Master of the Senate, 107
McCain, John, 102
McCarthy, Joseph, 16, 98, 107
McCarthyism, 16–17
McCartney, Paul, 78–79
McFarlane, Seth, 109
McLeroy, Don, 54
Mead, Margaret, 119
megachurches, 27, 78–91
Metskas, Amanda, 153
Meyer, Joyce, 81–82, 85, 111
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, 44, 152
Milner, Carol, 81
miscegenation laws, 52
Missouri, 60
Moon, Sung Myung, 93
Moral Majority, 139
legislating, 42
and religion, 26
sexual, 65–77
Morton, Lucious, 44
Muskie, Ed, 107
Muslims, 27–28, 39, 66, 93, 96
NARAL Pro-Choice America, 94
National Academy of Sciences, 87
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, 56
National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect, 60
National Day of Prayer, 80, 140
National District Attorney’s Association, 61
National Governors Association, 54–55
National Right to Life Committee, 103
National Science Foundation, 138
National Survey of Family Growth, 47
necrophilia, 97
Netherlands, 137
New York Times, 27, 55
Newman, Randy, 109
Nicholson, Jack, 109
Niose, David, 150
Nixon, Richard, 26, 86, 112, 120
Nobel Prize, 86–87, 137, 143
nonbelievers, percentage of Americans, 12
Northern Ireland, 9
Norway, 137
Notre Dame, University of, 17, 118, 149
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 73
Nunnelee, Alan, 99
O’Hair, Madalyn Murray, 151
Obama, Barack
and American exceptionalism, 30
and educational standards, 54
and faith-based initiatives, 49
and the global “gag rule,” 46
and National Prayer Breakfast, 33
and Notre Dame, 17
as target of anti-Muslims, 105
and waterboarding, 25
obscenity, 68–69
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), 90
Officers Christian Fellowship (OCF), 44
Ono, Yoko, 109
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 149
Oregon, 55
Osteen, Joel, 82–83, 85, 89, 111
Osteen, Victoria, 82–83, 85–86
Page, Bettie, 144
Paine, Thomas, 111, 127, 131
Palestinians, 98
Palin, Sarah, 30–31, 93, 112, 131
Parsley, Rod, 101–102
Pastorpreneur, 129
Patriot Pastors, 101–102
Paul, Rand, 100, 126
Paul, Ron, 100–101, 126
Pauling, Linus, 87–89, 146
Peale, Norman Vincent, 86
Pearce, Steve, 92, 101
Pearl, Michael, 63
pedophilia, 62, 97
Penn & Teller, 109
Peron, Eva, 71
Perry, Rick, 119
pharmacists and contraception, 25
Phillips, Kevin, 85
Pickering, Chip, 79–80
pill, birth control, 70
Pillars of the Earth, 118
Pinn, Anthony, 152
Pitt, Brad, 20, 109, 115, 127
Pitts, Joe, 101
Plainview, Texas, 78
Plait, Phil, 97
Planned Parenthood, 74
Pledge of Allegiance, 140
Polzin, Neil, 51
pornography, 97
Portman, Ron, 101
Prayboy Mansion, 80
prayer, 33–34, 37, 38, 80, 94, 102, 140, 152
Price, Tom, 102
Prince v. Massachusetts, 61
Prop 8, 74
Prosperity Gospel, 81–82, 85–86
prostitutes, 105
Pryor, Mark, 102
Psycho, 143
punishment, corporal, 63
Quayle, Ben, 102
Quayle, Dan, 121
Randall, Tony, 143
rape, 45–46, 72, 75–76, 103
Reagan, Ronald
and the Bible, 133
as a consistent communicator, 123
and the global “gag rule,” 11, 46
and Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, 100
and separation of church and state, 32–33, 120
and Supreme Court appointee, 39
Red Guard, 90
Redmond, Washington, 138
Regents University, 103
Rekers, George, 66
religious bias
and children: child discipline, 63; child-protection laws, 11, 25; child-care centers, 11, 24, 56–58; children’s medical care, 11, 58; physical abuse, 62; sexual abuse, 57, 62
and communities, 53–54
and dignity, 55–56
and discrimination: Boy Scouts of America, 51; civil marriage, 52; faith-based initiatives, 49, 58; religious propaganda, 50; sexual orientation, 99, 103, 104
