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Keystrokes Page 1

by Lisa Marie


  By Lisa Marie

  © Lisa Marie 2014

  Published By Entertwine Publishing

  Cover Image By Lori Cicchini

  (Loriana Fotographia)

  Cover By Lisa Marie

  All Rights Reserved

  Digital Edition

  Copyright Disclosure

  Thank you for downloading this eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

  All character, places, and descriptions come from the imagination of the author. All are fictional and any resemblance to real life persons or places is purely coincidental.

  To my Husband Dave

  We have a car.


  I can’t believe what I am reading.

  “Entertainer Insider is looking for a talented book blogger to be the official voice of the highly anticipated movie: DIRTY, Starring Kasen Wells and Sierra Bien. Wells and Bien will star as Tate and Jess in this movie version of the Erotic Motorcycle club book of the same name.

  Entertainer Insider is looking for a book blogger with a successful following, a love of the book DIRTY and the desire to step out of the box….”

  I gulp down a glass of wine and pour some more.

  “To enter, submit your ORIGINAL review of DIRTY (Links to the blog feed and other review site feeds), tell us about how you became a book blogger and why you want to rub elbows with the cast and crew of DIRTY on location, length of time to be determined.

  The winning blogger will receive contractual position with Entertainer Insider, with the possibility of a permanent blogging position upon completion of DIRTY. Housing, transportation and behind the scenes EXCLUSIVE access to all scenes and interviews with Kasen, Sierra and all supporting actors.”

  I can’t believe what I am reading. DIRTY was the first Motorcycle Club book I ever read. It was the book that led me to the path of the book blogger. That was a year and a half ago. Swallowing more wine, I open my bag of Skittles and click the entry link. There are hundreds of book bloggers, there is no way I will win this contract.

  I copy and paste the very first review post link from my blog “DIRTY GIRL BOOK BLOG”.

  “‘His powerful hand surrounds my throat, and a bolt of electricity reaches my core. My hands are bound securely above me, and my blindfold is tight. I know I’m safe, but my breathing would say otherwise.’

  Tate is power. He has control over every situation and never seems to lose it.

  “I’m going to tie you to the bench now, Jess. Soon you will feel nothing but me fucking you. It will be rough. You will be gagged. Now is your only chance to use your safe word. Do you have anything to say?” Tate asks. I simply shake my head and open my mouth. “Good Girl,” he whispers as he secures the gag in place.”

  This scene plays over and over in my head and all I can think is YES, MASTER.!

  The way DIRTY is written leaves plenty of opportunity for a screenwriter to say “A-HA! Let’s add some lube here, and a little glitter there. VOILA a movie!” If one day they decide to make this a movie, I would jump at the opportunity to audition for the role of Jess, as long as Kasen Wells is cast as Tate, and the scene we have to screen test is the ball gag scene. HOLY HOTTTTT!”

  I laugh as I read my first blog entry. Even a year and a half ago, I wanted Kasen Wells to be the lead. Shaking my head, I scroll through and answer the rest of the entry form and click submit. Funny how they have a submit button for a contest about a heavy KINK movie.

  I close my computer, grab my Skittles and head to my bedroom to read the next book up for review on my blog. Twenty minutes later and still I can’t concentrate on the book. It’s by a fairly new author with quite the fan following, and I have been excited to host this one on my blog, but my thoughts keep running back to DIRTY. Picking up my phone, I decide to check out that contest again.

  Contest Deadline 11:59 P.M. PST, January 15.

  I look at the clock on my phone. 1:02 A.M., January 16. An hour time difference. They are no longer accepting entries. Now the waiting game begins.

  I decide to forgo the new book, just for tonight, and snuggle under the covers in my flannel pajama bottoms and dream of DIRTY. I think I need a re-read and new batteries. Sighing, I turn off my light and close my eyes.

  “I-I’m sorry, Tate!” Dropping to my knees, I wipe a tear from my cheek. “What the hell do you want me to do? Stop giving me the silent treatment and tell me how I can fix this because I am at a fucking loss here!”

