Book Read Free

Well Bred

Page 12

by Avery Gale

  Realizing he was watching her carefully, waiting for her to continue, she squirmed again, but this time, the corners of his lips twitched. Dammit it to dusty doorknobs, the rat had figured out what effect the spanking had on her. Dandy, there’ll be no living with him now. You know better than to feed Kip’s ego. Great. Now I’m talking to myself. Shaking her head, she tried to turn away, but Kip wasn’t having it. “No, baby. Look at me and finish what you were going to say.”

  “You already know what I was going to say. I could tell by that grin you gave me.”

  “I have a good idea, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for answering the question. First, it wasn’t a request; it was a direct order. And second, the key to a successful relationship—whether it’s D/s or vanilla—is communication. So start talking, baby.”

  Sucking in a deep breath in hopes the infusion of oxygen would somehow give her courage, Caila squirmed again. Feeling his steel length twitch against her, she glanced up at him only to have his brow raise in question. “You doubted that I still wanted you? Are you kidding? Christ, I can smell your sweet cream, and I’m dying to taste you again. Having you naked and squirming on my lap is about as close you torture as it gets. So start talking—now.”

  Smiling to herself, she was glad to see the guilt fading from his eyes. Sure, she’d passed up the perfect opportunity to force distance between them, but she’d loved Kip Morgan for as long as she could remember. And, even if they didn’t end up together, she never wanted to lose his friendship…not to mention, she wasn’t ever going to get the orgasm she’d been chasing unless she came clean.

  “I didn’t realize I was talking out loud because I was floating in the sweetest fog. I’ve heard the other subs at clubs talking about it, but I’d never experienced it myself. I mean, I’ve done scenes and had orgasms.” Holy crap on a cactus. Did he just growl at me?

  “I’ve heard enough. It’s time to erase those memories and replace them. You may not believe it yet, but you belong to me, baby. Make no mistake, you are mine, and I plan to send you into subspace every chance I get.

  “Stand up slowly and then settle in the middle of the bed. Spread your legs for me, baby. I want to look at you while I get undressed.” She rose slowly enough her head didn’t spin then scrambled quickly onto the bed, hoping he’d follow her lead and hurry as well. He watched her and grinned. “In a hurry, Cal?”

  Subtlety had never been her strong suit and appearing overeager was something she really needed to learn how to control if she was going to keep him from breaking her heart again. He unbuttoned his Oxford shirt, letting it slide from his shoulders, and her mouth started to water. She wanted to taste his nipples and see if they responded to her touch like they had when he’d fucked her against the tree. She’d pinched them that night, and he’d immediately began pounding into her with such intensity she’d orgasmed in seconds.

  Kip had always been the most handsome man she’d ever known. Dark hair that looked like it was a couple of weeks past time for a trim and a perpetual five o’clock shadow added to his allure. His devil may care attitude might fool some people, but she knew how intensely Kip Morgan loved his family, and his loyalty to those he loved ramped up her desire exponentially.

  Watching him slip open the buttons of the fly in his jeans, slowly revealing the tempting trail of soft dark hair leading to his cock, made her pant in anticipation before his rigid length swung free of its confines. The deep purple head was so swollen she wondered for just a minute if he would still fit inside her. All those deep ridges and protruding veins would tease her straight into insanity.

  Kicking off his boots as he slid his jeans down, Caila started to sit up so she would watch as the last of his naked form came into view, but his glare kept her in place. “You’re looking at me as if you don’t think it’ll fit, baby. I believe we’ve already proven that it will. You already know how perfectly we fit together. I plan on savoring every sweet inch. I’m going to slide so deep inside you neither of us will be able to tell where one of us stops and the other begins.”

  Kip prowled up from the end of the bed like a sleek jungle cat stalking its prey. Caila’s whole body shivered when she met his gaze. The hunger in his eyes was so intense it snared her. His need for her felt so real she wondered if she could reach out and touch it. When he covered her with his body, the tip of his cock slid against her soaking wet folds. The heat radiating from the smooth head seared her with pleasure. “Please, Kip. I’m not sure I can wait another second.”

