Page 13
“Please, have a seat.” He gestures to the leather chairs in front of his desk.
“Thank you,” I reply, crossing my legs and folding my hands.
“Ms. Connoley. Your personal life is none of my concern. However, Entertainer Insider is completely my concern.”
I nod. He leans forward in his chair, braiding his fingers and resting his arms on the desktop. “Is your relationship going to be a problem?”
“No,sir.” I sit taller in my chair. “It won’t be a problem. Has it been a concern to this point, sir?”
“To this point?” Thomas questions, raising his eyebrow.
“Yes, sir. Have I allowed my relationship with Mr. Wells interfere with my position up until this point? We’ve been seeing each other for a few months, sir.” I inform him with confidence. Even though we weren’t together, I was still with him. Completely. “May I go back to work, sir?”
He doesn’t respond with words, he just nods and turns his attention to his computer. I can do this. I am in complete control. Standing tall and holding my head high, I return to my desk and type my personal blog entry. Something I haven’t done in a while.
Oh My BLOG! – Farrow is back!
Um. Hi! My name is Farrow Connoley and I have a confession.
A few months ago, some of you may remember me winning the chance of a lifetime!
Blogging from the production set of DIRTY. Let me tell you, it was an amazing xperience.
I know a lot of you followed my musings on Entertainer Insider and many of you continue to comment on my various social media accounts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
I kind of have an elephant in the room to address. This is crazy. TOTALLY CRAZY!
If it wasn’t my life, I wouldn’t believe it. The only reason I feel I need to address this is because it’s my personal life, which unfortunately is no longer private.
I AM dating Kasen Wells. You have probably seen the pictures of the redhead making out with him on a beach. Well, click the links. Notice anything similar? Name…face…Yup, she be me. I find it amazing that with a simple picture and a few keystrokes, someone’s personal life is gone. POOF up in smoke, never to be seen again. That’s right. I am talking about people who do the same thing as I do. Write on the internet.
It doesn’t take much to take someone’s life and make it your own. You just look for the best site with the dirtiest information and believe it to be true. Keystrokes. Those same keystrokes can make you famous, give you your fifteen shining minutes of fame and make you a household name. Held in the highest regard.
Have questions? ASK ME! Don’t go searching all over the internet. You’ll likely get incorrect information. Oh and before you ask, I will not divulge information about Kasen or our private life, but I will squash rumors that appear.
I’m back! Let’s talk books!
My phone pings with a feedburner alert. Tapping the app, I smile as I read the notification that Farrow has made a new blog post. I really need to read this.
Well, holy crap. She addressed it in a way I was not anticipating. Christine is going to have a field day. This is going to be interesting for sure. I lift my coffee to my mouth and laugh. Sure enough, my phone rings and when I look at the name I am far from surprised.
“Hello, Christine! Did you arrange that security detail for Farrow like I asked?”
“Did you tell her to post that?” She sneers into the phone.
“Christine, that is her personal blog. She can write whatever she wants on there.”
“I’m going to serve her with a cease and desist later today. We are drawing it up right now.” She sounds like an evil Chihuahua.
“Um, do that and you WILL be fired. Don’t doubt me for a second.” I threaten tapping my fingers on the desktop.
“Kasen, she’s going to ruin your career.”
“Christine, I go on hiatus as soon as the junket is done. I don’t care.”
“Is it at least true? Or is she just a fanatic?”
“Christine, it’s true. And I want security on Farrow in one hour, can you handle that?” She shouldn’t be surprised by the truth. She’s the one that bought the damned plane ticket for Farrow the night I left.
“No problem, Kasen. I still think you are making a mistake.” Her voice lowers.
“It’s my mistake to make. You don’t get a say in my personal life.” I remind her as I disconnect the call.
ME: Good job, baby. I’m proud of you.
I head down to the lobby where Sierra and I are meeting with Bob for breakfast. A small reunion before we do this afternoon’s interview with Crush magazine. As I step off the elevator my phone beeps with a text.
