Book Read Free

Enough Of The Drama

Page 15

by Dotson, P.

  “I know, your right,” she sniffled. “The baby might be the only good thing that comes out of this. I just wish my baby daddy would get some act right.”

  “Okay Ciara lets be real, did you really think he was going to whisk you off to neva neva land?”


  Rayna loudly smacked her lips in annoyance. “You need to wake up and smell the damn coffee! It’s time to start milkin’ that nigga for all that he is worth. He is showing his true colors. I mean look at how he did Cassidy. That was his wife for what twenty years and he practically shitted on her. You might not be lucky enough to get a house.”

  Ciara listened with her head cocked to the side. It was easy for Rayna to say all that because she wasn’t Ciara’s situation. She wasn’t pregnant and in love. Despite how bad things were looking between her and Marcus, she still prayed they could still be one big happy family. She prayed Marcus was only going through a phase right now and would eventually come out of it. She tried to remain optimistic that things between them would get better once the baby is born.

  “Just remember what goes around comes around, just twice as hard,” Rayna said interrupting her thoughts.

  “Okay Rayna.”

  “What you up to today?”

  “Nothing really. It ain’t shit to do. Besides I’m all fat and I’m not trying to go anywhere looking like this.”

  “Girl please, that is all in your mind. You need to get out the house and spend that nigga’s dough, that’s what you need to do.”

  “Rayna it’s not even like that.”

  “Well, you need to make it like that, because he is definitely making it like that. It ain’t even been a year and his ass already trippin’.”

  “Please, I’m not in the mood to argue. I do enough of that with Marcus and he’s barely even here.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry girl. I don’t mean to add more stress to your already stressful life. I just hate to see you down and out like this. Just relax and call me later okay.”

  “A’ight girl.”


  “Yes, Rayna,” she said rolling her eyes at the ceiling, not in the mood to hear another smart remark about Marcus.

  “I know you don’t think so, but you are better than him and you can do better than him. I feel like right now your just settling. It seems like after you dropped out of college you changed a little you know. I just hope you realize that you are good enough, before it’s too late. I’ll talk to you later. Love you mama.”

  “I love you too, I will call you later.”

  “A’ight boo, bye.”


  She sighed as she ended the call and lay back on her bed. She contemplated Rayna’s words about her settling. Rayna was right, for most of her life she’s always settled. She settled for the cheater, for the free loader, and now the married man. Tears came to her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She thought Marcus was different. He was everything she’d been looking for in a man and more. She was learning the hard way that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

  * * *

  After cleaning the living room, dining room, the kitchen and all three bathrooms, Ciara was wiped out. She didn’t understand how Cassidy managed to keep the house spic and span. In Ciara’s eyes it was just too much work for one person. She had to sit down and rest her back, it was aching.

  It was well past one o’clock in the afternoon, and she still hasn’t heard anything from Marcus. Not even so much as a phone call or text message just to let her know he was still alive. He just carried on about his normal everyday life as if she wasn’t apart of it. A few tears escaped her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She’d had enough of crying, it did nothing to help her situation.

  Maybe Rayna is right. It really is time to start milking that nigga, she thought to herself.

  She waddled upstairs and headed to the closet. She searched through a couple of Marcus’ dirty pants. “Jack pot,” she sang as she pulled out a wad of twenties from a pair of Marcus Docker’s khaki pants. She planned on opening herself up a nice little savings account, just in case this little phase Marcus was going through lasted longer than she expected. If he didn’t have his act together by the time the baby is born, she would simply have to move on.

  After searching a little more and coming up with nothing, she decided to call Rayna. She was ready to once again to do some heavy shopping on Marcus of course.


  “Hey mamasita, you want to do a little shopping?” Ciara sang into the phone.

  “Hmmmm, someone sounds happy.”

  “I decided to do what you said. Milk that nigga.”

  Both girls shared a laugh.

  “It’s about damn time.”

