by John Pilger
2 In February 1992 youth unemployment was estimated at 34 per cent. Source: Radio 2UE Sydney economic analysis, February 4, 1992.
3 1986 OECD figures researched by Carole Sklan for The Last Dream, Central Television, 1988.
4 Direct Action, November 29, 1988.
5 The Sun-Herald, December 15, 1991.
6 Statex – Sydney Morning Herald study, October 31, 1987.
7 The Sydney Morning Herald, February 21, 1992.
8 The Sydney Morning Herald, February 15, 1992.
9 The Sydney Morning Herald, February 18, 1992; Radio 2UE economic analysis, February 14, 1992.
10 Geoff Page, ‘Inscription at Villers-Bretonneux’, in Shadows from Wire: Poems and Photographs of Australia in the Great War, ed. Geoff Page, Penguin, Sydney, 1983, p. 94.
11 Historian James Rusbridger referred to a secret memo sent by British Chiefs of Staff to Churchill in August 1940 – which maintained that Singapore could not be defended. The memo is one of a number of documents omitted from official histories of the period and which, according to Rusbridger, demonstrate that Churchill withheld the warning on Singapore from the governments of Australia and New Zealand. See the Sun-Herald, February 16, 1992; the Guardian, February 28, 1992.
12 John Pilger, A Secret Country, Vintage Books, London, 1992, p. 159.
13 Manning Clark, The Quest for an Australian Identity, James Duhig Memorial Lecture delivered at the University of Queensland in 1979; published by University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1980, p. 18.
14 The Sydney Morning Herald, November 13, 1978.
15 See Brian Toohey, the Sun-Herald, Febuary 2, 1992.
16 The Last Dream, Central Television, 1988.
17 A Secret Country, p. 169.
18 The Sydney Morning Herald, January 9, 1992.
19 Allies, documentary film directed by Marian Wilkinson, produced by Sylvie Chezio, Cinema Enterprises Property Ltd, Australia, 1981.
20 Alan Renouf, The Frightened Country, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1979, p. 279.
21 A Secret Country, p. 267. The original source was from within the prime minister’s office, as told to the late William Pinwill.
22 The Sydney Morning Herald, November 4, 1991. Evans made the claim in a book written with Bruce Grant, Australia’s Foreign Relations in the World of the 1990s, Melbourne University Press, 1991.
23 Private communication with the author.
24 Cited by Catherine Lumby, the Sydney Morning Herald, January 9, 1992.
25 Cited by Noam Chomsky, the Guardian, January 10, 1991.
26 Cited by Lumby.
27 Australian Hansard, November 1, 1989.
28 The Sydney Morning Herald, December 28, 1991.
29 BBC Shortwave Broadcasts Summary, January 1992.
30 A Secret Country, pp. 152, 153.
31 The Guardian, January 17, 1992.
32 David Day, The Great Betrayal: Britain, Australia and the Onset of the Pacific War, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1988, p. 287.
33 The Sydney Morning Herald, August 31, 1987.
34 Ibid., October 11, 1986.
35 Ibid., May 22, 1991.
36 Ibid., May 8, 1991.
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid., February 18, 1992.
39 Ibid., April 18, 1992.
40 Ibid., February 12, 1992.
41 Ibid., February 4, 1991.
42 Ibid., March 30, 1985.
43 The Independent, January 23, 1988.
44 Kevin Gilbert, Because a White Man’ll Never Do It, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1973.
45 The Sydney Morning Herald, May 9, 1985.
46 The Guardian, July 17, 1993.
47 Ibid.
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid.
