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Soul Stone Mage Complete Collection Boxed Set

Page 51

by Sarah Noffke

“What? What do you mean?”

  “It’s gone. Poof! Disappeared overnight,” Finnegan told her, his voice frantic.

  “Oh, but that can’t be!” Emeri turned, appraising the wizard in front of her.

  “It’s true. I realize that because I irrigated the crops the morning of the infection I might have gotten a stronger dosage, but what if this strain is more potent? What if everyone in Virgo who has the virus is going to lose their magic right away?” Finnegan asked.

  Emeri tightened her mouth and shook her head. “That’s not going to happen. We won’t allow it. And we will find a way for you to get your magic back.”

  “Oh, you’ve always been strong, but I fear that there’s little hope, especially for an old wizard like myself.” Finnegan pulled his wand from his pocket and held it up. He laughed coldly at it. “I’ve had this wand for almost five hundred years, and now it’s useless to me.”

  A small light buzzed nearby and then the figure of the fairy shot into view. The silver-haired fairy sank down until she was perched on Finnegan’s shoulder. “Hey, listen—we’ve told you it’s going to be okay.”

  Emeri smiled weakly at the sweet fairy. They had always taken such good care of Finnegan. “Luna is right. And the best thing you can do is to get some rest. Preserve your strength, so that when we have a cure you can get right back to work.”

  Finnegan laughed, but this time it was genuine. “You’ve always been a slave-driver, haven’t you?”

  “I just know you’re happiest working on the farm.” Emeri turned her gaze on the buzzing fairy. “Please follow Finnegan home. And let the House know if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” Luna said, pulling on a piece of Finnegan’s hair and leading him forward as if he were on a leash.

  Emeri’s smile dropped. She should have said more. Helped Finnegan to feel better. But what else could she have said?

  “The people of Virgo still look to you for comfort.” Richard’s voice came from behind her.

  Straightening, Emeri turned and faced him. He was wearing his usual get-up of slacks and a button-up shirt. He wore only neutral colors, like most humans from Terran. How strange Emeri must look beside him with her vibrant hair and eyes and colorful dress!

  “The people of Virgo are in a time of need,” Emeri said plainly.

  “And even though you’re suffering, you’re still trying to remain strong for them,” Richard observed.

  “The job of the royal family doesn’t go away when a queen gives up her crown.”

  Richard’s face fell. “First of all, I want to say I’m sorry.”

  “Yet again,” Emeri said, bustling back the way she’d come. Richard strode beside her, his eyes on her stony expression.

  “You don’t seem to hear me when I say it. Also, you’ve insinuated that I’ve abandoned my duties to Terran. I didn’t—I was stripped of my title.” Richard’s voice was a rough whisper.

  “I’m fully aware of that. I’m not insinuating anything. I can’t help it if you have a guilty conscience,” Emeri spat.

  “I’ve been trying to help Azure. You know that.”

  “Yes, word has gotten out that the human from Terran is being noble from time to time,” Emeri said, her voice cold.

  “You know, hating me takes away precious energy you could be using for other things,” Richard said. There was an almost-smile in his eyes.

  “Hating you has given my life purpose.”

  Richard stared down at a row of rose bushes that were bursting with life, something both he and Emeri were losing faster than ever. Emeri would begin to age quickly without her magic, and without drawing from the elements, Richard would also meet death much sooner. However, after seeing the damage to the Dark Forest and realizing what Phillip had been doing to make Terran great, he wouldn’t pull magic anymore. It felt wrong—or maybe it was that he felt the need to punish himself somehow.

  “Well, I never hated you. You and I were put into unfortunate positions. A no-win situation,” Richard said, and when Emeri didn’t soften he added, “I always wanted to fight Phillip, but I feared what he’d do if I did.”

  “Oh, like create a virus that robbed me of my magic?” Emeri yelled so loudly that she unsettled the dodos.

  “It took him several decades to do that. Just imagine what he would have done if I’d rebelled. He probably would have waged a war, with no regard for the treaty.” Richard gazed at Emeri with an earnest look in his eyes.

