by Lisa Marie
Upon entering the loft, I am speechless. The suite is a completely open floor plan with bare beams and visible brick work. The kitchen is to the left and is full of granite counter space and stainless steel appliances. Directly in front of me is the living space. The white overstuffed sofa looks inviting. I let out a sigh upon squeezing one of the pillows. Blogging daily from this couch could be heaven. I begin to walk toward the windows, when there is a light tap on the open door.
“Your bags, Ms. Connoley.”
I walk to greet the concierge at the door. He enters and takes my bags to the bedroom. I follow closely behind and stop abruptly in my tracks when we arrive to the room. There’s a beautiful king sized bed with a plush duvet and Tulle curtains billow into the room from the open windows. A beautiful bouquet of flowers sits on the writing table.
I may never want to leave.
“If you should need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My name is Sergey.” The concierge offers me his card. I take a twenty dollar bill from my pocket and offer it to him. “No need, Miss. It has all been taken care of by Entertainer Insider.”
He walks into the kitchen and shows me where the house phone is. “Just pick up the phone and you will reach the front desk. It’s like the bat-phone.” He smiles at me.
“So would that make you Commissioner Gordon?” I raise my eyebrow and smirk.
“Yes.” He walks to the door. “Welcome to Gotham City.” He tips his invisible hat as he exits my loft.
Locking the door behind him, I sit at the bar in the kitchen. This place is amazing. It has everything I have ever wanted, yet could never afford. Since I have no obligations until six in the morning, I decide to order some Chinese food and get a head start on the blogging.
Getting Down and Dirty – The Arrival
By Farrow Connoley
I have arrived. After an uneventful flight, I have made it to my destination.
Who am I kidding, my arrival was UNBELIEVABLE!!! I got off the plane with the rest of the weary travelers, and hyper children and made my way to the luggage carousel.
A little boy about five years old went running by me at warp speed and tripped over a backpack. OH MY WORD, can children scream and cry. I ran to help him out but was beaten to it by another passenger. I kept looking around for this boy’s parents and saw no one coming after him. I mean, really, your five year old child is away from you in a crowded airport…
The male passenger (oh, did I forget to mention that the other passenger was male???) gave the boy a toy car. When he turned to look at me, I may have begun speaking in a foreign language and doing a little fertility dance while smearing whipped cream and chocolate sauce all over my body. (Or maybe I stood dumbstruck and drooling. Only one of those is true.) Why would I be doing either of these? Two words:
Beautiful green eyes. And lips. And…sigh
I can’t wait to get to the set tomorrow and express my undying lust for Kasen and offer myself up as his personal sex slave. He’ll whisk me away to his secret hillside manor, where we will live happily ever after…with lots of whipped cream and chocolate sauce, or I will become a complete babbling idiot forgetting how to speak in coherent sentences. He will take pity on me and just be nice for the next couple of months. (Only one of these will happen)
side note: Dear Kasen, I didn’t scream at the airport. I couldn’t even breathe. I am truly not an idiot. Thank you for smiling at me*
Have a great night friends! I know MY dreams will be pleasant ;)
XO Farrow
I take to twitter, read my replies, and as I page down I stop scrolling and my eyes bug out of my head.
KasenWells: @FarrowConnoley There was no drool that I could see #notascreamereither #nicechange
Holy crap. He replied to my earlier tweet, and the fans went nuts! So many replies and retweets. It’s kind of ridiculous, but it’s all part of the insanity. I close the app and toss my phone to the couch. Like it’s on fire. Like he can see me through the screen or something. Covering my face, I squeal into my hands and take a deep breath.
Chapter 3
My alarm clock is making such a god awful racket at such an early hour. Four thirty is too early for anyone to be awake, and besides this bed is much too comfortable to leave so soon. All I need is five more minutes, I mean… it IS still dark out.
I hear my phone ringing so I find it on the table and swipe across the screen. It’s still ringing and there is no one there. I sit up and try to figure out where I am. Confusion sets in as the phone begins to ring again. I realize it’s the house phone and run to the kitchen.
“Ms. Connoley, your car is here.”