50 The Melbourne Age, January 29, 1994.
51 Cited in correspondence.
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Aarons, Mark 321
Abbey National Building Society 77, 78
Abbott, Helen 55
ABC see Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ABC News, American 442
‘Abel’ (Timorese) 276–8
Abel, Andy 221
Aboriginal Legal Services 547
atrocities against 525, 537–40, 546
and British nuclear tests 533
and land legislation 248, 533, 541, 542–3, 546–8
renaissance of 542, 543–6
ACOA see Australian Council for Overseas Aid
Adams, Patricia 211
Adie, Kate 153, 166
Aditjondro, Dr George 317–18, 321, 563 n4
advertising industry: and Government propaganda 67
AFFC see Australian Film and Finance Corporation
AFP see Agence France Presse
famine and famine relief 70–1, 175–6, 224
effects of Gulf War on 173, 174
media coverage of 70–1, 72–3
Mussolini and 38
see also Angola; Ethiopia; Somalia
African National Congress (ANC) 226
Africa Watch 223
Afzal, Mohammed 364
Age (Melbourne newspaper) 247, 257, 541
Agence France Presse (AFP) 72, 73
‘Agio’ (Timorese) 287
aid, foreign see Oxfam; World Bank
Aid for Trade Provisions (ATP) 301
Aidid, General Mohammed Farah 224, 225
Aileu, East Timor 284
Aird, Malcolm 141
Aitken, Ian 97
Aitken, Jonathan 303
Akashi, Yasushi 466, 483, 488
Al-Ashkar, Mahoud 509
al-Ashtal, Abdallah 177–8
Alatas, Ali 294, 295, 311, 315
Albert, Michael: on the Gulf War 3
‘Alberto’ (Timorese) 287
Aldermaston weapons factory 60
Alderson, Andrew 437–8
Alexander, Malcolm 40–1, 45, 552 n40
al-Faysalwe, Sa’ud 180
Algeria 188
Al-Hissi, Mahmoud 509
Allan, Andy 447
Allason, Rupert 355
Allende, Salvador 73, 200, 228, 352
Allman, T. D. 430
Almeida, Ines 321
al-Nasiriyeh, Iraq: bombing of 3, 140, 141
Alton, Steve 321
America see United States of America
American Civil Liberties Union 344
American Sugar Corporation 381
Amhara warlords 516
Amnesty International 155, 183, 501, 514, 581 n169
on East Timor 236, 313, 318
Repression Trade UK Limited: How the UK Makes Torture and Death its Business 470
Amorin, Jose 303–4
ANC see African National Congress
Angola 113, 241
CIA intervention in 353
UN-monitored elections in 226, 490
Anthony Nolan Research Centre 361–2
Anti-Slavery Society 203
Antolini, Agostino 393, 394
Antolini, Bruno 393, 394–5, 397
Antolini, Diamanta 393, 394–5
Antolini, Mita 393, 394
AP see Associated Press
Apocalypse Now (film) 89, 90
Apodeti see Timorese Popular Democratic Association
Apps, Ray 104–5
Aquino, Corazon 205, 497–9, 500–1
Arab states (see specific countries):
demonisation of 159
and Gulf War 178, 180
hostility to US 188
media coverage of 73
Archer, Jeffrey 166–7
Armfield, Hugh 247
Armfield, Jim 42, 45
Armitage, Sir Michael 184
arms industry 156
American 159, 163–4, 165, 180, 185, 188, 220, 223, 246–
7, 254–5, 297–8, 299–300, 313, 383
British 16, 118, 119–20, 137–8, 172, 176, 184–5, 189–90, 258–9, 279, 301–4, 306–11, 319, 355, 423–4
French 258, 279
Arnhem Land: Aboriginal land claims 547
Arroya, J. P. 497–8
ASDT see Timorese Social Democratic Association
ASEAN see Association of South-East Asian Nations
Asian families in Britain, attacks against 33–5
Asia Watch: ‘Land Mines in Cambodia: The Coward’s War’ 467, 468, 469–70, 581 n169
Aspin, Les 129
Assad, Hafez, President of Syria: American deals with 179–80, 188
Associated Press (AP) 72, 73, 452, 488
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) 259, 411, 415, 452
Asylum Bill (1991) 35, 36–7
Atauro Island 250, 259, 282, 318
Atkins, Chet 461, 463, 494
Atkins, Sharon 109–10
ATP see Aid for Trade Provisions
Attlee, Clement 52, 99, 108, 532
Aurora (cruiser) 374
Aboriginal issues see Aborigines
