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Sheltering Dunes (Provincetown Tales Book 7)

Page 8

by Radclyffe

Allie replayed the message. Ash’s husky voice cut through her as if she hadn’t heard it hundreds of times before, leaving her awash with joy and desire and old fears. Ever since Ash had come back into her life a few weeks ago, the old wounds had started to heal, but she still had moments when she walked into the empty apartment and nearly drowned under the crushing memory of the long, lonely months after Ash left her. God, she’d been miserable. She’d very nearly slept with Flynn to push the pain away. She didn’t regret having met Flynn, having gotten close to her, but a small part of her worried she might have been using Flynn, and the guilt burned. She hit Call and waited, her stomach jittery with anticipation.

  “Hi, baby.” Ash sounded wide-awake.

  “Hey,” Allie said, moving through the living room to her bedroom without turning on a light. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”

  “No, I’m watching TV,” Ash said. “I’ve been in the car so much I needed to unwind a little bit before trying to sleep.”

  “How’s it going?” Allie pushed the speaker button, set the cell phone on the dresser, and pulled off her T-shirt. “Are you almost done?”

  “Getting there. I’ve got a couple of sites to visit tomorrow morning and then I’ll hit the last ones on my return leg. I ought to be back soon.”

  Dancing from foot to foot, Allie pushed out of her jeans and the rest of her clothes until she was naked. She grabbed the phone, carried it to the bed, and slid under the covers. The sheets were crisp and cool, too cool without Ash. “That’s good.”

  “What are you doing up so late? Didn’t you have the day shift?”

  “Yeah.” Allie absently brushed her fingers over her chest, her fingertips grazing her nipples. They hardened instantly. She smiled, feeling herself get wet, thinking how easily Ash could turn her on. Just thinking about her was enough to do that—add her voice, and she was in trouble. “Something came up and I ended up working some tonight.”


  “I’m not sure. Maybe.” Ash’s work as an insurance investigator specializing in high-risk or suspicious claims made her an excellent investigator, and Allie respected her opinions. Sometimes it was hard having an older girlfriend with more experience in just about everything, but she was learning to hold her own. Where work was concerned, she wasn’t too proud to accept input from another professional. “There was an incident this morning where a girl on a bicycle got hit by a van. Seemed pretty routine, but then she skipped out of the clinic before Tory could examine her. Reese asked me to follow up. The thing is, I can’t find anything on her.”

  “You run all the databases?”

  “I sent her name, DOB, and description out everywhere—DMV, IRS, missing persons—but the results are slow coming in. So far, though, nothing.”

  “Might not mean anything. Might not be anything to find.”

  Allie smiled. Sometimes Ash and Reese were hard to tell apart. “I know. The thing is…”

  “What, baby?”

  “Flynn caught the call this morning and transported the girl to the clinic. And now it looks like…Well, it looks like she might be getting involved.”

  Silence on the line. Ash knew Allie and Flynn had dated. Ash knew Allie had called it off too. Allie waited.

  “Did Flynn tell you that?” Ash’s voice was neutral, casual.

  “No. I bumped into her at the Piper and this girl was working there. I talked to her and she just didn’t feel right. I ran it by Reese, and she said to hold off until all the computer searches came in. I asked Reese if I could keep an eye on things, just to get a sense of what was going on.”

  “Wait a minute. You just got home because, what? You were doing surveillance? With who?”

  “Nobody. I was just kind of keeping an eye on them.”

  “Jesus, baby,” Ash said sharply. “What the hell is Reese thinking, letting you do that solo? You’re barely healed from the last gunshot wound.”

  The hairs on the back of Allie’s neck stood up. If she’d been a dog, she would’ve growled. She took a long breath. Fighting over the phone was stupid. “Ash, I’m a cop, remember?”

  More silence.


  “Yes, I remember,” Ash said. “Sorry. I love you. I worry.”

  “I worry about you too.” Allie smiled and circled her fingertips over the warmth in the center of her belly. “Well, there was nothing to worry about, because nothing happened.”

