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Regale, Rhea - Wild Nights [Blood Moon Legacy 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Rhea Regale

  Blood Moon Legacy 2

  Wild Nights

  Ayasha White knows she is different, even for a wolf. When a fire burns her house to the ground, killing her uncle, she flees to Wolf Creek and into the arms of Lenox Carter. Her body awakens with passion and her wolf spirit rises in the presence of her mate. But Lenox holds disturbing knowledge of her past and a cold truth about her other mate.

  Riley Tormel, Lenox’s friend-turned-foe, leads the rebel pack hot on Ayasha’s tail. He won’t stop until she’s dead. When she unleashes a powerful surge of emotions within him, he’s left questioning his motives and unable to shake a foreign desire to protect her.

  Time is running out. Ayasha’s life lies in Riley’s unpredictable hand. Can she and Lenox convince Riley his place is with them? Or will the untamed rebel wolf rejoin forces with his pack and hunt them to the death in the wild night?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 51,468 words


  Blood Moon Legacy 2

  Rhea Regale


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2011 by Rhea Regale

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-138-4

  First E-book Publication: January 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter from Rhea Regale

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  Dear Readers,

  There is nothing I enjoy more than creating a story that can whisk you away. Sharing my characters and worlds with you gives me some of the greatest pleasure. Putting a smile on your face and a sigh of happiness is what I strive to provide for you, my readers.

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  Without the loyal support and following of you, my readers, there would be no stories to share. Writing is my livelihood, my work, and it is a means to support my family. I look forward to continue writing for your enjoyment.

  With deep gratitude,

  Rhea Regale


  To my wonderful family. I wouldn’t be where I am without your unwavering love and support.


  Blood Moon Legacy 2


  Copyright © 2011


  The white wolf is revered in the were community, a sign from the spirits of prosperity and good times to come. She is an alpha female who gives hope to her fellow wolves and reigns control over all. As with any admired creature comes those who wish to watch her fall from grace.

  Twenty-five years ago, a group of rebel wolves slipped into the quaint town of Hood River and slaughtered all residing white wolves, leaving the local packs in panic and dishevelment.

  Through chaos and upheaval, one man had long ago prepared for such a tragedy. He stole away from the carnage with a young pup in his arms, tucked her away in a cave far outside pack territory, and covered her scent trail.

  At morning light when the rebels retreated to celebrate their victory, he retrieved his precious gift. But he knew the rebels would never stop hunting if they discovered a white wolf had survived.

  And so began the legend of the Blood Moon Legacy.

  Chapter One

  “You must go!” Charles shouted, shoving her toward the front door. “Now, Aya. Go!”

  Ayasha’s heels bit into the tattered carpet, halting her uncle’s desperate move to get her out of the house. Just beyond the wooden door, a bloodcurdling howl echoed through the black night. The hairs along her arms stood on end, but her fear drowned beneath the primal swell of instinct.

  Danger lurked too close, and she stood at the epicenter.

  Charles hooked his arm around hers and yanked her forward. He slapped the keys to his Explorer in her hand. Aya narrowed her eyes on the man, the base of her throat tightening. She dreaded the prospect of leaving her uncle behind.

  “And you?” she demanded. She glanced behind her as Charles dragged her away from her home. Malice slithered through the unsettling silence, sluicing through the tranquil grounds and stirring the metallic essence of danger. “Uncle, what’s happening?”

  Her voice cracked under mounting concern. Another howl chilled the blood rushing through her veins. Ice hardened around her spine. The creatures stalking the night were not friends. Their calls were threats, not warnings.

  Aya grabbed Charles’s arm as he snatched a book bag off the coat rack by the door.

  “Take this,” he hissed, punching the bag into her chest. Aya gasped. She lifted her eyes and, for the first time since he dragged her from the den, met his gaze. His customary calm brown eyes flickered and flared with his inner animal instinct. The reflective sheen over his irises glinted and glowed silver. His pupils dilated until nearly all the brown was swallowed in black.

  A loud crash pierced the dense air. Aya shrieked. A whoosh preceded the poignant scent of gasoline and flame.

  “Go,” Charles growled, unlocking the double set of bolts. “Don’t you dare worry about me. I swore my life to protect you.
To keep you hidden from these rebels.” His maddening gaze turned up to the ceiling. The first curl of black smoke snaked out from the living room. Aya moistened her dry lips, her brow creased. “Whatever you do, don’t stop driving until you reach Lakeview.”

