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Well Bred

Page 16

by Avery Gale

  She released him to turn so they stood face to face. Reaching for his soap, she lathered her hands and stroked them over his bulging shoulders. The muscles quivering and clenching in her hands was all the encouragement she needed. Washing his chest, she paid particular attention to the brown discs of his nipples, circling each one several times before giving them a small pinch. “Fuck. Your touch sets me on fire, baby. I should make you stop and get you into bed to rest, but—holy fucking hell. Right now, I can’t think about anything except how much I want you.”

  Well, now we’re getting somewhere, because I was thinking that exact same thing.

  Kip knew he should yank the reins out of her hands and paddle her ass for topping from the bottom—but his brain was so scrambled at the moment he couldn’t fathom why he would want to. Her touch stole his control, and his mind was going to follow in short order. When her small hand wrapped around his cock, her fingers didn’t meet, but it didn’t lessen the pleasure coursing through him. Her warm palm combined with the slick soap made the sensation almost more than he could stand.

  Finally finding the control he’d lacked when she’d first touched him, Kip pulled her hand from his cock and shook his head. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to embarrass myself in a way I haven’t done since I was a freshman in high school. I want to be balls deep inside you when I come, baby. Your pussy milking every drop of my seed is the best feeling in the world. Knowing your body is pulling me deeper with each flex makes the caveman in me want to pound my fists against my chest in triumph.”

  Caila’s pupils dilated as her breath stuttered. “I want you, Kip. I shouldn’t, but I do.” Kip knew how difficult the admission had been for her, and it made the words even more significant. When she draped her arms around his neck, causing the tight buds of her nipples to brush against his chest, it was the last straw. His control snapped, and he heard himself growl. His hand wrapped around the sweet curve above her hips, lifting her easily. Her instincts kicked in, and she wrapped her legs around him as he stepped forward until her back met the cool marble wall of the shower. She gasped and arched, pressing her breasts even tighter against his chest.

  Letting her slide down until his tip glided smoothly through the swollen folds of her labia was snapping the straining bands of his restraint. Surrounded by her heat, each second snapped another band holding him back. Gripping his throbbing cock with a tight fist, he guided himself to her opening and braced himself, waiting. “Are you ready for me, baby? Is your body ready to welcome me inside?” Her cream flow over his engorged head—liquid heat, pure soul stealing temptation.

  “Yes. Please. Now.” The desperation in her voice matched his own, and he loosened his grip on her hips, letting her slide down. She tried to move faster, but he controlled her efforts—hell, he wasn’t sure his sanity would survive if she slammed home.

  “No, baby. You’re not in control here. Give yourself to me, and I promise you won’t regret it.” The hint of surprise in her blue eyes let him know she hadn’t missed the double innuendo in his words. He hoped their truth was starting to sink in, because the irony of him finally figuring out how much he loved her after she’d given up was too bitter to even consider.

  “Too slow. If you don’t fuck me, I’m going to shatter in a thousand pieces.” Oh, he planned to fuck her alright. He wanted to make sure she got exactly what she needed. Damn, she’d had a hell of a day. “Please, Kip. I’m so close.” And she was—he could feel the first flutters of her vaginal muscles; the rippling was pulling him deeper.

  Pushing as deep as her body allowed, he shouted, “Come for me, Cal.” He’d barely finished speaking when she stiffened in his arms. Her scream bounced off the marble walls, and his control shattered. “Fuck, baby, you’re taking me with you.” Bending his knees, Kip began thrusting into Caila, canting his hips to rub against her G-spot, extending her climax. He relished the fresh wave of cream making her even slicker than before as he stroked her deep. Each time the end of his cock pressed against her cervix, she tightened around him as if trying to hold him in place. Waves of pleasure proceeded a blinding flash of light when he followed her over. “So fucking perfect. God, baby, I could stay in you for hours and still beg for more. Your body fits against mine like we’re two parts of a whole. We were made for each other, baby.” It was true even if had taken him forever to blunder his way to the truth.

