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Blood Sacraments

Page 23

by Todd Gregory

  The vampire regarded him through narrowed eyes. Its nostrils, mere pits protected by folds of reddish-pink flesh, flared wide.

  “I smell your fear,” said the vampire coldly. “Your words are brave but your galloping heart betrays you.”

  The vampire picked him up by the back of his jacket with one hand and pushed the door to the mansion open with the other. Once inside the giant entrance hall he let go. Karl took a tentative step forwards, his eyes scanning the grandeur of the enormous space. Original works of art hung on every wall and there were small groups of well-padded chairs standing on expensive Persian carpets. Two handsome, well-dressed men sat chatting to Karl’s left; both glancing up at him as he took a second step. Another younger man, no older than twenty, walked into the room and draped himself over the railing at the foot of the grand staircase, resting his head on his arms and looking thoroughly bored.

  “Ah, Vadim, you have arrived with your prize.”

  Karl watched as a second winged vampire descended the stairs.

  “Yes, Jasper. He is a fine specimen, too. Full of spirit.”

  In the blink of an eye Jasper was in front of him, sniffing him, inspecting him.

  At seven feet Jasper towered over him. His dark brown hair was slicked back over his skull, accentuating his heavy brow. His purple lips were thin and cruel, and the flaps of his nostrils flared as they took in his aroma. Tucked neatly behind him were two massive wings, black and leathery with age. The creature’s chest was muscular and looked as though it had been chiselled from white marble, the illusion only broken by a small patch of dark hair which sat in the centre. And through the fabric of his tight black breeches Karl could see the outline of his sizeable cock.

  “Hopefully not too spirited,” said Jasper with the same Eastern European accent. “We don’t want any trouble.”

  Karl understood the warning but didn’t indicate it. He knew he was no match for these creatures of the night. He’d tasted all he wanted to of Vadim’s strength, and the second vampire, Jasper, was taller and more solidly built. He’d have to be stupid to take the vampires on.

  “What have you done with Daniel?” he asked.

  Jasper’s thin lips widened into a grin.

  “Ah yes, your lover.”

  “Yes. What have you done with him?”

  Jasper walked a circle around him, eyeing him up and down. He cupped a hand over the rounded mound of Karl’s hairy butt cheek.

  “He’s all right for the moment,” he replied. “I shouldn’t worry too much. You’ll be with him presently. Now remove your clothing.”

  Karl moved his mouth to speak but his vocal cords let him down.

  “Yes, now. Do it now. Take them off. All of them.”

  Jasper stepped back and folded his arms.

  Karl looked over his shoulder at Vadim, at his dark eyes which were shadowed by the heavy brow common to both vampires. He swallowed. What choice did he have? Even the others in the room were looking at him now, all waiting to see what he’d do.

  He began with his shoes and socks, flicking first one shoe off and then the other before peeling his damp, sweaty socks off. He removed his jacket and let it drop onto the flagstones, and then did the same with his shirt.

  He noticed a look of approval flicker on Jasper’s face and saw how the vampire’s fat cock was growing larger inside the fabric of his breeches.

  His fingers fumbled with the buckle of his belt but it was soon undone, the zipper pulled down and his blue jeans removed. He looked again at Jasper, hoping the vampire would indicate that he had gone far enough, but there was no such signal. After a deep breath he hooked his thumbs into the elastic band of his underpants and pulled them down to his ankles before stepping out of them and kicking them away. When he’d finished he stood with his arms stretched out to the sides.

  “Here you are,” he said, letting his arms drop. “Take a good look!”

  Jasper stepped towards him and reached out, taking Karl’s cock in his hand.

  “I had hoped for something larger, but I guess it will do.”

  Karl felt his cheeks burn red.

  “Take him away,” Jasper said, turning his back on Karl and returning up the stairs.

  Karl glared at the departing vampire as Vadim prodded and pushed him towards a door at the side of the great stairway. He didn’t protest. He knew he was theirs, at least for the time being, but more importantly he didn’t want to jeopardise any chance he had of finding Daniel. Only then would he consider his plans for escape. And revenge.

