by John Pilger
112 Instruction Manual No. PROTAP/01-B/VIV 1982, ‘Established Procedure for Interrogation of Prisoners’, Military Report Command, 164 Wira Dama, July 8, 1982, p. 34 in translation.
113 Taylor, p. 144.
114 Ibid., p. 138.
115 Australian Government Printing Service, 1983, Appendix 24B, pp. 157–60.
116 Ibid., p. 160.
117 Ibid., p. 163.
118 Ibid., Appendix 35, pp. 207–13.
119 Sinar Harapan (Indonesian press), August 17, 1983.
120 The Australian, January 24, 1994.
121 The Far Eastern Economic Review, July 30, 1992.
122 Ibid., April 22, 1992.
123 Filmed interview, November 1993.
124 Enclosure with letter to John Lynn, Administrative Assistant, c/o Hon. J. Bennett Johnston, US Senate, from Richard S. Fitzsimmons, Vice President, Government Relations, Burson-Marsteller, August 5, 1992.
125 BBC Short Wave Broadcasts, FE/1656,AL/1, April 6, 1993.
126 President Soares interviewed by the author, November 1993.
127 Republic of Indonesia, East Timor: Building for the Future, Department of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, July 1992.
128 See the New York Times, July 19, 1985; November 21, 1988.
129 The Washington Post, January 6, 1992.
130 Philip Liechty left the CIA in 1979.
131 The interview with Philip Liechty appeared, in part, in Death of a Nation: the Timor Conspiracy, Central Television, London, February 1994.
132 The International Herald Tribune, July 8, 1993.
133 The Far Eastern Economic Review, September 23, 1993.
134 The New York Times, December 8, 1993.
135 Chomsky, 1987.
136 Mark Curtis, from the manuscript of a book on British foreign policy to be published 1994.
137 Mark Curtis, the New Internationalist, March 1994.
138 Ibid.
139 The Sunday Times, August 18, 1991.
140 Tapol Bulletin, No. 118, August 1993.
141 Hansard, July 21, 1993.
142 Cited in Tapol Bulletin, No. 113, October 1992.
143 Hansard, January 12, 1993.
144 Ibid., July 26, 1993.
145 Ibid., May 18, 1993.
146 British Aerospace press release, April 5, 1978.
147 Reuter, April 7, 1993.
148 Interview with the author, November 1993.
149 Curtis, the New Internationalist.
150 The Times, February 1, 1977.
151 As told to the author.
152 Letter from J. L. Wilkins to Alex Palmer, February 23, 1993.
153 Letter from Alex Palmer to the author, November 6, 1993.
154 Tapol Bulletin, No. 116, April 1993.
155 The Guardian, August 13, 1993, by Margaret Coles. Foreign Office documents, including ‘restricted’ Telex to FO, letter from Alastair Goodlad to Greg Pope MP and memorandum about ‘stonewalling’ were passed to Margaret Coles by Jonathan Humphreys of the East Timor Coalition, who was the recipient of the ‘leak’. Copies of all documents with the author.
156 Ibid.
157 Tapol Backgrounder, ‘Indonesia: the British Perspective’, 1993.
158 Interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Kuta, Bali, February 9, 1991, cited by Indonesian News, Volume 19, No. 2, February 1991.
159 The Sydney Morning Herald, August 23, 1985.
160 Aarons and Domm, p. 39.
161 Interview with the author, November 1993.
162 Indonesia News, Vol. 10, No. 2, February 1991.
163 Aarons and Domm, p. 66.
164 The Sydney Morning Herald, December 28 and 30, 1991.
165 Aarons and Domm, p. 39.
166 The Sydney Morning Herald, February 7, 1992. See also Amnesty International, ‘in accordance with the law’, statement before the UN Special Committee on decolonisation, July 1992, AI Index: ASA 21/11/92.
167 Ibid., April 18, 1993.
168 Ibid., September 13, 1993.
169 The Far Eastern Economic Review, September 30, 1993.
170 The Sydney Morning Herald, September 17, 1993.
171 Ibid., October 29, 1993.
172 Keating’s remarks cited by the Sun-Herald, February 13, 1994. In 1990 Gareth Evans told Kraisak Choonhaven, senior foreign policy adviser to (and son of) the Thai prime minister, that it was my 1989 film, Cambodia Year Ten, that had, according to Kraisak, ‘undoubtedly put the issue of Cambodia back on the international agenda and regenerated Australia’s part in the peace process’.