  Kip barely paused as he stepped from the shower and laid Caila across the long counter. Uncaring about the water he’d trailed over the floor, he used the new position to his advantage. His cock was still impossibly hard and aching for another round. Circling her clit with the tip of his calloused finger, Kip watched her body respond. Breasts engorged and nipples so tight he was sure they must be throbbing with need, the rose flush of renewed arousal painted itself over her slender torso. Looking down into eyes glazed with desire as he leaned back, he let the ridge of his corona stimulate the soft spongy surface to push her over again.

  “I don’t think I can.”

  Yes, baby, you can and will.

  He cut off her words with a powerful thrust, changing her protest to a moan of pure pleasure. “Put your hands over your head and keep them there. Imagine them bound in my ropes, baby. The soft jute fibers abrading your tender skin, reminding you how open you are to my touch. Being bound is about making yourself vulnerable to your Dom and trusting him to take you where you need to go. The sweetest freedom is found in your bondage.”

  The new position forced her back to arch enough to let Kip thrust deeper. Her soft, pleading moan was music to his ears. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, baby. I’m determined to make you mine. Just because I was slow to recognize the truth doesn’t make it any less true.” When she clenched around him like a vice, he knew his words were having an impact even if her expression hadn’t changed. Her heart believed he was speaking the truth—it was her head that was standing in the way, and he’d already started working on a plan to take down that last barrier.

  Increasing the speed and intensity of his thrusts, Kip grasped her throbbing clit and pinched. “Come for me, baby.” Her response was lightning fast and every bit as hot. She flushed the most beautiful shade of rose pink he’d ever seen as she came around his cock in a hot rush of cream. Heat exploded in his balls as his seed drenched her cervix. Feeling the hot liquid splash back against the tip of his cock made him want to begin all over again.

  Damn, she was beautiful when she came. Watching her chase the pleasure through the fading spasms of her sex was one of the most satisfying moments of his entire life. Knowing he’d let her fly again when she’d been convinced she couldn’t made his heart swell with a strange combination of love and pride.

  Pulling himself from her warmth, Kip watched as his seed spilled over her swollen folds. He wondered if there was anything more satisfying than seeing the evidence of their union flowing from his lover’s body. Using a warm cloth to gently clean the tender tissues, Kip could hardly wait for their next scene. He’d let their combined essence dry against her skin to remind her of the importance of what they’d shared.

  Tucking her into bed and then wrapping himself protectively around her, Kip sighed in contentment. He could tell by her breathing she was close to sleep, but there was still a remnant of tension running through her. “What are you thinking about, baby?”

  It took her so long to answer he’d started to wonder if she would. Then she took a deep, cleansing breath and shuddered in his arms. “I’m sure this is going to sound awful. It’s not going to make me sound like a good person, but I wish I’d just killed Orman the first time. Because I tried to do the right thing, lots of other people are now in danger.”

  On one hand, he agreed with her, but the flip side was the fact he was certain she would have always questioned that decision. He knew Caila Cooper down to her soul—she was a healer. Sure, she killed game while hunting, but he’d never seen her kill anything she didn’t intend to use or share. He’d help
ed her process the meat numerous times, and anything she didn’t feel like she and Doc would be able to eat, she delivered to the local food bank.

  His answer needed to be carefully worded so it didn’t appear he was blowing off her concern—a lesson Kip had learned from his father. One night after listening to his mother raving during dinner about a problem she was having with a worker in a volunteer group, he’d offered up what he thought was an obvious solution. He’d seen his dad cringe and shake his head, but it was too late. The words were already out. She’d burst into tears and fled from the room, and he’d been left completely befuddled.

  His dad had shaken his head. “Son, I’m going to tell you something it took me years to learn. When a woman confides in you, she’s given you a very precious gift. It means she trusts you to listen. She knows you’ll be her sounding board. What she doesn’t want is for you to solve it. Your mother was already well aware of the answer, even if it didn’t sound like it to you. She was just talking the whole thing through because she trusted us to let her work it out in the best way she knew how.”