My car? I look at the clock. Five thirty. DAMN! “I’ll be right down!” I run to the bedroom tearing off my sweats and t-shirt as I go.
I throw on my black skinny jeans, black tunic and woolen sweater. Twist my hair up in a ponytail and wrap a scarf around my neck. No time for makeup this morning. Running into the living room, I grab my notebook, cell phone and tablet. I am SO not prepared for this.
I enter the lobby and take a deep breath. Sergey rushes to help me with my bag. Opening the car door, he wishes me a good day. Sitting down I realize I am not alone. He looks up and smiles. I can’t hide my shock. I thought I would be alone. My mouth drops open.
“Well, if it isn’t Ms. Farrow Connoley.” He reaches out with his tattooed hand and closes my mouth with his finger. “Since it will be one of the two, I’ll take the whipped cream and chocolate sauce.” He leans in and whispers conspiratorially.
“Oh.” I squeak, realizing two things. He has read my blog, and I am an idiot. I am stunned into silence, and I don’t know how I am going to recover from that opening statement. I continue to stare at him, and my mouth goes dry. A devilishly sexy grin appears, and I know he is teasing. I hope. Desperate to change the subject, I blink a few times and lick my lips. “S-sorry I kept you waiting. I’m not used to getting up so early. It won’t happen again.”
He smiles. That beautiful, megawatt smile that makes me feel like I am combusting.
“Don’t worry about it. Today is just rehearsal and costumes. We can be late.”
Kasen leans forward and speaks quietly to the driver, who nods and enters traffic. Sitting back, he opens his phone and starts surfing the net. “ Get comfortable,” he suggests without looking up from the screen. “It’s a good forty five minutes until we get there.” His fingers begin composing what seems to be an email or a text and I decide to take him in. Button up shirt, dark jeans, and beanie. Wow! He looks delicious.
I try to make out the tattoos on his hand and forearm, but it’s still too dark out. I will have to ask him about them or remember to look when the light is better.
The car comes to a stop and the driver gets out. I look toward the steering wheel and to Kasen, who seems to find my deer in the headlights reaction amusing. He is quite literally snickering at me.
“What’s going on? Why are you laughing at me?” I must sound like a crazy person. The pitch in my voice is so high, I’m sure dogs in the neighborhood are whining and barking in protest. I’m panicked at being alone with Kasen Wells, in the back seat of a car, in the dark. My heart is pounding so hard, I am sure people in the next county can hear it.
Kasen puts down his phone and leans his back against his door, all while looking at me. His left hand is rubbing his head as it rests on the car door. He is not saying a word. Just staring. Watching. I swallow hard, when there is a knock on Kasen’s window. Rolling it down without taking his eyes away from me, I see two cups from the coffee shop just on the other side and suddenly feel like an ass. Passing one to me, Kasen rolls up the window and smirks as realization hits me.
I nod my head and chew on my lip. Smiling, I look up at him and with my eyes I imply “smug bastard”. I lick the corner of my mouth and bite my tongue. Kasen
takes a sip of his coffee and gives me an innocent smile. This is going to make for an interesting two months. I decide to take his advice and get comfortable. Game on…
Opening twitter I see a new tweet from his sexiness:
KasenWells: In the backseat of a dark car with a redhead. Don’t know if she will dance or drool. Time will tell.@FarrowConnoley
FarrowConnoley: @KasenWells have you been stalking me? #nevertrustthesexy #howdoyouknowhowilikemycoffee
KasenWells: @FarrowConnoley no I just have my people do it for me being a #smugbastard and all. Shall we stop for whipped cream? #itsfartooquiet
I smile and put my phone in my pocket. Looking over at him I take a deep breath. “Thanks,” I smile. He shoulder bumps me. “You’re welcome,” he smiles back and for the rest of the drive, we sit in comfortable silence drinking our coffee.
We come to a stop, and Kasen reaches for my hand, and instantly my hands start sweating. Giving it a squeeze. “It’s going to be all kinds of crazy in there. Be my shadow today and you’ll be fine. I’ll introduce you to people and you can take notes. I’ll make sure you are always comfortable. Okay?” He states with concern. I know he can sense my nervousness. I mean, who can’t? I nod. “Good. Let’s go.” He smiles that panty melting smile and opens his door.