  “And if there’s any more surveillance to be done, you’ll do it with backup?”


  “You know,” Ash said, “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.”

  “Oh yeah? How much?”

  Allie laughed. “If I tell you, you’ll just get a big head.”

  “Probably. But tell me anyway.”

  “A lot. The bed is too big without you. And I’m horny.”

  Ash chuckled. “Baby, you’re always horny.”

  “Just hurry home.”

  “I will.”

  A rustling noise came over the phone. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting into bed,” Ash said.

  “Oh yeah? What are you wearing?”

  “Besides a smile and a hard-on?”

  Allie’s belly tightened. “That’s nice.”

  “Speak for yourself. And I’m not wearing anything.”

  Allie cupped her breasts, squeezing gently. Her nipples were hard, aching. She rubbed them and her clit stiffened. “I don’t think it’s fair that just talking to you gets me so horny.”

  “Fair doesn’t enter into it. Have you been thinking about me all night?”


  “How about I snuggle in next to you and warm you up?” Ash’s voice turned silky and hot.

  “I’d like that.” Allie closed her eyes and tucked the phone close to her face on the pillow. She often woke up in the morning with Ash curled around her, sheltering her in the curve of her body the way the village, on its thin finger of sand, curved around the harbor, keeping everyone within safe. With Ash holding her tight, she was protected. Ash kept her safe—not just her body while she slept, but her heart with every breath. “I love your hands on me.”

  “Baby,” Ash whispered, “I love touching you. Do you want me to touch you now?”

  Allie cradled one breast in her palm and rolled the nipple lightly between her fingers. She pressed the pads of the first two fingers of her other hand against the base of her clitoris, feeling it beat in time to her racing heart. “I want you to do a lot more than touch me. So hurry up home.”

  “We don’t have to wait, you know.”

  “I know. I could come listening to the sound of your voice, but I think I’ll wait.”

  Ash chuckled. “Really?”

  “Yeah. It’s not like me, I know.” Allie dipped one finger lower, into the satiny heat, and moaned at the ripple of excitement.

  “It doesn’t sound like you’re waiting. And if you don’t stop, there’s no way I’m going to hold out.”

  “I love wanting you as much as I love coming.”

  “Aren’t we lucky we can have both.”

  Allie thought about the endless nights after Ash left, of the women she’d dated, trying to forget, and then, discovering she couldn’t forget, the weeks when no one touched her. She hadn’t even wanted to come by her own hand, because the orgasm was a lonely mockery of what she really wanted. The single bright memory in all those weeks was Flynn. “I don’t ever want to be without you again.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” Ash murmured.

  “No, you don’t have to be. That’s behind us now.”

  “But you still remember, I can tell.”

  “I remember being without you.” Allie cupped herself, desire making her swell, making her ache. The wanting was all the sweeter for knowing Ash was hers. “I have you now. I’m not letting you go. You’re mine.”


  “That’s all that matters.”

  “Close your eyes and l
et me hold you while you sleep, baby,” Ash said.

  “I love you. See you soon.”

  “I love you too.”

  Allie ended the call and closed her eyes. Ash was everywhere, in her heart and her soul, and she would be there the next day, and the day after that. That certainty was everything she needed.


  Flynn rolled over and watched the moon track across the sky through her bedroom window. She’d left it open even though the breeze bordered on cold so she could hear the foghorn toll from the lighthouse on Long Point. The smell of the sea reminded her of how insignificant she was in the vast ocean of time, smaller than a speck of sand on the shores of an endless universe. She would crumble under the weight of her own inconsequentiality if she didn’t have some way to contribute to that wonder.

  Almost three a.m. Mica was probably asleep. Or perhaps she was lying awake watching the same moon move across the cloud-strewn sky, wondering, like Flynn, how the night might have been if Flynn had accepted Mica’s invitation and gone upstairs with her. Flynn hadn’t anticipated the invitation, even though Mica radiated loneliness. Flynn recognized the shadows in Mica’s eyes and the sadness Mica tried to hide. Mica was too strong and too stubborn to admit it, but some things were impossible to hide. Flynn recognized a soul on the run.