  “Yeah, you were right. Marcus is definitely making it like that between me and him. It’s time to start looking out for Heaven and me,” she said rubbing her stomach.”

  “Heaven! Who’s Heaven?”

  “That’s what I’m naming my baby girl.”

  “Awe, Heaven. I like that. You know I’m the God mom right?”

  “Yes indeed. Girl, you know I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Thanks boo. So what time you tryin’ to dip out?”

  “Well, let me take a quick shower and I’ll be to your house around two-thirty.”

  “Ewe, you ain’t washed your ass yet?”

  “Shut-up,” Ciara laughed. “I’ve been busy trying to clean this house, girl.”

  “What! Not, you cleaning! It’s definitely going to rain today. Make sure you bring an umbrella,” Rayna joked.

  “Anyway is two-thirty good or not?”

  “Yeah, just call me when you are on your way.”

  “A’ight chick, bye,” Ciara laughed hanging up the phone.

  * * *

  When Ciara got out of the shower Marcus was lying on the bed watching television. She simply rolled her eyes. Without saying a word, she walked around him as if he wasn’t even there. She wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of getting a rise out of her, since he didn’t have the decency to pick up a phone and call her. She thumbed through her closest and decided on something simple a pair of leggings, her ugg boots and a sweater. She shook her head and smiled as she looked at the ugg boots. She knew Rayna would clown her for wearing Ugg boots in April, but she couldn’t help it she loved her Uggs. They were so comfortable.

  Marcus looked on in silence eyeing Ciara’s naked body. As he watched her fiddle around in the closet his man hood immediately stood to attention. Ciara looked back at him, watching him stroke his erection, but to his surprise she simply rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth as she walked back into the bedroom placing her clothes on the bed, before taking a seat in front of her vanity mirror. He frowned a little shocked at her reaction. He was expecting her to throw one of her temper tantrums, questioning him about his whereabouts and why he didn’t call, but she didn’t. She calmly sat in front of the mirror and began to lotion her body. She chuckled as she rubbed her stomach.

  Marcus raised an eyebrow in amusement. “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. “The baby moved,” she said as she stood up and put on her underwear.

  “Can I feel?”

  “She stopped,” Ciara replied shortly.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asked wrinkles creasing his forehead, although he knew the answer to the question.

  “Nothing baby,” she sang sweetly as she looked over at him and put on a fake smile. “So, how was your day? Please forgive me, I forgot to ask,” she cooed.

  “You know, work as usual baby,” he said giving her a sideways glance.

  “Oh,” Ciara said, walking back to her closet and pulling out a pair of heels. She still planned on taking her Uggs, because there was no way she would be able to shop comfortably in these. Her only mission was to get a rise out of Marcus and from the look on his face she was doing just tha
t. She walked back into the bedroom and finished dressing. “Aren’t these cute?” she asked extending her legs.

  “Where do you think you are going, with those on?”

  “Shopping, aren’t they cute though? I think they make my legs look longer,” she said standing up. “Okay baby I’m leaving, I should be home in a little while. Don’t wait up,” she said bending over and kissing him on the cheek.

  “Hey,” he said grabbing her by the arm. “Won’t you stay home with your man? I had a stressful day at the office.”

  Ciara wasn’t in the mood for his sob story. “Awe poor baby,” she cooed tenderly stroking the side of his face. “I would stay but I already promised Rayna that I would take her out shopping today. I will bring back something special just for you okay,” she purred sweetly kissing him on the forehead before waddling out of the bedroom.

  Marcus watched her back as she left with a hard frown on his face. He was left stuck on stupid. He couldn’t believe Ciara shot him down. He was usually the one doing all the shooting. He shook his head and ran his hand over his smooth waves. He was losing control and he didn’t like it.

  “What the hell has gotten into her?”

  Chapter 23

  It was a little after twelve when China finally decided to make her grand entrance into the salon. Both Cassidy and Pam were already seated underneath the dryers. She spoke to Tawna the owner of the salon before making her way over to Cassidy and Pam.