173 The Age, February 21, 1994.
174 The West Australian, April 6, 1994.
175 The Age, February 22, 1994.
176 Ibid.
177 The Australian, February 14, 1994.
178 Ibid., February 18 and 19, 1994.
179 Ibid., February 26, 1994.
180 Fax from Paul Kelly, March 15, 1994.
181 The Age, March 17, 1994.
182 George Aditjondro, From Memo to Tutuala; and In the Shadow of Mount Ramelau, Satya Wacana Christian University, Central Java, 1994. Also, interview with the author, March 31, 1994.
183 The Australian, March 18, 1994.
184 Amnesty International, ‘Indonesia/East Timor, the suppression of dissent’, July 1992, AI Index: ASA 21/09/92.
185 The Sydney Morning Herald, May 28, 1993.
186 The list appeared in Info Bisnis Monthly, cited by Australian Associated Press and Reuter, November 10, 1993.
187 The New Internationalist, March 1994.
1 Jeremy Bentham, Panoptican Versus New South Wales, p. 7, cited in Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore, Collins Harvill, London, 1987, p. 2.
2 I began this tribute in Heroes.
3 Noam Chomsky, The Chomsky Reader, edited by James Peck, Serpent’s Tail, London, 1987.
4 Noam Chomsky, The Backroom Boys, Fontana, London, 1973.
5 This quotation is from an interview similar to that in Language and Politics, Black Rose Books, Montreal, 1989, p. 700. (Having mislaid my original Chomsky sources, I am indebted to Carlos Otero for this Note, and the following.)
6 Chomsky, The Culture of Terrorism, Pluto Press, London, 1988.
7 Chomsky’s extended sense of Isaiah Berlin’s term ‘secular priesthood’ is developed in his major essay, ‘Intellectuals and the State’, reprinted in Towards a New Cold War, Sinclair Brown, London, 1982.
8 Chomsky, The Culture of Terrorism, p. 24; also Language and Politics, p. 693.
9 Radical Philosophy, no. 53, Autumn 1989, pp. 31–40.
10 Cited in The Late Show, BBC television, December 1992.
11 Ibid.
12 Norman Mailer, The Armies of the Night, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1968.
13 Lies of Our Times, September 1991.
14 Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, Sheridan Square Press, New York, 1988.
15 The Chicago Tribune, May 14, 1991.
16 Indo-China Project Press Digest, January 1992.
17 Newsday, January 7, 1992.
18 The Washington Post, January 24, 1992.
19 Ibid., May 19, 1991.
20 Lies of Our Times, September 1991.
21 Cited in Socialist, January 29–February 11, 1992.
22 The Washington Post, January 24, 1992.
23 Cited in Socialist, January 29–February 11, 1992.
24 See Heroes, pp. 187–8.
25 Lies of Our Times, September 1991.
26 Behind the Headlines, BBC Television, January 1992.
27 Lies of Our Times, September 1991.
28 The Guardian, September 17, 1991.
29 The Truth Game, Central Television, 1983; also sourced by Christic Institute, Washington.
30 The Guardian, September 21, 1991.
31 The Evening Standard, March 15, 1990.
32 The Independent, August 6, 1989.
33 The Evening Standard, March 15, 1990.
34 The Sun, March
16, 1990.
35 See ‘Salesman Hurd’ and elsewhere in ‘Mythmakers of the Gulf War’.
36 The Daily Mail, March 17, 1990.
37 Today, March 17, 1990.
38 Ibid., March 19, 1990.
39 The News of the World, March 18, 1990.
40 The Sunday Telegraph, March 18, 1990.
41 The Guardian, March 20, 1990.
42 Tribune, April 6, 1984.
43 The Observer, June 24, 1990.
44 The Observer, September 10 & 15, October 15, 1989.
45 Ibid., May 6 & 13, 1990; April 7 & August 4, 1991.
46 Ibid., July 14, 1991.
1 The St Petersburg Times, August 1, 1991.
2 The New York Times, August 1, 1991.
3 The St Petersburg Times, August 1, 1991.
4 The Washington Post, November 12, 1993.
5 Ibid.
6 The New York Times, November 9, 1993.
7 Vietnam Development Bank circular, 1993.
1 I have taken the body of this opening account from the ‘Year Zero’ chapter of Heroes, Jonathan Cape, London, 1986; Pan Books, London, 1987 and 1989.
2 Cited by Denis Bloodworth, ‘The man who brought death’, Observer magazine, January 20, 1980.
3 Vietnam: A Television History, Programme 9, ‘The secret war: Laos and Cambodia’, Central Television, 1983.
4 Efforts of Khmer Insurgents to Exploit for Propaganda Purposes Damage Done by Airstrikes in Kandal Province, Intelligence Information Cable, May 2, 1973, declassified by the CIA on February 19, 1987.
