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Pretty Kings 3

Page 9

by T. Styles

  “Why would you come at me like that?” I snapped as if I were highly offended.

  The smug expression on his face wiped off.

  “I’m your boss, Quartz. Not the other way around.” Although I was bored and willing to spend some time with him, I wanted him to know that I was in control. Always. Any attention I gave him would be an honor, not a privilege.

  He exhaled and said, “I’m sorry, Bambi.” He didn’t seem frazzled by my sternness and that made him more appealing. “I meant no disrespect. Sometimes I say what’s on my mind without thinking. But it won’t happen again.”

  He stood up to leave and moved toward the front door.

  I crossed my legs and said, “I didn’t dismiss you yet, soldier.” He turned around. “Have a seat until I do so.”

  He swaggered back toward me and did as instructed. With a grin on his face, he said, “You look good in power.”

  “I look good in everything I do,” I winked.

  He laughed.

  “Can I offer you a drink?” I asked.

  “Not if I can’t speak freely around you, Mrs. Kennedy.”


  “Meaning I’m attracted to you. If you didn’t know before, you know now.” He paused. “And unless I can say what’s on my mind, I’m going to have to respectfully request that you allow me to leave. Liquor makes me more comfortable and I don’t want to offend you again. Besides, I’ve already done that.”

  I smiled at him, stood up and walked over to the fully equipped bar. I could feel his eyes on my ass because my pussy throbbed. I poured myself a glass of wine and splashed a couple shots of cognac in a glass for him. Switching back over to the couch, I handed him his drink and I sipped my wine. “You can speak freely, Quartz. As long as you make it interesting.”


  Three hours passed and Quartz and I were laughing it up. I realized we had more in common than I originally thought. I learned that prior to the dope game, he was in the military like I was. So he understood the lifestyle and how sometimes you can come back mentally fucked up due to some of the things you saw over there.

  He was divorced, single and throwing himself into his work to relieve stress. And I was married, overworked and lonely. I was having such a good time that I didn’t realize Kevin was standing at the table looking at us.

  When did he get there?

  He wasn’t home earlier and since the night was still young, I didn’t expect to see him until later on.

  “What’s this?” he asked with a frown on his face. When I looked down at Kevin’s hands I saw that his fists were clenched.

  “Hey, man,” Quartz said standing up with a smile on his face. He outstretched his hand for Kevin to shake it but Kevin refused. Quartz cleared his throat, tucked both hands in his pockets and said, “Maybe I should leave.”

  “I’ll talk to you later,” I said as he walked toward the door in a hurry.

  “No you won’t,” Kevin interrupted. “Slow your roll, Mrs. Kennedy. Your company is leaving the building.”

  This nigga Kevin was mad funny. Here he was standing up in my face like he hadn’t been doing him with some random bitch for the past few weeks.

  And now he wanted to stunt me?

  Quartz nodded and walked out.

  When he was gone I thought Kevin was about to argue with me. Instead, he gripped me by my throat and ushered me to the bathroom directly off of the living room. I didn’t fight with him because the pleasure I received from seeing his anger told me that I already won the battle.

  I didn’t mention his bitch he was with and yet he got a taste of his own medicine.

  Once we were there, he pushed me toward the sink and turned me around. One hand pressed against each side of the sink. I was now facing myself in the mirror as my husband snatched down my jeans and fucked me from the back.

  It hurt due to the amount of pressure he was putting on me but my pussy didn’t know there was drama in my marriage. The rage mixed with his jealousy caused me to get wet. If I didn’t care about him this would feel like rape, which technically it was. But because I knew I still wanted to be with him even though I didn’t want to admit it, I enjoyed every minute of it.

  When he was done he pulled out of me and looked at me through the mirror. He placed his lips on my shoulder and I thought he was about to kiss me. Instead, he bit me and before I could scream out, he slammed his dry hand over my lips. “Don’t get that nigga killed, soldier.” He pulled his pants up. “Don’t get yourself killed too. The next nigga you allow inside of you will die there. I promise.”

  He walked out of the bathroom, leaving me alone.


  Soaking in the tub, I was trying to get Kevin’s cum out of my body. I never knew it was possible to hate and love a nigga in the same breath and yet I did.

  The place where he bit into my flesh still throbbed even though he didn’t break my skin.

  I was thinking about Kevin. I was thinking about Denim’s recent abortion and what it would do to her marriage. But the most dominating thought above all was this beef with the Russians.

  Larry was causing more problems in my organization than I could stand. He managed to kill a few more key people in our empire and their loved ones. A man like this did not deserve to be on the streets.

  I needed a specialized killer, one who was not on the Russians’ radar. Yet Race had failed to come through.

  When my phone vibrated and I saw it was Race, I answered. “What’s up?” I winced a little in pain.

  “I think I found who you need,” she said. I could tell she was smiling.

  I sat up in the tub quickly, pushing some water outside of the tub in the process. “Where are you?”

