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I watch Farrow as she nears Raven Rock. Walking slowly and cautiously along the embankment, so she doesn’t lose her footing, she takes pictures as she goes. We walk along the riverbank holding hands until we find the perfect spot for lunch. Spreading the blanket on the embankment, I feel her eyes on me. I turn to her, and she smiles enthusiastically. “Thank you, Kasen.” She gushes.
I wonder if she realizes that I want to give her this every single day of her life. I want to see that smile every evening when we go to bed and feel her arms around me every morning when we wake. We sit in quiet, holding hands, listening and watching the world happen in front of us. I begin to think about how much I want this to be ours. Peaceful, full of love, and full of happiness. It feels like minutes since we got here but looking at my watch, I can see it is getting close to six o’clock, and Farrow has a deadline. Reluctantly, we gather our belongings and head back to the car.
When we arrive back home, Mama has left supper for us and a note saying that she has gone with Glenda Daily to play bingo for the evening. Farrow heads up to our room and begins an entry in the blog. I walk to the pond at the back of the house, pick a long piece of grass and put it in my mouth. Looking out across the pond, I can see insects zipping along the top and leaving little wakes wherever they have gone. I sit and relax, for the first time in months. There are no fans here. No scripts. The only schedule I need to keep right now is Mama’s, and well she is worse than Bob. Chuckling, I lean back on my arms and know what I need to do. I’ve known for a while.
Standing, I brush my pants off and walk toward my girl. I stop to pick a flower and continue on toward the house. I open the screen door and walk towards the stairs through the kitchen. Two steps up, and Farrow bolts from the room to the stairway and is surprised to see me at the bottom. She’s laughing, excitedly squealing. She runs down the stairs, giddy as a school girl, and jumps into my arms, wrapping herself around me.
“Hello to you too!” I laugh as I hold her up, planting a kiss on her full lips. I hold her up against the wall and press myself into her. A slight moan leaves her lips as she rubs up against me and bites her lip. I pull my right hand out from under her and offer her the flower that I picked just outside. She accepts it with a bashful smile. “Have I told you today how much I love you?” She asks.
“Nope, but you can show me,” I moan seductively into her ear, while I turn and take her to our room.
I sit on the bed, and she straddles me, slowly grinding painful pleasure into me. She reaches between us and raises my t-shirt exposing my chest. I lift my arms and pull away from her lips just long enough to remove the shirt. She tosses it behind her and continues her passionate torture as she rubs herself against me. She pulls away and begins to lick my neck to my collarbone. I put my arms behind me on the bed to support myself better and to provide her access to whatever she wants.
She begins to climb off my lap, and her tongue finds my nipple. Gently she bites and I suck in a breath. Farrow smiles against my skin and continues her oral assault on my body, tracing my tattoos with her tongue. Slowly, she undoes my jeans and teases me with her fingernail along the fabric barrier that separates us. I moan as she pulls away the waistband to release me. I can feel her hot breath on the tip nanoseconds before she wraps her moist lips around my shaft. Groaning in pleasure, she wraps her tongue around me, and slowly sucks all rational thought from me.
Farrow wraps her fist tightly around my shaft and strokes where her mouth doesn’t reach. Her mouth is perfection, and I know that the moment I look at her, I won’t be able to hold back. She begins to moan deep in her throat, and the vibrations are coursing through me. Removing her mouth, she licks my cock base to tip while she gently massages my balls. Slowly, she pulls away, removes her clothes, and pushes me back on the bed.
Reaching over, Farrow takes a condom from the nightstand and slowly begins to roll it down. Straddling my body, she lowers herself onto me. Feeling her wet heat envelope me, I moan as I hold her hips while she begins to ride me.
I know I am close, so I reach between us and stroke her clit, making her moan and pant, and she begins to ride me faster. Looking into her eyes, I feel her start to quiver around me, massaging my pleasure from me. Not being able to hold back any longer, I begin to thrust into her. I apply more pressure to her clit as my balls tighten and an orgasm rips through me.
