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Page 20

by Unknown

The inner wooden doors stood open and I could hear the echoes of laughter and smell the burning herb. We liked to smoke the finest green along with a jar of homemade whiskey, but these fools were smoking near the stills. They didn't know the door was there to keep the vapors from accidentally igniting. I had not loosened the valves yet and hoped the warlocks wouldn't blow us all to Hell before I could.

  I tried to decide whether or not to continue with the façade and pretend to be Matthew, or to walk into the cavern as me. I decided to enter the cave as Matthew, thinking the deception could buy me a little extra time. I conjured a worried look on my face and I rubbed my eyes to make them red.

  I walked through the main tunnel leading down into the open cavern. I could not tell if the cave was carved by the hands of men or whether God himself scooped the limestone from the earth. It didn't matter. It was the perfect place to keep our whiskey stills and hold ceremonies without the risk of being detected. Some of the best distillers used caves during Prohibition and we were using the bathtubs they left behind. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms was just as resourceful as the witch hunters and we needed to stay out of the eye of both.

  With millions funneled to our account from all over the world, we didn’t need to run moonshine. But it kept us right with the locals, which helped camouflage the activities of the coven. The ATF was none the wiser.

  I passed several tubs on my way to the altar. I stopped and loosened all the pressure valves to allow the gases to seep out. I knew I had about thirty minutes before the cavern would fill with explosive vapors. The warlocks would have to stop smoking so the tubs wouldn't explode before I wanted them to. I could see the glow from the LED lights on the wall and the voices of the five men became louder.

  Good, I thought. They're occupied with their own tall tales of mayhem and murder, not focusing their psychic energy on me.

  I turned the last corner into the open, cavernous room. The ceiling stretched so high, the top of it was concealed in darkness. Stalactites hung like scraggly teeth and the room smelled of whiskey and weed. A low haze enveloped the LED lights making the cavern appear like the inside of an alien spacecraft. The conversation stopped when I walked in. The warlocks were standing near the altar, each with a jar in one hand and a toke in the other. They watched as I went to each of the bathtubs in the cavern, pretending to check the valves but loosening them instead.

  “You wanna blow yourself up? Put out those goddamn joints.”

  They each dropped their burning tokes and stomped on them.

  The warlock previously known as Rufus Carter, now as The M12, spoke first. The young black man removed his jacket, revealing a rayon shirt clinging to his cut chest. His dyed blond hair stood out against his black skin, the first time I saw him without a helmet.

  “How's he doing?”

  The question made me pause. I wanted to tell them the fool was dead, that I sucked the life from that piece of shit. I caught myself before speaking, remembering the flesh I now wore.

  “Not good,” I said. “He's dying.”

  The M12 nodded and looked at the others.

  “So do we need to go into the cabin to have him choose the successor?” Simon Bolger asked.

  Simon wore his black suit, red silk tie and trademark mirrored sunglasses, even in the darkness of the cave. He kept his hair closely cropped and a five o'clock shadow leaning towards a full beard. I saw something in his face I didn't like. This was not Simon but I didn't have time to go deeper. I was using most of my energy to keep my identity hidden.

  “No. I'll bring him the pieces of the florin you all retrieved. Then he'll send word with me back to you.”

  “Then why are we in the cave, mon frère? Shouldn't we walk our gold pieces to Monsieur Phillips?”

  Divoss wore a white silk jacket and pink pastel shirt beneath the leather biker jacket he wore from Pittsburgh to Columbus. His thick, white hair was parted and slicked back even though he rode five hours on a Harley Davidson. It was going to be hard to kill Gino. I loved the old-timer's attitude. But if I wanted to start over, start fresh, they'd all have to die.

  “He told me he wants you all here.”

  McSorley glanced at the others and I could see the doubt. What the warlock lacked in experience, he made up for in street smarts. Sean lived in Boston and whether he realized it or not, rubbed shoulders with the descendants of some of the most infamous witches of all time. He arrived in a dirty white T-shirt and fingerless gloves. His shaggy hair fell into dark eyes and his chiseled face made women swoon.