  On the other side of the door was a set of stairs that led down into the bowels of the house. They were lit by electric lights which cast no more illumination than was necessary. At the foot of the stairs was a long corridor, the first part of which was flanked by plastered and painted walls, which soon gave way to bare rock. The wooden floor continued into the shadows at the end of the corridor.

  “Are we going into the hill?” asked Karl.

  “Correct,” Vadim replied, pushing him sharply forwards.

  They came to a door which Vadim instructed Karl to push open. On the other side was a dimly lit room. The floor was grey flagstone and the walls were solid rock. Set into the wall were hooks from which hung empty and rusting manacles, though not quite all of them were empty. He saw Daniel immediately, on the far side of the room, naked and with his wrists manacled above his head.


  “Daniel!” he yelled as he rushed over and hugged his lover. “What have they done to you?”

  “I’m all right,” he replied. “You know, just hanging around.”

  They both laughed out loud though it was more a laugh of relief than of amusement.

  “It’s so good to see you,” said Karl, tightening his arms around Daniel.

  “Very touching,” said Vadim, “but that’s enough. You’re making me nauseous.”

  He wrenched Karl away from Daniel and sent him hurtling into the far wall. In an instant he was there too, lifting Karl up into a set of manacles and securing them around his wrists.

  “I’ll leave you two alone now,” said Vadim. “But I’ll be back.”

  Vadim smiled, his fangs pressing into the flesh of his bottom lip.

  Karl didn’t watch the vampire leave. His eyes stayed riveted on Daniel, noticing that while he could stand quite comfortably with his feet flat on the floor, Daniel was standing on the balls of his feet.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

  “I’m feeling better now. Those things aren’t really…”

  “Vampires? What else can they be?”

  Daniel pondered the question for a few seconds. “But vampires don’t really exist, do they? I mean, it’s impossible.”

  “Well, babe, those things are all too real. They have bat wings and fuck ugly faces. That all says ‘vampire’ to me.”

  “Then why haven’t they drunk our blood? Isn’t that what vampires do? Why have they left us hanging around in here?”

  Karl laughed. “Steady on, Danny boy. I only just got here myself. I don’t know what the hell is happening.”

  For a long while they chatted, keeping each other company, but then the late hour and the effects of a night on alcohol kicked in and silence descended over them. The endless minutes drifted into hours and finally they managed to fall into a deep sleep, despite the discomfort of being on their feet.

  They were awoken the following evening by a commotion at the door to the dungeon. Jasper was the first to enter and behind him a man on a leash. The man’s wrists were bound behind his back and he had been hobbled. He was a great wall of hair and muscle, with a thick moustache and a three-day growth. The shadows on his face accentuated the defiant look he wore. His massive uncircumcised cock swung from side to side, slapping against his muscular thighs as he shuffled into the room.

  Karl looked at the man but could not feel any sympathy for him. His arms had gone numb and there was a gnawing emptiness in his stomach that reminded him he hadn’t eaten for
many hours. Even when the man looked at him he could do no more than offer him a pathetic half-smile.

  Jasper led the man to the centre of the room so that both Daniel and Karl could easily see this latest acquisition. He removed the leash and pushed the man away from him.

  “On your knees,” he ordered.

  But the man stood his ground, thickly haired legs slightly apart, his eyes staring unblinkingly at Jasper.

  Karl looked away. He knew what the vampires were capable of. But curiosity and the lack of anything else to distract him eventually drew his attention back to the man.

  Jasper levitated himself into the air and then dropped back to the floor, bringing his fist down hard on the man’s chest as he did so. The man collapsed onto his knees, his eyes still locked onto Jasper’s and his lips pressed tight.

  Jasper smiled. “You will submit!” he said, his voice frosty. “And the longer it takes, the more delicious your blood will taste.”

  Karl looked across the room at Daniel, whose eyes were wide and riveted on the battle of wills unfolding in front of him.

