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Bondage Mystery

Page 19

by Powerone

  “You have two hands not doing anything, Ms. Richter. Here.” Doctor Michael presented his cock to her, and Doctor Edward was on her other side.

  She didn’t know if she could coordinate it all. She gripped the two cocks, and they were already hard. Her hands began to slide up and down them. She didn’t know where to direct her attention to, not with five cocks all wanting her.

  It was a sight for the audience to see. Justine serviced five men and their cocks. Every hole and hand was filled, and she worked energetically. The men began to help her achieve her pleasure. Hands ran over her body, ten of them caressed and teased her, from her nipples to her clit. All while cocks continued to bore in her body.

  Justine didn’t know how she did it, but she came first. Her body was overcome with pleasure as ten hands and five cocks sought her out. She didn’t even care as cum began to blanket her. First, her ass hole was filled with hot cum, then her pussy received loads of cum, and finally, her mouth was made to drink the copious cum that spilled from the cock. She had to swallow it all. Only Doctor Michael and Doctor Edward didn’t cum, but they were rock hard.

  It went on for another hour. Doctor Michael and Doctor Edward took her again, but they had help with vibrators and other toys to test her abilities. Her hands and mouth were brought into service to get other cocks hard. She didn’t know how the doctors could cum so many times, but they did. There was always an available cock that was hard and wanted pleasure. And they always seemed to give her pleasure and make her cum.


  Justine tried to contact Bridget after she left home, but she only got voice mail. She must’ve gone back to France to start her life with her lover. Justine wanted to help her with money, but it was a week since her return before she got a phone call from her.

  “Where have you been?” Justine answered it excitedly.

  “I had some things to take care of.” Bridget needed time to make her decision.

  “I’m sorry I missed you at home. Where are you?”

  “Answer your front door.” Bridget answered smartly.

  Justine rushed to the front door and opened it. There stood Bridget. Justine grabbed Bridget and hugged her. “I’m glad you stopped by before you left for France.”

  “Do I have to stand outside all day?”

  “No, come in, come in,” Justine so happy to see her. She saw a rental car in the driveway.

  They went into the living room, and Justine broke out a bottle of wine in celebration.

  “So you decided to stay and join the community?”

  “Yes, and it’s been more than I expected. I had a coming-out party the night before last, and it was nothing that I expected and everything that I wanted.”

  “And your mother, how did she take it?”

  “It’s surprising; we’re closer than we have ever been. This secret was what kept up apart.”

  “Your father?” That was the difficult part finding out your father wasn’t what she expected.

  “I didn’t say anything, but he knew I found out about their relationship, and he had no trouble with me knowing. He’s been happy with my mother and nothing about that relationship will change. They even plan to visit the community but not for a year. It’ll still be awkward. Many of the people in the community were here when she was. There will still be ill will that cannot be erased by a visit, but I want them to see that I’m happy here.”

  “Have you found a special man?”

  “It depends on what you consider a special man. No one that I’m in love with but a few I’m in lust with. That’s enough about me. Are you on your way back to France now? I’m going to have to come and visit you once you get settled.”

  “I’ve taken the time since I left France to reconsider my decision. I think I was too caught up in the romance of a foreign lover and living this incredible life in a new country. I thought I loved him, but as I was separated, I think it’s like you say, it was lust.”

  “I’m sorry, I think. Is that good or bad?” Justine was confused, for Bridget had a glow about her as if she was the happiest woman on earth.

  “It’s good, better sooner than too late.”

  “What are you going to do now? Are you going home again?”

  “No, like you, I want this new life. I got this job at a startup. I’m the Director of Social Media. It’s only twenty people now, but they just got twenty million dollars in funding. I start tomorrow.”

  “That sound great, where is it?”


  “Isn’t that near San Francisco?”

  “Yes, but not my Richmond. It’s Richmond, Virginia.” Bridget saw the look of surprise on her face.

  “That’s a couple or three hour’s drive from here, near the coast and Virginia Beach. How did that happen?”

  “I had a friend that had some connections with the startup. Before I knew it, I had a job.”

  “Is this friend a man?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Are you attracted to him?”

  “Yes,” Bridget answered.

  “Is this a rebound thing or something serious?”


  “Does he live in Richmond?”

  “No, but not far away.”

  “How did you meet a man in Virginia?”

  “He lives in Roanoke.” Now, the look of surprise returned to Justine’s face.

  “What’s his name?”

  “Bradley Thompson.” Bridget didn’t say anything else, letting it settle in to see if she could connect the dots.

  “Brad!” Justine couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes, that’s my Brad. We found out we have the same inclinations. I can’t thank you enough.”

  As soon as she said inclinations, she knew what she meant. She’d heard a lot about inclinations since she came here. “You don’t mean…”

  “Yes, what you found that you didn’t like, I found out it excited me. If it wasn’t for you, I would probably never have known. Seems Brad discovered the same thing. I called him the day after that night, and we had dinner. He wasn’t the least bit ashamed at what happened, and he was honest in saying that he enjoyed it. I went home for a day but came back to Roanoke and then everything moved quickly. But, we’re not interested in your community. We’ll keep it between us, although I did talk him into allowing you to join us if you are willing.”