CHRISTINE: Security detail will be at EI in 25 mins.
ME: Thank you.
I have to shoot Farrow a text to let her know.
ME: You must be busy. Security Co. On its way. Will be there soon.
ME: Going for breakfast with Sierra and Bob. Talk to you later.
Walking into the lobby, I see Bob and Sierra waiting for me. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I walk over to them with open arms. I wrap my arms around Sierra, giving her a tight squeeze, and I shake hands with Bob. The hotel manager approaches and escorts us to our private meeting room. As we sit down, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I look at the screen and see it’s a text.
FARROW: Thanks, baby. Had to be done. Job was threatened. I’ll fill you in later.
FARROW: Say HI to Bob and Sierra for me.
FARROW: Thank you for security! Love you back!
Chapter 27
KASEN: You at the airport yet, babe?
ME: Just pulled up. Going to check-in. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done.
KASEN: Talk to you soon.
I walk up to the counter and remove my sunglasses. The girl behind the counter is about my age and recognizes me instantly. I smile at her.
“Ms. Connoley!” She exclaims excitedly. “It is SO great to meet you! I’ve been a fan of your blog since your first entry!”
“Nice to meet you too…” I lean in to read her nametag. “Corina.” I pass her my flight info and wait for my boarding pass.
“Here you go. All your passes are ready, and you are welcome to go to the gate to wait for departure. Have a safe trip, Ms. Connoley.” She smiles at me. I’m sure she finally realized I don’t want to do the small talk thing. I just want my ticket and want to go to the boarding lounge.
“Hello, baby girl.” Kasen greets me in the sexiest voice possible.
“I love it when you greet me like that.” I admit. “Also, it would appear I have a fan base too. The girl at the counter recognized me. How do you do this?”
I walk into the lounge and sit at the row that faces the window. Putting my purse down beside me, I release an exasperated breath and Kasen laughs at me.
“Three and a half hours, babe. Want me to meet you at the airport?”
“That’s just crazy talk, Kasen. You know that. I’ll come directly to the hotel.”
“When are you boarding?”
“Twenty minutes. I just want to get into the air. Get to you. I’ve missed you, Kasen.”
I look over my shoulder to ensure there are no eavesdroppers.
“I miss you too, babe. But we will be making up for lost time. Lots. FRE-QUENT-LY.”
“Can’t wait,” I admit.
“Flight 590 to Chicago. Now boarding Gate C.”
“Just got called to the gate, babe.”
“Sleep on the plane. You are going to need lots of rest.”
“Kasen, it’s eight in the morning. I JUST woke up.”
“If you don’t sleep on the flight, you’re gonna be pretty screwed.”
“I’ll try. Okay look. I’m going to board now. See you soon!” I disconnect the call and
join the line-up that has already begun. When I reach the counter, I hand over my boarding pass and after a moment, the woman at the counter returns it to me.
“Have great flights, Ms. Connoley.” She smiles.
“Thank you, I will.” I return the ticket wallet to my purse and walk the ramp to the small plane.
I walk down the aisle of the plane to find my seat four rows down. It would appear I have a window seat. Thank all things holy! Having the aisle seat is not a pleasant experience, even for such a short flight. I tuck my bag in the overhead compartment and sit down. I turn off my phone and tuck it into my pocket. I slide my e-reader into the pocket in the seat in front of me. Latching my seatbelt, I rest my chin on my hand and stare out the window. After a few moments, the door closes and the seatbelt and emergency procedure slideshow begins. I insert my earplugs and close my eyes. My personal bubble is popped when I feel someone sit down heavily beside me. I was hoping to have the row to myself, so I continue to ignore them and try to take Kasen’s advice and get some sleep.
I wake, sometime later, to feather light kisses, and I panic. My eyes shoot open and I pull as far away as possible, while slapping at anything I can. Big hands circle my wrists, and I hear the person whispering, “Shhh, it’s okay.” over and over.
