Enough Of The Drama
Page 10
She turned on the television and flipped through the channels aimlessly. There was nothing on the tube that would ease the butterflies that floated around her in stomach. She wondered if all of what her mother said was true, but she quickly shooed away the notion, chalking it up as old folks talk.
An hour later Ciara heard keys jiggling in the locks. “Marcus is that you?” she called out.
“Yes, it’s me in the flesh,” Marcus replied. He was tired, it seemed like his workload had tripled since making partner at the law firm. He expected more responsibilities but not like this. “I’m surprised you’re still up,” he said placing his briefcase on the glass end stand.
“I was worried about you. You didn’t call me or anything.”
“Sorry I didn’t have time. I was in meetings all day, and I have this case that I’m working on. My day was just stressful,” he replied taking a seat beside her.
Marcus scanned the living room still disappointed that Ciara hasn’t called anybody to clean the rug, after she’d spilled spaghetti sauce on it. The stale odor still lingered in the air. The wood panels and stands have collected dust, smudges stained the glass end tables, and the rug needed to be vacuumed. If the downstairs looked like this, he could only imagine what the rest of the house looked like. He hated to get up every morning and have to clean out the tub after Ciara. After just one month he hated that he was already having doubts.
He shook his head in disgust. If it was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was a messy and nasty house. It made him uncomfortable when things weren’t in order. He never had to tell Cassidy to keep their home clean, because she took pride in it. The house was always spotless, and he missed her home cooked meals. Ciara couldn’t cook worth shit. He never missed that because he and Ciara always ordered out or went out to eat. He thought back to how Cassidy used to iron and press his clothes for him without being asked, she knew him very well, and had his daily routine down packed. She made sure he had home cooked meals and on nights he had to work late she would prepare a nice bubble bath for him and follow it up with a nice body massage. A slight smile crossed his face as he thought about the magic Cassidy would work with her fingers.
“Well, you could have called me,” Ciara pouted interrupting Marcus fond memories.
Marcus sighed and patted Ciara on the knee. “Cas, I don’t feel like arguing.”
Ciara squinted her eyes and dug in her ear making sure there wasn’t any ear wax blocking her passage. Did he just call me Cas?
“Excuse me,” she said sitting on the edge of the couch.
Marcus stood up and stretched clearly unaware of his error. “I’m going to go take a quick shower and then jump in the bed. I have a long day tomorrow.” He leaned in for a kiss but Ciara pulled back. “What?” he asked with a hint of irritation. He wasn’t in the mood for the bullshit.
“Did you just call me Cas?” Ciara asked standing up.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You just called me Cas,” she snapped folding her arms across her chest.
Marcus thought back for a moment he didn’t recall calling her Cassdy. “Ciara I think you’re hearing things.”
“I know what the fuck I heard Marcus,” she snapped. She could feel herself near tears. “Should I be worried, do you still have feelings for her?”
“She’s my wife and the mother of my child.”
“Soon to be ex-wife and I’m with your child also.”
“Look, I’m sorry,” he said shrugging his shoulders. He wasn’t in the mood for this and Ciara was starting to irritate him.
“Yeah sure,” Ciara said wiping her eyes.
Marcus shook his head. “Just make sure this house is cleaned tomorrow. If I work all day the least you could do is clean and make sure I have a hot meal to come home to,” he said over his shoulder as he headed up the stairs.
He contemplated his relationship with Ciara. She was what every man wanted in the bedroom, but it was obvious Cassidy was what every man needed in a wife. Only a month in and he felt his life was already miserable. He couldn’t believe he was actually starting to miss his wife. He knew he put himself in a fucked up situation and there was no turning back now. He trotted up the steps wondering what the future held for him and Ciara.
Chapter 15
Cassidy sat in her bedroom window crying her eyes out. Loneliness knocked on her door and like a dumb ass she answered. She managed to talk a good game, but now she was starting to have doubts about herself. She wondered if she had the actual willpower to survive without Marcus in her corner. He’d been her rock and shoulder to lean on.
Marcus was the breadwinner, now she was being forced to start over and stand on her own two feet. Her bank account was slowly dwindling down to nothing. She was contemplating on moving into the house that Marcus bought her but with limited funds she was unsure, and she didn’t want to ask his trifling ass for anything.
She still wondered where things went wrong between she and Marcus. She looked down at her body and could admit to herself that she could stand to lose a couple of pounds but she didn’t think that was grounds for them to separate. So many years of her life wasted for nothing. She did everything Marcus wanted or expected of her and more. His wish was her command.
A deep sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head. She cursed under her breath for taking a sad trip down memory lane. It was time for her to move on with her life and look towards a brighter future without Marcus as her husband. She stood up, stretched and wiped the tears from her eyes. It was time for her to ditch the pity party. Tomorrow would be a brand new day, a time to start fresh. She lay down on her bed and hugged her pillow to her chest for comfort. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep.
* * *
Cassidy attempted to hand her resume to the rude blonde receptionist who continued to smack her gum loudly at an annoying rate, but the receptionist gave her a sideways glance and shook her head.