  She tilted her head up, her nose pinched. “I still don’t approve of having you here. I only tolerate it for Azure.”

  “Who by the way, is as incredible as her mother and just as impressive as queen.”

  Emeri shook her head in response and hurried forward, leaving Richard at her back.

  “Queen Azure treats me with the same indifference, but I’ll spend my remaining years proving to you both that I deserve a second chance,” Richard called, a lightness to his tone.

  Chapter Three

  Laurel strode beside Queen Azure, her eyes low. It was still so strange for the werecat to travel around Virgo without having to be hyperaware of her surroundings. She’d have to get used to it.

  “Are you sure you won’t join us? We could use someone with your logic skills on this expedition,” Azure said.

  “No, I’m cataloging new plants native to Virgo. I documented all the ones I could find in Lancothy. This is a part of my life’s work—to create essential oils from plants which have many uses.”

  “You will fit in well here in Virgo with that mindset. We too rely on Oriceran to heal us and provide the remedies we need,” Azure told her.

  “Except for now. Your people…” Laurel’s voice trailed off, her cat-eyes full of remorse.

  “My people will recover. We’ll use industrious spirits like yours to persevere.”

  “Maybe I’ll discover something while you’re gone—something that can help. I’m intrigued by the lavender that grows wild here. I’ve never seen anything like it, and think the medicinal purposes will be numerous,” Laurel said, a bit of excitement in her voice.

  “Very good. I’ve asked Finnegan to give you access to the lab in Charmsgood’s old potions shop. It’s not being used, and will be a good place for you to create your essential oils. Once they’re tested, feel free to sell them at the artisan market,” Azure said, taking the reins of the horse that had been brought to her.

  “Oh good, the queen has decided to grace us with her presence,” Monet said. He was already on his own horse.

  “Where’s Gillian?” Azure asked, staring around.

  “You haven’t heard?” Monet asked, covering his laugh with the side of his hand.

  “Heard what?” Azure wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Had the gnome abandoned them after stealing secrets, like Ever?

  “Well, your favorite new pet decided he was accompanying us, and Gillian actually agreed,” Monet said, pointing to the stable doors.

  Azure stared at them, confusion masking her expression. She dropped the reins of her horse when Blisters came galloping out of the stables. A saddle had been poorly fitted to the little unicorn, and it slid to the ground as he bounded forward.

  “Blisters, what are you doing here?” Azure asked.

  “I get to go on your adventure. The lovely Gillian agreed when I made him an offer,” the small unicorn said, frolicking in a circle.

  Azure lifted her gaze to find Gillian marching out of the stable, a bridle in his hand.

  “What is going on?” she asked.

  “Well, as you might have guessed, Queen Azure,” Gillian began, “I’m a bit small to ride a full-sized horse.”

  “However…” Monet interjected, a wide smile on his face.

  “However, Blisters agreed that I could ride him, if he was allowed to go,” Gillian said, his chest puffed out.

  “Oh, dear Merlin.” Azure struck her forehead with her hand, her eyes wide. “And of course you wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to ride a unicorn, even if he brin
gs disaster and death with him,” Azure whispered in Gillian’s direction, a hand cupped around her mouth.

  “Exactly,” Gillian said proudly. He strode forward and fitted the bridle over Blisters’ head, although the excited unicorn jumped around, making the task much harder.

  “I’m going to save the world! Me and my pals are going to save Oriceran. Glory be to us!”

  Azure stared into the heavens. “Fuck my life,” she whispered.

  “I second that, sister,” Monet said, withdrawing a flask from his robes and taking a long drink.

  Azure grabbed her reins and again mounted her horse before gazing at Laurel. “Well, if we don’t return, please take care of Finswick for me. Maybe take him on your travels. He’s always wanted to leave Virgo, but I’ve never allowed it.” Azure’s familiar had helped to rid the House of Enchanted of those bugs Phillip had spying on them. He really deserved a reward, one that included more than her gratitude. Soon she’d see that he got it.

  Laurel offered an encouraging smile. “I’m certain that won’t be necessary. I’ll be here when you all return,” the werecat said.

