atheism (defined), 113–115
Atheist Alliance America, 142
Australia, 137
Axelrod, Julius, 143–144
Ayotte, Kelly, 93
Bachmann, Michele, 78, 93, 103
Baez, Joan, 72
Barry, Dave, 109
Bartlett, Roscoe, 93
Bass, Charlie, 107
Beat the Clock, 144
Beatles, 78–79, 88, 146
Beck, Glenn, 99, 101, 120
Bentsen, Lloyd, 121
Berlin Wall speech, 72–73
bestiality, 96
as campaign guide, 97
and child discipline, 63
The Children’s Bible, 23
and corporal punishment, 63
and homosexuality, 38
and Jim Inhofe, 98
and the Koran, 38
and sexual inequality, 67–68
and women, 36
Year of the Bible, 94
bin Laden, Osama, 38
Blaine, James G., 148
Blair, Tony, 12
Blunt, Roy, 93–94
Boehner, John, 94
Bolder County, Colorado, 53
Borat, 79
Boy Scouts of America, 51–52
Bragg, Raymond, 150
Brando, Marlon, 143
Brandon, Tom, 105
Breathed, Berkeley, 109
Brennan, William, 37, 142–143
Bright, Bill, 44
Bright-Sided, 82
Broun, Paul, 84
Brunsman, August, 153
Bryan, William Jennings, 16, 94
Bryson, Bill, 109
Buckner, Ed, 151
Buerkle, Ann Marie, 94
Buffett, Warren, 20, 52, 88, 109, 117, 150
Bush, George H. W., 46, 108
Bush, George W.
and faith-based initiatives, 49, 58
and fundamentalism, 111
and the global “gag rule,” 46
and God’s will, 23
and Iraq War, 11–12, 44, 87, 112, 153
and National Day of Prayer, 33
Byrne, Gabriel, 109
C Street, 79–80, 90, 95, 98, 101, 104
Camp Quest, 153
Campus Crusade for Christ, 44, 153
Canada, 137
Cantor, Eric, 94
Carnegie, Andrew, 36
Caro, Robert, 107
Carter, Jimmy, 128, 139
Caslen, Robert, 44
Catholic Church and Catholics, 9, 17–18, 62, 67, 149–150
Center for Moral Clarity, 102
chaplainships, 33, 34, 44–45
Chapman, Graham, 142
Charlotte’s Web, 145
Chemerinsky, Erwin, 84
Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA), 59
Child Care Development Block Grants, 58
child neglect, 95
child-care centers
in Alabama, 24, 56
and federal funds, 58
in Florida, 57
secular vs. religious, 24, 56–58
and sexual assault, 57
child-protection law, 11, 25
Chinese Cultural Revolution, 90
Chirac, Jacques, 11, 112
Chivers, Meredith, 70
Christian Embassy, 44
Christian Exodus, 106
Christian Heritage Week, 99
Christian Scientists, 59
Christina, Greta, 74
Church of England, 9
church and state, separation of
and civil liberties, 31
and education, 55
and the First Amendment, 9, 10, 31
historical perspective, 28, 92
Jefferson on, 10, 20, 23, 28, 31, 33–35, 54, 103, 139
Kennedy on, 37, 112
and the law, 25, 26, 43
Madison on, 9, 20, 28, 33–35, 103
and nonfundamentalists, 41, 132, 139
Paul (Ron) on, 100
Religious Right and, 28, 31, 64, 107
Rubio on, 103
and the Secular Coalition for America, 20, 109, 127
and taxes, 48
Citizens United, 127
Clark, William, 133
Clinton, Bill, 46
Clooney, George, 109
Coats, Dan, 95
Coburn, Tom, 95
Coe, Doug, 90, 98
Colbert, Stephen, 106
College of Charleston, 148
Communism, 72–73, 115
Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act, 46
Comstock Act, 68–69
Comstock, Anthony, 68–70
consent, adult, 69, 73
conservative, true meaning of, 10
Constitution Party, 100
contraceptives, 99