as an American colony 245, 257, 464, 524, 531, 532–6
and Asia 244, 261–2
as a British colony 530, 531–2
and Cambodia 427, 428, 463–4, 534–5
the CIA in 532, 533
cultural diversity of 523–4
and the Gulf War 535
and Hawke’s Labor Party policies 11, 98–9, 525–7
and Indonesian invasion of East Timor 12, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 243–5, 247–9, 251–2, 257–8, 260–2, 264, 265, 267, 269–70, 288–9, 311–17, 535
and Japanese logging industry 537
and Keating’s economic measures 527–8, 536–7
Labor Party 525–6, 534, 541, 542
miners 375
nuclear test sites in 532–3
the Press 11–12, 79, 99, 526, 537, 538
Socialist Party 329
tax avoidance in 525–6, 527
unemployment in 98, 524–5, 527
involvement in Vietnam War 534
and First World War 529, 531
and Second World War 237–8, 243, 244, 283–4, 530, 533
see also following entries
Australian (newspaper) 7, 315–16, 318
Australian Associated Press 269, 283
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) 261–2, 526
Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACOA) 250
Australian Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) 251
Australian Film and Finance Corporation (AFFC) 261
Ba’athists: Iraqi 137, 138, 162 Syrian 180
BAFTA see British Academy of Film and Television Arts
Baghdad: bombing of 132, 134, 153
deaths of children in 172
effect of sanctions on 172
Baker, James 128, 130, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 188, 459, 508, 535
Baker, Kenneth 35, 36, 37, 38
Baley, Edwin P.: McCarthy and the Press 66
Balibo, East Timor 266–9, 273
Balkans, the 213–19
Bangkok, Thailand:
American and British operations in see Thailand
Chulalongkorn University International People’s Forum 211
1991 World Bank/IMF Conference held in 207–8, 209–10, 211
Bangkok Post 452
birth of 365–6
effect of Gulf War on 174
Kissinger’s visit to 136
British, and foreign aid 203
see also World Bank
Barre, Mohammed Siad 221, 223
Barwick, Garfield 563 n15
BASIC see British American Security Information Council
Basra, Iraq: bombing of 141, 152–4, 157, 166–7, 171
Battambang, Cambodia:
Hospital 472–3
Mines Advisory Group 492
Baucau, East Timor 285–9, 303
Bazoft, Farzad, murder of 138, 354–7, 439
BBC see British Broadcasting Corporation
Beatles, the 334
Beaver, Colonel Alan 468
bed-and-breakfast hotels 24, 67
Bedford Labour Party 103
Beecham, Jeremy 31
Belle Glade, USA 381
Bello, Walden 204
Belo, Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes 241, 285, 315
Belsen concentration camp 401
Bennis, Phyllis 181, 225–6
Bergoltz, Olga 373
Berlin, Isaiah 342
B52 bombers, use of 57, 132–3, 141, 157, 175, 228, 406
BHP see Broken Hill Proprietary Company
Binyan, Liu 181
Birmingham Six, the 100
Black, Conrad 11, 12
Blair, Tony 114, 119
Blake, William 88
Blakenham, Viscount 71
Blue Peter (TV): Thatcher interview 414–15
Blues Brothers, The (film) 363
Blunkett, David 119
Boardman, Dave 102–3
Bolton, Roger: Death on the Rock and other stories 434–5
Bond, Alan 11, 525, 526
bone marrow transplants 360–2
Bosnia 213, 215–16, 217–18 US and 226–7
Boston Globe 167, 342–3
Botswana, effect of Gulf War on 174
Bottomley, Virginia 119
Boua, Chanthou 487, 493
Bousquet, Ben 101
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 225, 226
Bowen, Jeremy 153
Boxer Rebellion, the 529
Boyd, Alan 572 n26
Boyle, Francis 188
Brabazon of Tara, Lord 415, 420
Bradbury, David 236
Bragg, Melvyn 437
Braithwaite, Mark 100
Branch, Julia 39–40
Brecht, Bertolt: quoted 503
Bretton Woods Charter (1947) 209
Brezhnev, Leonid 371
Brezhnev Doctrine 63
Brighton Labour Party: witchhunting in 103, 104–6
Bristol Cancer Help Centre 359, 360
