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Love at Last Call

Page 14

by M. Ullrich

  “Rebecca,” Lauren said with a prideful smile that came a little too easily. “This is Berit, the owner of the Dollhouse and the woman I’ve been dating.” Lauren turned back to Berit and felt damned when she saw her charming smile slide into place. Berit reached out to shake Rebecca’s hand. Rebecca’s jaw was nearly on the floor.

  Berit played right along. “Not what you expected, huh? Me either. But Lauren is persistent. She knew she wanted me from day one and just kept coming on to me. Eventually, I gave in, and I’m so happy I did.” Berit snaked her arm around Lauren’s waist and pulled her close.

  “Berit, I thought we decided it was best to not be out at work.” Lauren watched Rebecca’s reactions closely, trying to focus on the ruse instead of how good it felt in Berit’s arms. Rebecca’s eyes bounced between Berit and Lauren like a ping-pong ball.

  Berit chuckled low and slow, and Lauren found the sound to be incredibly sexy. “I know, I put that rule in place as your boss,” Berit said, turning her face and looking directly at Lauren’s lips. Lauren felt panicked. “But I think it’s okay. Everyone will be happy for us.”

  “Wow. How did this happen exactly?” Rebecca said.

  “We were friends first.” Berit answered immediately, not giving Lauren a second to jump in. “I had met Lauren here and she hit on me a few times, but I told her I’m not really interested in being picked up by a customer and treated like a one-night novelty.” Berit’s eyes met Lauren’s briefly before she looked to Rebecca again. “I’m sure you could imagine that happens a lot around here.”

  Rebecca twirled a long tendril of her hair around her index finger and looked Berit up and down. “I know I’d try to take you home with me.”

  Berit shifted closer to Lauren. Lauren’s hand was now around her waist possessively. Fake girlfriend or not, Lauren wasn’t about to let Rebecca talk to Berit like that.

  “You’re not really my type. Anyway,” Berit said, dismissing Rebecca, “when Lauren lost her job, I offered her one for however long she’d need it.” The hazel of Berit’s eyes seemed to deepen the longer she looked at Lauren. “Ever since then, she’s proven my first impression of her was wrong.”

  Lauren mentally skimmed Berit’s small speech. She knew it had a hidden meaning, a secret message. But the serious moment and her focus vanished a second later when Berit pulled her flush against her body and placed a kiss on her temple. She leaned into the kiss, not even trying to resist the pull she felt.

  “I never knew Lauren to be so aggressive in pursuing someone. When we were together, she could barely make a decision for herself.”

  “I would’ve if I had the chance.”

  “You two were together?” Berit held Lauren tighter. “I guess I should thank you for letting this one go.” Berit leaned in slowly, giving Lauren more than enough time to pull away if she wanted.

  Lauren stayed put and welcomed Berit’s unbelievably soft lips on hers. Her stomach tensed at the feel of Berit’s warmth, mouth, and her comforting scent. Before Lauren could lose herself to the undeniably amazing sensation, Berit pulled away. Lauren stared up at Berit like she was seeing her for the first time. The look they shared was playful, but something more serious simmered beneath the surface.

  “I should go,” Rebecca said, breaking the moment. She reached into her purse, but Berit stopped her.

  “It’s on the house, as a thank you.” Berit’s smile was nearly lethal.

  Rebecca threw a ten dollar bill on the bar. “I insist.” All the sugar had drained from her tone. She grabbed her purse and started off, but not without looking at Lauren once more. “I’ll see you at home.”

  Lauren and Berit broke out into a fit of giggles as they watched Rebecca storm out. She looked around, relieved to notice not one staff member but Lou in the area. “You were great. God, that was so fun.”

  “It was, wasn’t it?” Berit still stood within Lauren’s space. Lauren knew she wasn’t talking about teasing Rebecca. “What did she mean when she said she’d see you at home?”

  Lauren swallowed the lump of embarrassment and worry forming in her throat. “She moved in before we were together. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, but she’s still there and we kind of need her to make the rent each month.” Lauren was scared to meet Berit’s eyes, afraid to catch a hint of judgment, but she saw no such thing.

