by John Pilger
declining membership of 107, 109
and education 108
election campaign (1992) 97–8
and the Gulf War 110, 127, 145, 189
and the National Health Service 41, 98, 108, 119
the Press and 37, 76, 78–9, 81–2, 99, 120
and racism 37, 108
and Trident 59, 60, 110, 120
and unemployment 29, 110–11
witchhunting in 102–6, 107, 109–10
Labour Party Conference (1993) 119–20
Lambeth, London: suspension of Labour councillors 103
Lamez, Monsieur 365
Lamont, Norman 209
Lane, Max 321, 323
Lang, Jack 536
Laos, American bombing of 91, 132, 352
Lardner, George 348
Large, Don 366, 367
Laurie, Jim 442–3
Lawrence, Roger 486
Laws, John, QC 446–7
Lebanon 148, 179–80
Lee Kuan Yew 413
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 371, 374, 378
Leningrad see St Petersburg
Lennon, John 334
Lennon, Peter 183
Lennox-Boyd, Mark 445
Leon, Ramiro de 200
Leros Island, Greece: psychiatric colony 358–9
Levi, Primo 278, 494
Lewis, Anthony 512
Lewis, Arthur 33–4
Leyte, island of: typhoons 69, 497
Li Peng 115, 193
libel laws, British 10, 447–8
Liberia, effect of Gulf War on 173
American/British campaign against 186–8, 225
media coverage of 73
Liechty, C. Philip 235, 297–9
Life magazine 334, 511
Lilley, Peter 117
Lingiari, Vincent 543
Lippmann, Walter 88
Public Opinion 63–4
Live Aid 208
Lloyd George, David 125
Loach, Ken: Questions of Leadership 86
Lobato, Nicolau 242
Locke, John 14
Lockerbie bombing, the 186–7, 188
Lon Nol, General 429, 485
abolition of GLC 115
homelessness in 23–6
hospitals 119, 361; see also Hammersmith Hospital; King’s College Hospital
London Docklands Development Corporation 115
London Housing Unit 26
Long Visalo 578 n104
Look magazine 511
Lopez, Costa, Bishop of Dili 253
Los Angeles Times 347
Louis, Joe 334
Louvish, Simon 13
Lowery, Alan 505
Lumby, Catherine 473
Maastricht Treaty 216
Mabo, Eddie 546
‘Mabo judgment’, the 546, 547
Macau 319
McCarten, Matt 112
McCarthy, Francis 328
McCarthy, Senator Joseph 102
McCarthy, Mary (nee Palmer) 329, 330
McCarthy, Terry 453–4
McCarthyism 65, 66, 109
McCartney, James 128
McClelland, Judge James 532–3, 539
McClelland Royal Commission of Enquiry 532, 533
McCloskey Coal Information Services 53
McConaghy, Brian 472n
McCrum, Robert 488
McDonald’s, Moscow 377, 379, 380
Macedonians, the 216
McGrath, Rae 467, 470–1
Mackie, Professor J. A. C. 245
McMahon, Will 321
Madrid: Middle East Peace Conference (1991) 507, 508
Mafia, the: ties with the CIA 351
Maguires, the 100
Mailer, Norman 17
The Armies of the Night 341
Maitland, Geordie 55
Major, John:
and arms sales to Iraq 118, 189
and China 193, 194
a disciple of Thatcher 9–10, 37–8, 114
and East Timor 319–20
economic hardship caused by 117
and Germany’s recognition of Croatia 216
and the Gulf War 128, 133, 134, 165, 338
and Hong Kong 193, 194
and the NHS 41, 45
racist policies of 38
supports US campaigns against Iraq and Libya 186–7
supports Yeltsin’s ‘democracy’ 113, 197
Makinson, Arnie 54
British training camps in 416–17, 425
and Cambodia 412, 413, 474
see also Singapore
Mali 364
Malik, Adam 242, 243, 247, 252, 259 259
death rate in 28
suspension of Labour councillors 103
Manchester Guardian 125, 198
Manley, Michael 200, 353
manufacturing, British 29
Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot and 402, 441