  Tate steps in front of me, he towers over me and even the shadows quake in his presence. He brushes the tear from my eye and cocks his head thoughtfully. Smiling at my submission, he unzips his pants. “That’s my girl. Open your mouth.”

  Rolling over in complete frustration, I toss my arm over my eyes. “Yup…lots of freaking batteries.”

  Chapter 1



  I am SO excited! Tomorrow is my flight to New Orleans! Who will be at the event?

  I can’t wait to meet some of the authors I have been reading for what seems like forever. I know their books, their characters. I feel like they are my sisters. I’ll be wearing my Dirtygirl lanyard. Come find me and take pics! I want to post your face with mine on my blog!

  Forgive me if I am not online much this weekend, but I will definitely be available via email and twitter! I may even instagram pics as I go! Come say hi! I don’t bite, unless you are Kasen Wells and you really want me to. But then again, if you were Kasen Wells, I would do anything you ask of me!

  Sweet dreams!

  XO Farrow!


  Today is a huge day for book whores and smut slingers alike. It’s the annual book signing event in New Orleans. Authors, cover models, bloggers and fan-girls all come together for a little fun, networking and of course staring at sexy, tattooed, muscular, male cover models.


  Standing in line to check in at the hotel, I recognize some of my favorite authors. Jasmine Price, who writes about a rock band with the ability to nail every chick from LA to Baton Rouge. C.K. Taylor, who writes historical romance, corsets and topcoats, oh my! And Madam X, who writes the dirtiest, most graphic BDSM books imaginable. Biting my lip, I am beyond excited. I might just squee.

  “Can I help you, Miss?” A deep accented voice knocks me back to reality.

  “Uh, Hi! Farrow Connoley please.” I hand the front desk attendant my I.D. and printed off room reservation sheet. As he is looking up my info, I turn around to take in the atmosphere. The lobby of the hotel is stunning! Gray and black with candles on lacquered coffee tables. Natural light filling the space from the glorious floor to ceiling windows.

  “Here you are, Miss Connoley. You are checked into one of our Spectacular rooms. Please, enjoy your stay.”

  He hands me my key card and offers directions to my room. I just want to sleep, as it has been a long day. However since I am networking like a fiend this weekend, I have time to change out of my travel clothes and go rub elbows with the muscular and sexy. I put on my jeans and fuchsia dress shirt, tie my DIRTY GIRL lanyard around my neck and head toward the elevator. Pressing the button for the lobby, I lean against the wall and decide to do some social networking. I open up my twitter:

  FarrowConnoley: Heading to the hotties. W Hotel #NOLA #WISHUWEREHERE #BOOKWHORE

  The elevator comes to a stop on the main floor, and I step out, scanning the lobby for any familiar faces. The event doesn’t start until tomor
row, so many people are meeting up for dinner and drinks tonight. I receive the ping notification for a new email and I open the program.

  Ted Parkins, Entertainer Insider, CEO


  Dear Ms. Connoley,

  Thank you for your submission in the Dirty blogger contest. We received quite literally thousands of submissions for this amazing opportunity, but we can only have one winner.

  CONGRATULATIONS, Ms. Connoley! Your submission has been chosen and your blog Dirty Girl Book Blog will have EXCLUSIVE access throughout the filming of the much anticipated movie adaptation of DIRTY.

  Please find release forms attached that we will need to receive back from you as soon as possible, so we may process the information for insurance purposes and make arrangements for your transportation and lodging.

  You will receive a telephone call from our HR Manager, Susan Wayne, upon receipt of the attached forms to confirm all your information and to review your contractual obligations.

  Once again, congratulations, Ms. Connoley. This is the opportunity of a lifetime!

  Ted Parkins

  CEO Entertainer Insider

  Okay. Wait. What? Clearly they have made a mistake or someone is playing a nasty joke on me. So I read it again and two more times to be sure. My shaky finger hovering over the screen, scrolling down on the email so I can read the last line again.