and education: corporal punishment, 63; discrimination in schools, 37, 50, 61; prayer in schools, 37, 94, 102, 152; sex education, 47, 137; teaching of evolution and creationism, 28, 54, 92–94, 103; voucher programs, 50, 92
and the environment, 12
in Great Britain, 9
in health: children’s health care; contraceptives, 45–46, 70, 99; health-care reform bill, 99; health education, 47; health research, 48; stem cell research, 48–49, 92, 94, 103–104, 106, 135; women’s health, 45, 46
in law: civil marriage laws, 52; death-with-dignity laws, 55; equal rights, 18, 26, 31, 69, 72–73, 93, 94, 100, 106, 119, 138; land-use laws, 27, 53; legislating morality, 24, 42; miscegenation law, 52; Prop 8, 76;Roe v. Wade, 100; Sanctity of Life Act, 100; tax-exemption, 12, 27; zoning laws, 53
and marriage: abstinence-until-marriage programs, 101; Defense of Marriage Act, 52, 104; Prop 8, 74; same-sex marriage, 93–96, 99–100, 101–103
in the Middle East, 9–10
in the military: chaplains in the military, 34, 44, expression of personal belief, 43–45; gays in the military, 97, 99, 102
and sexual orientation: adoption by gays, 96, 99, 102, 103–104; biblical view, 38; gays in the military, 97, 99, 102; gays in the ministry, 103; gays in teaching, 95; marriage, 93–95, 99–100, 101–103; negative views, 93, 96–97, 99, 106; rights, 18, 26, 93, 119
and women: abortion, 103; contraceptives, 45–46, 70, 99; global “gag rule,” 46–47;Roe v. Wade, 100; sexual inequality, 36, 66, 67–68, 105;
women’s health, 45, 46
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), 31
Religious Right, 13, 28, 31, 64, 74, 107
revolution, sexual, 65–77
Richmond, Julius, 143–144
Rigell, Scott, 103
rights, equal
civil, 72–73, 119
for embryo and fetus, 93
for fertilized eggs (zygotes), 94, 106
of gays, 18, 26, 93, 119
and land use, 53
of minorities, 31, 100, 138
for religious groups, 26–28
special rights, 26–28, 53
women’s, 69, 93, 119, 138
Riley, Les, 106
Robertson, Pat, 27, 103
Roe v. Wade, 100
Roiphe, Katie, 74
Rokita, Todd, 103
Rolf school, 58
Romney, Mitt, 42
Rooney, Andy, 109
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 71, 116, 146
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 146, 148
Roosevelt, Theodore, 108
Roskam, Peter, 103
Rubio, Marco, 28, 103
Running God’s Way, 97
Ryan, Paul, 103
Saab, 138
Sacks, Oliver, 109
sacrifice, religious, 23, 24
Sagan, Carl, 146
same-sex couples
adoption 96, 99, 102, 103–104
marriage, 93–95, 99–100, 101–103
Samta, Saron, 11, 46
Sanctity of Life Act, 100
Sanford, Mark, 70, 80
Santorum, Rick, 112
Saudi Arabia, 9
Sayles, John, 109
Scalia Catholics, 150
Scalia, Antonin, 39
Scandinavia, 137–138
Scates, Jennifer, 150
Scheider, Roy, 144
Schiavo, Terri, 127
Schlafly, Phyllis, 98
Schuller, Robert, 81
Scopes Trial, 16, 120
Secular Coalition for America, 13, 19–20, 108–109, 120–133, 148–153
Secular Decade Plan, 121–132
Secular Student Alliance, 153
secularism, 10, 40, 66, 118, 122, 123, 124, 129, 133, 137
Seinfeld, 65
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 143
separation of church and state, see church and state
sex education, 47–48, 137
sexual assault, 57
sexual inequality, 36, 66, 67–68, 105
sexuality, 70–71, 73–74
Shakespeare, William, 146
sharia law, 92–93
Sharlet, Jeff, 90, 95, 101
Shaw, George Bernard, 69, 77
Shimkus, John, 104
Shuler, Heath, 104
Silicon Valley, 138
Silverman, David, 148, 151
Silverman, Herb, 20, 129
Simonds, Robert, 40
Sinema, Kyrsten, 128
Skype, 136
slaves, 99
Smith, Lamar, 104