  “No, I think I’ll let you have Brad for yourself. It’s not my inclination.”

  They talked for hours of the future and the new lives they would discover.

  You don’t want to miss this one!


  Final Surrender


  ISBN 97816008915286

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © 2007 Powerone

  This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission.

  For information contact:

  A Sizzler/Submission Novel of Bondage

  Chapter 1

  A Past No One Knew

  It had been years since she was home. Carrie was ashamed she wasn’t there when her mother died. The end came quickly, one minute her mother was in the hospital with Carrie hurrying to finish last minute loose ends so she could visit, the next minute she was listening to the news. Her mother had passed away last night. Carrie still didn’t understand all of the circumstances but it was too late for anything but regrets. She was gone. Carrie was finally going home, not to visit, but to bury her mother and settle her estate.

  Carrie’s father disappeared from both of their lives when she was small. Her mother tried to raise Carrie the best she could, but they disagreed more and more as Carrie became a teenager. Most girls disagreed with their mothers, but their relationship became strained. At the young age of seventeen, Carrie suddenly left home one night. It was three years before Carrie contacted her mother and the first meeting was hard for both of them. Carrie stayed in contact with her mother aft
er that, but it was mainly by telephone once a month and only one trip back home. That trip was two years ago when Carrie had surprised her mother at Christmas time. She should’ve recognized the difference, her mother looked older and tired, but Carrie didn’t say anything. Carrie stayed a week and then left the small town on the Atlantic Ocean once again.

  Tybee Island is about 14 miles from Savannah, Georgia. A small speck of land on the Atlantic Ocean, it was less than 3 square miles and home to 3,000 people. In spite of the boom for the last few years, Tybee Island still retained its small town charm. And small town problems. The locals ran the town as if it wasn’t connected to the rest of the world, with Carrie always running afoul of them. This visit was no exception.

  At five feet six inches, her red hair made her stand out in a crowded room. It was the richest, deepest red, and her skin was pale and flawless. Her figure had bloomed at an early age, full firm breasts almost out of place on a fifteen-year-old girl. Her hips matured and with a tight ass she swayed seductively, although Carrie failed to recognize the effect she had on men. She left town the first time before she could get into too much trouble, but on her last visit, she wasn’t so lucky. Now twenty-five, Carrie grew more beautiful each year. Her thick, lush hair shined deep red in the sun and set off her pale white skin. She wore dark sunglasses to cover her eyes. She still dressed rather modestly, moving to another small town after leaving Tybee Island. She didn’t like the sophisticated lifestyle of the city. Her green eyes sparkled when you talked to her, her lips succulent as she spoke. Many men lusted after her, but Carrie strayed from one man to the next without ever attaching to anyone in particular. She was still looking for Mister Right, but she wasn’t sure what his qualifications were.

  She had been home for four days on that last trip, finally going out on Friday night. Her mother had been too much to take that many days in a row. What friends she had when she was young had long left the small town for the opportunities of the big city. She went to Rascal’s, one of the small bars clustered on Butler Street. It was off-season for the tourists, so it wasn’t very crowded, less than fifty people in the whole place. She felt half of the men’s eyes on her as she walked in, her short, tight skirt highlighted her most admirable asset as the gentle sway of her ass hypnotized them. She sat at the bar for a drink and crossed her legs to make her skirt rose high up her thighs.

  “Scotch and soda,” she said to the bartender, an older man, probably the owner. “And good scotch,” she added as he went to pick up the generic scotch bottle. He chose the ten-year-old scotch, poured a generous shot and then a shot of club soda on the ice. He put it down on a cocktail napkin in front of her. Carrie slipped a twenty-dollar bill onto the bar.

  “It’s taken care of,” he said as he pushed her twenty back at her. “It’s not often we get anything as sweet as you in here. I don’t think your money will be any good tonight.” She’d be good for business. The guys would flock to his place if she came in every night. He hadn’t seen her before, although she did look familiar. He just couldn’t place her. He left her alone for many of the male patrons were eager to slide into the empty seat next to her.

  “Now I would have remembered a pretty little thing like you,” said a man’s voice with the familiar Southern drawl that she remembered. She looked at him, an older man, early forties, a local by his demeanor. He sat on the stool next to her, his eyes on her near naked legs and he made no attempt to hide his blatant lust.

  “Just visiting,” she nodded to him. “Am I to thank you for this drink?” She figured the first one to slide up to the bar would be the one that bought the drink.

  “I couldn’t let you buy your own drink. That would be a sin.” His eyes moved up to the thin sweater that would do little to keep her warm, but did an excellent job of highlighting her firm breasts. She was a real prize for this time of year. He shifted in the bar stool. His cock was bunched in his pants, but he was afraid of being too crude to shift it around while she watched.