Her cries of passion increase in frequency and pitch, she’s close. I lift her up and shimmy down the bed so my face is directly beneath her. Inserting two fingers, I massage her from the inside while she rides my face. My tongue finds her clit and she releases with my name on her lips. We lay there and we caress each other gently, tenderly. I kiss her nose and get up to remove the condom. I return to bed, and I watch Farrow get up and cross the bedroom in a few sexy strides and head to the bathroom to clean herself up. Upon her return, she climbs back into bed with me and gives me a kiss.
“So, why were you so excited to see me?” I ask, nuzzling her neck.
Moaning, Farrow responds, “I received an email from Entertainer Insider.” She wraps her arms around me. “They have offered me a permanent position!”
“That’s awesome, babe,” I speak into her hair. “A job you can do anywhere right?” I ask full of hope.
“Actually, they want me to do a one year contract at their home office in Los Angeles,” she replies while kissing my chest. “I am so excited!”
“That’s great, babe,” I concede, trying to sound excited for her, when in fact my heart just fell to my stomach.
Chapter 19
Saying goodbye to Mama is always so hard to do, but unfortunately I have to be back on set tomorrow evening. Silently, we board the flight and take our seats. I’m wearing my aviators again. I don’t want any attention. Farrow falls asleep on my shoulder, as I stroke her hand. Looking over from my smartphone, I brush a tendril of hair from her face and gently kiss her forehead. This week was an eye-opener to me, and I can’t wait to share my thoughts with the woman who claimed my heart.
Arriving back at the loft, my gaze is pulled from Farrow to the crowd that awaits us on the sidewalk, blocking the doors and the parking garage. Scraping my hands over my face, my chest feels like there is a one hundred pound weight on it. Farrow looks out the window, sees the crowd and her mouth drops open. Leaning forward, I ask the driver to go around the block while I call Sergey and make arrangements for the back door. This was completely unexpected. I don’t want Farrow’s name and beautiful face out there for everyone to see. I am not ready to share her yet. I take her hand in mine and try to comfort her while I speak with Sergey. She’s worrying her lip, and it concerns me.
Finally making our way into the building, Sergey informs us that it has been like that since yesterday, and he has called the police but the crowd keeps coming back. We thank him for his assistance and get into the elevator to take us home. The bell sounds on the fourth floor and we exit, eager to get into our suites. Farrow has to contact Entertainer Insider, and I have to review the script. She said she’ll be over to run lines with me after her phone call.
I take my luggage to my room and flop down on the couch with my script. There’s only two weeks left of filming. I reach for my phone and call my agent.
“Hey, Kasen! Glad to hear from you!” The overly cheerful Christine announces on the other end of the line.
“Hi, Christine. So, we need some security here.”
“Your location has been finally leaked huh?” She laughs. “I’ll get the team together.”
“It really isn’t funny, Christine.”
“You’re right. It’s not. I apologize. Anything else?”
“Um.” I rub my head. “Yea, after this movie, I’m taking a hiatus.”
“Are you now?” she sounds bored and sighs. “Kasen, you’ll have premieres and tours, you can’t just stop. Too many obligations.”
“I’ll do the circuit when its time, but I want a break.” I close my eyes and rest my head on
the arm. I feel a migraine coming on.
“We will discuss this later on. It’s late, and you have lines to run.”
“Whatever, Christine.” I sigh and hang up the phone.
Opening the script, I begin to study my lines. I really don’t need to. I know what I am supposed to say and do. Where I stand and how I touch Sierra just kind of happens. I’m bored. Bored of the movie, bored of the fans. The only thing that keeps my interest is that beautiful redhead across the hall. Getting to my feet I leave my apartment stalk across the hall and pound on her door. After two fits of pounding, she opens the door in her robe with a towel in her hair. I grab her arms and capture her mouth with mine. I’m staking my claim. This woman is mine. I need her to know it all the way to her toes.
I lift her and place her on a bar stool in the kitchen. Turning the stool so her back is against the counter, I box her in with my arms and brush her nose with mine. She smells amazing, like the wildflowers I picked for her back in Apex. I open my eyes, and my focus falls to the counter where the little origami kites are placed with the silk twine.
