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Page 15

by Palomino, Honey

  What was taking him so fucking long?

  “And over there? You see that girl puking in the bucket?”

  A very young girl was bent over, her face pushed into a dirty bucket. She straightened up, and her stringy blonde hair was stuck to her face. She brought a filthy, shaking hand up to push her hair behind her ear and her eyes met mine.

  They were dead. I expected anguish. Pain or sadness. But there was nothing there at all. She was a living zombie. I broke her gaze and turned away, keeping my eyes glued to the floor as the woman next to me kept talking.

  “That’s Misty. She’s hooked on heroin. Her step-dad pimped her out to his friends when she was young, and she ran away. She lives on the streets. If you can call that living. All she cares about is how she’s going to get her next fix. She doesn’t care what she has to do to get it.”

  “Look, why are you telling me all this?” I asked, the anger bubbling up inside me, threatening to spill out of my eyes in another torrent of unwanted tears.

  “Because you’re just like them.”

  “No, I’m not!” I answered, a little too emphatically. Head turned, dozens of eyes landed on me. I shut my mouth and glued my gaze back to the cement floor in front of me. She was more right than she knew.

  “Yes, you are, Princess…I can see it in those dead eyes of yours. Here,” she said, and she pushed a card into my hand.

  “What’s this?” I asked. The card was blank, except for a black phone number printed on it. No names, just a number.

  “A way out.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Sometimes, women don’t want out. Women like Sylvia, and Misty. They don’t have that burning desire for a better life. Sometimes, they do. Something tells me you want out. Maybe you think you’re in too deep, or you can’t do it alone. Maybe you need a little help. You call this number, you’ll find some help. It’s not the cops, I promise you. But they’ll help you, no matter what it takes. It’s not too late to save yourself.”

  “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. Just keep the card. When you’re ready, you’ll call. Tell the lady that answers that the password is ‘sanctuary’, okay? Don’t forget that - ‘sanctuary’.”

  “Look, I —,”

  “Lacey Carrington!” I jumped when I heard my name called. The guard was unlocking the cell.

  “Lacey Carrington!” He yelled my name again, as I sat there frozen on the bench, holding the card in my hand. My stomach churned. I knew Monty was waiting for me. I stood up slowly and turned back to the woman.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “Just think of me as your guardian angel, darlin’.” She winked, and turned away from me. She started talking to the woman on the other side of her.

  I nodded, slid the card into my bra, and walked out of the cell, the sharp clap of my stilettos echoing on the concrete.



  Ryder’s mouth on my neck woke me up. I moaned, pressing my body backwards into him. His arms wrapped around me like a pair of pythons - thick, strong, safe.

  His kisses trailed down my neck and along the back of my shoulder. I reached back, gripping his throbbing cock firmly, stroking him up and down until he was groaning through his kisses. His cock felt like velvet in my hand, smooth, firm, ready. I lifted my thigh and he slid into me smoothly.

  Moaning together, we pressed into each other, pushing, pulling, each of us fulfilling the need that reared its tempting head every morning. After six months of waking up together, we still couldn’t get enough of each other.

  Ryder pulled out of me, gently nudging me onto my back and pulling his weight up and on top of me, sliding back into me effortlessly. Our bodies fit together perfectly. The delicious way he filled me up never ceased to amaze me, and my body responded to him in ways I had never experienced before.

  Ryder was an expert in bed. He knew when to move slowly and sensuously, he knew how to seductively pull me out of my head and into the pleasures of my body, and then he knew when to wildly and savagely take me over the edge with the full force of his masculinity.

  He was perfect. He was solid. He was exactly what I needed in my life, even if I didn't know it six months ago.

  His own needs took over as he hammered into me, and I opened my eyes to watch him. It was my favorite part, seeing the ecstasy wash over his face after those last few moments of focused, savage desire.

  It made me feel needed.



  His lustful, passionate thrusting brought us both over the edge and his cock swelled, spilling into me as we came together in a chorus of loud moans that made me thankful that we didn’t live at the clubhouse anymore.

  Spent, sweaty, and sexy as hell, he collapsed next to me, and pulled me into him. My head rested on his hairy barrel chest, and I sighed with satisfaction.

  We lay there quietly, listening to the birds chirping outside of our newly built bedroom, our breathing falling together as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the windows.

  Just as I did every morning, I said a little prayer of gratitude to the universe. My life was so different now than it had been before I met Ryder, or, rather, before I came tumbling into Ryder’s life, is more like it.

  Six months ago, I had been an undercover cop, on the verge of bringing down one of the biggest sex-trafficking rings in the state. But I had been sabotaged. By my own partner. If I had known Judd had ratted me out to the pimp I was trying to take down, I never would have gotten in the car with him. But, if I had never gotten in the car with him, I wouldn’t be here with Ryder now.

  The pimp took me to a secluded road, beat me, and despite the fact that I had hit my head on a rock and was unconscious, was about to rape me and of course, kill me. But then Ryder showed up. He saved me. Took me back to his clubhouse. Nursed me back to health.

  When I woke up, I couldn’t remember who I was.