Contract with America, 90
Cornwell, R. Elisabeth, 70–71
Corps of Discovery, 133
Corynyn, John, 95
Council for Secular Humanism, 137, 151–152
Cousens, Bonnie, 151
Crank, Jessica, 11, 25, 140
creationism, 17, 28, 83–84, 103, 130
Crick, Francis, 87
Criswell, W.A., 32
Crystal Cathedral, 81
Cuomo, Mario, 17
Curie, Marie, 86–87, 89, 146
Daily, Thomas, 62
Darrow, Clarence, 16–17, 29, 36, 126, 132
Darwin, Charles, 17, 40, 79, 126, 146
death-with-dignity laws, 55
Declaration of Independence, 32
Defense of Marriage Act, 52, 104
DeMint, Jim, 95, 100
Denmark, 137–139
Dhuhulow, Aisho Ibrahim, 9
DiFranco, Ani, 109
Dirksen, Everett, 107
discipline, child, 63
and Boy Scouts of America, 51
in military, 42
and religious groups, 27
and schools, 37, 50, 61
and sex-based, 18, 99, 103, 104
Dobson, James, 63
Douglas, Paul, 107
Draper, Don, 65, 72–74
Dreir, David, 96
Drummond, Henry, 16
Dworkin, Andrea, 71
Dylan, Bob, 72
Dynasty, 65
Eagle Forum, 98
Edison, Thomas, 36, 87–88, 89
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 82, 109
Einstein, Albert, 40, 86, 126, 132, 136, 146, 149–150
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 55
Ellison, Keith, 93, 106
Ellmers, Renee, 96
Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), 93–94
Enlightenment, 9, 13, 35, 38, 54, 101, 118, 140, 153
Ensign, John, 70, 80
Enzi, Mike, 96
Epistle of James, 25, 59
Epstein, Brian, 78
Equal Rights Amendment, 97
equality, sexual, 66–67
Ethical Culture Societies, 149
Ethiopia, 11, 46
Evangelical Protestantism, 111
evolution, 40, 54, 92–93, 102, 146
Facebook, 32, 74, 122, 125, 132
faith, depiction in the media, 27–28
Faith Assembly, 60
faith-based initiatives, 34, 49–50, 104
faith healers, 95, 140
faith-healing, 10, 25, 59–61
Falwell, Jerry, 111, 152
Family Research Council, 99
Fellowship Foundation, 95
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), 44
Fieldston School, 149
Finland, 137
First Amendment, 9, 10, 31, 103
Flynn, Tom, 152
Focus on the Family, 63, 123, 129
Ford, Gerald, 111, 121
Foster, Jodie, 109
Fourteenth Amendment, 93
France, 13
Franklin, Ben, 35, 87–89
Free Inquiry, 152
ers, 36, 148–149, 152
Freethinkers (book), 14, 127
Furer, Brent, 105
“gag rule,” global, 46–47
Galileo, 39
Gates, Bill, 20, 88, 99, 117, 150
Gingrich, Newt, 90, 91
Gingry, Phil, 96
Glasgow, 9
Glass, Ira, 109
Gleick, James, 109
global warming, 12, 104
Gohmert, Louis, 96
Golden Christian School, 37
Golden Rule, 87
Goldman, Emma, 69–70
Goldwater, Barry, 10, 65, 91–92, 107, 111–112, 119
Graham, Billy, 26–27, 86
Graham, Franklin, 27
Greeley, Andrew, 62
Green, Steven K., 54
Ground Zero, 94, 96
Guantanamo, 25
Guttmacher Institute, 45
Haggard, Ted, 26–27, 66
Hall, Jeremy, 43
Hall, Ralph, 28, 97
Harold and Maude, 142
Hartzler, Vicky, 97
Head Start programs, 28, 58, 105, 143
health-care reform bill, 99
Heckman, James, 137
Hemingway, Ernest, 36
Hensley, George, 38
Herger, Wally, 97
Heritage Foundation, 95
Hitler, Adolf, 39, 98
HIV/AIDS, 47, 48, 101, 127
homosexuality, views of members of Congress toward, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 102, 106