How is this okay? It’s so far from OKAY? My head is thrashing about but I can’t get away I am still in my seatbelt. I can’t focus. My eyes are still sticky with sleep.
“Farrow, stop! It’s me, baby.” He relaxes the grip on my hands but guides my hand to his mouth and places several kisses on my fingers.
My eyes finally focus, and I find his face. It’s Kasen. I touch his face, his hands. Look for the tattoos and find them right away. He places his hands on my face and brings his lips to mine. I return his kiss, frantically; as if his kiss was the only thing I needed for the rest of my days.
“Oh my god! Kasen, what the hell?!” I’m aware of the attention from the other passengers. Some are still staring. When I look at them, it’s awkward. They are eyeing me with concern. So I block them out and look only at him, focus solely on the beautiful man who occupies the seat beside me.
“You really should pay attention to your surroundings, babe. I’ve been watching you sleep and reading your smut for an hour.” He holds up my e-reader. “You really have a thing for tattooed dominants don’t you?”
I momentarily blush before remembering that he scared the crap out of me and I smack him, hard, in the shoulder then I snatch back my e-reader. “No smut for you, Kasen.”
Turning back to him, I ask “What are you doing here? I mean… I’m on my way to Chicago to see you!”
Smiling his dazzling smile, Kasen leans in closer. “You didn’t pay attention to the ticket agent did you?”
I stare at him blankly.
“Open your boarding pass, baby”
I reach back into my purse and retrieve said pass. Looking inside, I see my ticket for Chicago, and behind that is another ticket…to Buffalo. “I don’t understand…Buffalo? What’s in Buffalo?”
“Many things are in Buffalo,” he states. “Larkin Square, Allentown district, Niagara Falls…” He looks at me with a sparkle in his eye.
“We’re going to Niagara Falls?”
He simply nods, while biting the corner of his thumb.
“Wow… what am I going to do with you, Mr. Wells?”
“I have ideas, SO many ideas!” Kasen waggles his eyebrows at me.
I shoot her a text.
ME: You at the airport yet, babe?
FARROW: Just pulled up. Going to check-in. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done.
ME: Talk to you soon.
I watch her, walk over to the counter with her sunglasses in place. It’s been three weeks since I’ve seen her.
Following closely behind her, she approaches the counter with me far enough away to not be obvious, but close enough so I can hear the conversation. I’ve already checked in, and we made a note on her ticket information not to mention multiple flights to her. I flinch as the girl at the counter begins to review the entire itinerary before she reads the notes. Oddly enough, Farrow doesn’t notice and luckily the girl goes silent.
Walking back to the gate, Farrow stops for nothing and reaches the departure lounge. She walks to the row of seats closest to the window and pulls out her phone. Mine rings. Staying away from her is hard. I haven’t seen her in so long I want to walk to her now and tap her on the shoulder. However, I can wait.
We arrive in our suite and have our bags placed in the bedroom. Tipping the bellhop, I approach Farrow from behind as she looks out onto the waterfront. My arms envelope her small frame as I pull her close to my body.
“Thank you,” she sighs and gently kisses my wrist.
I kiss the top of her head. “So…” I hint as I hook my fingers in the waistband of her jeans “About that lost time?”
She turns and when she looks at me I know I am in big trouble. Licking her lip, she smiles a mischievous smile. “Wait in the living room. I need to find the perfect place to start.”
“Yes, Ms. Connoley.” I obey, knowing that when she gets to the bathroom she’s going to flip out. I follow her with my eyes as she first walks into the bedroom, a moment later she exits shaking her head and smiling at me. She walks into the bathroom, and I stand with my hands in my pockets.
I wait.
A minute passes and there is still no sound or movement coming from the bathroom. Tentatively, I approach the doorway and look in. Farrow is sitting on the granite tub surrounded by wildflowers. She’s holding the kite in her hand. She unfolded it as was written on the front. Her hand is over her mouth and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.