  “I’m at a diner. But trust me, I do have the right person.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “He is a she.”

  I leaned back in the tub and smiled. “Well I can’t wait to meet her.”

  After ending the call with her, I decided to make another one. It rang once before being answered.

  “Is this my beautiful Bambi Kennedy?” Arkadi said as if he were happy to hear from me.

  “And to think, I wasn’t sure if you would remember my number,” I crossed my legs in the tub.

  “To what do I owe this call?” He paused. “Are you and the other Kennedys ready to submit to me? And be the good little niggers I know you can be.”

  I laughed, grabbed the washcloth and scrubbed my pussy clean. “You didn’t get the memo? We’re free now.”

  He chuckled. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I actually have one question for you. What made you send your girlfriend over to my home, when you knew we could’ve killed her?”

  “It was same reason you allowed her to leave. I wanted to fuck with your head. And since you packed up and left, I guess I’ve done that.”

  I nodded. “I love her face, Arkadi. With the exception of the black eye you left.”

  “That’s more than I can say for you.”

  “This is true,” I nodded. “Which is why I wanted to call you first. To let you know that soon, very soon, I will see to it that a hole is blown in her face so large that there won’t be a thing left you recognize about her. Including her beauty.”




  I don’t even know what I was doing in Smack Back Strip Club, the place Carey used to work.

  The place where I first met her.

  When I realized that I drank so much that I could barely hold my head up, I knew it was time to bounce. Suddenly the dark club and the loud music felt creepy to me.

  What was I doing there?

  I was Race Kennedy of the Pretty Kings. And I had a hit on my head by the Russians.

  Leaving a few bills on the table, slowly I rose, grabbed my car keys and left the club. I was almost to my car when I heard a male voice say, “Don’t scream.”

  When I turned around I saw the cle
nched teeth of a man I didn’t know. Who was this nigga who thought he was bold enough to rob me? When I could lay hands on him and every person he ever loved?

  “You coming with me and you’ll live as long as you don’t make any crazy moves,” he continued.

  I might have been shorter than him but I wasn’t scared as I looked up into his eyes. I knew a punk when I saw one. If I had my hammer I would’ve brought him to his knees. But when I left out of the bunker tonight I wasn’t thinking straight and now I was bare. “Do you know who I am?” I asked calmly.

  “Why else would I—”

  His sentence was severed suddenly when I saw a hand placed over his mouth. I was in awe as I witnessed a silver blade slide across his throat slowly, causing the pinkness of his flesh to spill out like cream.

  I could’ve sworn I heard her say, “Goon.”

  When his body dropped, I was staring up into the green eyes of a tall, beautiful woman. I noticed her in the strip club a few times when I was there to visit Carey. I thought she kept time with Carey but I couldn’t be sure. I knew she was a dancer but never a killer and suddenly I was intrigued.

  “Figured you could use the help,” she said with a glistening red knife in her hand.

  “That’s what I call perfect timing,” I responded.


  The air conditioner was on too high in the small diner we were sitting in. I was trying to get to know the talented killer who saved my life but she was proving to be tough as rawhide.

  It was as if she didn’t trust me.

  After she killed him, we tucked his body in my trunk like trash. Then I called Sarge, who just got back from Mexico, for added assistance. He was my right hand in the underworld of our operation and in less than fifteen minutes, he had two carloads of loyal soldiers on the scene with one mission in mind, to make the corpse disappear.

  I realized I was slipping big time after I almost lost my life and suddenly my buzz was gone. Now sober, I wanted to know more about the woman who killed so easily. The woman who kept me breathing with one slash of her weapon.

  With skills like that, the chick I now knew as Roman could be of great use to our squad. Being female would give her access to places that Sarge and the other soldiers couldn’t roam.

  She was the perfect killer Bambi was looking for.

  A cup of coffee sat in front of Roman and a cup of water with lemon was before me. A respectful power struggle occurred as we attempted to get to know one another. She didn’t seem moved by my power even though I was sure she knew who I was.

  “Where is Carey?” Roman asked flatly. “I’m looking for her.” She took a sip of coffee.

  I wasn’t expecting to hear her name. My head hung low and I decided to lie. “I don’t know. That’s why I was in the club tonight. I talk to Carey every day and all of a sudden she’s not returning my calls. It’s been fucking my head up.” I sipped my water. “So tell me…were you two close?”

  “Extremely,” she responded. “Like sisters.”

  I moved uneasily in my seat. Where was my confidence? “Did she tell you anything about me?”

  “Not really,” she said as she seemed to be looking through me. “Just that she had a bond with you and your husband. Which I was leery about but respected.”

  She seemed to be holding back a little as if she didn’t trust me.

  “I took care of her,” I responded. I wanted to be honest without being totally truthful. “We paid for her house, her car and her luxuries. I loved her very much. Me and my husband.” I rubbed my hand down my face. “I know people might not understand our brand of love but it worked for us, you know?”

