by Lisa Marie
Suddenly, Farrow sits up and is on her hands and knees looking sexier than hell. Crawling towards me, she wraps her hands behind my neck and presses her body against mine. It takes everything in my power to remember that I have water in my hands before I press my fiancée into the mattress and worship her body again.
We wake to the sound of my cell phone ringing. Squinting against the sunlight that pours through the window, I pick up the phone and swipe at the screen. Blowing out some air, I fall back onto the pillow and put the phone to my ear.
“Good morning, Christine,” I answer with my forearm draped over my eyes. Farrow stirs and blinks her eyes open.
“Good morning, Kasen. I assume Farrow made it there alright as I didn’t get any phone calls from you last night,” she blurts haughtily.
“What do you want, Christine.” I huff into the phone. Farrow begins kissing down my chest and takes all of my attention away from the phone call. She’s watching me watch her. I take my arm from over my face and place it behind my head propping me up so I can enjoy the show before me.
Farrow’s tongue flicks out and licks my hip. She pulls the cover back and takes me into her hand. Watching my reaction, her tongue comes out and teases the tip of my cock, while her hand wraps around my shaft and begins to stroke.
“...and your car will be there in twenty five minutes.” Christine finishes the sentence that I clearly was not paying attention to.
“Mmmmm… um yeah. Okay twenty five minutes. Got it,” I reply to her but am only concentrating on Farrow’s beautiful mouth as she licks and sucks her way to the base of my cock. I hang up the phone and moan as she continues her pleasureful assault on my body.
Thirty six minutes and two orgasms later. We are pulling on our shoes and rushing to the elevator. Reaching the lobby, we are flanked by security and whisked to the waiting car. We climb in and I honestly have no clue where we are going. I know full well that Christine told me but something came up.
Pulling into the studio, Farrow presses her hands to her eyes and shakes her head. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” Her mantra begins. I look over at her as she looks up at me. “Today is our interview, babe! Look how I’m dressed.”
“Farrow we are in a studio. I am sure we can figure something out.” I scold her. “I didn’t know that today was our interview.” I shake my head. “When was it arranged?”
“Christine and I worked it out so I could actually join you for some of the junket instead of being stuck prepping and coming up with original questions for you guys. It was her idea.” Farrow shrugs.
“Good thinking… Wow! Christine may actually have an idea here.” I snort as Farrow elbows me in the ribs.
Christine is waiting for us at the door and she is not happy with our appearance. She swoops Farrow away and gives me a dirty look. Laughing, I walk into the greenroom and find Sierra. We walk towards each other and I open my arms wide for a hug. Wrapping her arms tight around my neck, she whispers into my ear. “I am SO sorry about your mom. How are you doing?”
Pulling back I nod and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Farrow will tell you.” I smile. Giving me a look of utter confusion, I laugh. “Nothing bad, I promise.”
We sit and catch up before being called into the interview room. Walking in together, I look over at Christine, whose face looks like she just swallowed a lemon. Something has pissed her off, and I am pretty sure I know what it is. Sitting in our chairs, Farrow joins us and gives Sierra a huge hug. Sierra takes notice of Farrow’s ring and looks into her eyes for confirmation. Farrow bites her lip and nods. Both girls laugh and squeal. It’s really humorous. Christine, on the other hand is fuming in the corner, maniacally tapping the screen on her tablet.
“How did you do it, Kasen?” She asked and swatted me on the shoulder.
“I didn’t. Farrow stole my thunder and asked me before I had the chance.”
“Ahh, but to quote a very sexy man…” Farrow winks at me and clears her throat. “Ahem – Without lightning, thunder is meaningless.” She sounds more like Keanu Reeves in Point Break than me at any given time, but she’s right. It is.
Sierra stops, looks at Farrow, who is smiling, then looks at me. “Hot damn.” She shakes her head. “Are you serious? That is hilarious!”
Christine storms over. “Can we just get on with this please? I made special arrangements to do this today and I have other things that need to get done.” She claps her hands in a ‘chop-chop’ motion, and I roll my eyes at her.