  “Once again, congratulations, Ms. Connoley. This is the opportunity of a lifetime!”

  I won. I can’t believe I won! HOLY SHIT! I WON!

  I start laughing. Seriously Snaughling. I cover my mouth and bite my lip when I notice people heard me snort. Their dirty looks are warranted as the sound was definitely not attractive. This is the most amazing I have ever felt. I totally deserve this. I have worked hard and it finally paid off. I get to meet Kasen Wells! Holy shit…I get to meet Kasen Wells. And hang out with him every day. And ask him questions. And…and.

  Realization hits me. I need a printer. NOW! Racing to the front counter, I ask the attendant for a WIFI connection to print from my phone. After entering the password given to me, I am printing waivers, release forms and contracts. This is about to get real.

  Rushing back through the lobby to the bank of elevators with my future in my hands, I see other bloggers. Reading their emails, frowning and carrying on. I hear sighs and groans from everywhere. Disappointment is thick in the air, but all I can do is smile as I head to my room to fill out these forms and get them back.

  An hour later and the attendant is faxing my future as a blogger off for me, I take a deep breath and decide to have one last normal night as a regular book blogger and go take in all of the festivities. Really, I just want to pack up, go home and seriously freak out. This will be the last event I do unrecognized. It all changes in a couple of weeks when filming begins.

  Walking into the hotel bar, it takes my breath away. Backlit in blue, against black bar tops and shelving. There are stools and banquet couches, and it screams elegance. I can’t see bar fights ever happening in here. This place is stunning. I take a seat on one of the couches and order a Manhattan. I can feel the vibration of my phone. No one ever calls me, and when they do, it’s usually a wrong number. I look at the screen and see that it’s S.WAYNE from an eight-one-eight area code…. I take a cleansing breath and answer the call.

  “H-Hello?” I practically whisper into the phone. My hands are shaking so hard.

  “Yes, good evening. May I speak with Ms. Farrow Connoley, please?”

  “This is she.” My knees begin bouncing uncontrollably.

  “Hello, Ms. Connoley. This is Susan Wayne from Entertainer Insider. I would like to offer my personal congratulations for winning the contest.” I can hear the genuine congratulations in her voice. She continues, “I do apologize about calling you at this time. I realize that you are on personal time. The hotel you are staying in is absolutely beautiful.”

  Momentarily, I wonder how she knows where I am staying, and then I recall the cover sheet has the hotel information on it. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Wayne.” I manage to squeak out. My palms are sweating so badly, and I have a death grip on my phone so it doesn’t slide out of my hand.

  “I just wanted to let you know that by morning, your name will be all over the blogosphere. Be ready for it. With your signed paperwork, we are releasing your name on our official site tonight.”

  I swallow hard.

  “Do you have any questions, Ms. Connoley?”

  “I don’t think so. Wait. Is this real? I really won?”

  “I can assure you, Ms. Connoley, your blog won and you have been granted the most sought after prize this year.” She chuckles. “I’ll call you on Monday and we will discuss the itinerary, but tonight I just wanted to prepare you for the attention you are about to receive. I have already asked the hotel to assure your safety, if it comes down to that.”

  “Okay.” I look around, and no one knows who I am yet. This is borrowed time. “It won’t come down to that I’m sure. But thank you all the same.”

  “Enjoy your weekend, Ms. Connoley. I’ll speak with you on Monday.”

  “Thank you. Goodbye”

  I sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. Staring at my phone screen in disbelief. I down my drink and remove my lanyard. I plan on staying anonymous as long as possible.



  I get to be on the set of DIRTY.

  I won the contest.

  I peed a little.


  XO Farrow

  Chapter 2


  I’m packed. I quit the jobs I don’t enjoy doing and I left my apartment. My landlord was cool, but I know she wasn’t happy with me. My flight is in three hours and I am just finishing up before I head to the airport. When I arrive, I will blog, tweet, and scream it to the mountains!