“Hi, Kasen,” she moans. “I was just going to get dressed.”
I reach down and slowly tease her robe open, so her beautiful pink nipples are exposed. Running my finger down her neck to her nipple, she shivers in anticipation.
“Hi, beautiful.” I smile and lick my lips hungrily.
“Still want to run lines?” She asks.
I laugh out loud. “Nope, I want to talk.” I admit, while I am still playing with her nipple.
She inhales and closes her eyes as I roll her nipple between my fingers. When her eyes open, they are filled with hunger and desire. She licks her lips and grips my waist. Wrapping her legs around me and reaching for my belt.
“So, you want to talk here? Or in the bed?” She waggles her eyebrows at me.
“You, my dear, are an evil temptress. You need to get dressed or we are both gonna wind up naked and sweaty.” I kiss her temple and help her off the stool.
She stands in front of me with her robe open. A seam of beautiful pure skin lays between the material. It’s a beautiful trail that I just want to taste for hours. “Maybe I want to get sweaty,” she responds but doesn’t touch me. She changes her position so I can see the curve of one of her amazing breasts.
Reaching out to her, she shudders and closes her eyes. I place my hands on either side of the robe and lay one side over the other. Her nipples peak and I can see them begging for my touch through the silky material. Taking a deep breath, I tighten the belt and kiss her quickly.
“Seriously, Farrow, I’m painfully hard right now and would love nothing more than to bury myself into your beautiful body for hours, but we do need to talk. Please get dressed, and I promise I will make you scream my name later.”
Nodding, she kisses me and turns on her toes. As she walks across the suite to her room, I grab us both a bottle of water from the fridge and sit on the sofa, thinking of baseball and horror movies. When she comes out, she looks concerned as she nervously chews her fingernail. I pat the cushion beside me and she sits down. I smile and hand her an opened bottle of water.
“When do you start for Entertainer Insider?” I ask and bring my own bottle to my mouth.
“As soon as the shoot is done, they want me to get everything in order to move out there. I figured I would take it, and in between shoots you can come hang out with me and keep me company.”
I drop my shoulders and bow my head. “How long do you have to live out there before they give you a satellite position?”
“A year.”
She laughs. “Renegotiate? Why would I do that? This is what I want,” she defends.
“In two weeks, I’m done shooting.”
She nods.
“I’m taking time off. I’m going to take time off.”
“Good! Then you can come with me and help me settle in!” She squeals and climbs on my lap.
I don’t want to disappoint Farrow. She is so happy right now. Swallowing my true feelings I blink and nod. “Y-yes, I can do that, babe. Anything for you.” I lean in and plant a full kiss on her lips. “Absolutely anything for you.” I have to think of a way to fix this.
Chapter 20
We’re done. I’m finally done being Tate. It actually took one week more than anticipated, due to weather and some other shit that I have no control over…but I’m finally done being in the limelight for a while. Now I can concentrate on what’s important, and until Sunday, she lives across the hall from me. I put on my black jacket and blue linen shirt. After this wrap party tonight, I will have nothing to do with DIRTY until the promo circuit begins in a few months. It’s a shame something came up, and I can’t make it to the wrap party. I check my phone for the fourth time in ten minutes. I’m nervous as hell.
I leave my suite and walk across the hall to pick up Farrow. She answers the door, and I am speechless. Her hair is twisted up in a knot with a few loose curls brushing her bare shoulders. The emerald green dress she’s wearing is beautiful. However, I would much rather see it on the floor. Next to my bed. Next to OUR bed.
“WOW. You look amazing, Farrow.”
Blush creeps into her cheeks. “Thank you.”
I offer my elbow and together we walk onto the elevator to head to the party, or so I have told Farrow. We enter the parking garage, and I open the door to my Maxima for her to get in. I don’t like flash. I could have had any car I wanted, but I chose the Maxima. Blending purposes. I circle the car and take a deep breath before opening my door. Time to lay it out there for her.