Farrow sits down and tries to keep a straight face. Sierra takes a cleansing breath and centers herself while I just shake my head at my agent. The only woman who has ever made me this crazy.
“Thank you so much for doing this interview with Entertainer Insider today.” Farrow starts out.
“You are welcome,” Sierra replies while I nod.
“Kasen, what is it like being Tate for all of these women?”
I know what answer I want to give. The honest one. However, I have to give the by the book answer. “This experience was one that dreams are made of. I mean, what twenty six year old, hot blooded male doesn’t want all of this attention?” Her eyes widen. “Kidding, this has been such a fun experience and I have learned so much from Sierra and Bob.”
Farrow smiles her sad smile at me but continues with the questions. I tune out but smile and nod when needed.
“One last question and I will be out of your hair,” Farrow announces. “What was the best thing that happened to each of you during the filming of DIRTY?”
That one is a no brainer. I look right at her and smile. “You. You, Farrow Connoley, are the best thing to come out of filming DIRTY. Now, we’re done. Let’s go home.” I stand, taking her hand in mine we walk toward the door with Christine calling after us. I can’t hear what she says. I really don’t care what she says. I want to go hide out with my fiancée until the premiere.
I can hear Sierra telling Christine to relax as we leave and their voices get louder. Christine, my attack Chihuahua needs to relax. I turn back and poke my head through the door.
“Christine!” I yell. All heads turn to look at me. “For once, can you stop being such a bitch, please! JESUS!” Christine shuts up, and Sierra slaps her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter.
Spinning on my heel, I push my aviators up and pull Farrow towards the car. We have to go and get her a new phone, and then back to bed. We have a few hours to make up for.
Opening the car door for her, I stare at her ass as she climbs in. I always have, she has a great ass. As she sits, her phone rings again. Looking at the screen, she shakes her head and tucks it back into her pocket. Those unknown callers make me nervous. Farrow still doesn’t realize what the fans are capable of. I am hoping she never finds out.
Chapter 33
Don’t Come Around Here No More
I can’t think of any song titles that say… STOP CALLING ME!!!! HOLY CRIPES.
I know how and why you got the phone number but stop calling me. I never asked you to call me. You just did. It’s rather pathetic and childish.
I’ve told Kasen everything. We are looking into legal action. We have the voicemails.
Consider this my cease and desist order to you, oh wait… you received one earlier today, along with your notice of termination.
Enough is enough.
I won’t call you out. That will give you the attention you crave. I owe you nothing.
Stop calling me. Stop emailing me. Just stop.
“I have to buy a dress!” I am panicking. “And get my hair done and my nails. JESUS, I need shoes!”
I gave up my house from EI as it was no longer safe for me to live there. I also spoke with Susan from HR and she agrees that it’s far too hot for me in LA and I am free to go to Apex yesterday. They won’t call on me for anything, and if they do absolutely need something, I can do it remotely. I haven’t told Kasen. He thinks
I am still stuck here until December. I’m surprising him after the premiere tomorrow.
Kasen’s watching me buzz around his suite, his eyes dancing with humor. He is so much more relaxed now that the premieres are right around the corner. In one week he is free. Free to go back home to Apex. Free to be free. He’s laughing at me now. “Smug Bastard”. He’s lucky he just has to be clean and hot. I, on the other hand, am making my first official public appearance with Kasen. I stop dead in my tracks and start patting myself down.
“If your body needs to be touched, Farrow, all you have to do is say so.” Kasen winks at me as his eyes travel my dishevelled body.
I glare at him. “Phone… I need my phone.” I begin to point to the nightstand, where my phone sits, like I am playing a really bad game of charades.
Laughing harder, Kasen tosses me the phone and leaves the room. Sliding my screen open, I find Sierra’s number and press call. She answers on the first ring.
“FARROW!!! How are you sweets?” Sierra sings into the phone.