“Read it to me,” she pleads, hands shaking.
Entering the bathroom I reach for the kite and clear my throat.
“Farrow.” I look at her and blow out a nervous breath. “This isn’t a marriage proposal, who in their right mind would ask you to marry them with a kite, I mean, really?” We both chuckle. “Besides, I don’t want to marry you…yet.” I reach for her hand and look at her tear soaked face. “But when I do, you’ll know. The whole God damned world will know! Until then, add this kite to the other three as the one that promises memories.” I put the kite on the granite and plant my hands beside each of her hips. Her hands grip my face and she kisses me hungrily. “I hope to always give you something to remember.”
Chapter 28
It has literally been months since I have done a book review blog, and I decided today would be the day to write one. Having just finished a fantastic series, I feel compelled to shower it with praise and help this new author out. I sit with my laptop at my desk near the window and feel the sun warm my skin as I type. I could type for hours
I finish my blog entry and call a taxi. Drinks with a friend tonight. Sierra looks beautiful as usual. I enter the restaurant and my eyes find her instantly. Everyone’s eyes find her instantly. She seeks the attention, and you can tell by the silver sparkly tank top she’s wearing. I walk toward her, offering a smile and a wave when she notices me. Standing, Sierra starts flailing her arms above her head, getting even more attention, and I just laugh. She’s freaking hilarious.
“FA- RROW!” she squeals and rushes towards me. “I hope you aren’t mad at me.” she pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes. “I haven’t seen you since the interview. Please tell me you still love me!”
Laughing, I walk into her outstretched arms and squeeze her tightly. “I can’t be mad at you, Sierra,” I reply. “Thank you.”
We sit in comfortable silence and sip the wine that is placed before us. Sierra called me the day I came back from Niagara Falls two months ago wanting to know how I liked my surprise, if I love him, if he loves me…you know, girl talk. I find it very strange considering the way she would sneer at
me on set.
I confronted her the other day. Asked her why she treated me like crap during the filming and now acts like we are long lost friends. Her reasoning, “I thought you were just another girl, trying to get his attention. I’ve seen a lot of games and figured you were playing one. I didn’t know that you and Kasen were in on the game together. You were so secretive. I didn’t want him hurt, the way I was hurt.” Turns out, the last movie she did, she started a fling with a Grip. Young, handsome, full of tattoos and promise. Flowers and dinners. He was the one that sold her compromising photographs. The ones he took without her permission. Her father stumbled across them online. He was sued; she went to therapy. She just looks out for other actors and gets a little too protective. Justifiably so.
We drank far too much wine and laughed until we cried. Both of us holding our stomachs to stop the hurt. As we were climbing into her car to go home, my phone rang. I look at the screen and decide that if I hold my tongue at the corner of my mouth my vision isn’t as blurry. “Who isss it?” Sierra slurs as she brushes the hair from her mouth.
“It’s my boyfriend. My booy friend.” I sing.
“Helloo, boyfriend.” I answer the phone with a slur.
“Farrow? I need you.” Kasen sounds so sexy to my drunken ears.
“You need me?” I question. “Tell me, you, sexy beast. How…do you…need…”
“Mama’s in the hospital. I’m going to Apex,” he cries into the phone. “Farrow, I can’t lose Mama. I’m not ready to let her go.”
I suddenly feel more sober. “I’ll get on the next flight, baby. Go!” I feel my heart sink to my stomach, and I flex my hand into a fist, over and over again.
“Please come, Farrow. I need you.” The only sound that breaks his silence is the stuttered breaths that escape him. “I need you,” He begs and breaks my heart into a million pieces
“I’m going to the airport right now. I’ll see you soon, baby. I love you.” I disconnect the call. I can’t imagine what could have happened to Mama.
“Driver, can you take me to LAX please?”
Sierra appears to sober. “What do you need?” She asks.