Chapter 4
Being on set was surreal. I stayed with Kasen for the entire morning, following him around like a lost puppy or an ambulance chaser or a stalker. I managed to write a ton of notes and got some pictures but have to review my allowed list before I can blog about it tonight. Everywhere I looked today, someone was polishing a prop or sewing a button or taking pictures of Kasen wearing various outfits. At that point, I sat in the corner of the room and just took notes. Pencil to paper. I soon got sucked into my notebook, and before I knew it, Kasen was standing in front of me with his hand out to help me up.
“Time to go!” He announces as I take his hand.
“Already? Wow that was a quick shift!” I chuckle and dust off my pants.
“Told you we’d be done by noon. Tomorrow all the fun stuff begins.”
Walking to our waiting car, we fall into easy conversation. Well, compared to this morning, any conversation with Kasen is easy conversation. He opens the door for me, waits for me to slide over and climbs in behind me.
I turn on my phone and check my messages. Lots of private messages and emails asking if Kasen has done any nude scenes, and if he has, have I taken any pictures with my phone that I can share. Some of the comments and memes of me are ridiculous. Many of them have been photoshopped with Kasen. I’m sure that he will get a kick out of these questions, but I will print them off and have him answer them over time, I’m here for a few weeks.
We both look up from our phones at each other. I feel some tension. I don’t know if this is real tension or the fact that my butt is inches from Kasen’s in the back of this car with tinted windows. He smirks at me again, so I smack his shoulder. I smile around my words, “smug bastard.”
“Yes, I am.” He grins and looks back to his screen.
Deciding to review some of my notes, I reach for my notepad, twist my hair into a messy bun and secure it with my pencil. All the while Kasen is watching me and sending an odd text on his smartphone. His body shifts closer to me, and I begin to pant. Looking up, I realize he is reading over my shoulder. Suddenly, my body is hyper aware to him. I feel his breath on my skin and smell his clean manly smell. Goosebumps travel up and down my arms, and a shiver creeps down my spine.
“Can I help you, Kasen?” I ask, taking a sip of my water, trying to get my body into check.
He licks his lips and smiles. “Yeah. So, why do you blog about ladyporn?”
Nearly choking to death on my water, he pats my back and laughs at me. “Excuse me?” I manage to get through my coughing fit.
“I mean, you read DIRTY. Hell, I read DIRTY and it was… Very. Dirty. What made you blog about it? Why did you decide to blog?”
“I’ve never been asked before.” Contemplating my answer, I put down my notebook and turn my body toward him. Clearing my throat, I begin, “I don’t know if you have noticed, but I’m kind of quiet.” I smile, and he nods. “When I blog, I share my passion. I show my excitement and express myself completely. I am open and honest in print but have trouble with words face to face. When I read DIRTY, I felt compelled to submit to Tate. He was my first book boyfriend, and although I have cheated on him many MANY times, he is the one who holds my heart.”
Kasen appears to accept my answers, and he scratches his chin and gazes out the window. I take the opportunity to go back to my notes and try to shake off all things Kasen Wells. It’s proving to be extremely hard to do with him so close to me, enveloping all of my senses.
We pull up in front of my building and Kasen opens the door to the car for me. “So tomorrow we will be ready to go at eight fifteen. I have to be in makeup by ten and we start filming in the afternoon.”
“We will be ready to go at eight fifteen?” I question.
“Yup, we get to ride together again.” He grins and leans into me. “Lucky me,” he smirks, with a wink and a cocky grin.
I shake my head and walk toward my building. I throw, “Smug Bastard” over my shoulder with a smile. “See you in the morning.” I open the glass doors of the building and escape the burning stare of Kasen Wells.
Chapter 5
Grabbing a towel I step out of my bathtub and pad into the bedroom. Wrapping my plush robe around my body, I head to the overstuffed couch to start my nightly blogging. I can’t wait to fill the blogosphere in on day one. I pour myself a glass of wine, open my bag of skittles and my notebook.