  “What time did y’all get here?”

  “A little after ten, because we are not trying to be here all day,” Pam said. “Besides we are clubbin’ tonight!” Cassidy shot Pam a look. “Cas, you promised.”

  “I did not. I said I might.”

  “Well, that’s basically the same damn thing.”

  “How you figure?”

  “China, what do you think?” Pam asked looking up at China.

  “See, y’all always trying to gang up on me,” Cassidy blurted out before China could respond.

  “Well Cas, you should do something for your birthday,” China suggested.

  “Let’s go to Red Lobster.”

  Pam stuck her finger in her mouth as if she were about to gag. “Boring.”

  China laughed. “Pam is right. Who wants to be stuck in boring ass Red Lobster all night? We should go to Secrets. I hear my nigga Eddie Jay supposed to be one of the Dee Jay’s tonight.”

  “Awe shit, that’s my boo right there. Come on Cas,” Pam pleaded.

  “Okay,” Cassidy sighed “Please try to be on your best behavior. ‘Cause y’all two,” she said pointing a finger at both China and Pam, “don’t know how to hold y’all liquor. And if you two embarrass me I swear this will be the last time.”

  “Whatever,” Pam said waving Cassidy off.

  “Whatever nothing! The only reason y’all want me to go so I can be the designated driver.”

  “How are you getting your hair done, Cas?” China asked attempting to change the subject, because some of what Cassidy said was true. She and Pam were known to go a little over board when it came to drinking and partying.

  “Home girl is getting it bone straight. No more eighties hair for her.”

  “Yes, it’s about damn time you did something different with that mop.”

  “Yeah, I guess I do need to loosen up a little, especially after my date with Antoine,” Cassidy said shaking her head.

  “Have you talked to him?” China asked.

  “Yeah, he called her this morning to wish her a happy birthday. And he sent her some balloons and a nice bouquet of flowers to your mom and dad’s house.”

  “I could have sworn she asked me,” Cassidy said pointing to herself.

  “I love you too boo,” Pam joked blowing her a kiss.

  “Whateva,” Cassidy said rolling her eyes.

  “A’ight, I’mma let y’all finish with these dryers before Tawna come out here and start fussing.”

  China walked away and comfortably sat in the waiting area, until her name was called.

  Please won’t you just staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, for a little while, China’s cell phone sang. She looked at the caller I.D. When Clay’s number popped up on the screen her stomach got queasy.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “What’s up wit you?”

  “Nothin’ about to get my hair done.”

  “You need some money or anything?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  There was a pregnant pause before Clay said, “Well a’ight then. I was just checking on you. Just let me know if you need anything.” He gripped the phone tightly. The real reason he called was to hear her voice. He was seconds from ending his call, and he never heard Kena walk up behind him.

  “Clay baby come on, I’m about to start without you,” Kena said loud enough so who ever Clay was on the phone with could hear her.

  “Well, obviously you’re busy so I will chat with you later,” she said ending her call. She tried to shrug off the feeling of jealousy but couldn’t. She had a thing for Clay, but she wasn’t ready to come to terms with it yet.

  “China boo go ahead and let Neka wash and rinse you,” Tawna said interrupting her thoughts. “What you gettin’ done?”

  “It don’t matter it’s up to you.”

  “Good enough for me.”

  Two and a half hours later Tawna was putting the finishing touches on China’s do. Tee decided giving China blonde high lights and a trim. “Here you go boo,” Tawna said handing China the mirror.

  “I like,” China said nodding her head in approval. “Tawna, girl I must say you do work wonders. Pam is rocking the hell out of that Halle Berry hair cut and Cassidy is like a whole new person.”

  “Yes, I’m glad she let me put a little color in it. I convinced her to let me straighten her hair and I would give her some curls and bounce on the ends. Lawd, that child was stuck in the damn eighties or something.”

  “Girl, who you tellin’,” China laughed. “Here you go boo, keep the change,” China said handing her a one hundred dollar bill.