  “Hold still,” Gillian said to Blisters with an irritated growl. He replaced the saddle on the unicorn’s back, tightening it and ensuring the attached bags were secure. Twice he tried to throw his stumpy leg over to mount, but was dragged the opposite direction. Gillian held onto the reins as the tiny unicorn charged forward, unaware that his rider was only half on him.

  After nearly being trampled under his hooves, Gillian pulled himself upright on Blisters, a determined look in his eyes. The gnome gripped the reins, holding them tightly.

  “It isn’t too late to make different travel arrangements,” Azure said, careful in her choice of words.

  Thinking she was speaking to him, Blisters shook his head, his mane of rainbow hair swaying. “No, I’ve made up my mind. I want Gillian as my rider.”

  Azure offered the gnome one last look of warning, to which he replied by tucking his chin and flicking the reins. “We’d better be off. We’ll want to reach the river by nightfall.”

  Blisters started forward, a small toot sounding from his rear end like a broken trumpet. His horn-like music didn’t stop until Azure and Monet joined Blisters, their horses striding beside him as he ran at full speed.

  Chapter Four

  The terrain was comprised of rolling hills, which the horses managed easily. Even the little unicorn was able to handle the rise and fall of the land without issue. What he was poor at was remaining quiet.

  “When do you think Mage Lenore will deliver my wand? I keep checking each morning. Did you ask her when you met? Which reminds me, have any of you ever had a canker sore in your mouth? The queen mother says that it’s because I talk too much, but I don’t know—”

  “How did Mage Lenore remind you of a canker sore?” Monet asked, cutting Blisters off.

  The unicorn laughed, making Gillian bounce up and down. “Oh, you’re funny. So, in preparation for the trip I brought lots of supplies. Water, matches, candles, candy—”

  “Why did you bring a fire starter?” Gillian asked, his voice irritated.

  “Because I’m afraid of the dark,” Blisters said, his high-pitched voice full of shame.

  “No, I mean, why would you clutter up your saddlebags with such things when we are able to manifest fire with magic?” Gillian shook his head.

  Monet pulled his horse up next to Azure, who was in the lead. “Do you also sense that we will be dumber by the end of this journey? I can feel the brain cells popping in my head.”

  “If you get poisoned or mortally wounded you’ll be grateful that a unicorn is one of your traveling companions,” Azure said, her eyes on the upcoming ridge, which bordered the Conca River.

  “You know what, that’s what I loathe about you. You’re always trying to see the best in people or a situation like a fucking optimist,” Monet complained.

  “I only ever see your numerous flaws, though. Did you know that you have one nostril that’s larger than the other? And you have baby hands. Oh, and your jaw clicks when you chew, which is highly annoying. I have also noticed—”

  Monet urged his horse ahead, leaving Azure behind wearing a proud smile. Honestly, what Azure appreciated most about her longtime friend was he never treated her differently. All her life people had bowed to her every time she walked into room. She hardly knew if most liked her for who she was. But that had never been true of Monet. He treated her like she was a real person, not the Queen, and she needed that. Everyone needed someone who loved them for who they were and not the role they were born into.

  The group rode on, listening to Blisters practicing different tunes for the better part of an hour. “I’m considering going into entertainment at some point,” the runt unicorn informed everyone proudly. “Ever told me… Wait, is it okay to talk about the traitor, or should we pretend that he’s dead to us?”

  “We’re on a journey to apprehend the traitor,” Azure said.

  “And murder him,” Monet added from the front of the group.

  “Right, well, he told me about this contest show on Earth. It’s called ‘America’s Got Talent.’ He also said there was a similar dancing show called ‘So You Think You Can Dance.’ I, by the way, know I can dance. I’d love to go on one of those shows and strut my stuff. I’ve been working on a tap number at night, which the queen mother says is loud enough to wake the dead. I think that’s a good sign. I’m thinking of adding a juggling aspect to the act—”

  “Wa-wa-wait.” Azure cut Blisters off, throwing her chin over her shoulder. “How do you plan to juggle? You don’t have hands.”