  Ryder was a champ through it all. He was my rock. My lighthouse in the stormy sea that followed as I tried to regain my identity. It wasn’t easy.

  Sometimes, I wished I hadn’t remembered at all. All the abuse I suffered at the hands of my family. All the years of pain, the rush of disappointment that washed over me when I realized that I had never had a normal family. I never had a family at all, in the usual sense of the word.

  I was a piece of property to be used and abused as my much older, evil siblings and mother had seen fit. If it wasn’t for my loving, but clueless, father, I would have turned out a lot more fucked up.

  But, I escaped. I grew up, and somehow found the conviction to turn the horrors of my childhood into something productive. I did all I could to help other women escape abusive situations. I became an undercover cop, and I was extremely proud of all the women I had managed to help find a way out of hell over the years.

  But then, after that fateful night where I was forced to gun down Judd, something changed. I had already hated being a cop. Now, I hated that I couldn’t trust my partner. And in a job like that, you needed people you could trust.

  After finding out Judd was part of the very ring we were trying to bring down, I knew I would never trust another person on the force again.

  So, I quit.

  But I knew I would never be able to leave my work behind. I did the only thing I could - I started something new. With people I knew I could trust.

  The Gods of Chaos Motorcycle Club had proven to be the perfect partner.

  We called our new organization ‘Solid Ground’.

  I did most of the day to day work, with a little help from Riot. He was a computer genius, and he always came through for me. When the time came that action was required, I had the full force of the club behind me.

  And they were much more efficient, trustworthy, and fearless than any cop I had ever worked with.

  I looked up at Ryder, and smiled. I pressed my lips to his, and his kiss was deliciously warm, famil
iar, gentle.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and then kissed him again.

  “For what?” he asked, his gorgeous blue eyes twinkling as the sunlight caught them.

  “For today,” I said.

  “We just woke up,” he replied.

  “I know. And it’s already the best day of my life.”



  “What a piece of shit,” Grace mumbled under her breath. She sat next to me, our eyes glued to the computer screen in front of us. I nodded in agreement. It never ceased to amaze me how many douchebags there were out in the world. I shouldn’t have been surprised, I know. I was a God, after all.

  But even the most perverted, sickest, dirtiest of all the Gods of Chaos MC members would never think of going online to lure young girls away from the safety of their homes.

  That act was reserved for the most depraved monsters of all.

  I was proud to be a part of Solid Ground. Grace and I had become good friends, and I admired her for everything she had accomplished, and for her fearlessness and willingness to do whatever it took to get the job done. She was unwavering in her focus and there was nothing she wouldn’t do to take down one of these monsters.

  Sure, she had gone through hell and back to get to this point, but that only made me admire her more.

  “Ask him where he lives,” she said.

  I began typing. Pretending to be a twelve year-old girl wasn’t easy, but I had been doing it for a while and it got easier every time. The hard part was controlling my anger as I saw the insanity that came back at me through the screen.

  Solid Ground worked in two ways. This was one of them. We ‘fished’ for online predators and when the time came for a real-life meeting, Grace turned all the information over to the police, and they were the ones waiting for the perpetrators when they showed their disgusting faces.

  The other way we worked was definitely more of an underground operation that usually didn’t involve the police at all, but was a lot more involved, detailed, and dangerous.

  Grace knew people from all walks of life, and she had recruited dozens of people that she called “networkers”. These networkers kept their eyes and ears open. Sometimes, they were social workers. Sometimes, they were prostitutes, drug dealers, or other cops. Sometimes, they were the PTA President.

  Whoever they were, they were also highly trained to spot women that displayed the behavior of those who were in dangerous situations. They approached those women discretely, passed off as much information as they could, along with the number of a cell phone that only Grace answered, and a secret password.

  When that phone rang, it set in motion a sequence of events that didn’t stop until we rescued whoever needed saving. So far, Solid Ground had been able to remove four different women from situations that they couldn’t get out of alone.

  Three of them had been hookers with especially violent and well-connected pimps in three different states. We got them to a safe place, and with the help of some friends of the club, a new identity and a new start away from their old life.

  The fourth one was just a kid. She had called Grace in the middle of the night and told her a gruesome tale of all the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her step-father. Surprisingly, that one, while one of the worst stories I had ever heard, was the easiest of all so far. The Gods had roared up to the cookie-cutter suburban house in the middle of the day. Turns out, some monsters aren’t so tough and manly when their victims are much bigger than them.

  It was so fucking satisfying watching that prick being led away in handcuffs, and the bruises that were scattered on his face and body weren’t questioned at all once the cops arrived. Funny how that worked.

  “He’s in Portland,” I said, after the asshole replied.

  “Good, he’s close,” Grace replied.

  It was a slow process, drawing them out. Most of these monsters knew exactly what they were doing, and they spent days grooming their victims before they made their move and suggested a face-to-face meeting. My job was to keep up the charade until they broke. If I tried to rush it, they got spooked, and went on in search of their next victim, who was actually a real life twelve year-old.