  Roman shrugged. “I don’t judge.”

  “I figured as much,” I smiled. “Look, I asked you here for a reason. The way you got rid of that nigga tonight was amazing. I’ve met killers before. Many. But your moves were calculated.” I paused. “I have a place for someone of your skill set in my operation. That is, if you want it.”

  “Are you asking if I’m interested in murder for hire?”



  Without responding, Roman looked toward her right, out of the window with several people walking by. When I followed her gaze I saw a little girl, who was certainly up past her bedtime, skipping along with her family. While the young black couple held hands, the little girl chased the leash to the collar that was wrapped around her dog’s neck.

  After looking at the scene, Roman took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry, Race.” She paused. “I’m glad you’re safe. But the life you are offering is not for me anymore.”

  So she was a killer who chose to retire.

  I reached into my purse and said, “Well let me give you something for your—”

  “No.” Roman shook her head when she saw I was handing her money. “Consider his death a gift from me to you. I hated that nigga.” She stood up and smiled. “Good luck.” She walked out, but not without me slipping my card in her pocket.

  The fact that she played hard to get made me want to be in contact with her even more. I was sure I’d see her again and I knew we would do business. But first, I had to call Bambi and tell her the partial good news.



  I was right. Not even a week later, Roman sat in the middle of the floor on a leather recliner inside of the bunker.

  My sisters all stood before her. Bambi stepped away from us wearing her green fatigue pants and a black t-shirt. She only wore her fatigues when she meant business.

  Roman was dressed in all black. Black pants and a black hoodie. The darkness of her gear set off her green eyes.

  “My name is Bambi Kennedy,” she said. “And you are here because Race has told me great things about you.” She walked closer and stopped before dipping into Roman’s personal space. “I don’t know what we would have done if she would’ve died. I do know the city would have been red with blood.” She paused. “I appreciate your diligence. We need people like you on our team.”

  Roman remained quiet.

  “We have an issue with a recent enemy who has moved into our territory,” Bambi continued. “Having worthy soldiers is not an issue for my organization. I command a huge team of killers who are able-bodied and ready.”

  “So what is the concern?”

  “We need someone who can act as a chameleon. A person who can move around easily without being spotted. One with experience.” She paused. “Before I go any further, I must know something. And I would appreciate your candor.”

  “What is it?” Roman asked.

  “Are you the one they call Goon? From Baltimore? The one who seemed to disappear without ever getting caught, leaving a trail of bodies behind?”

  Roman looked guilty and I had my answer. I couldn’t believe we lucked up like this. Bambi had been trying to find her and I always thought she was an urban legend. Now I see it is not true.

  “If I told you, then you’d know more than is necessary.”

  Bambi laughed but she looked satisfied with Roman’s response. “Before I saw you, and your height, I knew Goon was a woman. Only a woman could keep a secret this long and get away with it. Men often require the credit for such acts. So they boast. But you don’t.”

  Roman smiled at the compliment but remained poised. “Who do you need done?” she asked plainly.

  “It’s not necessarily who but how many.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Before we get into that, let’s talk about what you desire.”

  “What makes you think I desire anything?”

  “We all want something, Roman. And I’m told that you have needs that we may be able to meet.”

  Roman sighed. I didn’t know her home situation but I knew she wanted to help her dude. I think he was in college or some shit like that and couldn’t pay the tuition. That’s the only thing she told me.

  “I need money. For my husband.”

  “And we have plenty,” Bambi assured her. />
  “But he can’t know what I’m doing. This has to remain anonymous.”

  “I respect anonymity,” Bambi nodded. “And we never get involved in personal affairs, even if we become enemies.” She paused. “I’m about money. And since we’re on that issue, what is your fee?”

  “Twenty-five thousand dollars.”

  When I heard her amount, I busted out laughing. She must have been used to rolling with broke bitches if she asked for so little cash. I guess dancing on the pole couldn’t allow her to see bigger. But she was fucking with the big girls now.

  “What’s funny?” Roman asked.

  “Roman, for the people we need you to murder, we are willing to pay you one million dollars,” Bambi responded.

  Roman’s eyes widened upon hearing our proposal. I bet she never dreamed of making so much money. We didn’t mind paying out when necessary, especially for a job like this. And especially when women were involved. We believed in looking out for each other at all times.

  Roman adjusted uneasily in her seat. Now her cool manner seemed to be gone. We officially won her over.

  “Excuse me…did you say a million?” Roman asked.

  “You heard me correctly,” Bambi confirmed. “I don’t want you to knock over a few dope boys. We have a squad for that. The people I’m seeking your assistance for have caused major problems for my organization. So they require care and confidentiality. You demonstrated that when you killed back in the day and maintained your silence…even now. Mellvue, the girlfriend of our biggest enemy, has family in the area and she won’t be as easy to get as the others. Her movements are sporadic and he takes care to protect her.”

  “I understand. But I will need help.”


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