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Merlin's Travels (An Untimely Error Book 2)

Page 3

by Tom Larcombe

  “He's unconscious,” Merlin said. “I can't see any damage to his body though. But it's very cold down here.”

  Merlin used his sun crystal to gesture to some melting frost crystals on the side of the hole.

  “Is his body cold?” Nimue asked. “We probably ought to get him out of that hole if he is. Warm him up some and he'll recover quicker.”

  Merlin struggled to gently lift the man to where the others could reach him. Nimue and Anselm took the unconscious man's arms and dragged him from the hole while Ernst stood guard in the air above. Merlin dragged himself up and out.

  “I think we should get him back to the truck. Maybe the driver has some blankets or something in there,” Anselm said.

  “He's a bit heavy to carry,” Merlin said. “Ernst could you come down and walk? We'll use the feather to levitate him along.”

  Ernst reluctantly lowered himself to the ground and handed the feather to Merlin. Merlin concentrated on the feather as he envisioned the man's body floating in the air. He grasped the floating body and tugged gently. It took almost no effort to pull the body through the air.

  “Let's go, but keep an eye out in case we missed any others,” Merlin said.

  The trip back to the truck was uneventful. The man was wrapped in a blanket from the emergency kit in the truck. Anselm and Nimue stayed in close contact with him in an attempt to keep him warm. They waited another hour before leaving, just in case another attack was signaled.

  The rest of their time there was peaceful. At the end of the hour the driver started the truck and drove them back to the base. They moved the man to the infirmary and then headed back for the barracks. Nigel was waiting for them there.

  I guess he left word to be awakened when we returned, Merlin thought.

  “You're back early. What happened?” Nigel asked.

  “There was an attack and we were right, the creatures are similar to the ones I dealt with before,” Merlin said. “However, they can now attack at range, without touching. If they do touch you, they can apparently possess you as well. We have a victim that we drove the spirit out of mid-way through the process and I thought we should get him to the infirmary. Maybe he can tell us how it happened.”

  “I'll want all the details in the morning. You said this man is in the infirmary?”

  “Yes, we got him checked in but he's still unconscious.”

  “I'll go and see what can be done there. Good work though.”

  “One other thing Nigel,” Merlin said. “I think we also figured out how they're getting them here.”

  “How's that?”

  Merlin offered him the crystal shards that he recovered from the beach.

  “Sense those, that's the same feeling the larger crystal gave off, just on a smaller scale.”

  “So, how are they getting the crystals here?”

  “Just before the attack, there was artillery firing. Is there a way a crystal could be encased in an artillery shell? Then dropped at the target so it survives intact until it hits the ground? That would release the spirits at the impact point of the crystal.”

  “I think they have artillery shells like that, I'll need to ask around some though. If it is, that's bad news.”

  “Yes, even our driver mentioned that the Germans have cross-channel artillery. I think this was fired from a ship, but if they have a larger version of the crystals to fire from those guns?”

  Merlin shook his head.

  “I don't even want to think about how many creatures they could contain in a much larger crystal.”

  Nigel paled as he considered the implications.

  “How many do you think they could fit in a crystal the size of a man's torso?”

  “Could they fire one that large?” Merlin asked.

  “The shells they fire are as long as a woman is tall. They might not be able to go that large, but let's use that estimate.”

  “Thousands. A crystal the size of my sun crystals, so about the size of my palm, will hold the death magic of about twenty-five people or so. One the size of a man's torso? Perhaps as many as thirty-five hundred? That's just a rough guess though, I really don't know,” Merlin said.

  “What estimate would you put on the effects of something like that being dropped on a small town?” Nigel asked.

  Merlin shuddered.

  “If the town's population is less than the number of spirits, it would be wiped out. It might be wiped out even if the town had two to three times the number of people in it as there were spirits. It just isn't the type of thing they would be prepared for. Once possessed I could see the victim attacking friends and family. If they were attacked by someone that they wouldn't expect violence from they'd probably be killed or possessed instantly. There are other problems with that as well.”

  Nigel's face was slightly green.

  “Such as?”

  “Well, if they stay indoors during the daytime hours and keep themselves shut away from the sunlight then the possession could persist for some time. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing that over time they would be less vulnerable to sunlight and eventually could be out in the day when they gained complete control of the host body. Which puts hostile spirits in Britain and able to strike anywhere.”

  “Worse case scenario?” Nigel asked.

  “They establish a foothold like that and get their own wizard into the area. They create more crystals and continue to seed them throughout Britain, meaning this contagion could strike anywhere, at any time,” Merlin said.

  “Would you consider this a potential emergency?”

  “Wouldn't you? I believe they're in a testing phase for this, trying to gauge its effectiveness. If they decide it's effective then we could see the scenario we just spoke of become reality.”

  “Right then, I think I need to call John back early. This is somewhat out of my league.”

  “If you feel that it's necessary, then do so. Nimue and I can, with the help of my students, try to determine some sort of countermeasure stronger than the flashlights. Definitely order those if you haven't though. The average soldier will have no defense whatsoever against this.”