  “Music to my ears, baby. Ordinarily I’d tease you, ramping you up until you were teetering on the edge of release, but you need to rest, and I’m dying to be inside you again.” Her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, and he smiled down at her. “Enjoy being unbound, Cal, because I am going to love seeing you in my ropes. I’ll have you tied naked to every available horizontal surface and a lot of the vertical ones very soon. You’ll come screaming my name again and again before I finally slide inside you like this.” Punctuating his words, he pressed the tip of his cock against her sex. His eyes dilated, and her body answered with a surge of cream over his heated flesh.

  His response was immediate, and she couldn’t hold back her groan of pleasure as he began pushing himself through her swollen folds. The slow burn of stretching muscles threatened to steal her mind. She tried to focus, but it felt so incredible…hot silk covered steel. Caila closed her eyes and moaned. “Open your eyes, Cal. I want you to know exactly who is giving you pleasure. Who has always been the one to send you over the edge of release. I don’t want you to ever forget this moment—you’re the first and only woman who’s ever going to be in this bed.”

  When she opened her eyes, Caila knew he could see the unshed tears in her eyes. He’d always been able to speak directly to her heart…but he could also shred it without ever looking back, something she had to try to remember. “Stop trying to think of all the reasons this won’t work, and focus on simply being in the moment, baby. If you can’t get out of your head while I make love to you, I’m going to drag you naked as the day you were born down to the playroom and spend the rest of the night fucking you until you can’t walk.”

  His crude words had the desired effect. She was startled back to the moment and returned her attention to how Kip was lighting her entire body on fire. “That’s it baby. Feel every inch of me as I push my way through your rippling heat. Jesus, Joseph, and sweet Mother Mary, you are amazing. Without the barrier of latex, the sensations are so much more intense—you’re burning me alive, baby.”

  Caila heard his words, but she was so lost in pleasure nothing mattered aside from the intensity of their connection. With his forearms resting on either side of her head, Kip kept most of his weight off her, allowing just enough to settle against her to ensure she knew he was in control. “I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding. You. Are. Mine.”

  For the first time, Kip was letting her see the man beneath the fun-loving cowboy persona. He wanted her to feel possessed…surrounded…safe. The pressure of his body blanketing hers kept Caila’s attention focused, and she knew that was exactly what he’d intended. When she felt his tip press against her cervix, Caila gasped at the intensity. “Like that, do you?” She nodded, unable to actually speak. “Me, too. Sweetheart, you’re scorching hot, and I can’t begin to tell you how perfect you feel wrapped around me. The walls of your vagina are rippling, each muscle pulling me deeper.”

  His eyes never left hers, and she swore he was seeing directly into her soul. “You are mine, Caila. Mine to shield when the world seems too much to handle. Mine to cherish above all others. Mine to prop up when you’re too tired to hold yourself. Mine to guide into the depths of pleasure we’ve only started exploring. Mine to love forever.” Kip’s thrusts were timed with the words blasting a huge hole in the wall she’d worked so hard to erect around her heart, and it crumbled under the weight of his sentiment. Love blasted through her, and she couldn’t hold back her tears.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying.” He didn’t say anything, just continued thrusting hard, deep—building the fire until her need was outweighing her self-consciousness. “Please. More.”

  “There’s the Caila I want to see. I’m going to tear down every wall you build between us, Cal. Once you experience the joy of true submission—the depth of connection and the freedom found when you truly put yourself in my hands—you’ll crave it, baby. I promise.”

  She was already becoming addicted to him. Her mind was screaming, “Danger, Danger,” but every other part of her body craved what he could give her. Kip rose above her, his dark eyes sliding down her body in a sensual caress she swore was as powerful as his touch. Caila had been so close to coming she wanted to cry when he appeared to be putting the brakes on.