“Not hiring right now.”
“Well, can you at least keep it on file?”
“We usually only accept resumes on line, but put it down on the desk and I’ll make sure human resources gets it,” she said loudly popping her gum.
“I bet you will,” Cassidy mumbled under her breath spinning on her heels. She was starting to feel hopeless, two weeks of putting in resumes and not one single response. Once again doubt was starting to make an appearance.
“Hey gorgeous.”
Cassidy stopped at the sound of the familiar voice and turned around. She squinted as a small smile crept on her face. “Antoine?” He looked completely different from the first time she’d seen him. Gone were the baggy jeans and timbs, he now rocked a three -piece suit.
“The one and only baby,” he smiled. “I had a feeling I would be bumping into you again. What are you doing here?”
“I was about to ask you the same thing.”
“I work here. Well, actually I work in our main office located in Down Town Baltimore, but I have to handle a few things over here today.”
Cassidy gave him a sideways glance and pursed her lips. “What is it that you do exactly?”
“Give me your number and I’ll tell you.”
Cassidy laughed and shook her head. “Nice try. No seriously tell me.”
“I’m a CPA.”
“Who?” Cassidy asked confused.
“A certified public accountant. And actually,” he said walking up to her and whispering in her ear, “I’m the owner of both businesses.” He backed up and winked.
Cassidy couldn’t even begin to hide her amazement. She felt like a complete idiot for making her assumptions about him.
“Surprised?” he asked. He couldn’t get over how radiant she was. Her eyes were hypnotizing.
“Ummm, a little,” she replied honestly, clearing her throat.
“Well don’t be. You’re not the first to say that and I’m sure you won’t be the last. Were you just submitting your resume?”
sp; “Yeah, with no luck,” Cassidy replied sending the receptionist a dirty look who now all of a sudden tried to appear busy.
“Be nice to me and I might have a position for you.”
Cassidy felt herself blush and a slight pulse vibrated in her special place. What is it about this man, she thought.
“Well, it was nice seeing you again,” she smiled. A warm feeling began to take over her as she stared into his eyes, for some reason bumping into him was like a breath of fresh air.
“So you’re still not going to take me up on that lunch offer, are you?”
“I don’t recall you asking me out to lunch, but if you play your cards right I just might,” she said winking before spinning on her heels. She switched a little harder, because she knew he was watching.
Today wasn’t so bad after all, she thought.
* * *
“Cassidy, telephone,” Pearl yelled.
“Okay mom I got it,” Cassidy yelled clicking the talk button on the cordless phone. “Ma, I got it,” she yelled again. “Hello,” she said after she heard the click on the other end indicating her mother hung up.
“Hi Cas.”
“How have you been?”
“I’m fine did you want to speak with Junior?” This was unusual for him to call and ask for her, he usually asked for Junior.
“No, I called to talk to you. I just wanted to see how things are going with you?”
“I’m fine,” Cassidy said swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat. She sat on her bed Indian style, biting her bottom lip nervously. “How about you?”
“Well, it is what it is,” he chuckled.
“Hmmm,” was all Cassidy could say.
A long and uncomfortable pause lingered over the phone. Marcus took a deep breath. “Cas, I miss you. I realize now that I’ve made a terrible mistake. Is there anyway we can work things out. I’ll do anything Cas, you name it. If you want to go to counseling just say the words and I’m there. Just, please give me one more chance.”
“Marcus, I don’t-,”
“Cassidy, please, my life has been miserable without you. I thought Ciara was what I wanted, but it’s you that I need.”
Cassidy gripped the phone in her hand tightly in fear of dropping it because she was shaking. She was stunned and shocked by Marcus’ outburst. She’d been waiting to hear those words since the first night he walked out of her life. Her heart screamed and yearned for her to take him back, and give them another chance, but she couldn’t. She knew no matter how badly she wanted things to work out between them; she knew life for them would never be the same.
She couldn’t control the tears that spilled from her eyes. “Marcus this is all of a sudden, I just need time to think.”
After a long pause he finally answered. “Okay,” he said, his voice dripping with disappointment. He expected Cassidy to come running back to him with open arms. “Just think about Junior. I want us to be a family again. I know you still want this too Cassidy, why else would you still be living with your mother instead of moving into that house I bought for you. Just think about it, I know I was wrong, but everyone makes mistakes. Just let me know if you and Junior need anything.”
“Okay Marcus, I have to go,” she said quickly hanging up the phone before he could get in another word.
She sat on her bed and continued to cry. She cried so hard she felt like she was on the verge of throwing up. She grabbed the tissues off her nightstand and blew her nose, before wiping her face with the back of her hand. Happy memories of her and Marcus as a family played through her mind and that put a smile on her face; but then she remembered the bad. The emotional, verbal and physical abuse. It was obvious the bad outweighed the good and how he left her was unforgettable.
“Cassidy, telephone,” Pearl yelled again.
She quickly pulled herself together, she figured it was Marcus. “Hello,” she answered.
“Ms. Blake.”
“Yes,” Cassidy answered with a slight frown on her face, because she didn’t recognize the voice.
