by John Pilger
and East Timor 255
funding of bone marrow transplants 361
and the Gulf War 142
National Front 35
nuclear tests 248
the Press in 72, 73, 81
and UN ‘humanitarian intervention’ 225, 226
union action 116
Frankfurter Allgemeine 236
Fraser, Malcolm 257, 269, 525, 541, 543
‘free market’ dogma 16, 65, 66, 71, 73–4, 92–3, 108, 115–16, 194–6, 228
Fretilin see under East Timor
Friere, Paulo 243
Frost, David 165
Funcinpec party (Cambodia) 489–90
Furber, Sarah 362
Gaddafi, Colonel 187, 188, 225
Galeano, Eduardo (quoted) 19
Game, Sir Philip 536
Ganning, Joe 49
Gardner, Ava 334
Garrett, John 46
Garrison, Jim 346–7, 348, 345–50, 351
On the Trail of the Assassins 347
Gates, Robert 353
GATT see General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade
Gaza strip 509–10
Geidt, Christopher Mackenzie 444–5
Gellhorn, Martha xi-xiv, 147, 481–2
The Face of War 511
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 75, 345
Geneva Convention, the Gulf War and 144, 161, 170, 183
Geneva Protocols (1977) 170–1
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich 215
George, Susan:
Debt Boomerang 88, 92
A Fate Worse Than Debt 19
Geraldton, Australia 532
arms sales to Khmer Rouge 413
support for Croatia 214–15, 216, 217, 218
and East Timor 255
expansionism 214
the Press in 81
Gervasi, Sean 216, 217
Gestrin, Phyllis 410
Ghana 208
Gibbs, Philip 125
Gifford, Lord, QC 110
Gilbert, Kevin 543–4, 545, 548
Because a White Man’ll Never Do It 545
The Cherry Pickers 544
Memorials 544
Gittings, John 188, 440
Giuliano, Bernardo 395–6
Glasgow: vulnerability to nuclear explosions 57, 59
Glasgow University Media Group 159
Glaspie, April 128
Glucksman, Dr Ed 39, 40, 42, 43
Godoy, Julio 15
Godwin, Wayne 443
Goldstone, Professor 360
Golob, Richard 167
Gomes, Sebastiao 290
Gonzalez, Harry 185
Goodlad, Alastair 306
Goodno, James: The Philippines: Land of Broken Promises 498, 499, 502
Gopsill, Tim 10
Gorbachev, Mikhail 18, 100, 180, 198, 373, 375, 377
Gordon, Marc 458
Gordon, Paul and Rosenburg, David: Daily Racism: The Press and Black People in Britain (Runnymede Trust) 64
Gore, Al 390
Gorostiaga, Xavier 504
Gould, Bryan 97
Gowing, Nik 127
Gowland, Nick 50
Graham, Alec, Bishop of Newcastle 29
Granada Television: World in Action 6, 7, 85
Grandmothers Against the Bomb xiv
Greater London Council 115
Greece: Leros psychiatric colony 358–9
Green Left Weekly (Australia) 198
Greenpeace: The Problems of the Trident Programme 60
Grierson, John 18, 87
Griffiths, Alan 313
Grove, Trevor 423, 449–50
Guardian 4, 17, 32, 36, 59, 120, 126, 134, 137, 152, 159, 166, 171, 183, 194, 198, 221, 223, 224, 228, 305, 308, 356, 436, 442, 470–1, 488
Guatemala: and de Leon’s election 200
Guicciardi, Winspeare 255
‘Guildford Four’, the 85
Guinea-Bisseau 241, 243
Guizado, Juan 66
Gulf War, the:
Allied bombs and weapons used in 3, 132–4, 137, 141, 142–3, 144, 157, 158–9, 167, 171, 175, 182, 184, 186, 226
Allied casualties 143, 151
American killing of British soldiers in 3, 172, 220
Australian troops 535
causes of 128–30, 135, 156, 157–8
civilian casualties 71, 132–4, 136–7, 140–1, 142–4, 151–5, 156, 161, 167–8, 170, 171, 177
effects on Iraq 172–3, 177
effects on other countries 173–5, 177
and the breaking of the Geneva Convention 144, 161, 170–1, 183
Hollywood and 147, 159
Kurdish and Shi’a casualties 166–8
