell Kevin watching her from the door, protective as always. "You don't know my sister like I do, Kris," Riley says. "She is stronger than you think. She wouldn't want you to be stuck like this. She would want you to get some rest, so that you can deal with her when she returns."

  I know she is trying to be helpful, but I can't bring myself to change back to human form. "Just let me know if you need anything," Riley sighs and starts for the door. Just as she entered the house I caught a scent and jump up to my feet. Kevin noticed, "What is it, Alpha?"

  I bolt from the porch with Kevin yelling at me to wait. It is her. I know it is. I see a figure walking down the driveway. She looks tired and there is blood on her neck. My wolf lets out a howl, startling her. I run towards her and in moments shift. I reach her and pull her close. "Rian, what happened? Are you okay?"

  Her eyes are glistening with tears, but she has a small smile. "I think you need to put on some clothes, mate."

  "This is not the time to joke, Rian. I have been frantic," I say as I hold her close and place a kiss to her forehead. "Let's go inside."

  As we walk to the porch, the door opens and Riley sprints out. "Rian!" she shouts as she pushes me aside to hug her sister. "What the hell happened? And why don't you have any clothes on?"

  "Uh, well, I can't exactly shift my clothes," I say not the least bit embarrassed. Kevin comes out from behind Riley holding a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt. "Thanks."

  Henrietta is the last to greet Rian, "What happened?" She asks as she places her hand on Rian's neck.

  "Let's go sit down, it has been
a hell of an evening," she says.

  I sit on the couch and pull Rian to sit in my lap. I lean into her ear, "Not letting you go."

  She shivers with a nod, "Well, I met Samara, talked to the Goddess, burned Weynard, Samara and Weynard escaped, and then I destroyed the other three bodies."

  Everyone sat there in silence. Henrietta spoke first, "But it looks like he bit you?"

  "He did, but that was when he is the most vulnerable. That is when I struck with the power the Goddess gifted me with. He didn't get a drop."

  Riley shook her head, "I thought he needed your combined blood to rise?"

  "No he needs my blood to regain full strength. Samara disappeared with him while he was being burned alive by the Goddess' fire. I wasn't able to finish. The Goddess said this was only the beginning."

  I nod, "It seems like it. We will have to gather all of the other paranormal leaders to a summit."

  Rian agrees, "This is where the prophecy begins, not ends. We have a long way to go."

  "Alright everyone, we need to let Rian get some rest," I instruct.

  Everyone clears the room, but Rian stays snuggled on my lap. "I can't wait any longer, Rian. I would have been able to find you if we were mated."

  "When I was under Samara's spell, all I could think about was you. That we would never have the future we wanted."

  "Let me make you mine, forever. Then we can take on this new challenge together," I practically beg.

  "Okay," she says softly.

  I grasp her chin and pull her face to where her eyes could meet mine, "Told you."

  She laughs, "Yes, you did."



  My workshop doesn't feel the same anymore. It feels tainted by that witch. Part of me thinks I should be grateful to her, after all it was only because of her I got to see and know the Goddess marked. "Fred? I am home," I say as I walk to back room. "Fred?"

  I hear the dog whining. "What is wrong? Sorry, I haven't been around to feed you, you wouldn't believe what happened." I round the corner to see Fred cowering in the back corner. "What is it?"


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