“Hi, my name is Cathy Stokes from CarMichael and Associates. You submitted your resume today and I’ve reviewed it.”
“Well, it seems that you have been out of work for sometime, but Mr. Jackson recommended that we consider bringing you in for an interview.”
“I’m sorry who?”
“Mr. Jackson. Mr. Antoine Jackson.”
A huge smile appeared on Cassidy’s face. “Yes, I know Mr. Jackson.”
“Would you be available to come in for an interview tomorrow?”
“Yes, what is a good time for you?” Cassidy asked, while jumping up and down.
“How does ten o’ clock sound?”
“It sounds perfect. I will be there.”
“I don’t mean to sound pushy, but would you be available to stay tomorrow and shadow to see what the job requires. You pretty much already have the job in the bag. We just need to go over a few things, basic information as far as pay rate and our benefits package.”
“That sounds like a plan,” Cassidy stated calmly, although she was ecstatic inside.
“Good, I will see you tomorrow. Just come to the front of the building and wait by the receptionist desk and I will be there to meet you.”
“Thank you,” Cassidy said hanging up the phone. As soon as she ended her call she leaped off the bed and ran downstairs. “Mom, Dad guess what?”
“What girl?” Pearl asked. “We don’t have time to be playin’ no games you know we usually watch Good Times around this time,” she said checking the clock on the wall. “Joe you got the popcorn on?”
“Yes,” he replied, rolling his eyes because this was their daily ritual and she still felt the need to ask him about the popcorn every time.
“Oh, okay never mind,” Cassidy said pretending like she was going back upstairs.
“Girl, you better go ahead and say what you have to say,” Pearl snapped.
“Yeah, what is it Pumpkin?” Joe asked.
“I think I got a job. I have an interview tomorrow.”
“Hallelujah, thank you Jesus,” Pearl yelled standing up and waving her hands in the air from side to side.
“Okay Mommy, it’s not that serious,” Cassidy said placing her hands on her hips.
“I agree,” Joe said giving his wife a sideways glance.
“I ain’t studying what y’all think anyway,” she said waving them off as she took a seat.
“That’s real good Pumpkin. I hope it works in your favor. What’s the name of the place?” Joe asked.
“It’s an accounting firm. You heard of Car Michael and Associates on Robbins Nest?”
“Oh, okay so you gon’ be working there. They make good money.”
“I think you have this one in the bag Pumpkin.”
“Thank you Daddy, I do too. Well, I’ll let y’all get back to your regularly scheduled program.”
She headed upstairs with a bright smile on her face. Maybe Mr. Jackson isn’t so bad after all, she thought to herself. She walked into her room and searched her closet in search of the perfect outfit. She didn’t even give Marcus a second thought, she wasn’t about to let him spoil her good news.
Chapter 16
Marcus lounged around on his living room sofa thinking his life was over. It seemed in just the little bit of time he’s been apart from Cassidy that his life has gone to shit and he wanted his old life back. The chemistry between him and Ciara seemed to have died down. She stopped wearing makeup and sexy outfits, instead she opted on oversized t-shirts and sweatpants. She no longer did any of the things that appeased him, and the sparks that used to fly whenever they were around each other have simmered down to nothing. The once potent fire in their relationship was no longer hot and he was getting bored.
He was fed up with her bad habits. He was used to a house of order. It just didn’t feel like home anymore, not like it did with Cassidy. Thoughts of Cassidy made him
angry, because she rebuffed his attempt in making them a family again. The only time she would to talk to him, was when he picked up Junior and even then they barely spoke any words.
He shook his head and took a long swig from his bottle. The only thing he asked for when he came home from work was a nice cooked meal, and a clean house. Not a sink full of dirty dishes, especially when they had a dishwasher. Whenever he would talk to Ciara about it she would suggest a cook and cleaning lady. But Marcus quickly frowned upon the thought; he didn’t want strange people having access to his home and personal life.
Karma had kicked him in the ass and hard. He knew he made his bed, but he just wasn’t ready to lie in it yet. He was determined one way or the other to get his wife back. He took another long swig from his bottle and shook his head as the liquor went down. Glancing at his watch he winced, he knew Ciara would be home any minute and he didn’t want to be there when she arrived. He was supposed to take her to her doctor appointment, but he wasn’t in the mood after pulling long hours at the office, he just wanted to come home and relax.
“Shit,” he muttered as soon as he heard keys jiggling in the locks.
Ciara walked into the house with Rayna in tow. She walked in the living room and immediately put her hands on her hips once her eyes landed on Marcus. She was beyond pissed, when he was a no show for her doctor appointment, and it hurt he didn’t even bother to call.
“Marcus, where have you been? I called you like twelve times. You promised to take me to my appointment today.”
“I forgot,” he responded dryly, while eyeing Rayna’s thick thighs in her skintight jeans. Rayna sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.
“Well, why didn’t you answer your cell phone?” Ciara asked blocking his view of Rayna.
“I’m going to take these upstairs,” Rayna said walking around them. She wasn’t feeling the way Marcus was starring at her. Never in life will he touch this, she thought.