Labour Party and 110, 127, 145, 189
media coverage of 2–3, 4, 9, 71, 73–4, 126–31, 133–5, 140–4, 151–5, 157–9, 166–7, 170, 171–2, 183–4
United States: manipulation of United Nations and 135, 136, 138, 148, 162, 171, 177–83, 186, 188, 226, 227; see also above and Bush, George
and Vietnam War 133, 147, 156–8
Gulf of Tonkin incident 13, 349, 350
Gulf Peace Team 172
Gunther, Curt 330–4
Gunther, Lizette 330
Gurindji, the 540, 541
Gusmao, Amelia 265, 320
Gusmao, Fatima 321
Gusmao, José 303, 321
Gusmao, Xanana 265, 278, 306, 320–1, 322
Guterres, Abel 321
Habibie, B. J. 303, 313
Haines, Joe 77, 78, 435
Haiphong, Vietnam, the bombing of 141
Haiti 113 and US/UN treatment 225–6, 227
Hamilton, Adrian 157
Hamilton, Archie 59, 302, 445, 446
Hammersmith Hospital, London 359–60
Hamzeh, Ahmed 507
Harman, Harriet 41
Harris, Robert 154
Harris, Stewart 545
Hartwell, Linda 361–2
Harvard Human Rights Journal 408
Hastings, Max 86, 125
Hastings, Peter 247–8
Hattersley, Roy 29, 37, 78
Havers, Philip 446
Hawk aircraft, British: use in Indonesia 301, 302, 303–4, 306–9, 319
Hawke, Robert (‘Bob’) 11, 98, 311–12, 416, 525, 526–7, 534, 535, 536, 539, 541
Hayden, Bill 427, 451–2, 474
Haymarket Martyrs, the 18
Heath, Edward 110, 145
Heder, Stephen R. 487, 582 n185
Heffernan, Richard, and Marqusee, Mike: Defeat from the Jaws of Victory 109–10
Hellier, David 184
Henze, Paul 515
Heritage Foundation (US) 225
Herman, Edward S.: ‘The Banality of Evil’ 4
Heroes (Pilger) 1, 357
Herron, Jeannine 511, 512
Herron, Matt 511, 512
Heseltine, Michael 32, 47, 53
Hill and Knowlton (PR firm) 294–5
Hird, Christopher: Murdoch: The Decline of an Empire 79
Hiroshima, bombing of 171
Hitler, Adolf 91, 193, 214, 341, 477
Hussein compared to 425
Hoggart, Simon 154
Holbrooke, Richard 410
Holding, Clyde 541
portrayal of Gulf War 147, 159
treatment of Vietnam War 89–90
Holmes, Lt-Col. John 445
homelessness (in Britain) 23–6
Home Office: Race Attacks 34
Hong Kong 193, 194
and Star TV 316
Hope, Francis 340
Hopetoun, Earl of 531, 536
Horne, Donald: The Lucky Country 527
Horta, José Ramos 242, 243, 321–2
Horta, Natalina 322
Hoskins, Dr Eric 4, 172–3
hospitals, British see
Hammersmith Hospital;
King’s College Hospital;
National Health Service
House of Lords:
and Broadcasting Bill 83, 84–5, 86
House Un-American Activities Committee 102
housing estates, British 27, 29, 30, 67
housing, council 24, 26
see also housing estates
Howard, Jim 172, 436n, 455–7, 471
Howard, Michael (historian) 91
Howard, Michael, MP 117, 119
Howe, Sir Geoffrey 434
Hubard, Mark 223–4
Hudson, Rock 334
Hughes, Colin 151
Hughes, Howard 335
Hughes, Robert: The Fatal Shore 328
Human Shield, The (film) 159
Humphreys, Jonathan 321, 568 n155
Hun Sen (and his Government) 427, 448, 460, 462, 473, 474, 476, 477, 487, 490
Hurd, Douglas 87, 203–4, 213, 216, 422 and arms deals with Hussein 137, 172
and British involvement in Cambodia 419, 424–5, 459
and British involvement in East Timor 296, 301, 320
and the Gulf War 128, 138, 176
Hussein, Saddam:
atrocities against Kurds 138, 149, 155, 165, 166, 169
awarded ‘Gardener’s World award’ 3
and Bazoft’s murder 354–5
British arms deals with 118, 137–8, 172, 184–5, 355
British support for 355
compared with Hitler 425, 427
and invasion of Kuwait 74, 127, 128, 129, 130, 139, 167, 183, 185
portrayal in media 73–4, 143, 354