Huckabee, Mike, 65
Huckleberry Finn, 36
hucksters, 78–91
Hudson, John, 47
Human Development Index, 137
Human Rights Act (Illinois), 103
Human Rights Campaign, 94
humanism, 150
Humanist Manifesto, 150
Hunter, Duncan, 106
Ibrahim, Mustafa, 9
I Ching, 78
“Imagine,” 139–140
immigrants, illegal, 106
“In God We Trust,” 96, 99, 130, 142
Incas, 24
India, 13
Ingersoll, Robert, 148
Inglehart, Robert, 148
Inherit the Wind, 16, 28
Inhofe, Jim, 98
Institute for Humanist Studies, 152
Institute in Basic Life Principles, 105
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 12, 27, 81, 83–84
Iraq War, 11, 108, 153
Islam, 94, 96, 107
Issa, Darrell, 98
Jaani, Raam, 149
Jacoby, Susan, 19, 127
Jagger, Mick, 118
Jefferson, Thomas
and the Constitution, 40
and the Corps of Discovery, 133
and Enlightenment, 38, 133, 138–139
famous quotes, 23, 31–32, 42, 133
and secularism, 19, 29, 125, 132
and separation of church and state, 10, 20, 28, 34–35, 54, 103, 139
and Texas Board of Education, 34, 54
and Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 31, 35
Jesuit Volunteer Corps, 17
Jewish Americans, 109
Jobs, Steve, 79, 88
Joel, Billy, 109
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 107
Jolie, Angelina, 20, 109, 127
Jones, Larry, 152
Kaplan, Woody, 148
Katcoff v. Marsh, 44–45
Kennedy, John F., 28, 37
and American exceptionalism, 135
and “Berlin Wall” speech, 72
as inspiration, 74, 121, 135, 146
and moon exploration, 121
and morality, 75, 80
and science education, 55
and separation of church and state, 37, 112
and “We Are All Mortal” speech, 73
Kennedy, Robert, 17, 119, 120
King, Jr., Martin Luther
and adultery, 100–101
and “I Have a Dream” speech, 72–73
as inspiration, 74, 146
and morality, 75
and prayer in school, 38
and social justice, 119
King, Stephen, 124
King, Steve, 98
Kinsley, Michael, 109
Kirkhardt, Bobbie, 148
Kline, Kevin, 109
KLUE, 78
Koran, 38
Kurtz, Paul, 152
Kyl, Jon, 106
Labrador, Raul, 99
Lady Diana, 142–143
Lakewood Church, 82
Leaves of Grass, 69
Lee, Nick, 152
Lehrer, Tom, 109
Leigh, Janet, 143
Lennon, John, 78–79, 117, 132, 139–140
Lennon, Sean, 109
Lewis, Meriwether, 133
Libertarians, 100, 112, 126
Life of Brian, 142
Limbaugh, Rush, 26
Lincoln, Abraham, 35–36, 121, 127
Lindley, DeMyreon, 124
Lindsay, Ron, 152
Lonsdale, Harry, 144
Love and Death, 142
Lyon, Phyllis, 52
Mad Men, 65, 72–74
Madison, James
on military chaplains, 33–34
and the Constitution, 40, 133, 139–141
and the dictates of conscience, 33
and faith-based initiatives, 34, 49
famous quotes, 33–34, 42
and prayer day, 33
and science, 146
and secularism, 14, 29, 132
and separation of church and state, 9, 20, 28, 33–35, 103
Madoff, Bernie, 81
Maher, Bill, 102, 109
Maine Discovery Museum, 144
Maine, 58–59
Malkovich, John, 109
Man-Boy Love Association, 62
Manchin, Joe, 99
marriage, 52, 96, 103
Martin, Del, 52
Martin, George, 78
Massachusetts, 60
Attack of the Theocrats!: How the Religious Right Harms Us All—and What We Can Do About It Page 20