  Jasper regarded the man for a moment, then reached out and punched him in the chest, creating a sound that made Karl wince. The man fell backwards. There was a cracking sound and Karl saw the man grit his teeth. He had fallen onto his hands and had probably fractured a finger or two, or his wrist.

  “Hold him down!” Jasper growled.

  Karl looked at Daniel and noticed for the first time that his lover was looking back at him. Karl mouthed the words “Who’s he talking to?” but before Daniel had a chance to respond Vadim stepped out of the shadows and into the centre of the room. He launched himself into the air and came down hard on the man’s chest, pinning him against the cold, hard flagstones of the dungeon floor.

  Jasper removed the short chain from the manacles around the man’s feet and replaced it with a longer chain which he then fed through Vadim’s legs.

  “Off!” he said.

  Vadim stepped off and watched as Jasper pulled the man’s ankles up to his chest, slipped the chain over the man’s head, and secured it to the back of his metal collar with a lock. The man’s legs were now pulled back as far as they would go and spread wide so that his furry butthole was fully exposed and vulnerable.

  “What do you think?” asked Jasper as the two vampires looked down at the man’s arsehole.

  “Delicious,” Vadim replied, licking his lips.

  He leaned down and smacked the pucker with an open hand, making it twitch. The man remained silent, much to the annoyance of the vampires. Vadim lifted his hand up higher and brought it down hammer-hard on the thickly furred sphincter, but still there was no sound from the man. Vadim’s frown deepened, the shadows almost hiding his eyes completely.

  “This one is strong,” he said, looking over his shoulder at Jasper.

  “No mind. His blood will taste all the better.”

  “What shall we do with him?”

  Jasper looked across at Daniel and then at Karl. His eyes lingered on Karl for a moment as he thought.

  “You can have him,” he said finally. “I can’t be bothered playing today.”

  Vadim beamed, his lips curling up and exposing his bright red gums. He put his face to the man’s arsehole and sniffed, touching his cock through his breeches as he inhaled the earthy aroma of the man’s anus. Then he started licking it, running his dark tongue up and down the puckered skin and moaning with delight.

  For a moment Jasper stayed and watched his friend savouring the taste of the man’s hairy hole, but he was not a creature interested in simple pleasures and he soon grew bored. He turned and left the room at a pace that blurred him to Karl’s eyes.

  As Karl watched the vampire sucking and licking the man’s arse crack he felt his cock growing hard and when he looked across at Daniel he could see that his lover was similarly turned on by the vampire’s lust for the anonymous he-man. The sight of Daniel aroused and of Vadim hungrily licking and tonguing the man’s arsehole was driving him wild. He thrust his hips forwards in frustration, his erect cock stabbing at the air and sending tiny strands of pre-cum flying off the tip of his prick. If only someone would touch it, would help him to blow, but there was no-one, and his hip-thrusting served only to further frustrate him.

  Then the man cried out. It seemed strange that he should save any vocalisations until that point. But Karl noticed that the vampire’s pale face was smeared with blood. As he leaned away from the man he saw the man’s arse was dark with blood and there was more bubbling out through the twin puncture marks in his arse lips. He watched in horror as Vadim returned to the wound, sucking the warm, crimson liquid into his mouth and then throwing his head back to savour the taste of it as it ran down his gullet.

  Karl’s erection died, just as Daniel’s had. He closed his eyes against the scene but he could not close his ears to the agonizing cries of the man, who eventually died in a pool of his own blood. And when he opened his eyes next the vampire had disappeared.

  “Do you still find it hard to believe they are vampires?” he asked Daniel, his face a screwed-up mask of disgust.

  “They’re not going to do that to us, are they?”

  Karl shook his head because he couldn’t vocalise what he knew was a lie. Not to Daniel.

  Neither of them felt like talking. Their arms were numb, their bellies were groaning to be fed, and both were beset by a feeling of great lethargy. They stood hanging from the wall, heads lolling from side to side, resting on one shoulder and then, when the niggling ache in their necks got too much to bear, on the other.