  “I’m not finished with you, not by a long shot.” He hooked her legs over his arms, cradling her knees in the crook of his elbows. The shift of position meant every thrust brushed over the sensitive spot at the front of her vaginal wall, making her tremble with desire so intense it stole her breath. “Oh yeah. There’s the look I’ve been waiting for. I love seeing your eyes go wide when you feel me stroking your G-spot and pushing against your cervix.” He followed the words with pounding strokes so intense she was already flying toward climax before she felt him swell even more inside her. “Come with me, baby. Let’s fly together.”

  That small nudge was all it took. A tidal wave of pure pleasure washed over her, holding her captive in its powerful energy. The orgasm crashed with blinding flashes of white hot intensity Caila knew no other man would ever be able to bring. Eventually, the shocking strength faded, and Caila wondered if she looked as spent as she felt. She was convinced every one of her muscles had been exchanged for a wet noodle. Sending up a silent prayer, she thanked the Universe for the fact she was already horizontal because standing would have been impossible.

  When she finally managed to open her eyes, Kip was leaning over her. Holy hell, he’s as devastated as I am. Moonlight shining on his dark hair made her smile. His pupils were so dilated they appeared onyx black, but glittering with intent. “Tell me. What’s so amusing? Christ, you robbed me of the ability to form a complete sentence.”

  “The moonlight loves you. It’s reflecting off your hair, almost glowing. You look like an exhausted angel. Even though I know you’re not an angel…I think you just proved that.” Her emotions were scattering faster than she could pull them together, and she hadn’t realized she was still crying until Kip used his thumbs to brush away the tears sliding into her hair.

  Rolling them to the side, he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. His embrace was sheltering and filled her with a sense of peace she wished would never end. With her ear pressed against his chest, Caila was being lulled to sleep by the steady beat of his heart. He didn’t say anything…just held her, and for the first time in over a month, Caila was contented. Drifting in the comfort of his embrace and beginning to float into sleep, Caila heard him whisper, “I think I’ve loved you my whole life and wasn’t smart enough to recognize what this kind of love felt like. And I’m going to remind you every day for the rest of our lives. And when our time on earth is through, I’ll love you on the other side.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two weeks later

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you, Joelle.” Caila brushed the tears from her eyes and glanced over at the woman sitting in the passenger seat. They’d just left the hospital, and once again, Caila had been completely blown away by the progress her dad had made. He still had a long way to go, but she was finally beginning to see glimpses of the man he’d been years ago.

  “You’re very welcome. I’m so glad I could help. And frankly, this has opened up a whole new field of research for me. I’m going to turn the last of the cancer treatment trials over to the research team and begin working on geriatric pharmacy. I’d just started looking at it when this came up with your dad.”

  “I had no idea the effects of medications changed as we got older, and I’m sure Dad didn’t, either.” Caila was still in shock from the discovery the psychopharmaceutic effects of the medications he’d been taking for his blood pressure and various other challenges faced by the elderly could mimic Alzheimer’s Disease.

  “Most people don’t, and to be honest, not many doctors are aware, either. A lot of physicians are so buried under the mountain of paperwork created by the Affordable Care Act they barely have time to see patients, much less do the reading required to stay current on the studies being done. My goal is to further those studies and get the information out.” Joelle’s eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of tackling a new project.

  “When my fathers-in-law first approached me outlining their plans to set up the Morgan Foundation, they emphasized their desire make education a large part of the foundation’s purpose.” Turning in her seat as much as the seatbelt would allow, Joelle’s wide smile lit her up from the inside. “Brandt and Ryan have been so patient with the insane amount of time I spent away from home during the past year, but they sure haven’t been pleased with the toll it’s taken. After spending so much time working alone to avoid the wrath of the board of directors at my dad’s company, delegating wasn’t my best skill.”

  Caila found it impossible to imagine Joelle Morgan lacking in any way. The woman was stunningly beautiful, easily one of the most brilliant medical researchers in the world, and—most important—she was kind. Plus, if the added sparkle in her eyes was any clue, Caila was guessing Joelle was pregnant, as well. They continued chatting about the progress her dad was making as Caila started up the mountain road leading the ranch. When she checked her rear-view mirror, Caila gasped in surprise.