  Kip had only been fourteen or fifteen at the time and had wondered if his dad was serious. After all, why would you tell someone about a problem if you didn’t want help figuring it out? When he’d said as much, his dad had laughed. “Talk to Phoenix. He’s the one who enlightened me.” Those words had shocked Kip, and he’d made a point to ask his older brother about it a few days later as they’d ridden one of the valley pastures.

  Phoenix laughed and did his best to explain, but Kip obviously hadn’t look convinced. “I’ll tell you what… try it with the girls at school. Just listen when they start telling you about a problem. It’s okay to ask questions, but make sure you don’t cop an attitude when you do, because they’ll see you as condescending and cut your balls off and feed them to you for lunch.”

  Kip tested his brother’s theory, and it hadn’t taken him long to see the wisdom of Phoenix’s words. And the irony had been the more he listened, the more he learned how women thought—another skill that had come in particularly handy as he’d grown up.

  Sensing the tension building in the woman nestled in his arms, Kip tightened his grip slightly to let her know he was carefully considering what she’d said. “I admire your concern for your friends, baby.” Waiting several seconds before continuing, Kip ran the words through his head, because there wasn’t a doubt in his mind this was a critical point in their relationship. It was the first show of real trust he’d had since he’d blown her off a month and a half ago, and he didn’t have any intention of fucking it up. “I can understand why you’d second guess the decision. Would you be second guessing it if you’d killed him?”

  She turned in his arms, pressing her cheek against his chest, and his heart clenched when hot tears slid over his bare skin. Sobs shook her small frame, and he hated feeling so helpless. Letting her vent the stress was the best thing for her, but it was damned hard to witness. He was deeply ashamed of the part he’d played in the difficult few weeks she’d endured and vowed to help her heal. Kip knew he still had a long way to go with Caila, but the progress they’d made gave him hope.

  The question was left unanswered, but Kip suspected she’d answered it herself and that was what sent her over the emotional edge. He made a mental note to ask Mitch if he would talk to her. Brandt and Ryan would also have experience, but they wouldn’t have the same smooth approach Mitch Ames would bring to the table. He’d send Mitch a message as soon as Caila fell asleep—right now he wanted to focus on seeing her through this storm, because he was sure there were more squalls on the horizon.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Phoenix watched his dad step into his office and wondered what Dean Morgan had on his mind. He could count on two hands the number of times his father had come into what he affectionately referred to as the bat cave. His dad watched as Phoenix’s fingers flew over the keyboard and he manipulated the joystick controlling one of the outside security cameras. His dad was impressed by the technology surrounding him, but computers had never held much interest for the elder Morgan.

  Dean always made sure Phoenix knew how proud he was of the business he’d built despite the fact his dad didn’t fully understand the appeal of computer games. But at his core, Dean Morgan was a businessman, and he wasn’t going to overlook that the gaming side alone had made Phoenix a millionaire before he’d finished high school.

  Laughing to himself, Phoenix remembered how much his dad had balked when he wanted to quit high school and finish the work at home. Dean had reluctantly agreed on one condition—his son had to stay on track to graduate with his classmates. Phoenix finished his junior and senior years in less than a semester then completed college in less than a year and a half. Phoenix was a card-carrying member of Mensa and couldn’t care less about the distinction. He’d never been impressed with his own intelligence and couldn’t understand why others were, either.

  “Dad?” His dad was unconsciously running his fingers along the diamond and sapphire bracelet lying on the desktop. His father had been so lost in thought Phoenix spoke his name twice before he noticed.

  “Sorry. I was just thinking about how impressed I am with the business you’ve built. God knows I wasn’t any help. You’ve put yourself in a very enviable financial position.” That was an understatement of enormous proportion, but it seemed redundant to mention it. “Is this bracelet for Caila?” When Phoenix nodded, his dad smiled. “Good. That girl needs all the security she can get. Damn, she is a trouble magnet, but I couldn’t love her any more if she actually belonged to me.” He studied the piece of jewelry for several more seconds before adding, “Do you think you could make bracelets for your mother and aunt? We travel a lot, and I worry about their safety, especially since they don’t seem to give two shits about it.”

