by Lisa Marie
I turn off the tap, and slowly sit in the warm water. Touching the camera icon, a rush of nerves travel through my body, and I let out a giggle. It’s just one picture, Farrow. To Kasen, not to anyone else. Angling the camera just right I snap a couple of pictures. Thank goodness for front facing phone cameras, it made this very easy. I open the last text I received from him and send my sexiest naked photo. I can’t believe I just did that.
Minutes tick by and I am still waiting for a reply. Staring at my phone. Nothing. Radio silence. I hate this cross country thing. I hate not being with him. Embarrassment floods me. Shame. I can’t believe I sent him that. He didn’t like it. I’m going to call and apologize to him. I’m a fool.
As I decide to call him, the phone rings. It’s Kasen.
“Hi, baby.” I answer meekly.
“Holy shit, babe!” I can’t tell if he’s upset. I think he is.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper as I feel tears prick my eyes. I am so embarrassed.
“What? NO! Farrow, that is THE sexiest thing I have EVER... Why are you upset, babe?”
“Apparently, I’m just being silly. I thought you were mad at me because you didn’t reply.”
“Two words for you, Farrow. You ready?” He snickers into the phone. “INSTANT. HARD ON. Okay really that’s three words, but if you say hard on fast enough it makes one word.” He defends.
I laugh bringing a hand to my flushed face, causing water to splash and lap at me. “Crap, just splashed the phone.” I tell him as I wipe it with a dry face cloth.
“You’re still in the bath?” he swallows hard. His voice is low and laced with desire.
“Mmm-hmm,” I reply into the phone, splashing loudly on purpose.
“Suddenly, I feel very dirty.” He growls.
Chapter 31
As I wait for the captain to tell us that we may leave the airplane, I am a bundle of nervous energy. From what Farrow has been telling me, the Los Angeles crowds are relentless, and I am not looking forward to meeting them. The screaming alone will give me the biggest panic attack.
“Thank you for flying with us today.” The disembodied voice crackles through the sound system.
“Mr. Wells, follow me please.” The attendant requests from the aisle. I stand and throw my backpack over my shoulder, ensuring my sunglasses are on as well as my beanie. This is my armor. This gives me the feeling of safe. The attendant leads me to the doorway, where I am met by Christine and four hulking security guards. I puff out my air in defeat, knowing that this can only mean the crowd outside is nuts and they need to be there.
“Hi, Christine. That bad out there?” I tilt my head down to her. She really is tiny. Five feet, blonde hair always in a bun, a smart suit and feisty. She looks concerned for me, but she is in control. Always in control.
Shaking her head, she turns and starts walking to the gate. “Kasen, I’m not going to sugarcoat this for you. The airport is full of horny housewives who have all read DIRTY, but they are freakishly calm. Nothing to worry about, I can’t see the moms getting out of hand. It’s the young bimbos parking their ass and their pink nail polish outside on the sidewalk. Security has been warning them to move along and the police have been doling out loitering tickets.” She shakes her head. Before she opens the door at the bottom of the ramp, she turns and looks up at me. “Kasen, you made it! I always told you that it was going to happen.” She smiles. “However, I know it’s not what you really want and I can respect that.” She states thoughtfully. Digging in her pocket she pulls out her fist and offers what’s in it to me. “You are going to want to put these in. Stay close.” She hands me expandable foam earplugs and gives my hand a squeeze.
Quickly, under her watchful eye, I insert the earplugs and readjust my backpack. Just before she opens the door, I put my hand on her shoulder. “Thank you.” She pats my hand and we both take a deep breath before she opens the gate in a flourish. Security surrounds me, and I am forced to walk quickly in the small space provided. Christine leads the way, and after walking a short time, it begins.
Women and paparazzi on the other side of the security checkpoint take notice and all I hear is my name.
Squeals and shrieks follow as I answer no one and keep my focus on the back of security guy number one right in front of me. He sets the pace and we all match it. We finally step outside into the California air, and I climb right into a waiting SUV with tinted windows. The door closes behind me and I take a second to calm down. Deep breathing and rubbing my temples. Christine still hasn’t climbed in and the SUV is being surrounded. Hands are on the glass. So many hands. The screaming is too much. I reach in my bag and pull out my iPod. Godsmack fills my ears, and I increase the volume until Voodoo is the only sound I hear, no screams, just the music. Drums, and guitar. I fall back into my seat and turn away from crazy town outside.
Powering on my cell phone, I send a text to Farrow.
Me: I’m alive. OH MY GOD This is out of control!
Farrow: Did Christine give you the earplugs? I told her to.
Me: She did. Thank you.
Farrow: Are you coming here?
Me: Um. I don’t think I want everyone following me to your house.
Farrow: Babe, they are already here. Look.
She sends me a picture from her front door. Throngs of women on the sidewalk in front of her house. They know that if they step on the property they can be arrested for trespassing so they avoid the lawn. Some with signs. Most are scantily dressed.
Me: Call the police.
Farrow: I did. They are outside but no one is trespassing.
Me: Meet me at the Roosevelt.