Maralinga, Australia 532
Marchetti, Victor 350
Marcos, Ferdinand, President of the Philippines 204, 205, 209, 497, 498, 501
Marcos, Imelda 498, 500, 501
Marcovic, Ante 217
‘Mário’ (Timorese) 290–1
Marketing Week 79
Marqusee, Mike see Heffernan, Richard
Marr, Mel 448
Martin, Ray 262
Mason, Harry 48, 50
Mason, Linda 410
mass movements, power of 111, 116, 160
Matrix Churchill affair 10, 118
Maxwell, Robert:
and the Daily Mirror 76, 77, 78–9, 80, 81, 82
and Haines 78, 435
exploitation of libel laws 10
and the Labour Party 29
media coverage of his death 69, 71
and a plastic turd 358
and Scargill 51, 77
media, the:
and public opinion 13, 115–16
see Press, the; television
Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) 86
Medical Educational Trust:
Continuing Health Cost of the Gulf War 177
Mellor, David 83, 85, 355
Men of Timor (film) 237
Menzies, Sir Robert 532–3, 534, 537
Merritt, John 358–62
Merritt, Lindsay 360
Middle East International 179
Midlothian Mirror 349
MI5 9–10
and Australia 533
and Bazoft 355
Miles, Ed 479, 480, 481
Militant 102, 103, 105, 106, 109
Milius, John 89–90
Milosevic, Slobadan 216
Mines Advisory Group 467, 470, 580 n169
mining industry, British see coal industry, British
Ministry of Defence:
and Death on the Rock 433, 444, 445, 446, 447, 450
and the Gulf War 172
and Trident 58–9
Miracle Nun of Teverina 395
MI6: and Australia 533
Cambodian operations 423, 444, 446
Mitchell, Denis 18, 87
Mitchell, Ebenezer 329
Mitterrand, Francois, President 142
MMU see Media Monitoring Unit
Mobutu, Joseph-Desiré 425
Mochter 579 n113
Modai, Yitzhak 180
Moi, Daniel Arap 223
Mok, General (‘Ta Mok’) 454, 455
Monde, Le 258
Monks, John 111
Montreal Sabotage Convention 188
Morgan, General Mohammed Siad Hersi 223
Morgan Stanley and Co. 200
MORI polls 31–2
Morning Star 159, 198
Morrison, Bill 288–9
Morton, Brian 340
Moscow: (1977) 371–3; (1990) 376–80
Moscow News 377–8
Moses, Ken 54–5
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 256–7
Mozambique 241
d the Gulf War 173
MPLA 226
Mpondah, Dingaan 72, 73
Mubarak, President, of Egypt 179
Mulhall, Michael 40
Muller, Robert O. (‘Bobby’) 146, 147, 148, 154, 479–80, 481
Mullin, Chris, MP 420, 425, 444, 450
Munro, David:
films with the author 6, 86, 262–3, 271–4, 282, 283–6, 289, 292, 403, 407, 414, 415, 416, 421, 422, 423, 443, 444, 448, 449, 475
writes to Evening Standard 450
Murdani, General Benny 251, 253, 270, 289, 290
Murdoch, Rupert:
and a ‘communications revolution’ 64
a free market Karl Marx 7–8, 11
hijacks popular journalism 77, 79
visits Indonesia 316–17
and the Labour Party 29
papers controlled by 11–12, 71, 72, 76, 79, 84, 154
and Sky Television 84, 433–4
and Thatcher 8, 12, 14, 433, 434
Murray, Len 51
Murray Island, Australia 546
Murrow, Edward 87
Harvest of Shame 381
Murton Colliery, Durham 46, 47–53, 55–6
Murtopo, Ali 259, 260
Mussolini, Benito 15, 38, 341
Mysliwiec, Eva 472
Punishing the Poor: The International Isolation of Kampuchea 457–8
Nader, Ralph 380
‘Nam Phann’ (alias) 411
Namibia 323
Napalm, use of 5, 338, 390
Nash, Elizabeth 505
Nation (Bangkok) 209–10
Nation, The (US) 350, 453, 513
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (US) 513
National Audit Office 189
National Economic Development Agency 499
National Film Theatre (NFT) 83, 86