  Laughing, Phoenix answered, “Absolutely. Let me know what stones you’d like, and I’ll talk to the jeweler right away. I add the electronics, but he puts together to rest of the piece.”

  Phoenix watched his dad carefully as he nodded. It was hard to miss what Dean wasn’t saying, but he was content to wait his dad out. “Okay, listen, I usually try to stay out of you boys’ lives. You’ve all grown into amazing men, and I’m damned proud of what you’ve accomplished.” Rubbing his hand over his face, he paused, and Phoenix recognized the gesture—his dad was trying to organize his thoughts.

  “Whatever it is, Dad, spit it out—you’re starting to worry me.”

  “Okay, here it is. I’ve known for a long time about the playroom you guys built. Also, your memberships to Mountain Mastery. And I’m more familiar than you think with the details of the lifestyle. What I don’t know is how your wives are coping. Coral, Josie, and Joelle seem to be fine, but I’m worried about Aspen and Caila.”

  When Phoenix started to speak, his dad shook his head. “Hear me out. Aspen was in the Air Force, and she’s more than capable of taking care of herself, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a very fragile young woman behind her gorgeous kick ass mask.”

  Phoenix turned to face his dad, pulled off his headset, and laid it aside. He appreciated his dad’s concern for his new bride, and he wanted to give the conversation his undivided attention. Phoenix was well aware of his parents’ interest in the lifestyle. Sage wasn’t the only one who’d walked in on them. Hell, Phoenix spent years trying to block that picture from his mind, but finally decided he needed to practice what he preached if he wanted his future children to accept his choices.

  “For what it’s worth, Dad, I agree with you. There is a vulnerability about Aspen few people are aware of. I’m impressed you saw it. I don’t think many people do. It’s one of the multitude of things I love about her. All those lovely layers are also why sharing her with Mitch makes perfect sense. We are enough alike to bring consistency to our unique arrangement, but also different enough we’re able to help her navigate the waters on both sides of the mask.”

  The man he loved and respected above all other
s smiled and nodded. “Good to know. I’ve gotten better acquainted with my newest daughter a bit the past few weeks, and I love her like all the rest. But I wouldn’t have felt right if I hadn’t mentioned it.” He stood up and started to leave, but turned back. “She’s pregnant, you know.”

  Dean wanted to smile at the surprised expression on his son’s face. “Well, we suspect, yes. But it hasn’t been confirmed. How did you figure it out?”

  Laughing out loud, Dean shook his head. “Are you kidding? I always knew when your mother was pregnant long before she did. When you study a woman’s body as closely as we do, you notice every subtle change. In Aspen’s case, the changes were easy to see, even for an old fart.” Grinning at Phoenix’s frown, Dean added, “Try looking at her with her clothes on for once. You’ll see it quicker that way.” Laughing, he let himself out and chuckled as Phoenix finally closed his mouth. Dean was proud of himself for shocking the only one of his sons who had an uncanny ability to see what was coming.

  Sitting on the sheltered patio, Mitch stared at the purple majesty of the Rocky Mountains as the sun dipped behind them and sighed. The message he’d gotten late last night from Kip had surprised him, but he’d also felt a strange sense of belonging he hadn’t fully understood. As an only child, he hadn’t enjoyed the easy comradery of siblings he’d witnessed with the Morgan brothers, and this was the first time one of them had made it a point to ask for his help. He smiled to himself as he tipped up the bottle of beer and drained it.

  Moving to return inside for another drink, Mitch was surprised to see Caila standing beside him holding two bottles. “I saw what you were drinking and…well, I thought maybe you’d like another one. Kip said maybe we could talk for a while.” Damn, the sweet vet was adorable. It was easy to see why Kip was smitten with her. The baffling thing was why he’d fought it for so long.


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