Shi’a opposition to 162, 165, 166–7, 168
US support for 162, 165, 185, 341
see also Gulf War, the
Huu Ngon 493
Hyland, Tom 321
IBA 86
leng Sary 463
Ignatieff, Michael 145, 228
IMF see International Monetary Fund
immigration (in Britain) 35–7, 38
imperialism 19, 69
American 88–93, 148–50, 161–2, 166, 168, 194, 228, 229, 337–8, 339, 341–2, 392
‘information’ 70, 72–4, 88–9
In Cold Blood (film) 563 n11
coverage of Cambodia 453, 454, 455, 488
coverage of Gulf War 127–8, 140, 151–2, 162
‘Hurd rejects Pilger’s Cambodia allegations’ 424–5
Independent on Sunday 65, 86
Indonesia backed by 259
effect of World Bank dams on 211
as UN Security Council member 181
Indo-China Project 469n
Indonesia 239, 322–3
America and 245–6, 294–5
Australia and 244–5, see also under Australia
and Cambodia 474
Japanese investment in 255, 259
see East Timor; Suharto, General
Indostar (satellite) 316
‘information imperialism’ 70, 72–4, 88–9
Inge, C. D. 34
Institute of Policy Studies, Washington 203
intelligentsia, American:
Chomsky attacks 339, 341–5
Interception of Communications Act 84
International Freedom Foundation (US) 458
International Herald Tribune 158
International League for Human Rights 257
International Management (Australia) 526–7
International Monetary Fund:
Cambodian debt to 485–6
and Guatemala 200
and ‘structural adjustment’ of the Philippines 69–70, 205–6
and Yeltsin’s democracy 195
see also World Bank
International Red Cross:
aid for Cambodia 403, 436, 460
and East Timor 305–6
and Iraqi casualties 141
US and 180, 185, 347, 352, 353, 417
Britain and 180
children in 4, 71, 177, 186
effects of Gulf War on 171, 172–3, 177
effects of sanctions on 159, 172–3
US/British campaign against 186, 187, 188
see also Gulf War; Hussein, Saddam
Iraqi Red Crescent 141
Irish politicians, interviewing 67, 87
American bribes over UN Resolution 678, 180
and American PR firm 295
American support for 73, 138, 148–9, 165, 213, 227, 339–40, 508
customs officials 364
and Eritrea 517
invasion of Lebanon 138
media coverage of 73, 134
brutality towards Palestinians 138, 148, 149, 180, 509–10
and United Nations resolutions 188
Communist Party 396
and corruption 118
general strike 116
Tuscany 393, 394–5, 396–7
ITN 127, 159
ITV 83, 434, 447 see Central Television; Granada Television; Thames Television
Jacaranda Press, Queensland 265
Jackson, J. A. D. 445
Jackson, Sir Robert 442
‘Jaipur limbs’ 469, 480, 481
and CIA 200, 353
effect of Gulf War on 173
James, Clive 3, 65
James, Roger 447
Jane’s Defence Weekly 414
and Cambodia 471n, 475, 486
and capitalism 194, 195
and deforestation of Australia 537
and deforestation of the Philippines 70
investment in Indonesia 255, 259
Press agencies in 73
in Second World War 140, 237–8, 243, 244, 283–4, 530
jargon see euphemisms
Jarratt, Alex 78
Javanese, the 239
in East Timor 274, 275, 284
Jenkins, Nancy 396
Jennar, Raoul 420, 465–6, 486
John, Elton 69
John Paul II, Pope: visit to East Timor 270, 272, 290
Johnson, Lyndon, US President 13, 157, 170, 346, 351, 511, 533–4
Johnson, Paul 35, 450
Johnson, Dr Samuel: quoted 80
Johnston, Commissioner Elliott 539, 540
Jolliffe, Jill 269, 321
Jones, Jack 356
Jones, Penn 349
Jones, Roderick 73
and Israel 148
effect of Gulf War on 174–5
‘José’ (Timorese orderly) 291–2
journalism see Press, the
Joxe, Pierre 142
Judge, Paul Quinn 417
‘Julio’ (Timorese) 286–7