  Flynn laced her fingers behind her head and watched the shadows flicker on her ceiling. Mica. What ghosts haunted her? What demons chased her? And why shouldn’t two people help each other through the night when they shared the same pain?

  Chapter Ten

  “Reese,” Tory murmured sleepily, “where are you going?”

  “To get the baby.” Reese leaned down and kissed Tory. “Go back to sleep.”

  “What time is it?”

  “About five.”

  Tory pushed up in bed. “You’re dressed for work. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just thought I’d go get her. You know she’s always up early, and so is my mother.”

  Tory shifted over and patted the bed next to her. “Sit down for a minute.”

  Reese sat. She knew what was coming, and like most times, she’d have no answer. Before Tory could ask, she said, “Nothing’s wrong. Really. I just couldn’t sleep.”

  “Were you having nightmares?”

  Reese took Tory’s hand, threaded her fingers through Tory’s, and kissed Tory’s knuckles. The dreams of running through the desert at night, heart pounding and ears ringing, the sky overhead alight with fireworks that might’ve been beautiful if they hadn’t been so deadly, didn’t really count as nightmares, did they? How could something she’d lived through really be a nightmare and not just a memory? “No. I’m fine.”

  “I have no doubt of that.” Tory rubbed her thumb over the top of Reese’s hand. “But you don’t usually leave while I’m sleeping. I don’t like waking up and finding you gone.”

  Reese fished the piece of paper from the breast pocket of her uniform shirt and held it up between two fingers. “I already had the note written to put on my pillow where you’d see it. And besides, I was coming back and Reggie and I were going to make breakfast. Really, I just wanted you to sleep longer.” Reese hitched the sheet down until she’d exposed a few inches of bare skin below Tory’s sleep shirt and kissed her stomach. “After all, you’ve got a job to do and you need your rest.”

  Tory laughed. “I don’t think there’s anything I can do to make things happen any faster at this point, including sleep.”


  Tory’s eyes sparkled. “I am. I want this.”

  “I know. So do I.” Reese didn’t feel the slightest uncertainty when she said it. She did want another baby. She just didn’t want Tory endangered.

  “Will it help if I tell you everything’s going to be all right?”

  “Baby,” Reese murmured. “It always helps.”

  “Well, if you’re up and breakfast is in the offing, I might as well get up too.” Tory pushed the sheet the rest of the way off. “I’ll make coffee and feed Jed while you collect our offspring.”

  “Deal.” Reese got up, found Tory’s robe, and handed it to her. “You know, part of the reason I like being a cop in the town where I live is I feel like I can keep you safe by keeping everyone else safe. Does that make sense?”

  “Of course it does. Especially for you. You were raised to protect and serve.” Tory wrapped her arms around Reese’s shoulders and pressed against her, the robe on the bed, forgotten. “I love you for that. And I love you because you’re getting up at the crack of dawn to get our daughter and bring her home. I love you because tonight, when I’m tired and wondering if I’m making any kind of difference at all, I’ll be able to look at you and Reggie and know that I am. That I matter because I’m in your life.”

  Reese held Tory tightly against her chest and rubbed her cheek in Tory’s hair. “You don’t just matter. You’re everything.”

  “Like you are for me.” Tory kissed her jaw. “Go on now, Sheriff. Important duty calls.”


  Even after picking up Reggie, fixing pancakes with Reggie’s help, and giving her a bath to repair the damage, Reese still got to the department before seven. Other than the night deputy handling phones, the place was empty. She pushed through the swinging gate that separated the small seating area just inside the door from the rest of the room where the desks for the patrol officers were located. She poured herself a cup of coffee and walked into her office, a small cubicle with big windows tucked into the back of the main room. She had a half hour or so before roll call to review the reports from the night shift. While not quite the off-season, the early fall was less busy in town than the summer. The stack of reports was half the size it would have been during the height of the tourist season. All the same, there’d been plenty of activity—several traffic accidents, a handful of brawls, a lost child thankfully recovered within a few minutes, and the random domestic disturbance. She didn’t see anything from Allie, and she hadn’t expected to. She’d given Allie an order to call her if she suspected any kind of trouble, and Allie wouldn’t disobey. If anything had happened in the unofficial surveillance Allie had been running on the girl with the questionable identity, Allie would’ve called her.