  A second window shattered in the living room. Her eyes widened as she watched the fire from a broken glass jar spread over the carpet with raging hunger.

  Charles threw open the door and shoved her onto the porch. She stumbled, unable to take her eyes off the devastating flames. The rapid rate at which the bright orange-white licks swallowed everything she knew and loved was surreal. Charles grabbed her shoulder and urged her down the steps.

  “Full tank. Money in the sack. GPS is tucked in the glove compartment. Your destination is programmed in there. Find a Carter. You need your mates,” he bit out, his tone rising with each word.

  Aya nodded. She spun on her heels, clutching the book bag to her chest, and sprinted across the yard toward the Explorer—

  The impact of a tornado slammed into her, ripping her off her feet. She howled, a shrill tone that pierced through the building fire and crackling timber. She jerked and twisted, trying to right herself against the animal bringing her down.

  She crashed to the ground. Air shot from her lungs. Stars burst against her vision. Time stilled, and thoughts jolted to a stop.

  Fur brushed her ankle. Aya blinked, the familiar scent of wolf invading her nose and lingering on her tongue. Growls and yelps made her cringe as she turned her eyes on the collision of beasts rolling away from her in a tangle of fur and legs.

  This is what you are. You’re not helpless.

  Aya pushed to her feet. Air flooded her lungs, making her lightheaded for a crucial moment. Her legs trembled beneath her, oxygen-deprived muscles fighting to keep her upright. She watched the two massive wolves snap at each other with glistening white teeth, swat at each other with large paws and razor-sharp nails. A third wolf leaped into the melee, snapping at a neck with incredible precision. The receiving wolf snarled before he whipped around and emerged from beneath the two attacking animals. The brawl blocked the narrow dirt path to the Explorer, throttling her anxiety into overdrive.


  Aya spun back toward the house. Bright flames licked the outer walls. Smoke, heavy and dark, spiraled skyward, casting an eerie shadow against the clear night sky. The persistent growling at her back jolted her into action. Slinging the book bag over her shoulder, she ran back into the burning inferno.

  Timber creaked beneath the molten assault. Sparks erupted from failing wood beams. Heavy smoke plagued her nostrils with the acrid scent of smoldering debris, making it hard for her to breathe. Her lungs protested her determination to help her uncle. She pulled her jacket over her mouth and nose as she barreled through the tunneling fire toward the den.

  The intense heat stung her eyes. Sweat popped along her face, dripped down her stomach, and moistened her hands. She reached the den to find half of her favorite room engulfed in an orange-white curtain. Edging along the wall, away from the roaring flames, Aya forged ahead until she reached the gun cabinet.

  Silver is always your best bet, little one, but a large-caliber bullet can cause just as much damage to any were, if your aim is true. Always shoot for the heart.

  Charles’s words echoed in her mind. She coughed from the soot settling in her throat. Her lungs ached. Her eyes throbbed within her skull. Her flesh was hot and slick with sweat, feeling as if it would melt off her bones. Small pieces of burning debris drifted from the ceiling, sizzling against her skin and searing her. Adrenaline surged through her body, her inner wolf pacing restlessly just below the surface. She had to get out.

  She grabbed the handle to the cabinet and hissed, the scorching metal branding her tender palm. Ignoring the stomach-churning agony and the metallic scent of fresh blood, she threw open the cabinet door and grappled along each weapon, near blind in the thick smoke.

  Her fingers slid over warm metal. Shorter barrel. Small and manageable.

  Aya snagged the warm revolver. She dropped to her knees and opened her book bag. With a quick sweep of her arm, she shoveled several boxes of ammo off the bottom shelf. The bag jerked and pulled, a sure sign she captured a few boxes. She yanked the zipper closed and jumped to her feet.

  Time to go.

  Timber yawned. The ceiling caved in an explosion of new flames and sparks, crushing the far half of the room in a fiery pool of debris. Aya shuffled backward, eyes wide as the ignition illuminated the doorway through the dense smoke. Exit blocked, she hurried to the closest window, struggling against the growing heaviness in her chest, and punched out the glass. Sharp shards dug into her wet skin. Blood mixed with salty sweat stung her open wounds. She knocked out the rest of the pane and leaped into the cold night.