  “That has to be awful for you.”

  “I told you my home life is uncomfortable.”

  “Hey guys, I hate to break this up, but we need a little help at the bar,” Lou called out. She waited until she caught Lauren’s eye and sent her a wink.

  Lauren laughed. She gave Berit a playful shove. “You heard your sister. Get back to work.”

  “Should we pick this up later? My place?” Berit said cheekily as she sauntered away. She made a show of shaking out her towel before tucking it back into her pocket.

  Lauren could never let Berit know just how tempted she was. “No we shouldn’t, but thank you for playing along.” Over Berit’s shoulder, Lauren spotted Amber walk into the bar. A welcome visitor. She tried to step away, but Berit placed her hand on Lauren’s forearm.

  “I’m always here to help.”

  Lauren tried to stop herself from falling into Berit’s eyes and smile, an impossible task. She nodded and rushed off toward her friend, hoping to continue their earlier conversation. Even though Lauren knew exactly where her best friend stood on the matter of Berit.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Rebecca is such a bitch,” Amber said before downing the rest of her drink. Her fourth of the night. “And your hot girlfriend makes these better than you.” Amber shook her glass, making the ice cubes rattle loudly.

  Lauren took the glass and shook her head. “She’s not my girlfriend, and don’t say that too loudly. I can only imagine what everyone here is thinking after our little display before.” Lauren was happy Lou hadn’t teased her any more, and not even Dee or Bellamy said a word.

  Amber slapped the bar top, signaling she was ready for another round.

  “You have no bar etiquette,” Lauren said.

  “Only when you’re bartending.”

  “I also think you’ve had enough. You usually stop after two anyway. What gives?”

  Amber huffed. “Remember the woman I’m seeing?”

  “Yes. You’ve told me nothing about her, but I know who you’re talking about. Things aren’t going so great?” Lauren split her attention between Amber’s wallowing and shaking up a martini for Rosa, who showed up right on time as always.

  Amber twirled a cocktail napkin between her fingers. She looked sadder than Lauren had ever seen her. “Her name is Annalise and she has great legs, like these.” She pointed to the embossed logo of legs over the bar’s name on the napkin. “I also just found out she has two kids.”

  Lauren almost dropped the cocktail shaker. “Haven’t you been dating for over a month? How did you just find this out?”

  “Because I was blinded by a talented tongue.” Amber covered her face in shame.

  “Hang on,” Lauren said as she poured the martini into a chilled glass and garnished with three olives. “Here you go, Rosa.” She slid the cocktail to everyone’s favorite customer. “I apologize in advance if it’s not as good as you’re used to, but Berit is insisting I handle mixing drinks on my own.”

  “You’re doing wonderful, dear.” Rosa spoke like a socialite in her fifties, looked like she was in her thirties, and never told anyone her actual age. Rosa took her first sip and wasn’t hesitant. “It’s delicious, just as I suspected it’d be. Berit has incredible taste in women.”

  Lauren’s eyebrows shot skyward.

  “The women she hires, I mean.” Rosa smirked.

  “You’re beautiful,” Amber mumbled drunkenly to Rosa. “My girlfriend is beautiful like you and so good in bed. She’s made me dumb.”

  “Okay.” Lauren clapped her hands. “It’s time to get you a ride.” She looked at Rosa apologetically and picked up Amber’s phone.<
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  “She has pictures of them everywhere.” Amber’s head fell back, and she continued talking to the ceiling. “I just assumed she was a proud aunt or something. Not a mother of two who has an ex-husband in Pennsylvania. Ugh.” Her head lolled forward. “This is a mess. I’m a mess.”

  Lauren slid Amber’s phone into her purse and walked around the bar to assist her friend. “You’re a mess right now, but not always. You’re brilliant and sweet.” Lauren wrapped her arm around Amber’s waist. Berit must’ve spotted her struggles, because she was at her side in an instant.

  “It’s Lauren’s hot girlfriend to the rescue!” Amber extended her hand. “I’m Ambler.”