Farrow: OK. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I don’t want them following me.
Me: Just be safe. I’m checking in under Tammara Brayden.
Farrow: Love you
Me: Love you too.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Finally, Christine climbs in and we are moving. Pulling the ear buds out, I turn and glare at her.
“We are going to the Roosevelt, Christine.”
“I’m on it.” She states and is on the phone making arrangements instantly. I look out the window and practice my breathing, so I don’t completely lose my shit on her. It’s bubbling just below the surface, and I am going to lose it.
“Kasen…” She begins.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” I growl at her. “Farrow is being harassed. Her property is surrounded by women. WHERE IS HER DETAIL?” I raise my voice. “I told you she gets detail!” My nostrils flare, and I begin drumming my thumb on my thigh.
“Kasen, security has been with her. I promise you. Today,” she shakes her head, “today is special because they KNOW you are going to be in town. They are like bloodhounds, Kasen. They are sniffing around her because they are picking up YOUR scent and right now YOU SMELL AMAZING!”
I nod and look out the window, rubbing my chin with my thumb, considering all Christine has just said. We cruise down the freeway and make our way to the Roosevelt Hotel. Replacing my ear buds, Welcome to the Jungle begins to blare. How fitting?
I put my phone in my pocket and look out the window. How the hell am I supposed to get out of here? I see the cruiser sitting just down the block and find myself wondering if they would put up a road block for me so I can leave without these women following me. Dropping the blind back in place, I plod off to my room to pack my bag, leaving my security to stand watch outside the front door.
I rush through the garage door and ensure I lock it, just in case someone gets into my garage, at least they won’t get into my house. Sitting in my car, I take a couple of deep breaths and call local dispatch. Explaining my situation, and how I need to leave. The dispatcher agrees to speak with the police on location and arrange my safe depa
rture. It is Los Angeles after all, weirder calls have been made. I send a quick text to my security guard and let him know my plan. He in turn will make arrangements for security to meet me at the hotel.
Moments later, I hear the brief sound of the police siren going off on my drive. Police are yelling at the women to clear a space and back up. Turning the key, I raise the garage door and put the car into reverse. The women begin to squeal as police stand between them and my car. Nodding to the police officer and my guard, I drive away from the property towards Kasen.
As I drive, I keep a keen eye on my mirrors and am very pleased that I am not surrounded by hordes of women.
Driving toward Hollywood, I shoulder check and move into the right lane. I hate driving in LA, but when they started following me I had to stop taking the metro. Finally arriving in front of the Roosevelt, my security team meets me at my car door and shuffles the valet into place. Walking me to the front desk, I lean into the attendant.
“Tammara Brayden, please,” I offer the name quietly. The attendant looks at me and the guards who flank me before she begins to type into the computer.
“There’s no one registered by that name.” She deadpans.
My mouth drops open. Shaking my head, I lean in closer. “Excuse me? Can you please check again?”
Her hands rest on the counter and she stares at me. “There is NO. ONE. REGISTERED. BY. THAT. NAME.” She cocks her head to the side and smirks at me.
I bite my tongue and blink at her. “Got it. Thanks.” I nod.
Walking away from the counter, I pull out my phone and call Kasen.
“Where are you, Farrow?” He asks nervously.
“In the lobby. The girl at the counter told me there is no Tammara Brayden registered.” I look over my shoulder and notice she is still staring at me. “What room am I coming to?”
“Shit,” he replies. “I was afraid of that. I’ll be right down.” The call is disconnected and I walk toward the counter. She’s eyeballing me as I continue to smile at her. The elevator door opens and out walks Kasen towards me with his own security detail.
“I apologize, Mr. Wells, I was about to call the police and have her escorted from the property.” She smirks at me and picks up the phone. As Kasen approaches, I smile at him and drink in how good he looks. I love it when he wears blue, he makes my knees weak. Kasen reaches me and wraps his arm around my neck pulling me in for a kiss.
“Hi, baby.” he greets against my lips. Raising his eyes to the counter, he stares down the attendant. “This is my girlfriend. Remember her face.” I smile at her. “The minute you see her, you greet her and let her up. Is that clear?”
Flushing, she nods and as we turn to walk away, she apologizes profusely. I don’t want to hear any of it and simply shake my head at her as we are escorted to the elevator by security.
“So, how has your day been?” I ask as he chuckles and weaves his fingers through mine.
“Can the movie just premiere tonight? I’m done now,” he sighs, but I know he is serious. I place my head on his shoulder.
“Me too,” I sigh, squeezing his hand just a little. “Me too.”
Chapter 33
She is NOT your connection to stardom!
She cannot and WILL NOT allow you one hour with her boyfriend.
Farrow does not like getting her picture taken by strangers.
I know, I kind of signed up for this when I started dating Kasen, didn’t I? Fine. Fine!
I can accept that, but please if you want to meet me, hug me, just talk to me. Don’t yell
in my face because that screams all kinds of crazy at me, and I want you arrested and away from me, so I can be safe.
I apologize for my selfishness. I mean, why should I want to go pee alone or not tell you about my sex life? How very selfish of me. Let me tell you all about it now.