  Aya dodged through the side yard, suppressing her urge to cough, ever wary of her surroundings. She detected the methodical padding of creatures hidden in the forest. She smelled their hunger and excitement for a kill, as potent as the taste of burnt wood in her mouth. A second-story window exploded, the wooden frame splintering. Glass and smoldering debris rained down on her. She sucked in deep gulps of fresh air, cleansing her lungs of soot and filling them with the primal thrum of a chase. Her chest contracted and she coughed.

  No, can’t give in to a coughing fit now. Charles needs me!

  Coming around the corner of the yard, Aya searched for the mauling wolves. Patches of grass had been torn up. Deep gouges marred the dirt driveway. The evidence of a fight was laid out before her, but there were no wolves. She drowned out the fire behind her and listened.

  Nothing. No yelps, barks, or whimpers.

  Dead silence, except for the crackling flames that devoured the days of her life from childhood until now. Her history, her memories, were all being raked down by merciless claws of hell.

  But where was Charles? Where did the wolves disappear to?

  She jogged toward the Explorer. The hood of the vehicle had four deep nail marks across it. The grill and bumper had a fresh, deep dent where the wolves must have crashed against it.

  Her heart leaped into overdrive.

  “Charles!” she yelled.

  More wood creaked and yawned. More glass shattered, and walls crumbled, leaving her overheated body empty, cold. She spun in a tight circle.



  Charles lunged out of the forest and slammed into her. She stumbled to the Explorer with him at her back, trying to assess his condition. Sweat, blood, and dirt stung her nose and left a sour taste in the back of her mouth. He reached around her, yanked open the door, and shoved her into the driver’s seat.

  “Drive, and don’t stop,” he barked. Aya raised her gun. He slammed the door with such force that the vehicle rocked on its wheels. In a blink, he sprinted across the yard, toward the house.

  “No!” Aya screamed.

  The two wolves lunged out of the shadows of the forest and chased after Charles. Her entire body shook as she watched the spectacle. Horror clutched her spirit. Her uncle dove forward, transforming back into his wolf, gray fur melting into the tunneling flames conquering the house. The two pursuing wolves followed fearlessly into the inferno. Aya’s fingers trembled as she retrieved the key from her jacket pocket. The keychain slid from her slick hand, dropping to the floor. Her heart thundered in her chest and ears, making her dizzy. She desperately felt around for the keys, found them, and worked one into the ignition. Turning the engine over, she drew her bottom lip between her teeth. The tangy taste of blood slid over her tongue, anguish over her soul.

  Her conscience screamed for her to help, while Charles’s demands begged her to leave. He wanted her to abandon him in his greatest time of need.

  How could she—

  An explosion racked the truck. Deadly spears of debris rocketed out from the house. She snapped the shifter into reverse and stomped down on the accelerator. Fire balled into the sky like an ethereal mushroom, s
tamping her vision with stars. She maneuvered the truck through the tight line of trees. Thumps and plinks drew goose bumps to the surface of her skin as pieces of her home slammed into the Explorer. Something smacked into the windshield. The resounding crackle of glass webbing scraped down her spine. Another projectile tore off the right side mirror.

  She reached the end of the driveway and jammed on the brake. Nothing could calm the tremors coursing through her body. Nothing could sooth the wide-open wound pouring grief from her heart. She slowly turned to look back at her house, the only place she ever knew. Twenty-six years of memories, gone. Stories, pictures, and home videos, destroyed.

  Charles, the only family she ever had, dead.

  Her eyes remained dry of tears, her mind numbing to the tragedy before her. Adrenaline continued to thrum through her, the powerful reaction helping to keep her focused. She had to go; otherwise, Charles would have given his life in vain. There would be time to mourn later.

  Aya leaned over and opened the glove compartment. She found the GPS unit, wrapped with the adapter wire, and plugged the adapter into the cigarette lighter. The screen flashed on in vivid white. After wiping her moist fingers on her damp pants, she scrolled through the menu and brought up the programmed locations.

  There was one, and the address would lead her out of Northern California and into Oregon.

  With a sigh, she attached the unit to the damaged windshield. Her gaze drifted toward a flash from the tree line. Aya cracked open the window and drew in a long, deep breath. Wolf. Her attention turned to the creature as it slowly emerged from the dark forest. It stopped in the center of the driveway, its sleek tawny coat seemingly absorbing the glow from the fire.


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