  I get to meet Kasen. HOLY CROW!!! I GET TO MEET KASEN!

  Wish me luck, and if you aren’t yet, make sure you follow me soon. You don’t want to miss out on any of the DIRTY updates! * whispers* kasenwellskasenwellskasenwells

  Up, Up and Away!

  XO Farrow


  The arrivals lounge is filled with weary travelers and under stimulated children. A little boy runs past me and trips over a backpack that sits on the floor. I rush over to help him up and see if he’s okay. The tears that inform us that the end of the world is indeed upon us are streaming down his cheeks. I reach him just as another passenger does, and I take a step back but stay close and look around for the child’s parents. I watch as the male passenger rolls up the boy’s pant leg to check out his knee, and then reaches in his pocket and pulls out a toy car. He gives it to the boy, offers a high five and the boy runs past me again, back to his family who seems to be too distracted to notice that he was hurt. I admire the back of the male passenger’s head. Shaved brown hair with a strong neck and broad shoulders. He rubs his hand over his head and stands, turning toward the carousel and me. Five o’clock shadow, bright white smile, defined Adam’s apple. Faded jeans, Henley t-shirt, tattooed left forearm. I gasp. No. It can’t be.

  I can’t stop staring. Not for a second. I am six feet away from Kasen Wells. My cheeks flush, my knees start shaking, and yes, my breathing changes. Do I introduce myself? I need to stop staring, or at least close my mouth.

  He turns his head and we make eye contact. Those green eyes are TO.DIE.FOR. I can’t move. I can barely swallow. I am dumbstruck, star struck and stupefied. I honestly have no clue what to do in this situation. He is absolutely beautiful. Kasen blinks, frowns and puts his aviators back on. Shaking his head, he picks up his backpack and walks toward me. My heart starts beating rapidly and my hands start sweating. He stops right in front of me and in a hushed tone, practically begs, “You obviously know who I am, please don’t scream. I really hate that.”

  I lick my lips and nod. I can barely remem
ber my own name. I am pretty sure that his identity is safe with me. Kasen walks to the carousel and picks up the last two suitcases. Everyone is starting to clear out of the area, there are only a few of us left, but I really don’t want to bring attention to him.

  “This one yours?” He asks, offering the suitcase to me.

  “Mmmmhum…yes. Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.” I barely get the words out.

  “No. Thank you for not freaking out.” He extends the handle on his own suitcase and walks away.

  That did not go well. I throw my laptop bag and carry on over my shoulder, while extending the handle on my own suitcase and walk in the same direction Kasen went, toward the exit. He was swallowed by the crowd of people. I can’t believe how star struck I was. Self-doubt begins to creep in. I don’t know how I will get through the next two months.

  I finally reach the door and walk outside. A man is holding a sign with my last name on it. I start to walk toward him, when I see Kasen’s car drive past me. A flush creeps over my face when I notice him looking my way through the open window. I smile and wave as he does the same, and then he’s gone. Shaking myself out of my daze, I climb into the car with the assistance of the driver. On the seat is my information package and a set of keys for my temporary residence.

  I open twitter on my phone:

  FarrowConnoley: Just saw @KasenWells in the airport. He gave me my bag. I may have drooled #starstruck #speechlessforonce #slipperywhenwet

  The car pulls up to a beautiful loft tower. My driver sends me ahead while he unloads my bags. Entering the lobby through the glass doors I turn and take in my surroundings. Black furniture with silver fixtures and open brickwork seem to be the theme, and it’s stunning. I am approached by the concierge, who directs me to my floor with the promise of delivering my personal effects. The elevator opens, and I am surrounded by mirrored walls. Old fashioned floor numbers decorate the panel to the left of the elevator door. I press four and take a deep breath. When the elevator opens again, I am surprised to find only two doors on this floor. One to the left and one to the right. I turn to the right and unlock my door.


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