  Mayukh's eyes were set close together and his hair was already receding. He stood next to Sean in his light blue polo shirt and never said a word. Like Bolger, that worried me. I couldn't feel him inside of the man. I would need to keep an eye on the stranger from Mumbai.

  “Fine. What's next?” Sean asked.

  “I need the pieces. I'll take them to Levi, he'll study them and the powers will reveal his successor.”

  “We just hand these to you, after all it took for us to get them? We was talkin' and it seems the other four never made it, n'est pa?”

  The damn Cajun was going to blow it.

  “That's right, Gino. The Black Fang lost four of its warlocks in this challenge, but that's what happens. We've all seen it before.”

  He nodded and looked at The M12. The man's eyes narrowed and he set his jar on the altar. Simon straightened his tie and Mayukh stood like a statue, his eyes never leaving my face.

  “You heard the boy,” Simon said. “Give him what Levi needs to choose the successor.”

  I held my breath. The next three seconds would determine how this ended. They would all die, for sure. But how they died would be revealed now. I preferred not to get my hands bloody today.

  “Here.” Gino was the first to hold the hunk of gold coin out. He grabbed my wrist, flipped my hand over and dropped it into my palm. The ancient gold felt like ice hitting my skin and the surge of energy ran from my hands all the way to my feet. I gasped but tried to stifle my reaction. It was too bad I would have to wait to assemble all nine pieces, but five would certainly give me the power I needed to start over. Then I would seek out the other four and the world would be at its knees.

  Mayukh extended his arm. His chunk of gold coin clicked when it landed on top of Gino's. Mayukh stepped back, his eyes never leaving mine. Sean and Simon were next. With four pieces of the ancient florin in my hand, I could barely contain the energy surging through my body. My teeth were chattering and my fingers tingled as if I stuck them into a light socket. The aromas in the air intensified. I could smell the crawfish Gino ate for dinner three nights ago and I could detect the woman The M12 bedded the night before.

  All of my senses sharpened, including my psychic abilities. My vision extended beyond its normal range and I could feel every soul within four square miles of the cave. I was also able to slip into the minds of multiple people at one time while remaining coherent in the moment. It was like having a series of televisions running inside my head. I saw a man bowling, a woman crying in her bathroom and a young teenage couple rolling around in the backseat of a car. And this was with only four of the nine pieces of Abramelin's florin.

  “I'll come with you. Make sure the gold is safe.”

  I wanted to slay The M12 right where he stood. I wanted to rip his throat out and set his head on fire. I remained calm, however, remembering I was in Matthew's body. The M12's suspicions were justified and I would have done the same in his position.

  “Sure,” I said, looking at the others. Nobody challenged The M12.

  “Let's go,” he said.

  “I haven't gotten yours yet,” I said.

  The M12 flashed a wide grin, his brilliant teeth shining from his dark-skinned face.

  “Of course,” he said, chuckling and shrugging like a wily school boy. “Here.”

  He flipped the fragment of the coin into the air. The light danced off the surface of the gold and it landed in my open palm, on top of the other fo
ur. The fifth coin brought another level of power and I staggered backward. The M12 grabbed my elbow and helped to steady me.

  “You got this?” he asked.

  I nodded. I could hear chuckles from the other warlocks. They would pay for the insult.

  “Yep,” I said. “Levi wants you to know how much he appreciates you coming to Ohio. He feels good about leaving the coven in your hands.”

  The four warlocks looked at me and then turned to each other again. I understood they thought I was Matthew but even the apprentice deserved more than that. I didn't know Mayukh well and Simon was a pain in the ass. But I was going to miss Sean and Gino. Sean had potential, and Gino and I went through so much together. But I couldn't leave anything to chance if I wanted a fresh start.

  The M12 complicated my plan but I'd come too far to let that foul-mouthed, arrogant, New York City scumbag deny me my new coven. I began walking from the cavern into the tunnel and toward the entrance to the cave with The M12 behind me. We made several turns until the light disappeared and the sounds from the other warlocks faded away. I stopped and leaned against the tunnel's wall.

  “You need to hit the gym, Farmer Joe. Work off that flab. Know what I'm sayin'?”