  Later that day, or perhaps it was night, Jasper returned with a pair of younger and more handsome vampires flanking him. Each carried a tray of food.

  “I expect you’re both hungry by now,” he said.

  Karl and Daniel watched him suspiciously. After what they had seen, they had no reason to trust the vampires.

  “Gee, ya think?” quipped Karl sarcastically.

  Daniel swallowed hard.

  “It’s that attitude that will bring you great suffering. You get fed twice a day, so if I were you, I’d show a bit more appreciation. If I was to get annoyed by anything you said, I might take my trays and leave.”

  Karl pressed his lips together in case any more of his “attitude” found its way out.

  “Now put those trays down and get that out of here,” said Jasper, gesturing at the body of the man.

  The two underlings did as they had been bid, one grabbing the he-man’s arms and the other grabbing his feet. Together they hurried out of the room, taking the bloodless corpse with them.

  “Now,” said Jasper, walking across the room to Daniel, “what do you have for me in exchange for your dinner?”

  “I have nothing,” Daniel replied. “Look at me. I have nothing.”

  Jasper smiled and ran a finger down the side of Daniel’s face. “Don’t be so sure about that.”

  His index finger traced the outline of Daniel’s full lips, pressing on them and pushing past them into his mouth.

  “I think today I will settle for a kiss,” he said. “But make it a good one, like you mean it.”

  The vampire leaned down, his lips puckered.

  Daniel looked across at Karl, who nodded. He closed his eyes and waited to feel the vampire’s lips on his own, and when he did he winced.

  “Make it good, my darling,” Jasper whispered. “Make me believe you mean it.”

  Karl watched as Jasper pressed his lips against Daniel’s, and felt his cheeks burn as Daniel kissed back. He told himself that Daniel was only thinking of the food that sat cooling on the trays by the door. But when the vampire reached down and took Daniel’s growing cock in his hand, he grew agitated. He strained against the manacles and snorted, knowing that escape was impossible but feeling like he needed to do something. He couldn’t just stand there passively as Jasper stroked his boyfriend’s erect penis. And after Daniel had shot his load, which splattered in a straight line across the
flagstones, Karl watched as the vampire freed him, removing the manacles and letting Daniel’s arms drop like dead weights against his sides.

  “There’s a bucket over in that corner should you need to relieve yourself. Go now. I won’t watch. Then come and get your food.”

  Jasper turned and walked across the room to Karl.

  “Now I need a little something from you. I wonder what it will be.”

  Jasper ran his hands over Karl’s hairy chest, pausing to pinch his nipples tenderly between his thumb and index finger.

  “Your body hair feels rough beneath my palm,” he said as his hand moved over Karl’s belly and pubic bush.

  Karl let the vampire’s hand explore his crotch but his eyes were on Daniel as he walked away from the bucket and came towards him to get his dinner.

  “Just take the tray and return to the other side of the room,” said Jasper without turning to address Daniel directly.

  Karl nodded, watching the muscles in his lover’s arse tensing and flexing as he walked away from them with his tray of food.

  Jasper now had Karl’s cock in his hand and was stroking it.

  “You have a nice cock,” he said. “Not as big as I would have thought on a man of your stature, but pleasant enough.”

  Karl felt his cock start to harden. In a bid to stop it from growing further he kept his eyes on Daniel, watching his beloved wolf down his dinner, but the vampire’s firm hand and steady motion was irresistible. Soon his cock had grown to its full eight inches. He looked down at it as it disappeared inside Jasper’s mouth. He hated to admit it but the vampire was good at sucking cock. He could feel his hard prick being taken all the way down the back of the vampire’s throat and up again, the vampire keeping his lips firmly around the girth and his tongue flat against the bottom of his shaft.

  A small groan escaped his lips and his eyes flashed wide. He looked across at Daniel but it appeared that he hadn’t heard it. He was still busy with his dinner, stuffing it into his face like an animal.

  Jasper reached between Karl’s legs and began to massage the skin around his arsehole with a fingertip.


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