5 Ben Kiernan, the Sydney Morning Herald, January 6, 1989.
6 Roger Normand, The Nation, August 27, 1990.
7 Ben Kiernan, The Cambodian Genocide: Issues and Responses, Yale paper, 1990, p. 1.
8 Khieu Samphan was interviewed by David Hawk, Index on Censorship, January 1986.
9 As told to the author.
10 Elizabeth Becker, When the War Was Over, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1986, p. 440.
11 Letters from Jonathan Winer to Larry Chartienes, Vietnam Veterans of America, citing Congressional Research Service, October 22, 1986. Letter from Winer to Noam Chomsky, June 16, 1987. Telephone communication with the author, August 1989.
12 Linda Mason and Roger Brown, Rice, Rivalry and Politics: Managing Cambodian Relief, University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 1983, pp. 135, 159.
13 William Shawcross, The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust and Modern Conscience, Andre Deutsch, London, 1984, pp. 289, 345, 395.
14 William Shawcross, Sideshow: Nixon, Kissinger and the Destruction of Cambodia, Andre Deutsch, London, 1979.
15 The colonel’s role was ‘made plain’ at a meeting with staff members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee on February 10, 1990, according to John Pedler, who was at the meeting.
16 Inside Asia, February and June 1985.
17 The New York Times, May 14, 1989.
18 Cambodia: The Betrayal, Central Television, 1990.
19 The San Francisco Examiner, August 12 and 15, 1990.
20 The Sunday Telegraph, September 24, 1989.
21 Jane’s Defence Weekly, September 30, 1989.
22 Cambodia Year Ten, Central Television, 1989.
23 Blue Peter, BBC Television, December 19, 1988.
24 In 1990 Ranariddh said that, in a proposed attack on Siem Reap, ‘The Khmer Rouge will be the major attacking forces’: Associated Press, October 11, 1990; Indochina Digest, October 6, 1990. His separate statement that Sihanoukists celebrated Khmer Rouge victories as their own was reported in the Sunday Correspondent, November 5, 1989.
25 Cambodia Year One, Associated Television, 1980.
26 See report by Committee to Protect Journalists, New York, 1989, 1990, 1991; also Index on Censorship file. One recent example was the Thai regime’s refusal to renew the resident’s permit of Alan Boyd, an Australian correspondent of the South China Morning Post and the Australian, following articles critical of the military government.
27 The New York Times, August 7, 1991.
28 The Sydney Morning Herald, October 20, 1990 and Ben Kiernan, Cambodia’s Missed Chance, Superpower Obstruction of a Viable Path to Peace, Indo-China newsletter, Issue 72, November–December 1991, p. 5.
29 Hansard, November 8, 1989.
30 ‘Waldegrave makes tacit admission of SAS link to Khmer Rouge’, the Independent, November 14, 1989.
31 Letter to John Bowis, MP, May 16, 1990.
32 Letter to Neil Kinnock, October 17, 1990.
33 Hansard, October 26, 1990, p. 650. See also pp. 640, 641.
34 Colvin’s comments, and name, were on a copy of Raoul Jennar’s ‘A Dangerous Gamble: An analysis of the “Comprehensive political settlement” worked out by the Five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council to end the conflict in Cambodia’, Document RMJ/9, December 11, 1990.
35 Ibid.
36 Letter from D. H. Colvin to D. Belfield, May 17, 1991 in which Colvin refers to ‘the need to include the Khmer Rouge in the peace process’.
37 As told to the author.
38 Tribute to Simon O’Dwyer-Russell, the Sunday Telegraph, December 16, 1991.
39 Letters from Noam Chomsky to the Independent, October 22 and November 23, 1990.
40 Private communication with the author.
41 Parliamentary questions for answers, October 18, 1990; note from Chris Mullin to the author, October 16, 1990.
42 The Guardian, October 16, 1991.
43 Cited by Penny Edwards, the Guardian, November 4, 1989.
44 Agence France Presse report from Geneva, August 30, 1990.
45 Ben Kiernan, The Cambodian Genocide: Issues and Responses, p. 28.
46 Ibid., p. 29.
47 On June 5, 1990, The Times reported Kissinger as saying, ‘I would not be surprised if ten years from now, China, even following its present course, will appear like a freer country than Russia and a more prosperous one.’