  “Give me a minute,” I said while gnawing on the asshole's insult. Something was about to be hit. He was correct.

  “That all you and the old man do out here? You run shine and hole up in that shitty cabin? That can't be it.”

  The M12 made a circle with the pointer finger and thumb on his left hand while pushing the pointer finger on his right through the opening. Back and forth with a wicked grin.

  “We don't do that,” I said.

  “Y'all be as queer as a three dollar bill.” He snickered. “Damn, don't be so sensitive, Matthew. I'm just fuckin' witcha.”

  My face was still flush at the joke but I managed a smile to put him at ease. It would be easier to kill him that way.

  “If you could start over, new name, new identity, would you do it? Would you give up everything you have now for a fresh start?”

  The question was off my lips before I could understand why I asked. The energy from the gold pieces was working through me in ways I could not fathom. It felt like I had electricity instead of blood running through my veins. I was listening to hundreds of conversations at once, from all over Adams County. I could see Sean, Gino and Simon talking at the altar while Mayukh stood alone. I could see the remains of my charred body inside of what was left of the cabin, and I could see what the next five minutes held for The M12.

  “Maybe I should be asking Rufus that question,” I said, referring to The M12’s real name.

  The smug grin slipped from The M12's face. He stared at me hard. He was trying to penetrate my thoughts but with the power of the five pieces in my palm, he would not.

  “Why The M12? That's a stupid fucking name.”

  The M12 grunted and his huge hands grabbed the tops of my overalls. He yanked me forward, knocking my hat off. I smiled, no longer fearful of the man or the warlock.

  “I ain't got time for no butt-fucking redneck bitch. We takin' them coins to Levi right now and then I'm gonna stomp the shit out of your pansy ass.”

  “Would you, Rufus?”

  I leaned into his grip and used my forehead to smash his nose. His hands dropped from my overalls and he clutched at his face. Even in the low light, I could see the blood pouring from between his fingers. His thoughts were violent and toxic. He collapsed to his knees.

  “New York is a stinking toilet of humanity. Paris is the only city worthy of a warlock. It might be time for me to go there, to go home.”

  The M12 looked up through watery eyes. He was breathing through his mouth, trying to stand. I was reaching for the hunting knife on my hip when I felt the pieces speak to me. They didn't tell me what to do, but I felt it.

  “I'm gonna fuck you up,” The M12 said as he rose to his feet. The blood stained his white teeth and accentuated the lines between them. He snarled and I could hear the bones in his hands cracking as he balled his fingers into fists.

  I raised my right arm, my fingers outstretched as if I were about to bless The M12. The nails on my fingers tingled and I could see golden sparks in the air just beyond them. The sparks turned into flames and streams of fire lit The M12's face. His eyes shot open and his jaw hung loose. I made a fist and the individual streams of fire coalesced into one.

  The M12 started to duck but it was too late. The fire shot from my hand and ignited his skin. The man's scream was dulled by the whoosh of the flame as it exploded on the rayon clothing covering his body. He dropped back to his knees in silence and I stepped back from the heat. I dropped my hand to my side and the flames disappeared while The M12 burned like a stack of dry pine. He sizzled and cracked and the tunnel began to smell like the bacon Matthew made me in the morning, the aroma attractive and sickening at the same time. Within sixty seconds, nothing was left of The M12 except a steaming, charred hunk of flesh barely recognizable as something once human. The fire destroyed his physical form and he no longer existed as human or warlock. I was lucky the vapors leaking from the tubs had not reached the tunnel, otherwise the entire cave could have blown with me in it.

  In that moment I understood the true power of Abramelin's ancient coin. These five pieces would permit me to escape and start over. The next quest would be to gather the remaining four. I would own all of the powers of the ancients.

  But my mind came back to the task at hand. The burning cabin sent smoke billowing into the skies and the first calls to Adams County 911 were being placed. I had only a few minutes to do what needed to be done. I could have ignited the cavern where the remaining four warlocks stood around the altar. I could have set them ablaze from here, but I knew I had enough time to stroke my own ego.