Society for Humanistic Judaism, 151
Soderbergh, Steven, 109
sodomy, 67
Somalia, 9
Soros, George, 88, 109
Speckhardt, Roy, 151
St. Augustine, 39
Stalin, Joseph, 115
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 36, 131–132
Star Trek, 65
Stark, Pete, 12, 108, 127
stem cell research, embryonic, 48–49, 92, 94, 103–104, 106, 135
Stewart, Jon, 109
Stupak-Pitts Amendment, 94
Support Our Scouts Act, 51
Sweden, 136–139
Sweden: Up North, Down to Earth, 136
Switzerland, 136
Tea Party, 10, 93, 133, 138–139
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 58
Ten Commandments, 92, 106
Ten Guiding Principles of a Secular America, 134
Tennessee, 25
Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 146
terrorists, 98
Texas Board of Education, 13, 34, 54
Thatcher, Margaret, 71
The Family (book), 90
The Family, 79–80, 90, 98, 101, 104
The Odd Couple, 143
Tillman, Pat, 43
Time magazine, 128, 142
Title IX, 66
Toomey, Pat, 104
Torpy, Jason, 44, 152
torture, 25, 39
Tripoli treaty, 35
Trudeau, Pierre, 17
Turkey, 13
Twain, Mark, 36, 132, 151
Twilight Zone, 65
Twitter, 125, 132
U.S. Armed Forces, 43
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, 96
U.S. Constitution
central principles, 19–20, 50
and marriage, 53
and proposed amendment on gay marriage, 105
and public service, 39, 43
and religious discrimination, 39, 49, 60–61
and religious liberties, 139
and science, 88
and separation of church and state, 9, 10, 13, 30–31, 42, 64
U.S. Supreme Court
and faith-healing, 61
overturning miscegenation laws, 52
Uganda, 140
Undaunted Courage, 133
Unitarian Universalists, 151
Unitarians, 108, 150
United Nations’ Human Development Report, 137
United States Patent and Trademark Office, 136
USA Today, 142
van Gogh, Vincent, 144, 146
Vandenburg, Arthur, 107
Vedder, Eddie, 109
Vietnam War, 108
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 31, 35
Vitter, David, 70, 96, 105
Voltaire, 125
Volvo, 136, 138
voucher programs, 50, 92
Walberg, Tim, 28, 105
Warren, Rick, 26–27, 84, 129
Washington (state), 55
Washington, George, 35, 78
waterboarding, 25
We the People Act, 100
Webster, Dan, 105
Welch, Carolyn, 149
West, Allen, 106
Westmoreland, Lynn, 106
Whedon, Joss, 109
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 49
White, Amiyah, 11, 24, 140–141
White, E.B., 145
Whitman, Walt, 19, 36, 69, 125, 127, 148
Wicker, Roger, 106
Will, George, 55, 135
Wine, Sherwin, 151
Witte, John, 26
Wolf, Warren, 152
Wolfe, Tom, 109
Women’s health, 45
Woodhull, Victoria, 69
World Economic Forum, 137
Wozniak, Steve, 109
zoning laws, 53
Zuckerberg, Mark, 88
Zuckerman, Phil, 137–138
About the Author
Sean Faircloth served five terms in the Maine Legislature on both the judiciary and appropriations committees. In his last term, he was elected Majority Whip by his caucus colleagues.
Faircloth had the idea for the Maine Discovery Museum and led the four-year project from conception to completion in 2001. Of the twenty-five children’s museums in New England, the Maine Discovery Museum was then the second-largest children’s museum outside Boston.
An accomplished legislator, Faircloth successfully spearheaded over thirty laws, including the so-called deadbeat-dad child-support law that saved Maine taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and became a model for federal law. Faircloth had numerous legislative successes in children’s issues and justice-system reform.
Attack of the Theocrats!: How the Religious Right Harms Us All—and What We Can Do About It Page 21