  Someone tapped on her open office door and she glanced up. She expected to see Gladys, the dispatcher who seconded as a secretary, civilian liaison, and just about anything else they needed in the department by way of support staff. Allie Tremont, in uniform, waited in the doorway instead.

  “Come on in,” Reese said.

  “Morning, Sheriff.” Allie carried a chipped white porcelain mug with steam rising from the top. She had circles under her normally vibrant deep brown eyes. This morning, their luster was dulled with fatigue.

  “Long night?” Reese asked.

  “No, not really.” Allie dosed her coffee liberally with Splenda and tossed the paper pack into the trash. “I got in about one or so, but I couldn’t sleep. Ash is out of town—” She colored. “Sorry. Not relevant.”

  “That’s okay. I don’t sleep very well when Tory’s away either.”

  Allie’s eyes widened. “Uh yeah.”

  Reese guessed Allie’s surprise was because she didn’t usually talk about anything personal while on the job, especially not with younger officers who were barely more than rookies. Then again, Allie wasn’t a rookie any longer. Allie had taken a bullet just a few weeks before and had handled it like a veteran. She’d trust Allie at her back any day.

  “I guess you get used to it,” Allie finally said. “Coming home to an empty place, I mean.”

  “I don’t know,” Reese said. “I haven’t.”

  Allie shot her a look of appreciation. “I don’t think I will either. And she travels a lot.”

  Reese nodded and sipped her coffee. “I take it nothing turned up last night on your surveillance.”

  Bri Parker appeared in the doorway. “What surveillance?”

  “What is this, a party?” Reese asked. “Why ar
e you both early?”

  “No reason.” Bri looked sharp and alert, her khaki uniform pressed within an inch of its life, razor-sharp creases in her pants and shirtsleeves. Her boots were black mirrors. Her thick black hair was trimmed just at her collar in the back and shorter along the sides. Even though Bri was in her early twenties, Reese thought she might’ve grown another inch or so in the last year. She had to be close to six feet now and starting to fill out a little bit. She’d always been lanky, but now she was beginning to muscle up.

  “Sorry,” Bri said, shooting Allie a penetrating look. “I thought I heard something about surveillance.”

  “It’s nothing,” Allie said.

  Bri’s brows drew down and she glanced from Reese to Allie. Her jaw tightened. “Okay.” She spun on her heel and disappeared into the squad room.

  Allie sighed. “Any reason I can’t brief her?”

  “None that I can see.” Reese smiled. “In fact, I’d recommend it. Catch me up later if anything turns up on the girl.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Allie jogged between the desks and plunked her butt down on Bri’s desk. “Do you always have to be such a horse’s ass?”

  Bri shuffled papers on her desk, not looking up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You damn well do. You’re upset because you think something happened that you don’t know about. And you’re probably jealous that I was talking to Reese—”

  “Whoa, whoa,” Bri protested. “I’m not jealous of Reese.”

  “Me then?”

  Bri grinned and quickly smothered it. “Jesus, no. I haven’t lusted after you for…a long time.”

  “I’m broken-hearted.”

  “You’re full of it too.” Bri glanced toward Reese’s office, but she’d closed the door. “So what’s going on? If you were doing surveillance, it must be something good.”

  “Maybe, I don’t know.” Allie told Bri about her suspicions about Mica, and her phone call to Reese. “There’s nothing solid at this point. So you didn’t miss anything.”

  “I don’t know, Al. I’d go with your gut. You need some help running down the computer traces?”


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