  Lauren looked at Berit apologetically. “You’ve met my friend Amber before. I told her about the incident with Rebecca earlier.”

  “Gotcha. Does she have a ride?” Berit grunted as Amber twisted, seemingly reluctant to allow anyone to help her.

  “Yeah. The driver should be here any minute. You can head back in.” The three stood outside beside Danny.

  Berit looked back to the door. “I have a few things to finish up before closing. Are you sure you’re okay out here?”

  Lauren smiled at Berit’s never-ending concern. “We’re fine, especially with Danny. You can go.” Berit reluctantly left Lauren and Amber. Lauren’s skin became tacky from the humidity and the ends of her hair flipped.

  “You really need to climb that tree.”

  “What ‘tree’? What are you talking about?”

  “Her,” Amber said loudly, pointing her finger in no certain direction. She looked at Lauren and then up to Danny, who towered over both of them. She reached out and touched Danny’s firm bicep. “Not you. Although you are a pretty fine tree also.”

  “Amber, stop.” Lauren slapped at Amber’s wandering hand.

  “I’m serious, Lauren.” Amber was almost a full whine. “Rebecca is awful, and you should be happy. Berit is so, so nice and really hot. Have fun because you’re still young and before you know it, you’ll find out there’s two children hiding in Pennsylvania. Boom. You’re left with the choice of an instant family or dying alone.” A black sedan with a ride service sticker in the window pulled up.

  “Go,” Amber called over her shoulder as she opened the car door. “Climb that sexy tree.” Amber fell into the car and off she went.

  Lauren looked up at Danny and said, “She’s drunk and has no clue what she’s talking about.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Danny stood tall and quiet. She barely passed Lauren a sideways glance.

  “You don’t say much, do you?” No answer came. Lauren patted Danny’s bulky shoulder and opened the door to the Dollhouse. As the door closed, Lauren could swear she heard Danny tell her to start climbing.

  “Did I just hear Danny yelling?” Lauren jumped at Bellamy’s sudden closeness.

  “We were just joking around while I was waiting for my friend to get picked up.”

  “Danny makes jokes?”

  Lauren erupted in laughter, the control over her emotions finally snapping and leading her to hysterics. Thankfully, Bellamy joined in.

  “Let’s close up,” Berit shouted to her employees. The only customer left in the Dollhouse was Rosa.

  The day had been a hell of a roller coaster, and Lauren felt exhausted. “I’m ready to pass out,” she said as she helped Berit push in and stack chairs.

  Berit took a chair from Lauren with a nod of thanks. “You’re handling two in the morning better than you did in the beginning.”

  “You mean when you had a zombie working for you?”

  “A cute zombie.”

  Lauren’s first instinct was to not engage a comment like that from Berit, but she decided to throw caution to the wind. After all, they had already kissed that evening. “Only you would think calling a woman a cute zombie would be a compliment.”

  “Did it make you feel good?”

  “Yeah,” Lauren said, taking all of Berit in and considering her own feelings throughout the night. “It felt really good.”

  “You’re doing great.” Berit turned back to the bar and signaled for her sister. “Lou, will you finish up here? I’m heading out and can’t wait to do this all again tomorrow. Good night, Lauren.” Berit made her way to the back and presumably out of the bar.

  Lauren was confused by Berit’s sudden exit. She had thought the entire night had only affected her, but what if Berit hadn’t been comfortable? What if Lauren had compromised anything that could’ve been between them by acting like the mess she always was?

  Lauren took a deep breath and made a decision. She was going to finish cleaning up and then go climb a tree.

  * * *

  Berit threw Hugo’s large plush frog for the tenth time and watched him run and grab it, her smile just as big when he returned with it as it was the very first time he figured out how to play fetch. “Just a couple more throws, and then it’s time for bed. Mama had a very weird day and she’s tired.” Hugo grinned at her from his place on the floor. She threw the frog again.

  Hugo started barking at the knock on the door. It was nearly three in the morning, and Berit definitely wasn’t expecting visitors. She crept up to her door quietly, wanting to take a peek in the peephole before opening the door. She’d seen plenty of horror movies to know better, but no movie prepared her for this. She opened the door.