  The unicorn laughed again. “You’re funny, Queen Azure. Isn’t she funny, Gillian?”

  “Hilarious,” Gillian said, his voice neutral as he tried to suppress his annoyance.

  As the gray waters of the Conca River came into view Monet sped up, veering his horse to the left to run alongside the banks.

  “Hey, hold up!” Azure yelled.

  “I wasn’t born this century, Queeny. I think I can cross the river on my own,” Monet called over his shoulder.

  Monet directed his horse to a spot where the current was slower. Azure kicked her heels into her horse, closing the distance between her and the bank faster. “Monet, I’m not kidding. I’ve learned a thing or two on these adventures outside Virgo.”

  She halted the horse and swung her leg down.

  “You just have to be in charge, don’t you?” Monet asked, playfulness in his voice.

  “I’m serious. The rivers and lakes outside Virgo aren’t like what we’re used to.” She knelt, eying the flowing water.

  “Okay, I’ll humor you. What’s so different here? You’ve never been to the Conca River before.” Monet dismounted and stared at Azure, hands on his hips.

  “Well, I can tell by that look in your beady green eyes that you don’t believe me, so why don’t you do the honors of calling the creatures I’ve made alliances with?” Azure asked, standing and waving at the river.

  “How do I do that?” Monet asked, one eyebrow arching.

  “Stick your finger in the river.”

  Blisters trotted over with Gillian on his back, both wearing curious expressions.

  “Just stick my precious finger into this mysterious river, huh?” Monet asked, shaking his head.

  “Well, you were about to ride your defenseless horse through it. I say you should be a man and find out what’s in this river,” Azure said.

  “Oh, fine.” Monet knelt and stuck his hand in the river, his gaze directed at Azure. “What do I do now?”

  She smiled. “You wait.”

  “For what?” he asked, looking strained from bending over awkwardly.

  Azure looked at Gillian. “Friend Gillian, what is Monet waiting for?” she asked the gnome.

  “He’ll know.”

  “I know how to kick your ass. This is ridic—” Monet jumped back, clutching his hand. “Motherfucker! Something bit me!�

  “Oh, yes, I figured as much,” Azure said, leaning down over the river.

  A moment later a head full of brown hair rose from the river, attached to a petulant mermaid. Her blue eyes narrowed as she wiped her mouth, spitting blood into the water. She continued to rise until her bare shoulders came into view, but under the surface the current from her tail moving could be seen. “Ugh, witches taste horrible,” the mermaid said, scooping water into her mouth and gargling.

  “What the hell is that? There are women in these rivers?” Monet staggered back, his expression mixed.

  “Not just women,” Azure said, cautioning him by moving her hand at her side. “Hello. I’m Queen Azure of Virgo, friend of Farrah and Tabby, the mermaids to the north.”

  The mermaid blinked at Azure, a clever expression on her face. “Are you the one who baited me with that wizard’s blood? I’ll have a stomachache now, you realize.” She pointed to Monet, who was clutching his hand to his chest.

  “He can probably give you something for the stomachache, if you give him something for your venom,” Azure said.

  “Venom? Are you fucking kidding me? You set me up! Very funny, Queen Jerk-face,” Monet said, sounding mostly amused.

  “It’s true, I did,” Azure agreed, her eyes on the mermaid in front of her. “Monet, do you have something in your potions kit for stomachaches?”

  “You know I do. I planned to spend most of this trip drunk, and to hell with my intolerance of dairy. Balls to the wall, I say,” Monet said, trotting over to his horse, where his saddlebag held different ingredients and potions.

  The mermaid eyed the young wizard and then Azure. “Okay, fine. I’ll make an exchange, but first I want to know why you tricked me.”

  “Because we didn’t want our horses bitten or eaten alive, for one,” Azure said, holding up a single finger. She added another to it. “Secondly, the other mermaids I’ve met have been a great help to me. I know you’re not the biggest danger when we’re crossing a body of water, but you’re the smartest. You know what we should be aware of when next to the river. We’re supposed to cross and travel south along the banks until we reach the mountains again.”


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