  “China, I don’t mind tips, but this is too much,” Tawna protested attempting to place the money back in China’s hand.

  “Just consider it a tip from all three of us okay. I’m just glad you were able to do our hair on such short notice. I know you’re usually booked.”

  “I know but these gas prices putting a dent in everybody pockets.”

  “I know right,” China said nodding her head in agreement.

  “Thanks boo.”

  “No problem. More than likely I will be back sometime this week. We girls are going out tonight.”

  “Okay, just give me a call or just stop by. You know I got you.”

  “I will,” China hollered over her shoulder.

  “I like that color on you,” Pam said touching China’s hair.

  “I know right,” China laughed patting her hair.

  “Are we ready?” Cassidy asked, standing up and swinging her hair over her shoulder. She was in love with her new hair style already.

  “Cassidy sit down somewhere,” Pam laughed.

  “What?” Cassidy asked laughing. “I can’t help it though. I never knew hair could make such a difference. This makes me look young and hot.”

  “Come on. I want to try and get an outfit for tonight.”

  Just as the trio were about to walk out the door of the salon they bumped into Ciara and Rayna. Immediately Cassidy and Ciara locked eyes. A long uncomfortable pause surrounded them before Ciara finally looked away. Customers in the salon continued to stare at them, sensing the tension in the air.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” Pam muttered.

  “Hi guys,” China said breaking the ice. “I guess ya’ll ready to get them wigs split.”

  “Yeah,” Ciara answered half heartedly. This was an awkward moment. She wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. She and Cassidy haven’t seen or spoken to each other since the day she basically stepped in on Cassidy’s fairy tale life. She swallowe
d the lump in her throat. She figured she would at least try to break the block of ice wedged between them. “Happy birthday Cas. Your hair looks nice by the way.” She eyed her big sister. She looked stunning; she even looked like she lost some weight.

  “Thank you,” Cassidy mumbled, while rolling her eyes and giving off a lot of attitude. She wasn’t in the mood to kiss and make up. Ciara had cut her deep and there was no looking past that.

  “Happy B-day Cas. And that hair is on point,” Rayna added.

  “Thank you, Rayna,” Cassidy smiled. The compliments helped to boost her self-esteem.

  “What are you ladies getting into tonight?” Rayna asked.

  “China and Pam talked me into going to some club.”

  Rayna had to laugh. She felt sorry for Cassidy, because she knew how China and Pam got down whenever they were together. “I hope y’all have fun and Cas good luck with these two.”

  “Thank you,” Cassidy laughed. “You should come if you’re not busy.”

  Rayna was one of the few friends of Ciara’s that Cassidy actually liked. Rayna had a hard life growing up but she never used it as an excuse. She stripped for money but unlike Ciara she didn’t plan on making a career out of it. It took her awhile but Rayna eventually got a degree in Accounting. Despite her hard work and efforts she couldn’t seem to catch a break. She couldn’t find a job in the field she’d chosen. Cassidy made a mental note to talk to Antoine about possibly finding her a job.

  “Um,” Rayna answered looking at Ciara uneasily. Cassidy was her girl too, but she wouldn’t feel right accepting the invitation if Ciara wasn’t invited.

  “You too, Ciara,” China chimed in bailing Rayna out of an uncomfortable situation.

  Cassidy grunted. Pam nudged her and gave her a dirty look. Cassidy shrugged her shoulders and curled up her lips before folding her arms underneath her chest with an obvious attitude.

  “I would like that. Cas, when you get a chance I would like to talk to you,” Ciara said. She was ready to put their differences aside. She missed her sister.

  Cassidy rolled her eyes. She wasn’t ready to talk yet, and it was taking everything within her not to ram Ciara’s head through the wall. She was trying to remain ladylike since they were in public, but the longer she stood in Ciara’s presence the harder it was getting for her to maintain her composure. “Will do sweet heart,” Cassidy replied sarcastically.


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