  “Riot, you’re doing great. Keep him talking as long as you can. I need to go back to the cabin and make lunch. Holler if he bites.”

  “Oh, he’ll bite. This asshole is already trying to flirt with me,” I replied.

  “Thanks, Riot,” Grace said, as she walked out of the clubhouse. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  I turned back to the computer.

  ‘What are you wearing?’ the pervert asked me.

  You’re gonna be wearing handcuffs, you fucker, I thought.

  “Just a tank top and a short skirt, lol…no biggie,” I typed.

  “Mmmm…how short?” the prick asked.

  I took a swig off my beer, burped, and scratched my beard, settling back into my chair for a long session of disgust.



  In the six years I had known Monty, I had never seen him so pissed. Harold, his lawyer, had bailed me out. When I got to the car, Monty was seething. His bodyguard drove us back to my apartment, and stayed in the car as Monty went inside with me.

  I had never been arrested before, so I knew Monty would be angry.

  I didn’t know he would be this angry.

  “What the fuck were you thinking, Lacey?” He laid into me as soon as the door closed behind us.

  Each blow of the back of his hand whipped my head around so fast I couldn’t see straight after the third time. Tangy, metallic blood trickled out of my mouth and down my chin. He pushed me roughly backwards, and I stumbled and fell to the plush, white carpet. The sharp crack of my stiletto breaking pissed me off.

  Those were my most comfortable heels, I thought, as he straddled my hips.

  “Don’t you get enough cock from my clients, you whore?”

  More blows rained down on my face, and I lay motionless beneath him as he simultaneously hit me and screamed at me.

  He looks like he’s gained a few pounds, I thought, a million miles outside of my body already.

  “You belong to me, you fucking cunt. And don’t you forget it. Paid in full, Lacey.”

  He stopped hitting me, and grabbed my hair, wrapping my now flat and tangled hair around his fingers and pulling backwards hard and fast.

  “You’re mine, you fucking understand? I say who you talk to, what you do, and who you fuck! Your job is to obey!” he growled, his grip tightening in my hair.

  “And since you didn’t obey,” he seethed, “you’re useless to me now. I can’t trust you. And what do you think that means for me, Lacey?”

  I said nothing. I knew better. There was nothing I could say that would make him stop.

  He reached down with his other hand and ripped my panties from me.

  “How could you? After all these years? I trusted you, and you’ve ruined it all, you stupid fucking whore! I think you need a reminder of just who you fucking belong to before I kill you!” I heard the jingling of his belt buckle and closed my eyes.

  Monty stood naked before me, but I kept my eyes closed, just as I always did every other time he raped me. His cold hands ripped my dress from my body, and I lay on the floor below him, wearing nothing but my bra, streaks of blood on my chest, and dozens of fresh bruises that I knew would turn a myriad of colors before magically fading away over the next few days.

  He slapped me across the face one more time before he started to mount me.

  “You better enjoy this, because it’s the last cock you’re ever going to get!” he snarled, his fingers wrapping around my throat.

  My eyes twitched and throbbed, as I clenched them closed tightly.

  And then, as if it had a mind of its own, my knee shot up before he could enter me, swift and hard, snapping up like a rubber band, making contact with his balls with a loud crack. He grunted and fell off of me, and I opened my eyes. His hands
cupped his balls as his eyes rolled in the back of his head.

  For a split second, I watched him in shock, frozen in time.

  Look what you did, Lacey!

  I had never fought back before. Something switched inside of me, a strength had bubbled up inside of me that I didn’t know was there. I jumped to my feet and moved away from him. My broken stiletto lay on the carpet and in a daze, I reached for it.

  Monty moaned, still grabbing his balls with one hand reaching for my ankle with the other. I kicked, freeing myself from his weak grip, but stumbling into the table next to the couch. A glass lamp fell to the ground, shattering and scattering splinters of glass on the carpet around him.

  My eyes trailed from the broken heel in my hand and then to Monty, my tormentor for the last six years withering on the floor, and back again to the spiky heel.

  Monty’s eyes were filled with savage anger and shock that I had finally lashed out. He began to rise to his knees, and I knew he was coming for me.

  He’s going to kill you, Lacey!

  In a rush of movement, I was on him, my fist slicing through the air and stabbing him right in the chest, the stiletto sinking into his flesh smoothly, the force of the blow knocking us both to the ground, as I fell on top of him. Our eyes met and he looked at me with astonishment.

  “You fucking cunt!” he gasped.

  Blood began bubbling out of his mouth. I pulled the heel out of his chest and sank it right back in, over and over. Huge ribbons of thick, sticky blood spurted from his chest, splattering all over me.

  My arm stopped moving. I gasped for breath, sobbing. My heart felt as if it would explode in my chest. I looked down at Monty and cried out.

  His blue eyes stared up at me, eerily vacant, hauntingly dark.

  Very, very dead.

  The strength faded from my body, my consciousness began to weaken, and I laid down beside him, gasping for breath, searching for the one peaceful place that I possessed within me, letting the sweet darkness engulf me as I eventually drifted as far away as my body would let me go.


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