National Health Service (NHS):
acute services strategy 45
bone marrow donor scheme 361
Government ‘loyalists’ in 67, 114, 118
Labour Party and 41, 98, 108
managers 41, 43–5
outstanding costs 60
and privatisation 98
and ‘productivity’ 119
and trust hospitals 44, 118
see also Hammersmith Hospital; King’s College Hospital
National Intelligence Daily 251
National Lampoon’s Vacation (film) 385
National Security Council (US): and Khmer Rouge 414
National Union of Journalists 434
NATO 63, 218
Naughton, John 141
Nauru 248
Nazi Party 14, 171, 214, 217, 278, 333, 345, 401, 427, 494
Neak Loeung, Cambodia, bombing of 406
Nellist, Dave 103, 110
neo-Nazism see fascism
Nettel, Julian 40
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: youth services 31
Newsday 431
News of the World 85, 355
News on Sunday 358
New South Wales, Australia: Kurri Kurri miners 47, 329, 375
newspapers see Press, the
New Statesman and Society 171, 222
Newsweek (US) 347, 351
Newton, Tony 138
‘new world order’ 2, 147, 148, 168, 188, 193, 221, 222, 383
New York Daily News 128–9
New Yorker 215
New York Times 129, 163, 199, 297, 341, 347, 351, 383, 453, 488, 490, 492, 512
New Zealand:
and British imperialism 529
Labour Party 112
NFT see National Film Theatre
Nguyen Hai Xuan 141
NHS see National Health Service
CIA operations in 200, 353, 504
Contras in 416
Sandinistas 199, 200, 503–5
UNO coalition 490
Nicaragua (film) 505
Niemeyer, Sir Otto 536
Nixon, Richard 5, 136, 146, 245, 248, 338, 364, 379, 382, 387, 406, 439, 480, 503
Nolan, Anthony 361
Nong Nhai camp, Cambodia 448
Nordland, Rod 566 n101
Noriega, General 15, 66, 129, 139
‘normalisation’ of atrocities 4, 16
Normand, Roger 408, 409, 453
Norodom Ranariddh, Prince see Ranariddh, Prince Norodom
Norodom Sihanouk, Prince see Sihanouk, Prince Norodom
North, Colonel Oliver 353
North Shields: Meadow Well estate 29, 30
Norton-Taylor, Richard 184
Nottingham East Labour Party 110
nuclear weapons:
American test sites 335
British test sites in Australia 532–3
and the Gulf War 127, 182
Labour Party and 189
peace movement and 18, 100
safety aspects 57–9
and television coverage 86–7
and Thatcher 188
transportation of (in Britain) 57, 58
UN ban on attacking facilities 182
Nurrungar, Australia 532
Nyerere, Julius 72
profile of General Aidid 224
coverage of Gulf War 2, 126, 130, 141, 145, 154, 157, 161, 171
on the Khmer Rouge 465
on ‘liberal intervention’ 228
Shawcross article (‘The Trouble with John Pilger’) 440–1
on Mark Thatcher 190
vacuous reporting 65
and the Second World War 91
see also Bazoft, Farzad; Merritt, John
O’Dwyer-Russell, Simon 414, 417, 421–4, 425, 449–50
Official Secrets Act 10, 84, 422
Oglesby, Carl 347
oil industry:
and East Timor 258, 275, 281, 311
Indonesian 323
and Libya 187
price rises 174
Oldham Labour Party 103
Omaar, Rakiya 223
Ombai-Wetar deep-water channels 257
Operasi Keamanan (‘Operation Security’) 285–6
Operasi Komodo 249, 269
Operasi Persatuan (‘Operation Unity’) 286
Operation Arc Light 132
Operation Badge Torch 415, 417–18
Operation Ranch Hand (Operation Hades) 390
Operation Restore Hope see under Somalia
Orwell, George 213
Road to Wigan Pier 46
O’Shane, Pat 547–8
Oswald, Lee Harvey 346, 347, 348, 349, 352
Outsiders, The (film) xiii–xiv
Overseas Development Institute, London 175