“So what happens at a wrap party?” Farrow asks
“You know, food, drinks, congratulating each other.” I drift off in thought.
I turn in the opposite direction of the hotel, and Farrow’s head snaps to me as she gives me a curious look.
“Isn’t the party there?” She asks pointing her thumb over her shoulder.
“Yup, but we’re not going to the party,” I reply.
“We’re not?”
“Nope, we’re going on our third date.” I reach for her hand and look at her.
“Third date? This better be good, Wells!” She laughs as she links her fingers with mine.
I make several turns, trying to throw her off and watch the look of confusion take over her face when I pull up in front of our loft. Sergey comes out and opens her car door. Offering his hand, he helps her out of the car and presents her with a bunch of wildflowers. She smiles brightly and smells the bunch before turning to me as I exit the vehicle. I shrug my shoulders and circle the car to stand by her side.
Sergey leads us in to the private meeting room on the main floor that has been turned into a private dinner just for us. The lights are dim, there’s one table and soft music is playing over the sound system. Sergey pulls her chair out for her and wishes us a good dinner before he turns and leaves the room. Wait staff enter from the door behind me and bring us our dome covered meals. The silver domes glisten with the candlelight, and I see Farrow’s eyes grow in anticipation. Once the domes are in front of us, the serve staff removes the cover from hers and I sit back waiting for her reaction. Under the silver dome are kites numbered one, two and three. Picking up number one, she opens the folds and reads what is written inside.
Clearing her throat. “I’m supposed to ask you if you have something you want to say to me. So, Mr. Wells, do you have something you want to say to me?”
I pick up my wine glass and take a sip. It’s go time.
“Yes. Dance with me.” I press a button and The Blower’s Daughter begins to play over the system. Standing, I take her hand and pull her into me. My hand rests on her lower back, and I lead her across the floor. We stare into each other’s eyes as we slowly move around the floor. Her body fits perfectly with mine. Two pieces of a puzzle, perfectly matched. I begin to sing along as she strokes my jaw. We slowly rock while Damien Rice fills the r
oom with his amazing ballad. I’ve got my girl and this song tells her exactly how I feel.
I brush her ear with my nose, as we continue to dance without music in the background.
“Farrow, I got you a little something.” I brush my lips on the shell of her ear and feel her shiver against me. “Go open the second kite.”
She slowly pulls from me, and we walk back to the table. Kite number two is larger and has a few more folds than the first. Once she has it completely unfolded, tears fill her eyes and her hand covers her mouth.
“Is this what I think it is, Kasen?” A tear escapes her eye.
I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders. Her hands begin to shake as she holds the creased paper in her hands. This is the deed for a house in Apex. Our house in Apex.
“I love you, Farrow. I’m taking time off. I can’t do this anymore. I never wanted to be famous. The one thing I do want… is you.” I turn her around so she is face to face with me. “Come home with me, Farrow. I want to give you as many tomorrows as I can. I want to be with you and have babies with you and always wake with you by my side.”
More tears. She smiles, and her chin quivers. “I can’t,” she whispers. “I signed the contract with Entertainer Insider.”
“Did you renegotiate the terms?”
“Yes, I did.” She looks to the floor.
“So there’s no problem then.” But I don’t believe my own words. She’s not telling me something. “Baby, it’s good, right? Only a couple of months right?” She’s not answering me, and my own eyes fill with tears.
“When I went back to them and asked for less time in residence, they offered me more money and a longer contract.” She wipes her nose with the back of her hand. “I am now their permanent in house blogger and social media agent. It’s a five year contract.” She hiccups. “I signed this afternoon and sent if off.”
My own tears escape me. “So, when were you going to tell me? Were you even going to discuss it with me?” I’m hurt. “Were you going to spring it on me when we got to California? Here’s my new home for the next five years. Hey, why don’t you come see me on weekends until the contract is over… You don’t mind do you? Farrow, this sucks!” I feel like I have been slapped. She stares at me. I can see the anger darkening in her eyes, as my heart shatters in my chest.