  “Where did that truck come from? There wasn’t anyone behind us a minute ago.” The large pickup was closing in fast, and Caila shot a worried glance to Joelle. “I don’t have a good feeling about this. Call the ranch, and see if someone can meet us.” Before she’d finished speaking, Joelle was already chattering a mile a minute into her phone.

  “They’re going to call Brandt, also. I talked to Sage, he’s going to grab Kip and head our way. Sage wanted me to remind you the outside guard rail on the third switchback hasn’t been anchored since it was replaced a few days ago…whatever that means.” Since Caila had been born and raised on this mountain, she knew exactly what he was telling her, and it only added to her worry.

  “He’s telling me it won’t hold if they shove us into it. Ordinarily, I’d take to the outside edge and let the faster car go around. If they bumped us, I’d depend on the rail to keep us from plunging off the side. But without proper anchors, it won’t hold us on the road. He doesn’t want me to let them pass.” And he wants me to take them out if they make an aggressive move before we reach that spot.

  Joelle’s arms crossed protectively over her abdomen, and Caila felt her stomach clench. Not only was Joelle’s life in her hands, but another life was on the line as well. “Joelle, there is a big blanket behind your seat. Please cover your stomach with it. It’ll help cushion you against any jolts.” Joelle’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “How did you know?”

  “Sweetie, you are glowing. And as soon as you believed there was danger, your hands covered your little tummy. I may not have been nominated for a Nobel Prize, but I’m not blind, either.” Once the blanket was in place, Caila checked the mirror again and braced herself for the coming impact. “Hang on. He’s going to hit us in three, two, one.” The first bump crumpled the back end of her Jeep and sent the lighter weight vehicle lurching forward. “Fuck, he isn’t messing around.” When Joelle started to turn around to look behind them, Caila warned her against it. “You’ll be a lot more susceptible to spinal injuries if you’re turned in the seat. I’ll let you know what he’s doing.”

  Caila was able to maintain her position in the middle of the road, blocking the truck from coming up alongside them…at least for now. Her phone rang over the s
peakers, and with a touch of the button on her steering wheel, Brandt’s worried voice filled the small space. “Caila, it’s Brandt. Tell me exactly where you are.” She relayed the information, and she heard his siren begin to wail in the background. “I’m not far behind you. The siren will probably alert the other driver that I’m on my way, so expect one of two reactions.”

  “Yeah, he’ll either accelerate his plan and act rashly, or he’ll spook and disappear.” She didn’t care if the guy spooked. She was more concerned with getting home safely. Realizing she’d just thought about Kip’s home as her own, Caila blinked rapidly, holding back the tears burning at her eyes.

  “Exactly. Tell me everything you can about him with compromising your concentration.” Caila relayed as many details she could while driving as defensively as she possible. She knew the minute the other driver heard Brandt’s siren because he stepped up his game, ramming the back of her Jeep with renewed force. They were almost to the curve Sage had warned them about, and she planned to hug the left side of the road and hope Sage and Kip wouldn’t hit them head on. “I’m right behind him, and I’ll stay behind him, Cal. Take a page from Maverick’s playbook, doll. Let’s roll.”

  Caila would have laughed out loud if she hadn’t been so scared. All five of the Morgan brothers had complained endlessly about her fascination with the movie Top Gun…and the fact she’d made them watch it with her every chance she’d gotten. And now, he’d just used one of her favorite scenes to tell her in shorthand what he wanted her to do. Grinning, she answered, “Sir, yes, Sir.”

  The next few seconds were going to be critical, and Caila was determined to keep Joelle and her baby safe. “Joelle, move the blanket between you and the door.” The woman looked puzzled but did as she was told without saying a word. The switchback was coming up quickly, and Caila barely registered Brandt telling her Sage and Kip were blocking the road to oncoming traffic a half mile beyond the tight curve. She was relieved to know she wouldn’t endanger anyone else with the move she was about to make and sent up a quick prayer as she prepared for what was to come.


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