Overseas Development Ministry 425
Owen, David 258, 301
Oxfam 172, 173, 175, 436n, 455, 456–8, 472
Punishing the Poor: The International Isolation of Kampuchea 457–8
Ozal, Turgut, President of Turkey 178–9
Packer, Kerry 11, 12, 525, 526
Page, Geoff: ‘Inscription at Villers-Bretonneux’ 529
Pailin, Cambodia 465, 492
Pakistan, effect of Gulf War on 174
Palestinians, the:
and Anglo-American interests 195
demonisation of 159
Israeli brutality towards 138, 148, 149, 180, 509–10
Kuwaiti torture of 161
refugee camps 507–10
Pallister, David 184
Panama: US invasion of 65–6, 129, 193
Panorama (TV) 9, 84, 119
Papua New Guinea 248
Paraguay, effects of Gulf War on 173
Parer, Damien: Men of Timor (film) 237
Parry, Mary 56
Parry, Tom 51–2
Pasqui, Ilio 396
Pat, John 540
PBS see Public Broadcast Service
Peck, James: introduction to The Chomsky Reader 337
Peden, William 59
Pedler, John 430, 431, 473, 491, 572 n15
Pemberton, Greg 533
agon Papers 158, 183
Pereira, Agio 321
Perez de Cuellar, Javier 241
Peters, Brian 266–70, 273, 304
Philippine Islands:
Calabarzon ‘superproject’ 499–500
and land reform 498–9
the media and 69, 500–1
natural disasters 69–70, 497
political killings 501
poverty in 201–3, 206, 497, 499, 500, 501
Press agencies in 73
resistance movements 18–19, 500, 501–2
World Bank Conference, Manila (1976) 209
World Bank loans and 69–70, 204, 205–6, 498
Phillips, Melanie 32
Phnom Chat, Cambodia 410, 411
Phnom Penh, Cambodia:
author’s visits: 1979 401, 402–3, 456–7; 1980 475–7; 1989 404, 405, 1992 478, 482–6
Gareth’s Evans’s visit 463–4
and Khieu Samphan’s near lynching 461–2, 463
Khmer Rouge invasion (1975) 462
National Paediatric Hospital 462, 472
and Sihanouk’s return (1991) 460–1
water supplies 471, 485
Phnom Penh Post 493
Pierce, Gareth: ‘Unleashing an Uncritical Press’ 36
Pike, Douglas 452
Pike Congressional Committee 163
Pilger, Claude 327–31
Pilger, Elsie 327–31, 375, 523, 537
Pilger, Sam 373, 375, 376, 379
Pilger, Zoe 23, 382, 383, 385, 386, 387, 388, 523
Pinatubo, Mount, Philippines 497, 500
Pine Gap, Australia 532
Pinto, Constancio 321
Piper, Eric 364, 365
Platoon (film) 90
Platt, Jack 523
Podlaski, Bo Pha 478, 481
Podlaski, Ron 468, 478, 479, 480, 481–2
Pol Pot 5, 402, 406
American funding of 409
Britain and 66, 424
and China 492
gestapo 405
as ‘Hitler revisited’ 425–6
and Mao 402, 441
and the Press 418
rehabilitation of 452, 453–4
strategy for return to power 149, 407–9, 474, 489, 491, 493, 494
and United Nations 227, 407, 409, 412, 415–16, 419, 426, 427, 428, 429, 443, 459, 461, 491, 493–4
Vietnamese defeat of 440, 441, 451
see also Khmer Rouge
Polaris missiles: unsafe warheads 57, 58, 59
American 514
Australian: and Aborigines 538, 539–40
and miners’ strike 51
and racism 33, 34–5, 36
Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984) 10
polls, opinion:
on Conservative Government and policies 119, 120
on Gulf War 74, 126, 143
on nuclear weapons 59, 60
poll tax, opposition to 32, 100, 120
and Labour Party 103, 105
Pont, Pierre 305
Pope, Greg 306
Popov, Gavril 378
popular movements, power of 100–1
see also East Timor; Philippine Islands
Portugal: and East Timor 240, 241, 247, 249, 250, 256–7, 259–60, 276, 277, 282, 318–20
poverty (in Britain) 16, 27, 28, 30, 31–2, 67, 92, 100–1, 117