Kagarlitsky, Boris 194, 195
Kalhoum, Oum 507
Kampong Cham, Cambodia: hospital 404
Kampot, Cambodia 464–5
Kampuchea see Cambodia
Kampuchean Emergency Group (KEG) 409–10, 411, 413, 436, 440
Kampuchea Working Group 413, 417
Kandal Stung, Cambodia 405–6
Karnow, Stanley: Vietnam: A History 156–7
Keating, Paul:
and Aboriginal land rights 546, 547
and Australia’s independence 530, 531, 533, 534, 537
condemns Death of a Nation 314
and East Timor 313–14, 315, 317
economic policies 527, 536–7
and Indonesia 12
KEG see Kampuchean Emergency Group
Kelly, John 128
Kelly, Paul 317, 318
Kennan, George 88, 340–2
Kenneally, John (‘Paddy’) 238, 240
Kennedy, John F. 13, 90–1, 338, 347, 352
assassination of 346–52
see also Stone, Oliver: JFK
Kennedy, Robert 333
Kenya 223
Kerr, Sir John 532, 543
Kesteven, James see King, Mandy
KGB, the 9, 371, 372–3
Khieu Samphan 408–9, 430, 459, 460, 461–3, 483–4, 493, 494
p; Khmer Empire 402
Khmer People’s National Liberation Front (KPNLF) 412, 414, 416, 446, 460, 466, 470
Khmer Rouge:
American support for 226, 409–10, 411–12, 413–14, 431–2, 436–7, 451–3, 464, 466, 486, 487
atrocities 404–5, 408–9, 454–5, 458, 462, 464–5, 493, 494
and British SAS 414, 415, 416–17, 419–20, 421–5, 437–8, 444–50, 469–71
Chinese support for 409, 411, 412, 413, 426–7, 449, 463, 464, 469, 471
and the KPNLF 412, 414, 416, 446
rehabilitation and return to power 451–5, 473–4, 482–4, 535
and Prince Sihanouk 429–31, 461, 489–92
Margaret Thatcher on 414–15, 437
and United Nations 409, 426–8, 452, 461, 462–6, 471, 484, 485
see also Pol Pot; Thailand
Kiernan, Ben 409, 412, 427, 451, 453 The Cambodian Genocide, 1975–1979: A Critical Review 440
Kilgallen, Dorothy 349
Killing Fields, The (film) 431
Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) 501
Kim Hang, General 491
Kim Il Sung 226
King, Mandy, and Kesteven, James: Shadow over Timor (film) 237
King, Tom 133, 425, 446
King’s College Hospital, London 39–45
Kinnock, Neil 29, 37, 78, 109, 420
Kissam, Shiraz 74
Kissinger, Henry 5, 136, 163, 193, 228, 248, 250–1, 252, 254–5, 256, 338, 391, 406, 426, 439
Klebanov, Vladimir 372
Klodt, Pyotr: bronze horses 373–4
KMP (Peasant Movement of the Philippines) 501
KMU see Kilusang Mayo Uno
knighthoods, selling of 118
Knightley, Phillip 157, 435
Kohen, Arnold 321
Kolko, Gabriel 247
Kompong Som, Cambodia 441
Kompong Speu, Cambodia 407
Kompong Thom, Cambodia 431, 465, 481
Kopkind, Andrew 350, 351
Korea, North 226
KPNLF see Khmer People’s National Liberation Front
Kraisak Choonhaven 420, 475, 569 n172
Kraras, East Timor 238–9, 279–80
Krauthammer, Charles 350, 352
Kundera, Milan 68, 337
Kurds, the:
Allied bombing of 165–8
American betrayal of 162–3, 165, 166
Britain and refugees 359
and Hussein’s atrocities 138, 149, 155, 165, 166, 169
Turkish persecution of 168, 179
Kurri Kurri, New South Wales329, 375
Kusumaatmadja 578 n113
Allied bombing of 151, 167–8
America and 294, 508
and Britain 135
British arms deals with 120
Hussein’s invasion and withdrawal 74, 127–8, 129, 130, 149, 151, 155, 183
Palestinian population 161
Labour Briefing 104, 109
Labour Party, British:
and arms deals 119–20, 189; see also Trident (below)
and British involvement in Cambodia 419–20, 425
and the coal industry 76–7, 111–12
and convergence with Conservative Party 14, 16–17, 32, 97–8, 100, 107, 108–9, 114, 115, 119–20