“I’m panicking!” I admit. “I have nothing to wear to the premiere. Please, come shopping with me.” I practically beg into the mouthpiece.
“WHOOP SHOPPING! I’ll pick you up. With the traffic the way it is, probably about forty five minutes.” She sounds like I just told her she is princess of the world.
“OHMIGOD thank you so much. See you soon.” I end the call and walk to Kasen, who is shaking his head at me. He has no clue what it’s like to be the fiancée of a movie star.
“Sierra coming to save the day, babe?”
I flop down beside him on the sofa and find my way into his arm. He kisses the top of my head and my stomach flips, like it’s full of angry butterflies. I find it amazing how a simple gesture makes me weak in the knees.
“What are you going to do while I go shopping?” I ask as Kasen takes my left hand and admires the ring on my finger. He seems to think about it for a moment.
“You know, since I fired Christine for harassing you…I don’t know what I should be doing. She would tell me if I had time off or not.” He seems confused. He’s pissed at Christine, but quite honestly he’s lost without her.
“I still can’t believe it was her, Kasen. I thought it was my dad wanting something. It’s just the type of thing he would pull.” Christine was sending anonymous emails to me, telling me I had to break up with Kasen. That she was having an affair with him. That I couldn’t have him. I found out it was her the day we did the interview. Sierra walked into the area where Christine was on the phone. Sierra was still pissed from the conversation earlier and came in guns blazing. Christine didn’t end the call soon enough, and I heard Sierra’s voice on my voicemail. When Kasen listened and agreed it was Sierra’s voice we confronted her over dinner and found out what happened.
At first she denied it all. There was no way it could be her. She was innocent. We presented our evidence to her and she got quiet. She confirmed our accusation and told us the truth. Without Kasen, she was nothing. He was all she put her time and effort into, and with him leaving what would she do? Of course it was my fault, which is why she harassed me. It made me sad, but at the same time, happy to be away from that poison.
“Just goes to show you, babe. You don’t know who you can trust when you’re in this lifestyle.” He pulls me closer. “This is why I was scared to go public…although it appears, we didn’t have to worry about the public did we?”
We lay together for a while before my cell beeps with an incoming text. I swipe the screen and see that Sierra is downstairs waiting at the front door. Kasen puts a beanie on my head and a pair of his aviators over my eyes. We press the elevator call button and wait together in the hallway. I nudge his foot with mine, he pinches my ass, I swat his shoulder and he tugs my hair. You know, real grown up stuff.
The doors open, and we step inside with some tourists who obviously know who Kasen Wells is. We step to the back of the car. Kasen continues to pester me all the way to the ground level, while the tourists in the car are trying to work up the nerve to speak with him. I’m just thankful they aren’t the crazies.
Kasen walks me to the front door and security approaches us.
“Buy something nice.” He smiles.
“Will do!” I vow and walk out the front door to Sierra’s awaiting car. Security escorts Kasen back into the elevator, and the tourists that were trying to work up the courage are disappointed that they have missed their chance. I climb into the front seat and latch the seatbelt all while Sierra and I are snickering at the pout on their faces.
“Thank you SO much, Sierra!”
“You had me at shopping, babe! Where do you want to go?”
I hadn’t thought about that. I have no clue where to go. “I’ve never been to a premiere, Sierra. Today…I am your Barbie! Take me to your clothing store!”
We shopped until Sierra declared it to be wine o’clock, at which time we went over to The Ivy for an outdoor seat. Cameras were everywhere, Fans on the street, paparazzi on the sidewalk…just the kind of attention Sierra likes. I, on the other hand, still have the beanie and the aviators on. I just don’t like all this attention. I can’t wait to go to Apex.
It’s about eight o’clock when I return to the suite. I hear Kasen in the shower as I hang the dress up in the closet. I had so much fun with Sierra today, but I can’t wait to see what the tabloids will do with our images. We purposely gave each other dirty looks throughout our day, just to see what spin they would put on it. The water shuts off as I am thinking about how to tell Kasen I’m free, and we don’t have to wait until December to move back home.