  It never bothered her that she attracted older men. In fact she tended to like them better. Boys her age tended to only want to get into her panties. Once their lust was satisfied, their interest in her faded fast. Older men tended to lavish more attention on her, wanting to please her before they were pleasured. However, they all wanted their pleasure from her. She had read many psychology books, sure that there were hidden meanings in all of this. Carrie was looking for a father figure that had been missing from her life, commitment issues, older men were more likely to be married and did not want a firm commitment. The list went on, but she never believed any of them. She just liked the attention. And this one was definitely paid lots of attention to her as his eyes traveled over her body. “Carrie,” she said as she pushed her hand out to him.

  “Jessie,” he said as he took her soft hand in his to feel her firm grip, but he wished it gripped his cock instead of his hand. “Nice grip. I like a woman that can hold things tight,” hoping that she would get the sexual innuendo. Could I get lucky with such a hot young thing tonight as my cock kept jerking in the tight confines of my jeans? He was still in good shape for his age, handsome and single as of last year when his wife left him for good. It was because of his love of work, not another woman that drove her off.

  He finally released her hand as Carrie tried to ignore his blatant sexual overture. It was too early and she didn’t have enough liquor in her system to even think about such a thing. She looked at him, handsome in a rugged sort of way. He kept good care of his body, his arms still bulged with muscles and his jeans were tightly drawn over firm thighs. Whatever he did, he did it well. She had to catch herself from looking down to the front of his pants. That would be too bold. “You live on Tybee Island?” Carrie tried to keep the conversation light.

  “For a year or so.” Jessie responded, not wanting to tell much about himself. The locals knew what he did, it was rare during the winter that he could find a woman that didn’t know and wouldn’t be put off by his occupation. “Are you staying in town long?”

  “One or two more days then I have to go home.” The bartender turned on the jukebox as a few couples started to dance to the slow music he picked out. Carrie almost thought she could see the lights dim.

  “How about a dance?” Jessie didn’t wait for an answer. He gripped her hand as his eyes stared at her legs. He turned her until she moved off the bar stool and a generous amount of bare leg was revealed that made his cock jump in pleasure.

  She found herself pulled to the small dance floor near the jukebox. Jessie didn’t give her a chance to respond before his arms were around her waist to draw her body flush against his. For someone his size, she found him fluid on the dance floor as he glided gently along to the music. His hands held her firmly against him with the unmistakable bulge in his pants pressed hard against her. It had been a while since she felt a man’s hard cock pushed against her, but it wasn’t an altogether uncomfortable feeling. Or an unwelcome one.

  It had been a year since Jessie had a woman, many more years since he felt a young firm body such as this one. He pulled her tight against him. Her breasts pushed into his hard chest as his hands slid low on the small of her back to push her against his cock. He began to move, his hips moved from side to side, but his firm cock stayed pressed hard against her pussy as they danced. She didn’t try to push him away so Jessie grew bolder as the music played. His hand slide down to cup her ass cheeks as his hips moved from side to side in a sensuous masturbation. She pressed her head down on his shoulder and glided along with him as if they were already joined at the hips.

  She felt her pussy grow wet as his cock slid back and forth over her sex, her ass cheeks held powerfully by his hands to guide her movements in a slow sensual rubbing against each other, little excuse for a dance. She ignored the people watching her, not caring as closed her eyes to enjoy the pleasure that washed over her body.

  After two dances, they went back to the bar with Jessie’s hand was still around her waist as though
they were lovers. They both had another drink, needing to quench the heat that built up as they danced. They mostly talked idle chatter and small talk as the music continued in the background. Jessie put his hand on her leg. Carrie made no attempt to move it away and Jessie made no attempt to go any farther. He could feel the heat of her flesh on his hand.

  His hand slid onto her leg and his fingers curled along the inside of her thigh. She subconsciously let her legs part, but Jessie didn’t move his hand as his firm grip on her thigh made her pussy wet with desire. God, how could I be getting so hot? She should leave and run away from this place before things went too far. She couldn’t jump into bed with the first man she met in the town. After all, her mother lived here, sure to find out about it after she left. That’s the thing about small towns. Everyone knew everyone’s business. He pulled her up again as their third drink arrived, Carrie already felt a bit lightheaded. She pressed against Jessie’s body as they turned onto the dance floor to feel the familiar presence of his cock against her pussy.

  Her body felt as though it belonged against his. Her breasts rubbed against his chest and her hard nipples felt like pebbles on his chest. Her hips swept up and pushed hard onto his cock to move back and forth in a not so subtle masturbation. He could hear her moan as his cock rubbed her pussy with her body pressed hard against him. They danced like this for five minutes. The other men got more impatient and many of them tried to cut in, not caring who he was.

  It felt too good. Jessie took her breath away as he held her body so tight and decisive. She was almost ready to jump him. She wanted to feel that hard cock inside her with powerful thrusts as he fucked her hard. She had to stop this. Carrie was unable to stop the pleasure that raced through her body. She couldn’t bed down with a local. The next man that tapped Jessie’s shoulder to cut in was her excuse. She pulled back to break the closeness between them. “Please,” she asked Jessie.


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