  Nigel looked relieved at Merlin's offer.

  “You do that. I'll go check the infirmary and see the man you brought in, then contact John and try to get him to return. We'll order the flashlights first thing in the morning as soon as I can get through.”

  Nigel left for the infirmary. Merlin turned to Nimue.

  “Do you have any ideas about this?”

  “We need to test things but we have no test subjects. For example, are the spirits immune to fire? The British have a portable flamethrower unit that might be of use against the creatures and with their cover story of poison gas, flame to burn it up would make sense,” Nimue said.

  “Merlin?” Ernst said, “Can I offer some input?”

  “Yes Ernst, please do.”

  “Well, I noticed that in the air my crystal wasn't as effective as yours on the ground. I'm guessing it was because the light was more dispersed?”

  “I would assume that but I don't know for sure,” Merlin said.

  “Can we make larger sun crystals?”

  “Certainly, although they take more time to charge.”

  “But with the option to shut it off, wouldn't it last longer?”

  “You have a point there, we may be able to make larger ones that can be effective if they aren't constantly using up power.”

  “Do you remember the spotlights at the airfield?”

  Merlin's memories overpowered him for a moment.

  * * *

  He looked down and saw that his cloaking spell was keeping him hidden, but shadows stretched out beyond him on the side opposite every searchlight. The shadows bracketed his location like a bulls-eye on the ground.

  * * *

  The memories of Dieter's death in the ensuing fight still grieved him.

  “Yes Ernst, far too well.”

  “Those spotlights were incredibly bright. I
think due to the reflective mechanism in them. What would happen if we did that with a large sun crystal as the light source?”

  “I don't know, but it bears experimentation,” Merlin said.

  “My last question is this: can we make one of those that can be carried by an average strength man? If we can, then I can carry it with me and patrol the beaches, or at least some of them, where the attacks are most frequent. I think something like that would get around the dispersal problem I had with my crystal when I was flying.”

  Merlin smiled at him.

  “Ernst, another wonderful idea. I think that we need to speak to Nigel about that in the morning. He's an artificer and that sounds like exactly the type of question he would be able to answer. Since he's also the person that would need to requisition materials to make it, he'd know if it was possible with what's available as well.”

  Ernst blushed from the praise.

  “If your idea works there are other possibilities there as well. Did you see the concrete bunkers on the beach? They call them pillboxes for some reason, but imagine one of those with a sun crystal spotlight like you described. I think that would increase security on the shores by a tremendous amount. The pillboxes are already situated with the best line of sight possible in most cases.”

  “How can you take a brand new idea and run with it like that?” Ernst asked.

  “You need to train your mind to see all the available possibilities. Another might be to mount those on aircraft but I fear they'd be moving to quickly to do much good that way.”

  “I can see I still have a lot to learn.”

  “I'll teach what I can, but much of what you still have to learn you'll need to learn on your own. I'll steer you in the right direction when possible, but you'll eventually have ideas that outpace me if you continue as you have. Then you can teach me.”

  Ernst's jaw dropped.

  “Me, teach you?”

  “There's always more to learn Ernst. Who better to learn it from than the person who first thought of the idea?”

  Ernst shook his head, not in negation but in wonderment.

  “But now, I think we all need to go to bed,” Merlin said. “We'll need to speak to Nigel in the morning and see if we can come up with any other ideas regarding these creatures.”

  The barracks grew silent as the wizards retired to their beds and fell asleep. Later on, the rustle of bedding and squeak of springs disturbed the quiet as nightmares set some of them to tossing and turning.

  * * *

  Chapter 3

  It was early afternoon by the time Merlin awoke. He couldn't arrange an appointment with Nigel until mid-afternoon at the earliest. When Merlin arrived for the appointment, Nigel looked as though he hadn't slept.

  “Nigel, Ernst has some questions that you might be interested in,” Merlin said.

  When Ernst finished describing his idea and found that the materials could be made available, Nigel was astounded.

  “You'd do that? I can't even get the British army to recruit you but you'd patrol our beaches for us?” Nigel asked.

  “There's little danger to me from this, except perhaps exhaustion. On the other hand, if these things aren't stopped there's a great deal of danger to everyone, everywhere.”

  “I can get a spotlight and a much larger crystal here for tomorrow. Merlin, can Ernst do all the magic necessary?”

  “We haven't yet worked out what we want to use for an on and off switch. We thought you might know of something to use, being an artificer and all. Aside from that, he should be capable of any magic needed.”

  “Ernst, stay with me and I'll spend tonight teaching you an appropriate spell to use for your switch. I'll want you to spend time working on other spotlights as well if yours proves successful.”

  “I can do that sir,” Ernst replied.

  “Merlin, the additional crystals will be here tomorrow. The flashlights two days after. Can you start working on them as soon as they arrive?”

  “Probably, we also wanted to test a few other things. Nimue suggested a flamethrower as a possibility. Most spirit creatures are vulnerable to fire. Is there a way we can get a man with a flamethrower to go out with us and test that as a possibility?”