* * *
As soon as I returned to my suite, I had a couple of calls to make. One to Apex. I want to know how our house is doing. What the status is. I’m happy to learn that they should be done with the remodel in a week. Everything was gutted, new appliances and floors were put in. Farrow doesn’t realize I know that she is done with EI. I contacted the Human Resources manager and told them she was done. They promised they would let it appear to be her idea, and I know they kept up their end of the bargain in exchange for exclusive photos of our wedding.
This next phone call is going to piss me off. I have to keep my head cool and make the phone call though. I dial the number that was given to me by my security team. On the third ring, a woman answers.
“Hello,” she answers sounding distant and uncaring. I wasn’t expecting a woman to answer. But this has to be done.
“Hi… May I speak with Frank, please?” I really hope she doesn’t ask who this is.
“Just a minute.” I hear the phone being put down on the table, shuffling and voices in the background.
“Frank speaking.” He slurs on the other end. Fantastic! I love dealing with drunks.
“Hello, Mr. Connoley. My name is Kasen Wells and I have something very important to talk to you about. Do you have a moment please?”
Chapter 34
Two more sleeps, and we can be done with LA. We can head to New York for the East coast celebration, and then home. I knot my tie and walk to the window. This whole premiere thing is ridiculous. Hollywood Boulevard is blocked off and crowds are starting to form. I can see all the fans and police officers from here, just waiting. Farrow and I have to leave through the back door, hop in a limo and arrive at the Dolby Theatre. I could walk there in less time.
I’m so lost in my train of thought; I don’t hear her enter the room.
“Excuse me, are you THE Kasen Wells?” she asks in her best fangirl voice. I spin to reply, and my words are lost. Farrow stands before me in an emerald green floor length dress. Her hair is pinned up, with a few fallen curves teasing me because they are tickling her long neck, and I am standing here staring like a dumbass.
“Wow!” I lick my lips. “You look almost as good as me.” I deadpan and she smiles. I love her smile. It lights up the room and reminds me of all the naughty things her mouth is capab
le of.
“Thanks, babe. I think that last line made my panties combust. You sure have a way with words.” She fans herself as I cross the room and pull her into my arms. Her back is bare, and I want nothing more than to trace every inch of it with my tongue. I am starting to feel lightheaded from the lack of blood flow to my brain. I place a kiss behind her ear and hear her gentle moan. That is not helping.
Stepping back from her, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and readjust my pants. I hear a giggle come from that perfect, dirty mouth and I know I am in so much trouble. Deep cleansing breaths.
“What pray tell are you thinking about, Mr. Wells?” she asks as she steps forward. I’m not watching her, but I am hypersensitive to her closeness right now, and I take a step back. She giggles again.
“I’m trying to think about the time my friend, Tommy, and I were cow tipping. Farmer Percivil caught us and we were trying to run away. The pasture was full of mud because it had just finished raining for two days.” I shake my head and smile at the memory. “So we were trying to run away, while wearing rubber boots. My foot got stuck and that bastard, Tommy, kept running. ‘Every man for himself’ that fucker called out as he ran into the night.” She’s smiling and I can look at her again. “I managed to pull my foot free, but the boot stayed where it was and how quickly my foot released from its rubber and mud tomb, forced me to fall flat on my face.”
At this point we are both laughing.
“You think its funny do you?”
She nods but says, “No” while covering her smile.
“So besides mud, do you know what else lies on the ground in a cow pasture?” Her eyes widen. “That’s right, Ms. Connoley… Cow shit! I got a face full of mud and cow shit. Farmer Percivil caught me and swore at me the whole way back to Mama’s house. She promised him that I would receive punishment, but when he left all she did was draw me a bath and laugh because having a face full of cow shit is punishment enough.”
We both grow quiet. “I miss her, Farrow.”
Farrow takes my hand in hers and kisses my thumb. “I know you do, babe. She’s watching and smiling down on you. You made her proud.”