48 The Sydney Morning Herald, October 20 and December 6, 1990. After the contents of the Evans briefing document were published in the Sydney Morning Herald, Senator Evans replied in a letter to the paper on December 10, 1990. ‘The truth is’, he wrote, ‘that in a statement circulated [at Paris] on August 28, 1989, I described, as one of “five stumbling blocks . . . identified in the work of the Committees, and by the Co-presidents” the following: “whether it is appropriate or not to refer specifically to the non-return of genocidal practices of the past”. Other “stumbling blocks” I referred to were such matters as “the composition and powers of the transitional administration” and “whether it is appropriate to acknowledge or not the presence of Vietnamese or other settlers in Cambodia”. The point is simply that I was making a value-neutral assessment of where we were then at in the negotiating process, identifying controversial words and phrases and issues generally which remained to be addressed . . .’
49 The Sydney Morning Herald, October 20, 1990.
50 Australian Government, Informal Meeting on Cambodia, Issues for Negotiations in a Comprehensive Settlement: Working Papers, Jakarta, February 26–28, 1990.
51 Cambodia Year Ten Update, Central Television, 1989.
52 Ben Kiernan, Cambodia’s Missed Chance, p. 5.
53 Ibid., p. 4.
54 See Raoul M. Jennar, ‘Cambodian Chronicles (I), Fourteen Days which shook Cambodia’ and ‘Cambodian Chronicles (II), The very first steps towards a fragile peace’, European Far Eastern Research Center, Brussels, December 5, 1991/March 15, 1992.
55 The Washington Post, April 29, 1989.
56 Elizabeth Becker, When the War Was Over, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1986.
57 Official Records, UN General Assembly Thirteenth Session, October 6, 1975.
58 Transcript of Sihanouk’s press conference, January 7, 1979, cited and analysed by Ben Kiernan, The Cambodian Genocide: Issues and Responses, pp. 25, 26.
59 Ben Kiernan, Cambodia’s Missed Ch
ance, p. 9.
60 Peter Jennings Reporting, ABC News, April 26, 1990.
61 Vanity Fair, April 1990.
62 John Pedler, Cambodia: A Report on the International and Internal Situation and the Future Outlook, NGO Forum on Kampuchea, London, April, 1989.
63 The Washington Post, April 29, 1989.
64 The New York Times, May 14, 1989.
65 Cambodia Year Ten, Central Television, 1989.
66 Cambodia Study Group, Resumé of Selected Collaborative Battles, Cambodia 1988–90. Copyright Cambodia Study Group 1990.
67 Affidavit sworn by John Pedler at Rome, June 14, 1991.
68 The Washington Post, February 28, 1991.
69 Newsday, March 7, 1991.
70 See Thomas Kiernan, Citizen Murdoch: The unexpurgated story of Rupert Murdoch – the world’s most powerful and controversial media head, Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1986, pp. 237–50.
71 Memo from Rosie Waterhouse to Robin Morgan, May 1988, cited by Roger Bolton, Death on the Rock and other stories, W. H. Allen, London, 1990, p. 29.
72 Ibid.
73 As told to Jane Hill.
74 See Heroes, Chapters 35 and 36.
75 The Guardian, January 8, 1980.
76 See Heroes, Chapters 35 and 36.
77 Ibid., p. 429.
78 ‘Pottiness of Pilger’, letter by Derek Tonkin, Sunday Times, March 17, 1991.
79 Letter from David Colvin to the author, May 9, 1991.
80 Letter from the author to David Colvin, May 13, 1991.
81 Letter from David Munro to William Shawcross, May 14, 1991; Ben Kiernan, The Cambodian Genocide, 1975–1979: A Critical Review, Yale paper, 1991, p. 19.
82 The Observer, March 24, 1991.
83 The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust and Modern Conscience, Andre Deutsch, London, 1984.
84 New Left Review, no. 152, July–August 1985.
85 Report by Finnish Inquiry commissioners, cited by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Pantheon, 1988, p. 263.
86 William Shawcross, The Quality of Mercy, pp. 181, 182.
87 Ben Kiernan, The Cambodian Genocide, 1975–1979: A Critical Review, pp. 16, 19.
88 The Observer, March 17, 1991.
89 The Daily Mirror, September 12, 1979.
90 Cambodia Year One, Associated Television, 1980.
91 The Washington Post, March 18, 1980. I have taken this, and following examples, from Heroes.
92 New York Review of Books, January 24, 1980.
93 James Reston, ‘Is there no Pity?’ New York Times, December 12, 1979.