  “I know I can get a flamethrower, I don't know about a man trained to use it,” Nigel said.

  “Can you get a training manual for it? If you can get that and a flamethrower, then I know just the man,” Merlin said.

  “Certainly, it will be a few days though.”

  “Good, is there anything else we can help with right now?”

  “No Merlin, we're good for the moment. John should be back in two to three days. He said that was as quick as he could manage.”

  “Ernst, pay attention to Nigel. As I said, it's better to learn things from the people who thought of them, or at least from those who know them well. I'm sure he knows the ins and outs of making magical objects very well, you can learn much from him.”

  Ernst sighed.

  “Yes, Merlin. I'll pay attention.”

  Merlin turned and left the office.

  * * *

  “Gunter?” Merlin called.

  Gunter came shuffling out of the back of the barracks. He looked bored and no longer possessed the crisp bearing that once marked him.

  “Yes Merlin?” Gunter said.

  “I've a job for you Gunter. You've been idle for too long.”

  Gunter's face perked up.

  “A job for me? Doing what?”

  “Well first it involves learning a new weapon.”

  Gunter beamed.

  “and then it involves testing it against the creatures that I showed you from the crystal back in Germany.”

  Gunter's bearing straightened.

  “What weapon Merlin?”

  “The British flamethrower. Most spirit creatures can be damaged by flame. We need to test it against these things and see if it will destroy them. We can get a flamethrower and a manual for it, but we cannot get a trained operator on short notice. Are you interested in the job?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Good then, I thought you might be. We should have the weapon and the manual within a day or two. I want you to learn it as quickly as you can so we can test it. We'll go to the beaches which are being attacked by these creatures and see how it does.”

  “Yes Merlin, I'm your man. It'll be good to be back in action, I've been letting myself slide since there wasn't anything to do here.”

  I know that Gunter, I know. I'm glad I could help, Merlin thought.

  “I knew you'd help Gunter. You'll be back in action shortly.”

  * * *

  The next few days were hectic. Merlin scheduled his classes to assist with what he needed to be doing. So by the time he was ready to go back to the beach with Gunter, his students had learned how to create a sun crystal. They were now helping him churn out the massive number that would be needed. They also, along with Merlin, learned from Nigel how to create a spell that could interrupt an ongoing magical effect without destroying it. So they added the on/off switch to all the crystals already prepared. They would still charge while off, simply not emit sunlight.

  Merlin made time to visit Gunter and ensure that he got the flamethrower, manual, and an area to practice with it. After making sure there was nothing else Gunter would need help with, Merlin returned to his own busy schedule.

  Ernst finished his spotlight the same day that Gunter decided he was adequately trained to attempt using the flamethrower in combat. Merlin sat down with Nigel to determine dispositions.

  “I need to be with Gunter to observe the flamethrower. If it doesn't work a wizard will need to be there or we'll lose a good man,” Merlin said.

  “We're losing good men constantly Merlin. That's what this is all about. If they can erode our manpower in Britain, they'll try a landing. I need you with Ernst,” Nigel said.

  “Why do you need me with him? He's competent, it's his own idea, and he's safe in the sky above t
hem even if it doesn't work.”

  “If it doesn't work, he'll panic.”

  “You don't know Ernst like I do,” Merlin said. “During our escape he saved us once when I was utterly drained. The Messerschmitts had us until he used his magic to tear a piece off the one in the lead and throw it into the propellers of the other one.”

  “I still want you with him.”

  “How about I see if Nimue will accompany him?”

  “You know how I feel about her going into combat.”

  “Yes, and you know how she feels. She's proved herself time and time again. You're simply prejudiced. I will remind you again, your army will not take us into its ranks, so you can't command any of us. Nimue will accompany Ernst, if she's willing, and I will go with Gunter.”

  Nigel slammed his fists into the desk.

  “Damn you Merlin, I keep having that thrown in my face. I tried to get you in but the British army will not even admit to having an occult section. It's classified top secret and they hate having you aware that we even exist.”

  Another voice interrupted.

  “Whereas we Americans are all too happy to admit we have an occult branch, but only to those that are already aware of magic. At least they're happy to admit it to potential recruits,” John said.

  “Oh thank God you're back,” Nigel said.

  “Merlin, I'm prepared to offer you, and Nimue, commissions as officers in the USO, the occult portion of it at least. I don't get to make any decisions about the entertainment portion. Your students that fled here with you are also being offered non-commissioned officer slots. Don't think of it as being any important sort of rank, all our full wizards are officers. Students who have proven capable are all NCOs,” John said.

  Merlin turned to look at John.

  “So your army is willing to accept us?”

  “Well, my branch of it is at the very least. There are a couple of benefits also, you'll get paid more than just the room and board you've been getting. At the end of the war, assuming you survive, you'll be eligible for American citizenship, guaranteed. No questions asked if you've served honorably. Finally, you'll be let in on why our wizards are part of the USO and not anything else. Nigel would kill to learn that, wouldn't you Nigel?” John said.


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