Love you, but please. Be respectful
XO Farrow
I look out the suite window towards Hollywood Boulevard, wondering if I can ever again be overlooked. I know for a fact, as long as I am with Kasen, and he stays in the limelight, this is my new reality. Can I step beyond this? I sure hope so. Kasen flops down on the sofa and crosses his feet on the table top. Rubbing his temples, he asks himself over and over again why he took this gig, and I can’t even imagine the pain and confusion he is feeling right now.
Tearing myself away from the view, I sit beside him and pull my knees in tight. His arms instantly wrap around me as I rest my head on his chest. His heart speaks to me. It calms at my touch and reassures me of his love.
“I love you, Kasen.” He knows this, but in this moment, where he is teetering on the edge of finishing his contract and running for the hills, he needs to be fully aware of my support. I crane my neck and kiss him just below his ear. His pulse comes alive beneath my lips.
Shifting on the sofa so he is facing me, he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear and brushes my nose with his. “I love you too, babe. I’m glad you got here okay. I was worried.” He frowns.
“I was coming one way or another. If it meant me breaking the law to get arrested and released to you, I was prepared to do so.” I nuzzle back in and trace the waist of his jeans with my finger.
Kasen releases a sigh and we lay in comfortable silence together, neither of us wanting to move. I listen to his heart, and he strokes my hair as the minutes on the clock tick by. We speak soundlessly, knowing exactly what the other needs. I turn to kiss his chest when his stomach growls and catches me off guard.
“Hello to you too!” I announce and look up to my smiling, handsome boyfriend, who in turn, is grinning and shaking his head. “Time to strap on the feedbag, Wells.”
“Agreed. Room service or delivery?”
Finishing up our Thai food, my cell phone rings. It’s seven in the evening on a Friday. Who the hell is calling me at seven on a Friday? I look at the screen but don’t recognize the number so I send it to voicemail and shrug around my chopsticks.
“Who was that?” Kasen asks as he begins to place all the garbage in the brown takeout bag.
“No clue.” I shrug. “They have been calling for a week and never leave a message.”
“Tomorrow we change your number,” Kasen states. “I don’t want strange people calling the woman I love, whenever they feel they can.”
“Kasen…” I begin but he cuts me off by pulling me onto his lap.
“Farrow, your current number can be found anywhere. You need a private number, in a different name, so the crazies can’t find you,” he states as he skims his lips over my neck.
Thinking about what he said, I know he’s right. This is the same number I have had since I was fifteen. It’s not private, and I have already lost most of my privacy…nodding I smile and put my offer on the table.
“I will change my phone tomorrow, Mr. Wells, under one condition.” I offer up my best Russian spy accent that I can muster. It is not very good, and Kasen tries REALLY hard to keep a straight face.
“What is your condition, Ms. Connoley?” He raises an eyebrow and chews his lip.
“As soon as my contract expires and I am one hundred percent free of EI -” He nods as I remove my shirt. His eyes drop to my sports bra, which is very far from fetching but is way more comfortable than underwire. “You take me back to Apex-” I bring my lips to his and tenderly kiss him. “And marry me.” I pull back slowly and wait for his response.
His eyes are as big as saucers and a smile washes over his beautiful mouth. “Are you proposing to me, Ms. Connoley?”
“Yes, Mr. Wells. I believe I am.”
“No flowers? No chocolate?” Kasen asks playfully as he turns so I am laying on the sofa, and he is above me. I shake my head no and smile at him. “No ring?” Once agai
n I shake my head ‘no’ as his right hand fidgets in his pocket and he brings it up into my vision. Tears fill my eyes. A simple diamond ring dances before me between his thumb and finger.
“Yes, Farrow. I will marry you.” He licks his lips. “But I have a condition of my own.”
My chin quivers and the tears begin to spill from my eyes. His thumb wipes them away as he continues to smile down at me. “What’s your condition, Mr. Wells?” I ask.
He stands and touches his phone’s screen a couple of times. The Dance begins to play and he reaches his hand to me. “Dance with me.” I stand in all of my sports bra glory. He slides the ring on my finger and pulls me into his embrace. We sway together long after the music stops, in our own little bubble of calm and peace.
* * *
Farrow and I are wrapped around each other in the sheets of the king sized bed. I’m watching her as she stares at the simple ring on her hand. Turning it this way and that, admiring the way it glistens in the candlelight.
Snickering, I pry myself from below her and throw my legs over the side of the bed. I stand and walk to the refrigerator to get us some water. I know she turns to watch my ass as I go. I can feel her eyes on me. Looking over, I confirm my suspicions and raise my eyebrows.
“I’m not a piece of meat, Farrow.” I tsk as I continue to walk. She shakes her head and goes back to admiring the ring.
“How did you know?” Farrow calls from the bed.
“How did I know what?” I ask when I come back to join her and hand her a bottle of water.
“That is the perfect ring?” She questions taking a sip and returning the cap to its home.
“That’s easy, babe.” I lean in and touch the ring. “It was Mama’s.”