  “Lauren?” Berit felt exposed in her thin tank, no bra, and boxer briefs. She crossed her arms over her chest to hide her nipples. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m sorry for just stopping by.” Lauren’s voice was so small, Berit strained to hear her and struggled with the desire to wrap Lauren in her arms. “It’s poor manners to show up without calling, but if I’d called I think I would’ve chickened out.”

  “Lauren, stop and come in.” Berit waved into her apartment and shut the door behind her. Lauren’s posture was rigid, and she seemed uncomfortable. “Is everything all right?”

  Lauren clenched and unclenched her fists before meeting Berit’s eyes. “Here’s the thing, I don’t want to be stuck between an instant family or dying alone.”

  “Well, those sound like terrible choices. Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you.” Lauren knelt and started petting Hugo. “I’m sorry for upsetting Hugo. I’m sure he’s used to you having late-night guests, but not ones who just show up.”

  Berit ignored the small insult. “You apologize too much.”

  “I just—I feel bad and guilty for doing things that make other people uncomfortable or for causing any problems. I was raised to be proper and considerate, and I find it incredibly frustrating because I always end up putting what I want last on the list.” Lauren narrowed her eyes at Berit’s wide grin. “Why are you smiling? I’m ranting like a lunatic, and you’re just smiling.”

  “Your accent comes out when you’re ranting, particularly when you say ‘frustrating,’ and I think it’s adorable.”

  “I’m not adorable.”

  “You’re not just adorable.”

  “I’m frustrated.”

  Berit’s smile grew impossibly larger. She felt the shift between them. The change started earlier, but in this room and this moment, Berit knew all preconceived expectations of their relationship had fallen away. “You’re frustrated because you rarely do what you want. What is that, exactly? What do you want, Lauren?” Berit let the question hang between them. She didn’t move or speak again. She had handed the next move to Lauren on a platter, and Berit’s heart beat rapidly as she waited. The anticipation was suffocating her.

  “I want…” Lauren’s voice shook. She stepped closer to Berit and said, “I want to tell you why things didn’t work between Jennifer and me.” She reached out and took Berit’s hand and touched her arm lightly.

  Berit watched the contact, enthralled by Lauren’s pale fingers tracing her colorful tattoos. “I wanted to ask, but I don’t like to be nosy.”

  “She’s gorgeous and successful. Her body was amaz
ing, and we always had things to talk about.”

  Berit thought of the phone call from Jennifer and her complaint of hearing too much about Berit during her date with Lauren. She swallowed thickly when Lauren touched the inside of her bicep.

  “But what I felt when she kissed me couldn’t even compare to what I feel when you barely even touch me.” Lauren’s words brought a throb to life between Berit’s thighs. “Even right now, I’m more turned on from this than I was when I felt her body against mine.”

  Berit buried the jealousy she felt at the imagery Lauren painted. She grabbed Lauren’s hand and laced their fingers together. “Lauren, do you really want this? I need to be sure because you’ve told me no…a lot.” The small joke lifted a bit of the tension between them.

  Lauren placed her palm against Berit’s cheek. “That was when I saw you as someone who’d never really be interested in me.”

  “And what do you see now?” Berit held her breath.

  “I see someone who’s kind, generous, and incredibly sexy. Someone with borderline terrible jokes and a sweet dog I want to steal. I guess it’s a lot like what you said to Rebecca. My first impression of you was proven wrong.”

  Berit closed the distance between them and looked into Lauren’s dark eyes. She had resigned herself to knowing this moment would never happen, even as she waited for it. Lauren was the first woman she’d met in a long time who made her consider what she had to give as a person and as a partner. Berit tilted her head slightly and brought her lips within a breath of Lauren’s. She reveled a moment in the closeness, the anticipation, the turning point of their relationship. Berit never had to prove herself for a woman before, but she was ready to do so for Lauren until she had nothing left to prove.

  “I’ve thought about kissing you more times than I can count,” she confessed against Lauren’s waiting mouth. She heard Lauren swallow.


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