arms sales: to Gulf States 176; to Indonesia 16, 258–9, 279, 301–4, 306–11, 319; to Iraq 118, 137–8, 172, 176, 184–5, 355; to the Khmer Rouge 423–4, see also Cambodia; to Kuwait 119–20; to Saudi Arabia 189–90
and Cambodia see under Cambodia
death rates in 28; see also suicides (below)
defence spending 57–60, 97, 110, 120
and East Timor see under East Timor
education 27, 31, 57, 60, 98, 108, 114–15
and the Gulf War 133, 134, 135, 137, 143, 165–6, 175–6
homelessness in 23–6
housing estates of 27, 28, 29, 30–1
and Indonesia 301, see also arms sales (above)
and Iran 180
Labour Party see Labour Party, British
multiculturalism in 34, 120
Parliament 186–90
poverty in 16, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31–2, 67, 92, 117
racism in 33–8
secrets legislation in 10, 66–7, 84, 120
treatment of refugees 35, 36–7, 359
suicides 110–11
unemployment 27, 28–9, 31–2, 150
and United Nations 36–7, 186, 188, 227
see also following entries
British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA):
award to author 435, 437
British Aerospace:
deals with Indonesia 301, 302, 303
sales to Iraq 137
deal with Saudi Arabia 189–90
British American Security Information Council (BASIC):
report (1991) 57–8, 59
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC):
radio 14, 71, 86, 152, 157
television 2–3, 8, 9, 14, 69, 87, 119, 134, 141, 153, 159, 197–8, 220; The Late Show 2; Panorama 8
4, 119; The Un-Americans 102; The War Game 8
British Coal 52, 53, 54–5
British Gas 301
British Labour Party see Labour Party, British
British National Party 358
British Petroleum 301
British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) 7, 84
Britoil 301
Brittain, Victoria 4
Broadcasting Act (1991) 68, 83–7, 434
Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) 257–8
Brown, Gordon 114, 119
Brown, Peter 387
Brown, Roger 410
Browne, Desmond, QC 447
Brzezinski, Zbigniew 409
BSB see British Satellite Broadcasting
BSkyB (television company) 7, 8–9
Budiardjo, Carmel 321
Bundy, George 534
Burchett, Wilfred xiv
Burgess, Andy 362
Burghfield, Berkshire: Atomic Weapons Establishment 58
Buried Alive (film) 237
Burson-Marsteller (US PR firm) 295
Bush, George, US President:
visits Australia (1991) 535–6
trade with China 426
as director of the CIA 66, 353
and civil rights 512, 513, 514
and the Cold War 91
and death squads in El Salvador 391
and the Gulf War: before 179, 180, 181, 185; during 126, 128, 129, 130, 133, 138, 144, 165, 167, 213, 338, 425, 427; after 15, 159, 161–2, 163, 168, 169, 186, 390–1
‘humanitarian intervention’ in Somalia 220–1, 222, 223, 225, 392
and Indonesia 299
supports the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 413–14, 431–2
at the Madrid Conference 508
and Ferdinand Marcos 205
and the ‘new world order’ 15, 221
and Panama 66, 193
and Yugoslavia 216
Business Week 200
Cable News Network (CNN) 71, 72, 134
Cabral, Amical 243
Caithness, Earl of: and British involvement in Cambodia 420, 463, 470, 485
Calder, Jean 103
letter to John Smith 103, 105–6
Callaghan, James 41, 58, 108, 358
Camberwell Community Health
Council 40, 45
report 41
aid for 403, 406, 409–10, 412–13, 418, 425, 435–6, 441, 442–3, 455–8, 466, 471, 485, 486
American bombing of 132, 228, 405, 406–7, 411, 439
British policy and 66, 418, 419, 420, 425, 453–4, 455–6, 471
British SAS in see under Khmer Rouge
and children 402, 405
China and 409, 411, 412, 413, 415–16, 426–7, 443, 463, 464, 469, 471, 474
and Chinese usurers 429
and the Coalition of the Democratic Government of Kampuchea 412, 415–16, 443
disease 425, 472, 473, 484–5
economy 402, 473–4, 476, 477, 485–6
France and 463