Getting Down and Dirty – On Location Day One
By Farrow Connoley
Who in their right mind starts their day at four dark thirty in the morning? Apparently, not I. I actually wound up sleeping in and had to rush to the waiting car. I’m sure some of you saw my tweets today and are wondering exactly what is going on! Honestly, I can’t believe it myself.
When I arrived at my car, I was met by the most beautiful green eyes in the world. I nearly peed my pants when I realized it was Kasen Wells and we were riding together. Being as nervous as I was, Kasen was kind enough to take me under his wing and stick with me throughout the day. The clothes that he needs to play Tate are unbelievable. So many of the same. Even underwear! I KNOW WHAT KIND OF UNDIES KASEN WEARS AND YOU DON’T!! Neener, neener!
Today was mostly makeup and costumes. Tomorrow, they film a scene. I have no clue what scene it is. Secretly, I hope it’s the ball gag scene. I don’t know how I am going to handle that scene, but I really can’t wait to see it.
I embed a couple photos and hit publish. Tossing a couple of Skittles in my mouth I wiggle my hips in celebration. I’ve done it. Day one down. Pouring a second glass of wine, I decide to scroll through my other social media accounts and promote the hell out of this blog. About an hour later, I realize I hadn’t eaten all day. Just as I was about to google a Thai restaurant there’s a knock on my door. I stand and tighten the belt to my robe as I walk toward the sound. I look through the peephole and can’t believe my eyes. Kasen Wells is standing on the other side of my door…and I’m not wearing panties.
Ensuring my robe is secure I open the door a crack.
“W-what are you doing here?” I whisper in a high octave. I’m sure all the dogs in the neighborhood heard me.
He holds up a brown bag and points at it and says, “Dinner” as he places his large hand against the door and smiles at me as he pushes his way into my loft. Walking past me, he places the bag on the counter and starts removing various takeout containers.
“Hope you like Thai. Sergey told me it was a pretty good place to eat.” He calls out without looking up from the counter.
I am once again dumbstruck. However, this time, I am barely dressed. Without panties. I am frozen standing there in my doorway watching
him as he unpacks our dinner.
“You do like…” He begins and stops suddenly when he looks at me, standing before him in my robe. “Farrow.” He growls my name and suddenly I realize just how naked I truly am. “Although I love to see you comfortable and relaxed,” Kasen clears his throat and stares up at me while he braces himself on the counter, “I think you should get dressed. It’s just a bit…distracting.”
My face heats and I practically run to the bedroom to change. I jump into a pair of sweats and a hoodie and walk back to the kitchen, attempting to look cool and collected. I am sure I failed miserably.
Handing me a plate and some chopsticks, we walk out to the patio to eat. Kasen is really quite fun to be around, he feels like home. We wind up talking for hours. He tells me how plays guitar and sings, while I announce how I rock the air guitar and kill every Bon Jovi rock ballad there is! Seriously, painful death.
At seven o’clock, Kasen decides it’s time to go home. He needs lots of rest for a scene tomorrow. He can’t tell me what scene because it’s confidential, and since I am the blogger, they need to be sure I don’t spill too much information. I don’t blame them, but he can’t even tell me if it’s an open or closed set. Pouting I walk him to the door.
“Thanks for dinner, Kasen. It was fun.”
“It was, thanks for the company.” He kisses the top of my head and walks into the hall past the elevator. My knees liquefy, and my belly tightens at the sentiment.
“Um, Kasen… Elevator is on your left.” I remind him, with a shake of my head.
As he is looking at the elevator he replies, “I know but my place is across the hall.” He throws his thumb over his shoulder and grins. “Have a good night, Farrow.” He inserts his key and enters his suite.
Well, crap.
“Where are we going, Tate? We can’t do this, you know that it’s wrong.”
He wraps his large hand around my wrist and guides me across the parking lot. It has been raining since he arrived and there are puddles everywhere.
Tate presses me up against his pickup truck. “I’m going to show you how right we are for each other, Jess. I know what you need.” He turns me around and runs his hands up between my legs under my skirt.