  When I approached the cavern, they stood shoulder to shoulder, all eyes on me. Whether or not they could smell The M12 roasting, they knew.

  “What is happening, my old friend?”

  “I think you know, Gino. This is my time. I'm really sorry.”

  “Ah, Levi,” he said. “You are truly a master amongst the masters. Très bien.”

  “Where is The M12?” Sean asked. “What did you do to him?”

  “Listen to me. You have been loyal to The Black Fang and I owe you an explanation before you die. Matthew wanted the coven. He sent the letters and the challenge, not I. I allowed it to happen knowing he was doing the dirty work for me. And he did. Only five of the nine pieces of the florin made it here, but it will be enough for me to start over. And once I do, I will acquire the other four pieces.”

  I thought I heard sirens in the distance. I tapped into the extended perception provided by the five pieces and confirmed it. The authorities were on their way.

  “So this is where it ends for you. Some win and some lose. It is the nature of existence.”

  Mayukh remained standing, his face blank and empty. Sean took a step toward me. Gino and Simon smiled, which made me uncomfortable.

  “Don't bother, son,” I said to Sean.

  He stopped and Simon crossed his arms, shifting his weight to one leg as though enjoying the drama.

  “The truth is,” I said, “you came here looking for my head. You wanted The Black Fang. You wanted the coven. And you lost. It's that simple. It won't be the first time leadership has been challenged. But for The Black Fang, it will be the last.”

  “Au revoir,” Gino said.

  Simon chuckled while Mayukh and Sean rushed me.

  I held up one hand and they all froze in place. I could feel the air currents in the cave and hear the sirens getting closer. But the four men in front of me stood fixed like statues. I summoned a more powerful version of The M12's time dilation spell, the one he used against his rival warlock, Louis Walker in Memphis.

  “So long, Gino,” I said.

  With my other hand I conjured a low, blue flame and aimed it at the bottom of the tubs where the explosive vapor was leaking out. Most of
the bathtubs were three-quarters full with mash, providing more than enough fuel to burn the bodies beyond recognition. I could feel the men screaming in my head, pleading for me to spare them. This had to happen and it had to happen now.

  I turned and ran through the tunnel, past the smoking remains of The M12. I heard the first muffled explosions as the highly flammable vapors ignited. Before reaching the wooden doors, I stopped and laid all five pieces of gold coin on the ground, each one forming a point of the pentagram. I summoned the powers of Abramelin and recited hymns from an ancient grimoire, one designed to reanimate flesh.

  The first swirling of matter appeared to my right. A series of bones came together, followed by a pink mist. Within seconds, a young, twenty-year old man sat next to me. He was one of the two witch hunters I killed and stored in the cave for just such a need. He was fully clothed and awaiting my command. His eyes were blank, like a broken mirror. I turned and put my lips on his, this time breathing life's essence into the shell instead of drawing it out as I did with Matthew.

  I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was looking back at Matthew's body. My new hands pushed him away and he fell to the dirt, eyes open and unblinking. I gathered the coins and put them into my pocket. I stood and ran through the doorway, turning to run the rusted chain through the lock of the wooden door. If the last surviving members of The Black Fang managed to escape the spell and the initial explosion, they'd be trapped behind the doors while the inferno raged and seared the flesh from their bones.

  I grabbed my cloak and staff from an iron hook at the mouth of the cave. It was almost dawn and the new light electrified the brilliant colors of the fall foliage. I wouldn't miss much about Ohio except autumn. The air was crisp with the smell of burnt pine coming from the cabin. I put the cloak on and pulled the hood over my head. As I stepped from the cave, I saw the first of the fire trucks coming down the driveway where the cabin was still in flames.

  I turned and walked down a concealed path leading to the highway, where I would be able to carjack the next passerby with a simple look. Physical violence was not necessary now that I had the power of five of the nine pieces. A glance would be all it would take to convince someone to step out of their vehicle and give it to me. The police would discover the bodies of Matthew and Levi along with five other men. They would not spend much time on the investigation, knowing of our illicit activities. Our still would be one less for the government to shut down. They'd seal the cave and bulldoze what was left of the cabin.


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